Category: Europe

Eurasia’s Energy Wars Part 1 (of a 2 part series)

Rockefeller’s New World Order In 1992, a Pentagon document titled “Defense Planning Guidance “was leaked to the New York Times.  It was not to be for public viewing, and was hastily buried. It was drafted by then Defense Secretary Dick Cheney and his assistant Paul Wolfowitz, both of whom would be key figures in the 8-year […]

The Geopolitics of Ukraine Part 3 (of a 3 Part Series)

Euromaiden and 2014 Revolution The Euromaidan protests started in November 2013 after the president, Viktor Yanukovych, began moving away from an association agreement that had been in the works with the European Union and instead chose to establish closer ties with the Russian Federation. Some Ukrainians took to the streets to show their support for closer ties with Europe. Meanwhile, in the […]

The Geopolitics of Ukraine Part 2 (of a 3 Part Series)

A look at the geo-strategic background makes things clearer. Ukraine is historically tied to Russia, geographically and culturally. It is Slavic, and home of the first Russian state, Kiev Rus. Its 52 million people are the second largest population in Eastern Europe, and it is regarded as the strategic buffer between Russia and a string […]

The Geopolitics of Ukraine Part 1 (of a 3 Part Series)

In December 1991, Ukraine, the ‘bread basket of the Soviet Union’ voted in favor of independence from a broken up Soviet Union. The Soviet Union did not exist, and the oil and gas reserves of Russia would now be available to the US oil giants. A look at the geo-strategic background will make things clearer. […]

EU Immigration – a Geopolitical weapon

“Competition is a sin”: The Rockefeller family motto. Washington had a plan to break up the EU. This stemmed from the plan by the French Rothschilds, when they induced Iraq to sell its oil for Euros, in September 2000. This had the effect of forcing Washington to invade Iraq in 2003, topple the government of […]


Between August and September, Russian President Putin put a game-changing proposal to French President Hollande.  Putin proposed to Hollande the following deal: Syria’s Assad was prepared to grant a French oil company the Golan Heights concession.  As discussed in the “BREAK-UP”, the oil reserves of the Golan Heights were huge. The Israeli government gave the concession […]

THE Charlie Hebdo Affair

When Washington activated sanctions against Russia in 2014, the economic effects of this was felt more within the EU than in the American economy. Most affected in the EU are France and Germany.  France was placed under heavy pressure to cancel two warships that she had built for France. They are helicopter-carriers, called Mistrals. Russia […]

UKRAINE: -A Tectonic Shift in Heartland Power

In geopolitics, a deep understanding of geography and power allows you to do two things. First, it helps you comprehend the forces that will shape international politics and how they will do so. Second, it helps you distinguish what is important from what isn’t. In geopolitics, Ukraine is classified as a geopolitical pivot.This makes maps […]

The Battle for Eurasia Part 2

Reducing Russian Influence in Europe By 1991, the US had managed to regain its military prestige – destroyed by Vietnam. This was the 2nd Gulf War, when Saddam Hussein of Iraq invaded Kuwait; and the subsequent defeat of Iraq by a US-led coalition. Immediately after that, the Soviet Union ceased to exist. It had broken […]

The Battle for Eurasia Part 1

Since we are starting halfway into a movie, let’s clear up what we are going to write. The main story at the moment has to do with the turmoil in the Middle East, the destablization of the financial system along with an increase of terror globally. Why are these things happening? To understand the current, […]

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