
The Great Reset and the Woke Agenda Part 1 (of a 3 Part Series)

What’s The Difference – A Helluva LOT!

It seems like all the controls that have been imposed on humanity just came suddenly, and out of nowhere. The starting point was the launch of the Covid pandemic, with the Rockefeller’s WHO dictating how humanity should behave. What followed were several subsidiary initiatives and plans to herd mankind into a new, but modern, slavery system, imposed top-down by the two families. These include a vaccination or QR code, a digital passport, an enforced new electronic money system, the shift away from oil and gas (necessary to power our modern economies)- known as the Green Agenda; and finally, the worst of them all-the insanely and satanic Woke Agenda.

It took decades for these two families to build up the foundation of what they unleashed on mankind in March 2020. But, there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between these two. Let me clarify: All bio-warfare infrastructure and the delivery of such has been perfected by the Pentagon through its multi-decades of research in this field. No other nation in the world can compare.  Similarly, the Green Agenda is a fancy term for David Rockefeller’s Club of Rome’s existential reason: – to impose curbs and limits to growth of the economy, thus limiting man’s aspiration to succeed.

The first agenda has to do with de-population; while the second has to do with constraining economic growth potentials of western economic rivals as well as nations within the Global South. Both of these agendas emanate from the Rockefeller family. De-population was the brainchild of John D Rockefeller 3rd-David’s eldest brother. While the Club of Rome agenda (Climate change, global warming and the Green Agenda) belonged to the youngest brother David.

Eugenics aka Bio-Warfare

Starting in 1902, the family and some of their associates began experimenting on eugenics. Progress was slow, but there was progress. Hitler’s Germany was the next phase, where eugenics was enthusiastically practiced by the Nazis in Germany during World War 2. A similar thing was being done by Japan’s army in China. After the war, the family took over both these programs, and used this knowledge to further their “research”.

In 1952, David’s eldest brother took on this task of eugenics, and he came to be known as “Mr. Population Council”. Research continued such that by the late 1960s, the AID virus was perfected. Trials were conducted on the gay population of LA and New York. By mid-1973, the virus was ready to be unleashed on the populations.

In December, Kissinger signed National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM 200), and so “de-population” became official US government policy.

Since then, many types of viruses were unleashed on populations in the Global South. Some of them are the Ebola, Sars, etc.

In September 2019, a massive financial crises hit Wall Street- this became known the “the Repo Crisis”. Derivative losses led to an illiquid market. A normal $10-15 billion overnight repo deals is the normal. In mid-September, the Fed was forced to do repo deals of $75 billion per night, for 3 nights. The same happened the following week. In short, over the 2-week period, the Fed was forced to do nearly $300-$400 billion in repo deals. This shocked the Rockefellers.

An urgent meeting was called, and it was held a month later in New York, wherein David Jnr gave the go-ahead for the launch of Operation Lockdown. Four months later, the corona virus was unleashed; resulting in the global economy was locked down. This was done in order to preserve funding capacity for the banking system. Cripple the global economy in order to save the zombie financial system.

Funny enough, Covid was supposed to be unleashed ONLY AFTER THE FINANCIAL CRASH. Since this was such an unexpected situation, David Jnr panicked, and acted.

Everything we were originally told about the Coronavirus has turned out to be wrong. In fact, it’s not a “novel” one-of-a-kind infection at all, but a member of a larger family of which there have been much iterations in the recent past. It’s also not the most contagious or most lethal virus we’ve ever seen, but a fairly-mild infection that has no impact on the majority of people.

In short, just about everything we were told from the very beginning turned out to be demonstrably wrong. Why is that? It’s politics, right? What other explanation could there be? Our leaders and their behind-the-scenes puppet-masters are using science as a vehicle for achieving their own narrow political objectives. In broader terms, COVID–19 is the plan to manipulate virus-hysteria “to drastically and irrevocably” change the “fundamental structure of society” to establish a totalitarian world order. That’s what’s happening, and the politicians, the media and the many infectious disease experts are playing key roles in this operation that’s bound to continue until its objectives are achieved-de-population.

We have entered a period in which the Rockefellers are using fake science, amplified through their assets in the media and political parties, to fundamentally restructure society in a way that enhances their material interests while strengthening their grip on power. It’s as plain as the nose on your face.

This explains bio-warfare. We now move onto the next big con –Climate Change.

The Club of Rome

 The Club of Rome is a global think-tank on behalf of the elite environment movement. Its main purpose is to formulate crisis through which the world can be united under a world government. From inception, it is apparent that the Club of Rome was seeking a strategy to provide a catalyst for radical change in society, in order to create order out of chaos. The CoR first promoted the population scare of the 1970s, then, when that failed, environmentalism, and then finally, in 1977, global warming, which has succeeded only because of huge funding.

 On June 12, 1965, a conference was held at the Rockefeller estate Villa Serbelloni in Bellagio, Italy, with papers given by Henry Kissinger. Three years later, in April 1968, the Club of Rome was founded in Bellagio. Initial members were financiers, scientists, economists, politicians, heads of state, and industrialists from ten countries. This political body also brings together the multi-billionaire Rockefeller and Rothschild families along with political chameleons and industrial magnates.

In 1969, the Rockefeller Foundation approved its first full-fledged environment effort program, which was supported for many years at the University of East Anglia in England, which in 2009 achieved notoriety as the center of the “climate-gate ´scandal.

 Since then, the CoR has produced a large number of reports proposing population reduction and global government on the basis of environmental crisis.

In 1971, an obscure NGO was started in Geneva, by a young man – Klaus Schwab-a former student of Henry Kissinger. 3 decades later, this man went on to found and start an entity called the World Economic Forum in Davos. So, now we know who is the real power of the WEF, in Davos.

In 1972, the Club of Rome published the acclaimed report “The Limits of Growth”, which reveals directly racist ideas that the population tends to grow faster than the means of supply.  In 1974, their policy was:” The Earth has cancer, and the cancer is Man”.  And Prince Phillip stated ” If I “were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels”.

In 1974, the CoR published “Mankind at the Turning Point”. This report states that “- – mankind is faced by a multitude of crisis – the population crisis, the environmental crisis, the world food crisis, etc.”, and “- – the solution of these crisis can be developed only in a global context – – this would necessitate a new world economic order and a global resource allocation system “.

Recall Kissinger’s historic 1974 statement: “Depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign policy towards the Third World.” (1974 National Security Council Memorandum). The political implications are far-reaching. In December 1974, Kissinger took out a new policy of genocide called NSSM 200, or the National Security Study Memorandum. It targeted 13 third world countries with a fast growing population. The aim was to slow down, and if possible, REDUCE the populations in these targeted countries. This policy was issued upon the successful testing of the AIDS virus on the gay populations of New York City and San Francisco. The AIDS virus was developed by an American company called Litton Bionetics- within the Rockefeller orbit. And the hell that was AIDS was unleashed on an unsuspecting Third World population. Does it sound familiar? Especially now, after 45 years.

 Maurice Strong rose from being a dirt poor high school dropout to become an international wheeler-dealer. As a Rockefeller asset, Strong was a major force behind the global warming narrative.  Strong met David Rockefeller at the age of 18, and under Rockefeller patronage, was given a minor position at the UN and from there to a career in oil, and a parallel one as a mover and shaker in Canadian politics. So impressed by his work, David instructed the UN Secretary General U Thant to organize what became the first Earth Summit in Stockholm in 1972.

 The Stockholm Conference signaled the beginning of modern environment diplomacy. As an outcome of the Summit, Strong founded and was the first director of the UN Environment Program (UNEP).

 The meeting succeeded in achieving the goals of its organizers: to give widespread credibility to the fraudulent idea that man’s intervention on nature, in the form of scientific and economic development, necessarily leads to intolerable environmental abuse. That led to two decades of environmentalist assaults. The conference, built on the arguments that had been put forth in a book published (by the Club of Rome) that same year called Limits to Growth. Then, there is the UN Habitat entity. A cunning plan to move land ownership (from government and private hands) to this Rockefeller entity.

The Rockefeller Foundation funds UN Habitat on an ongoing basis. The aim here is for the 2 families to own all the land, and remove-one way or another- private/public ownership of land. And, we can see now, in 2020, that most governments are broke, with zero chance of paying back any of these loans. No problem for the 2 families. They will take title to a couple million acres of land, in exchange for the loans. Once this is done, production of agriculture will drop to nothing, forcing everyone to eat synthetic and GMO- based foods. What a fast way to kill off humanity!

    Now, decades later, this same powerful zero-growth network prepared a new assault against the human species.   Since its founding in 1968, the Club of Rome has played a pivotal role in the drive to impose a global neo-malthusian order. This study represents its latest attempt to use quack “science” to justify policies that will mean mass misery and death.   The report applauds the idea of imposing a global energy tax, to drive down energy consumption levels in industry and agriculture, which will have the effect of driving down industrial and agricultural output as well.

 As recently as the mid-1970s, the threat of global cooling, rather than global warming, was a recurrent theme in the media.  Then, in 1977, a  the Energy and Climate  report, produced by a Rockefeller employee came out that said , “ Scientific opinion tends to converge on global warming, not cooling, as the chief climate risk in the next century”.

Thus, from a position of warning about global cooling as late as 1976, by 1980, a mere four years later, the ‘ science was settled’ by Rockefeller and Strong in favor of global warming, caused by human emissions of CO2, as the most acute climatic problem.

The Global Warming Climate Change Scam

The global warming project has been characterized by fake data, dirty tricks, and relentless dishonesty, including a penchant for sensational and ludicrous claims of extreme weather events which foretell human extinction and climate meltdown. The many thousands of scientists who have protested the corruption of science and the demonization of CO2, through articles, petitions and letters to world leaders, have had no impact in the face of billions spent at every level of propaganda.

The change in emphasis from “global warming’ to ‘climate change’ was not just to duck the issue of the failure of nature to deliver the said warming. It simplifies the terminology and provides a one word term to describe the cult, i.e. the cult of climate. The adoption of ‘global warming’ as a cause turned out to be a brilliant strategic move for the global government project, backed by huge sums, total commitment and inspired execution. Global warming is a global problem, they insist, that national governments alone cannot solve. The only solution, we are told, is a one world government.

In their 1994 book “The First Global Revolution,” they declared: “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”

They claim the list of enemies is designed to unite people. In fact, it is needed to overcome what they see as the divisiveness of nation-states and to justify the establishment of one-world government or global socialism. They finally settled on global warming as the environmental issue best suited for their goal. Of course, the plan is just the beginning. The 1997 UN Kyoto Protocol was presented as a solution to the problem of human-caused global warming. Those who created the Protocol also created the problem. It is a well-thought out, well-planned, classic circular argument. Create the problem, create the proof of the problem — then offer the solution. “Problem-Reaction-Solution”, is an old trick of the oligarchs.

CO2 through Kyoto provided the religious basis for the agenda. Nations who developed their economies and became wealthy using CO2 were now supposed to pay for their sins by giving money to those nations who suffered. CO2 through Kyoto provided the political basis for the agenda: the redistribution of wealth with money taken from the successful developed nations and given to the less successful developing nations. This operation required one-world government and a world banking agency.

The Case of Germany

In 2011, Angela Merkel and the German government imposed a total ban on nuclear electricity by 2022. The aim was to make Germany the first industrial nation to be “carbon neutral.” The strategy has been an economic catastrophe. Going from having one of the industrial world’s most stable low-cost and reliable electric generation grids, today Germany has become the world’s most expensive electric generator. According to the German energy industry association BDEW, at the latest by 2023 when the last nuclear plant closes, Germany will face electricity shortfalls.

At the same time coal, the largest source of electric power, is being phased out to reach Net Zero Carbon. Traditional energy-intensive industries such as steel, glass production, basic chemicals, paper and cement manufacturing, are facing soaring costs and shutdowns or offshoring and loss of millions of skilled jobs. The energy inefficient wind and solar, today costs some 7 to 9 times more than gas.

At the same time the German push to end gasoline or diesel transport by 2035 in favor of e-vehicles is on course to destroy Germany’s largest and most profitable industry, the auto sector, and take down millions of jobs. 

Now Germany and the EU begin to impose new “carbon taxes,” allegedly to finance the transition to zero carbon. The taxes will only make electric power and energy even more expensive, insuring the faster collapse of German industry.


According to those advancing the Zero Carbon agenda, it is just what they desire: the deindustrialization of the most advanced economies, a calculated decades-long strategy to bring about the collapse of industrialized civilizations.

To turn the present world industrial economy backward to a wood-burning, windmill turning dystopia where blackouts become the norm as now in California and South Africa, is an essential part of a Great Reset transformation under the Agenda 2030: To do that the industrialized world must be dismantled. Rockefeller and friends will do so by bringing living standards in Germany and the OECD down to levels of Ethiopia or Sudan. This is their zero carbon dystopia. Severely limit air travel, car travel, people movement, closing “polluting” industry, all to reduce CO2. Uncanny how conveniently the coronavirus pandemic sets the stage for the Great Reset and UN Agenda 2030 Net Zero Carbon.

The decision to demonize CO2, one of the most essential compounds to sustain all life, human and plant, is not random. CO2 for different people has different attractions. After all, what is it? – it’s not a pollutant, it’s a product of every living creature’s breathing, it’s the product of all plant respiration, it is essential for plant life and photosynthesis, it’s a product of all industrial burning, it’s a product of driving – I mean, if you ever wanted a leverage point to control everything from exhalation to driving, this would be a dream. So it has a kind of fundamental attractiveness to bureaucratic mentality.” 

It is a parasitical representation of the 1 % feeding off the 99%.  The Rockefeller’s agenda aims to DIVIDE, DUMB DOWN, and CONQUER.

And, it is only going to get worse.

Meanwhile David Rockefeller created and funded a myriad of NGO’s, all dedicated to pushing the same message. The cost to the Rockefeller family amounts to more than $80 million a year- maybe even more. The 2 families working towards a one-world government are relying on a number of factors:

 *Moral blackmail; *Fear; *Ignorance (about global warming): People avoid the global warming issue because they do not feel confident they will understand the science. Global warming fears are a tool for political and economic change – – – it has nothing to do with the actual climate. The moral of the story is this: If the ice age scare of the 1970s was bullshit then, then the global warming scare of today is bullshit now. All of this revolves around the Rockefeller family motto: “COMPETITION IS A SIN!”.  Let me explain.

In the early 1900s, there was an assumption that an oil field will be productive, or have a shelf-life of 30 years. On this basis, the Rockefeller policy planners worked out future “scenario-planning” games on various issues. The family took the long view (30 years +) on social, political, economic, and global-control matters.

 By the mid-1960s, David and his brothers realized that a policy of under-investment in industry, infrastructure, education and technology would have a disastrous effect on their empire if they did not place burdens on their competitors. Of the many ideas brought up by their advisors, they chose the environment as the best weapon to use.

The aim was to slow down the pace of all of the above in Europe and Asia (then). Looking ahead, they could see potential competition from India, China, Russia, and several Asian and European countries. The idea behind this was to push up the operating costs of all these nations, so that their products will not be a competitive threat to products from their companies.

With the rise of China over the past two decades, an urgency was added to their plans, in terms of bringing it to fruition as fast as possible. Thus, saddling China Inc with higher operating costs. To a certain degree, this policy was successful, as we see China implementing a policy of cleaning up its air quality and environment pollution. It came at a high cost as China is slowing down its construction of coal-fired power stations (of which China has huge coal deposits) , in favor of gas-fired power stations. We see many other countries follow suit, such as Germany, which has stopped building coal-fired power stations.

The ultimate aim is to retard progress of economies and society by pushing up the costs of production, of its competitors, be they nations or companies. Strangely enough, the leading companies in the field of providing equipment that reduces CO2 emissions from power stations and heavy industry are all controlled by the Rockefeller family.

Let’s put it into very simple terms, as many are unable to balance all this info, and turn it into an understandable narrative:

Say that you are a very well-built man, and your 5 rivals are of average built. Your advisors have told you that, within a decade, these 5 persons will become stronger. If you don’t take any action to keep them weak, then expect them to become so strong, so that within a decade or two, you will not be in a position of strength, thus, losing your dominance, wealth and power. Say that if you are in charge of supplying oxygen flows to the other 5 guys, and if you begin to reduce the amount of oxygen each of these 5 get, then over time, the 5 guys become weaker.  In this weakened state, they are in no position to challenge you. Now, change the body for a modern economy. And, oxygen for energy. Every modern economy today runs on energy- oil, gas, coal, nuclear, etc. No energy means no economy. Reducing energy to the rival economic powers enables you to maintain dominance. The Rockefeller Empire knew well that in order to maintain its global dominance, it had to be in a position to control global energy flows, and global financial systems. So, how does one solve this problem?

This is the beauty of philanthropy. It costs you $1 through your various foundations to fund such projects through the UN and other bodies. Your competition then spends money to buy equipment from various Rockefeller companies, who realize massive profits from the sale of such. In short, a $1 investment brings them a return of $100 and more. Like I said, it is all about the money. Follow the money, and many answers will come to you.

 There are two converging trends here. A rising financial, speculative beast devouring a fading physical economy against its competition,  and who are doing the opposite to Wall Street and the City of London. These two trends have resulted in the 2 families pushing the Covid pandemic, along with a clamor for the Green Agenda. Within little more than a year everyone imaginable seems to have jumped on the bandwagon of the new green agenda of radical measures to “stop” climate change. What few realize is how carefully all this is being orchestrated to prepare a massive shift in global capital flows where a handful of financial giants stand to gain.

In recent months the world’s leading central bankers have come out declaring climate change, surprisingly, as a key part of the central bank “core responsibilities,” forgetting issues like inflation or currency stability.  This madness has also permeated the financial systems in London and New York.

Under Rockefeller direction, the Climate Change fraud has morphed into the Green Agenda. The core policy of the Green Agenda is to de-industrialize the world economy. The best way to achieve this is to reduce investments by oil and coal companies, so that a few years later, the costs of such skyrockets- harming the economic potentials of its rivals.

The third part of the Rockefeller agenda is to achieve mastery of technologies that would make it easier for the family to track and control society. This would be made possible through the advancement of technology and computer power. The US has been in the forefront of technological advances for the past few decades. This is more pronounced in the fields of computers and communication. By the late 1960s, technology advances had made it possible for the Rockefeller Empire to begin planning how this would be of help in achieving complete control over society. Once again, we find our old friend, Zbigniew Brzezinski spouting his advice to his boss, David Rockefeller. On a side note, up-to the early 2000s, the 4 most advanced countries in terms of technology were the US, Japan, South Korea and Germany. It just so happens that these three countries are under American military occupation! The family always made sure of the fact that their “bloc” will remain the leader in technology. David’s brother, Lawrence, was the brains behind the push for tech dominance and military dominance. He heavily invested in such firms, or built up firms that became dominant in their fields, such as Intel, IBM, Microsoft, Facebook (a CIA creation), and so on. The same modus operandi was done in the defense industry- the MIC. The godfather for this was Lawrence Rockefeller.

In 1989, there was a sea change in the world of geopolitics. I have called it the “40-year curse period”. Let me explain. Recall history in the period around 1450 BC. The Prophet Moses freed the Jews from the tyranny of Pharaoh. After some time, God had instructed Moses to conquer Palestine from the non-believers. The Jews refused this order, and God had placed a punishment on them, that they “would wander in the desert for 40 years. At the end of this period, a new leader conquered Jericho, then Palestine.

What the present day rulers of this creed said to themselves was that – – “If we can survive in the region (as Israel) for 40 years, then we will become invincible, like the first time” 1988 marked the 40th year of Israel’s existence in the region. This is just my silly theory. Who knows? There might be something there.

With the passing of the “40-year curse”, things began to change in the geopolitical world. The Soviet Union collapsed; Germany unified; Mandela was kicked out of his South African jail. Most importantly, the world transited from an analog to a digital communications and computer age. This change allowed for a turbo-charged increase in tech advances. The first concrete result of this was the introduction of cell phones, and so on. What followed over the next 2 decades was the increase in technology, which, in turn, gave rise to the social media phenomenon. And let’s go back to old Zbig, and let’s see what he had to “advise” his boss, David, (remember, these are from 1970- at the dawn of the computer age!) :

* “The techno-tronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. ”

* “Another threat, less overt but no less basic, confronts liberal democracy. More directly linked to the impact of technology, it involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific knowhow. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control. Under such circumstances, the scientific and technological momentum of the country would not be reversed but would actually feed on the situation it exploits.”

 * It will become possible to exert a practically permanent watch on each citizen of the world.”* Technology will make available to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised…..techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm.
*… Persisting social crisis, the emergence of a charismatic personality, and the exploitation of mass media to obtain public confidence would be the steppingstones in the piecemeal transformation of the United States into a highly controlled society.”
― Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era 1970.

The Davos Crowd

The World Economic Forum, in Davos, Switzerland, is a 100 % Rockefeller entity. In 1971, Henry Kissinger met with an obscure individual by the name of Klaus Schwab, in Geneva, Switzerland.

This was just after the August 1971 deal that closed the gold window at the Federal Reserve; America would not allow the conversion of its gold for dollars. Knowing that the Rothschilds were a threat to the new financial position that the dollar system posed, David Rockefeller began a plan that would neutralize the Rothschild hold on European politics. Political leaders were invited for the first time in January 1974, just after the 400% increase in the oil price, as per the Bilderberg meeting some 8 months earlier. In 2015, the Forum was formally recognized as an international organization.

 Schwab published a book in 2020 titled The Great Reset, which calls on world leaders to use the “opportunity” of the COVID-19 pandemic to fundamentally reorganize the global economy into a dystopian top-down version of the technocratic UN Agenda 2030.  For those willing to do patient research, Schwab’s WEF reveals an astonishing degree of the current globalist agenda for a technocratic totalitarianism. Even more he has been developing hand-picked cadre to implement this agenda over three decades, with a select global “cadre school” for “future global leaders.” In effect it is what we might call the Davos Conspiracy, agents promoted around the world to infiltrate top policy circles and push the sinister Davos Reset agenda. In Schwabs’ own words, “Our aim is to penetrate government cabinets, globally”.

One of the most astonishing features of the COVID pandemic fear hysteria is the degree to which politicians worldwide have followed in lockstep, along with global media and key health figures, to embrace an unprecedented agenda of economic and human destruction in the name of fighting a virus. It turns out that most all key players all have something in common. They are hand-picked graduates or “alumni” as he calls them, of Klaus Schwab’s Davos cadre school, his annual program called Young Global Leaders and, pre-2004, called Global Leaders for Tomorrow. 

Since the first group of Davos cadre were selected in 1993, more than 1,400 “future global leaders” have been trained in a highly secret process which is rarely ever mentioned in the bio of Davos graduates.  

With the patience of a spider weaving a vast web, Klaus Schwab and his wealthy backers  – the Rockefeller family – at the World Economic Forum have created the most influential network of policy actors in modern history, or perhaps ever. The Great Reset, as explained by Schwab in his co-authored June 2020 book of the same title, and elaborated in full on the website of the World Economic Forum, is there for anyone curious to discover. It lays out a program to reorganize the global economy top-down, using the COVID disruptions to push among other things a green zero carbon agenda, elimination of meat protein and traditional agriculture, an elimination of fossil fuels, air travel contraction, eliminating cash for central bank digital currencies and a totalitarian medical system of mandatory vaccinations.

The pandemic has been the necessary first phase of the Great Reset. Without it he would not be able to talk about fundamental global changes.

The second key component for the Davos pandemic agenda has been an international collection of key politicians in the EU and North America especially, who have backed the most draconian lockdown and forced vaccination measures in history. Most all the key actors are Davos WEF Global Leaders. This is far from the extent of the carefully-cultivated and promoted Davos global network behind orchestrating global COVID-19 pandemic measures. Instrumental roles are also played by the Rockefeller Foundation. Included in this global network are powerful media giants, think tanks, and some of the most powerful and influential business leaders across the world. Many key people in both the Rockefeller and Rothschild empires are also involved. Although it is a Rockefeller initiative, the Rothschilds have lent their support, as this program benefits their empire in many ways. Such as Lynn Forester de Rothschild with her husband, Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild, owns The Economist magazine, which promotes the COVID Davos agenda along with the coming Green reset. She was introduced to Sir Evelyn by Henry Kissinger at the 1998 Bilderberg Conference in Scotland. Other figures among the Davos stable of “global future leaders” alumni include Jamie Dimon , CEO JP Morgan Chase, Nathaniel Rothschild  son and heir apparent to Baron Jacob Nathaniel “Nat” Rothschild, and   David Mayer de Rothschild  head of the French branch. This concentration of global power is not  coincidence , but part of a genuine  conspiracy. When such power brokers have evil plans for mankind, yes it is a conspiracy. But, one conducted in the open.  

The WEF Board of Trustees includes, in addition to those already named, some of the world’s most influential people.  This Davos WEF network is without doubt one of the most influential groups of powerful people in the world. This Davos WEF network begins to suggest how pandemics and destructive Green Agenda policies are imposed on an unwitting world. This move by David Rockefeller, back in 1971, was another brilliant play. Its trees are bearing fruit for the family. But, evil does not last. Its plans always fail in the end.

“He who controls the weather controls the world” – Lyndon B. Johnson, 1962

What we are seeing these days with hurricane “Ian” ravaging the Caribbean, the Florida coasts and inland, then all the way up to South Carolina – causing massive destruction of infrastructure, cropland, death of animals and people, as well as cancellations of all flights from NYC to Florida, this is a state of war. It is also called geoengineering. In the last couple of years it has become common place. “Chemtrails”, the by now common term for spraying the higher atmosphere by airplanes literally with tons of tens of thousands of different chemical particles, has become a technology covered by hundreds if not thousands of patents. Not just US patents. Patents from countries around the world.

Like the hot and dry summer – in Europe and North America almost two months without a drop of rain and record temps – killing harvests, animals, food stocks, even people, those vulnerable to heat and the poor.  Of course, the scenario fits perfectly into the objectives of the Great Reset and of UN Agenda 2030. It fits the Big Picture – which we should never forget, when we look at single disaster events. All we have to do is connect the dots.

In a conference in Davos, Switzerland, at the end of August 2022, a meteorology professor of one of Europe’s foremost technical universities addressed the audience by saying, “There is no need to tell you that our weather is engineered. It’s obvious. But I will explain to you how it’s done.” Then he proceeded explaining the different processes, the thousands of different chemicals that are released into the atmosphere, what they do – and how they are patented – and how these poisonous particles, many containing heavy metals and toxic chemicals are ending up in water streams, lakes and groundwater. It is weaponizing the weather. The devastation of it may be almost as destructive as a nuclear bomb. Severe storms, droughts floods, colds – ice storms – and more can be applied anywhere in the world.

Yes, man-made it is. But it has nothing to do with the “excessive release of carbon dioxide”, or CO2. It is geoengineering weather into a deadly war-weapon.

In many places, or entire countries, water was rationed this summer 2022. Wrongly so, because there were years in recent history, where the water tables were lower throughout Europe and North America, and no water rationing occurred. Water rationing is an intimidating tactic. Everybody knows that water is essential for life. Rationing it spreads fear and incites submission to the authorities who decide over your access to water. It is part of fear-mongering, subduing peoples’ minds into a dependency on authority. Authorities will allow you to use or not to use water and / or energy and / or food. You are told there are shortages. These shortages will be complemented by other shortages. They are causing panic and famine, particularly in the vulnerable segments of populations.

Nobody tells you that all these shortages – mostly blaming Russia for them, falsely of course – are made artificially – all with the purpose of controlling humanity – the playbook of the WEF’s Great Reset, aka UN Agenda 2030. The combination of all, including the earlier  multiple-vaxx-shots, weakening the human autoimmune system, may also cause massive deaths from famine, a multitude of diseases and sheer misery-related causes, including massively increasing, but nor reported, suicides. Again, nobody tells you – these are artificial shortage, wantonly man-made shortages with the purpose of creating harm, severe harm – and advancing the Reset’s eugenist agenda.

The point is, geoengineering is advanced to a level where Washington easily can say “by 2025 we own the weather”.  Owning the weather, for the Pentagon means, weaponizing the weather. Possibly using it instead of – or in parallel with – nuclear weapons; targeted small radius nuclear blasts.

Only when a critical mass of people is aware of what is going on – and what this could mean for the future of mankind, can we, the people, counteract these diabolical control mechanisms of an obscure cult and its goal of a One World Order – total digitization, robotization and globalization of the surviving world population. They will not achieve it. Because we awakened humans will not allow it.

Our current situation is not accidental. It’s not even the result of pure ineptitude. Once you understand the globalist cabal’s plan for a Great Reset, you realize that all of these things need to happen in order for The Great Reset to be implemented. The rational conclusion, then, is that our food, energy, medicine and financial systems are being dismantled and hobbled on purpose. We can’t stop these crises from happening, but we can prepare to survive the destruction and then rebuild systems to our own liking, rather than accept their slave systems.

These Crises Are Not Accidental

What’s perhaps most infuriating about our current situation is that it’s not accidental. It’s not even the result of pure ineptitude. Once you understand the globalist cabal’s plan for a Great Reset, you realize that all of these things need to happen in order for The Great Reset to be implemented. Since the reset can’t happen unless all of the old systems are first destroyed, the rational conclusion is that they’re being dismantled and hobbled on purpose.

The global economic system is being dismantled to bring in a programmable central bank digital currency (CBDC), so they can monitor and control your spending from a centralized location.

The energy grids of the Western world are being dismantled and incapacitated in order to justify a new “green” economy based on carbon credits. It will also push people to the brink of despair, which makes them more likely to accept “solutions” that would normally be rejected as unacceptable.

A “green” all-electric vehicle society — were it even possible, which it’s not — would also dramatically limit your ability to travel and, in fact, all travel could then be monitored and restricted from a central location, just like your bank account. Both CBDCs and electric vehicles are tools through which a centralized cabal can control your every move.

Agriculture and the food industry, meanwhile, are being crippled in part by irrational nitrogen reduction laws that will result in less food being grown and fewer livestock being raised, and in part by no longer coincidental fires, so that a new food system can be introduced — one based on “micro livestock,” i.e., insects, cultured meat, plant-based meat alternatives and GMO plant foods. The common denominator is that all foods need to be patentable. Lack of food, like lack of energy, also makes people more “malleable” and willing to give up rights and liberties to survive. Health care is also being undermined and getting more dangerous by the day as doctors are being muzzled through new laws, and the World Health Organization is pushing — using biosecurity as its justification — to grant itself the power to dictate and control health care worldwide.  The WHO is diligently working on a global vaccine passport.

The breakdowns we’re experiencing are not by chance. They’re intentional. The goal is to break everything apart, and then roll out a “new and improved” society consisting of a ruling class, and disposable masses that will be controlled through technology-driven social engineering and control mechanisms like surveillance, “biosecurity,” CBDCs, electric cars, gene therapies, carbon credits and social credit scores.

It should be obvious to all that the United States must get its head out of its proverbial ass before it is too late by imposing these reforms onto the murderous sociopaths on Wall Street and London who would rather promote a “Great Reset” onto the world economy under the fog of COVD in order to control the terms of the blowout and also the rules of the new post-nation state operating system which they wish to see brought online as a final “solution”.And there’s more too, because censorship, manipulation and politics have real costs, and the costs can be calculated in terms of the lives that are lost due to the imposition of a ruthless and thoroughly-counterproductive policy: By any measure, the United States is in worse condition than ever before. We have destroyed our economy, closed our schools, and obliterated our small and medium-sized businesses, increased suicides, depression, domestic abuse, poverty, homelessness, alienation and destitution. The American people have been plunged into a strange world of persistent fear and relentless manipulation by scheming elites who are resolutely committed to remaking society from the ground-up. COVID-19 is merely the vehicle they have chosen to achieve their nefarious objectives.

What You Can Do to Prepare 

The central banking cabal and its many allies have infiltrated governments and institutions across the world for many decades, slowly turning the systems against us. We are now in the final chapter of their technocratic, trans-humanist takeover.

They’ve told us their plans. It’s all spelled out in white papers, reports, books and on websites. The Great Reset is the overarching plan for the global takeover, previously referred to as the New World Order. The Green Agenda is the piece that will usher in essential control mechanisms. Without a doubt, they wield formidable weapons. But before you drown in despair, remember that we still outnumber these megalomaniacs by tens of millions to one, if not more. And, believe it or not, they need our cooperation. If enough of us withhold our cooperation, their plans start falling apart. I’m not saying it will be easy. It’ll require sacrifice. But that’s nothing new. Freedom has always required sacrifice.

Two of the most important things everyone can do right now are:-

  1. Prepare ourselves and our families for hard times. The idea is to survive and rebuild a world of our own choosing rather than being forced to accept theirs out of sheer desperation. Strategies that can strengthen individual and local resilience to the stresses facing us include the creation of local food systems and the strengthening of neighborhood and community connections. By building a strong local food system, you reduce food insecurity, and by building a community network of specialists, you reduce the effects of a crumbling financial system as you can simply barter goods and services.
  2. For those who aren’t skilled at growing food it is wise to align with local farmers that you resonate with and can add complementary skill sets. Remember it takes a community to get through this. Social cohesion also offers many psychological benefits. Local food systems and community networks both also reduce individuals’ reliance on government handouts, and by extension, they’re less likely to be forced into these new Great Reset slave systems.
  3. Also prepare yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually for what could be stressful and challenging times as the globalist cabal continues to push The Great Reset forward, which will require more “emergencies.”

Back to the original point – yes, there is a huge difference between the Great Reset Agenda and the Woke Agenda. Here, we have explained the Great Reset Agenda; who its authors are, and what their aims are. In short, the Rockefeller family is control freaks, and their aim is to control mankind, through all of the above- from food, to health to energy and money. Their ultimate we dream is to have a tech-based controlled human population of less than 1 billion people, all managed through ice-cold Rockefeller efficiency.

On the other hand, we have the Woke Agenda. As explained in the next two parts, this is a Rothschild agenda. Working closely with satanic forces, this agenda is way worse than the Great reset Agenda for one simple reason: the Woke agenda will capture your soul. The Rockefellers want to capture your body, while the Rothschilds want to capture your soul. As we know, the latter is a worse deal.

We know what happened with the unleashing of Covid by the Rockefeller Empire. The next logical step was to herd mankind into an electronic prison camp. All of humanity should be thankful for Putin, who has stopped their diabolical plan, with the outbreak of war in Ukraine. Suddenly, these 2 families had more super-urgent matters to deal with than creating this electronic prison camp. The war in Ukraine killed Covid, and also the nonsense that went with it, such as a digital passport, digital money, and the 2030 Great Reset Agenda.  Putin has cornered them, and these two families are now trying everything to save their global empires. Good luck with that!





Speaking Truth is an act of Treason in an Empire of Lies. Putin called the USA an Empire of Lies. We now move on to the next part of this article, “The Woke Agenda”. Be prepared for a pleasant surprise.

3 thoughts on “The Great Reset and the Woke Agenda Part 1 (of a 3 Part Series)

  1.  HAARP and Snow in California/Texas
    The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere. The DOD moved the program to Hawaii and California for experimenting weather modification.

  2. Really great stuff Sam.

    After reading most of your excellent essays I have now connected the dots and filled in many gaps in my own research. The biggest thing I think you may be overlooking, with your Worldwide view on geopolitics, which is spot on, is that the Covid pandemic was not a virus. The Covid campaign was a psychological operation using the DOD, The US Military, the WHO, CDC, NIH, John Hopkins University, Politicians, Leaders around the Western world, and mass-media manipulation, and other Rockefeller agencies. It was a fake pandemic, and of course, their biggest corporations went along with the scam which proves just how powerful the Rockefeller/Rothchild Crime Syndacates really are, which I discovered in part by your great work.

    Remember this quote – “Its easier to fool the masses than to convince them they have been fooled”

    People who took the jab will never admit to themselves they fell for the scam. To this day the recipients will fight anyone that goes against their beliefs and the Rockefeller covid narrative.

    The “Covid Vaccine” is a Rockefeller scam which is a nano-tech tracking device injected into the Deltoid muscle. It was supposed to stay in the muscle but in one out of 1000 recipients of the nano-tech, the fluid gets into the bloodstream and can be deadly. As much as they wish they could make a dangerous contagious bug to infect people to trick them into taking a vaccine, they can’t.

    All they really wanted was a way to get the masses to take their patented tracking device (in a shot) without them knowing it is a tracking device. Because if they told the public it is a tracking device no one in their right mind would take it. So they needed a big plan.

    They came up with the nano-tracking device years before, which is so small it fits into a syringe. But how could they get everyone to take it? Well, they knew people were believing the most ridiculous stuff coming out of their media and entertainment industry so it was not much of a stretch to see that all they had to do was use a massive fear campaign about a killer virus and then promote the “life-saving vaccine”. All they needed was a monster, just like in the movies.

    They came up with Covid. Their plan mostly worked. People who never had so much as a cold in years lined up for miles to get their shot by the hundreds of millions, simply out of fear and belief in the talking MSM heads on the TV.

    The Nano-tracker shot didn’t always work in humans like in lab experiments with monkeys. So they came up with the second shot just to be sure. Then when that didn’t always work they came up with boosters. The absurdity from Fauci and the so-called leaders was insane and so obviously desperate. But the masses kept falling for the ridiculous scam, over and over and over. Anyone who challenged the Rockefeller MSM narrative was dismissed as a raving lunatic that didn’t trust the so-called science without a shred of proof that the shots treated anything.

    These so-called “vaccines” are dangerous if the nanotech fluid gets into the bloodstream injuring and killing countless victims. The Rockefeller Industries could care less since they are eugenicists anyway. Congress was silent with the exception of a few after months of injections and deaths. Of course, the MSM never reported injuries or deaths from the shots. The very same amount of people that died from the Flu over the previous years was now labeled Covid victims after the plandemic started.

    The Rockefeller Institutions have NEVER proven the existence of a virus. In fact, no one has ever proven that viruses exist. The best virologists in the world, the real virologists easily proved the virus theory was bogus. They never allowed anyone who claimed this fact on any of their MSM news channels for fear the people would wake up from the hypnosis induced on them through the TV and computer screens. Yes, hypnosis has been proven to work through TV screens because it’s just the power of suggestion. The PCR tests were always bogus and cannot prove a virus exists either but people will believe the MSM propaganda over anyone else claiming otherwise.

    The whole Covid scare was designed to trick the masses into taking shots with nano-tech tracking devices in them. John Hopkins, a Rockefeller Funded University was the biggest player in that Covid campaign. They even hosted Event 201, as you mentioned, 3 months before the so-called Covid outbreak. John Hopkins’s phony numbers were posted on every news channel ramping up the phony death numbers just when they needed them to keep the masses in fear for a year before they released of the tracking device in the jab. The rest is history.

    I always look forward to your excellent work connecting the dots.

    Thanks so much

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