Category: Africa

South Africa – 4 Days of Rage Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

The vast majority of the peoples of the world have no idea what is happening. They are trying to find or keep jobs, to provide housing and food, to find money for a mortgage, car and credit card payments. They are stressed out. They have no energy to confront bad news or figure out what […]

South Africa – 4 Days of Rage Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

By now, most of the world has heard or seen what had taken place in South Africa between the 11th of July and the 13th of July. This week, I watched in horror as my beloved homeland was transmogrified into an apocalyptic hell. The fruits of liberation before education were on full display, as looters […]

Unrest in South Africa

Over the past two weeks, civil unrest broke out in South Africa. Directed against foreigners, it turned bloody. Since the beginning of this year, economic conditions have deteriorated, in line with the global economic slowdown. Many companies have shed jobs- all across the business sectors. An estimated 60, 000 jobs have been lost in the […]

South Africa under ANC Rule Part 1 (of a 3 part series): The Mandela Era (1994 -1999)

This is a continuation on the geopolitical history of South Africa.  And it starts off with Nelson Mandela becoming South Africa’s first black President. The time is April 1994. To appease the white minority, a dual leadership ruled the country. Former President Klerk, and new President Mandela jointly ruled the country for a year. […]

Why Did Zuma Fire Pravin Gordan?

With the coming to office of Donald Trump as President of the US, a new global geopolitical plan was initiated. This plan is called “Fortress America”. Its aim is to ensure self-sufficiency in all raw materials and commodities, especially oil and gas. While at the same time, plans were activated to blow up Eurasia. In […]

South Africa’s Increasing Strategic Position

It is important to read the article, “Fortress America”, published earlier this year. A brief review of it will suffice for our story here. The US is a declining global power. To maintain its hold as such, it has come up with a plan to, once again, blow up Eurasia, just as it did in 1939-1945, […]

The Changing of the Guard Part 4 (of a 4 part series)

As of 1981, the government had designated four of the ten black homelands as “sovereign” states: Bophuthatswana, Ciskei, Transkei, and Venda. All members of the ethnic groups associated with these homelands automatically lost their South African citizenship; the government’s stated intent to grant independence to the remaining six homelands meant that the vast majority of South Africa’s […]

Target: South Africa Part 3 (of a 4 part series)

Enter the ANC When it was founded in 1912 as the South African Native National Conference, the ANC’s leaders were mission-educated ministers, lawyers, and other professionals whose idea was to supersede tribal loyalties in favor of the common interests of all black Africans. Its Christian outlook was reflected into modern times in the person of Chief […]

Afrikaner Takeover of South Africa Part 2 (of a 4 part series)

Welcome back folks. We continue with our narrative on South Africa. The Second World War spanned a period of 6 years, 1939-1945. At the end of it, Eurasia was a pile of smoking heap. All of Europe’s colonial powers were on their knees. The British Empire suffered the most financially. In South Africa, the British rule […]

British Takeover of South Africa Part 1 (of a 4 Part series)

Introduction South Africa is the land of my birth. As such, I have lived through many of the key events in South Africa; amongst them, the assassination of Prime Minister Vervoed, the Sharpeville massacre, the Soweto uprising, the transition to democracy, and much, much more. In this report, we will be starting from the beginning, and […]

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