Month: August 2018

THE US – SAUDI NEXUS PART 6 (of a 6 part series)

First, some background. There was a reason why King Salman put his son, MBS as No 2 in the Kingdom. The normal way of doing business with the world was over. A new approach was needed. The Kingdom was facing huge challenges. So, MBS became the Crown Prince.  He is young, does not carry “any […]

THE US – Saudi Nexus Part 5 (of a 6 part series)

The Plot to Kill Crown Prince Mohammed bin First CIA Attempt to Kill the Saudi King & MBS Following the success of the China trip, King Salman was in high spirits.  The Rockefellers aim was to curtail Chinese influence in the Middle East, and this deal would only strengthen it. It was not on! It […]

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