Month: July 2016

THE GAS WARS Part 3 (of a 3 part series)

We went with Gazprom to the west into Europe, to the east into China, to the south into Africa. Now we travel to the Eastern Mediterranean. And so, let’s start with Syria. Syria Syria has been on the Pentagon’s drawing board for years, largely because of its important geo-strategic emplacement in the Middle East.  The […]

THE GAS WARS Part 2 (of a 3 part series)

Moscow Goes East  At the end of 2009, precisely as planned and to the surprise of Washington, Russia opened the East Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) oil pipeline, a 4-year construction project costing some $14 billion.  The pipeline now allows Russia to export oil directly from its East Siberia fields to China as well as Korea and […]

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