Category: Europe

The Rise and Fall of the British Empire Part 3 (of a 3 Part Series) (1897 – 1989)

London- May 1897- A group of the wealthiest robber barons from America have been invited by the Rothschilds for a serious discussion. The British Empire has ongoing operations in several parts of the world. Consequently, their military has been stretched to the limit. The Boxer Rebellion in China, periodic uprisings in India, the Boer War […]

The Rise and Fall of the British Empire Part 2 (of a 3 Part Series) 1815 – 1920

Exploration of the Pacific Since 1718, transportation to the American colonies had been a penalty for various offences in Britain, with approximately one thousand convicts transported per year across the Atlantic.  Forced to find an alternative location after the loss of the Thirteen Colonies in 1783, the British government turned to the newly discovered lands […]

The Rise and Fall of the British Empire Part 1 (of a 3 Part Series)

Great Britain’s geopolitical role has undergone many changes over the last four centuries. Once a maritime superpower and ruler of half the world, Britain now occupies an isolated position as an economically fragile island often at odds with her European neighbors. The British Empire comprised the dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates, and other territories ruled or […]

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