Month: June 2018

The US – Saudi Nexus Part 2 (Of a 6 Part Series): 1976-2010

We continue from the previous part 1 of this article. The last major point noted was the death of King Faisal, in March 1975. Upon Faisal’s death, the next in line to assume the leadership was King Khaled. Faisal’s refusal to give permission to Kissinger to bring about a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, […]

The US – Saudi Nexus Part 1 (Of a 6 Part Series): 1900-1976

Many people around the world have a firm belief that Saudi Arabia is an American colony, or vassal state. This belief is so far off the mark, that we have to correct this, and clarify the issue for the millions out there that this is not so. To understand the present it is important to know […]

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