Month: March 2023

Birth of a MultiPolar World Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

Israel Benyamin Netanyahu is also not likely to be around much longer as a massive Jewish revolt against the Rothschild/AngloZionist crowd is well underway. As a sign of this, the use of the Ukrainian flag has been banned in Israel. The display of Ukrainian flags is prohibited in houses on the street, and in all […]

Birth of a MultiPolar World Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

A multi-polar world is bad news for the American Empire but great news for gold. Since the 1970s it’s been virtually impossible for a country to function without access to US dollars. And Washington maintained this highly-favorable status quo by putting various kinds of pressure — from sanctions to election theft to outright invasion — […]

Rising rates = Financial Implosion

The US The North American region is in a more fortunate position than Europe. It has enough energy, raw materials and food to reduce its reliance on imports. It is mainly in manufacturing that the US has fallen way behind. In 1980, manufacturing was nearly 75-80% of the economy; and in 2023, it has been […]

The Global Planned Financial Tsunami has begun 

In the last article, we discussed the impact of what a declining energy consumption may lead to. In this article, we will discuss the danger of rising interest rates – the reason of it, and its implications on the global economy. Since the creation of the US Federal Reserve over a century ago, every major […]

Rising Rates Spells a Derivative Disaster

In September 2019, Wall Street had a triple cardiac event. The Feds’ Repo window went crazy. A normal weekly repo activity amounts to an average $50 billion. In mid September, over a period of 2 weeks, the Fed lent out an astounding $600 billion plus! This shocked David Rockefeller Jnr (the head of the family), […]

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