Month: December 2023

Palestine – From Antiquity to 1948

Historical Background It is a paradox of the Arab-Israeli conflict that the central issue, the plight of the Palestinians, was long regarded by much of the world as peripheral. In 1948, the UN considered the outcome irreversible and made no attempt to enforce the creation of a Palestinian state. UN resolutions 242 and 338 refers […]

Israel vs The Arab States Part 4 (of a 4 Part Series)

The 2003 War After the end of the 2nd Gulf War, which ended in February 1991, the US imposed UN sanctions on Iraq. These sanctions were having a severe negative impact on the Iraqi population, including a shortage of medicines and food. Under pressure from Saudi Arabia, the Rockefellers relented, and agree to form a […]

Israel vs The Arab States Part 3 (of a 4 Part Series)

The 1990 Gulf War We will look at this war from the four principal players- the US, Israel, Iraq and the PLO. The Iraq Perspective When the two families toppled the Shah of Iran in 1979, they installed Khomeini into power. Khomeini double-crossed his sponsors, and from that time till today, Iran is at loggerheads […]

Israel vs The Arab States Part 2 (of a 4 Part Series)

The October 1973 War  We will go through this war by looking at the perspective from each of the main players- Egypt, Syria, Israel and the US. Israel  The dazzling victory by Israel raised the level of pride and arrogance of Jews the world over. It also sparked a boom in immigration, and in the […]

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