
Russia and the Rothschilds Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)


The Rothschild involvement with Russia goes back to the early 1800s. It would help us understand better if we do a bit of background on the Russian Jew. The Jews of our time fall into 2 main sects: Sephardim and Ashkenazi.  The Sephardim are descendants of the Jews who trace their lineage back to the Middle East and, until they were expelled in 1494, Spain. These Sephardim Jews then moved across Western Europe and the Mediterranean countries. The Sephardim speak Hebrew, while the Ashkenazi speaks Yiddish. By the 1990s, the Sephardim numbered around 1 million, while the Ashkenazi number around 15 million. Thus, in common parlance, a Jew is practically anonymous with Ashkenazi Jew. The word Ashkenazi is derived from the word Ashkenaz, who was the great grandson of the Prophet Noah. Ashkenaz was the nephew of Mog, of the Mog and Gagog tribe!

In the region between the Black and Caspian Seas, lie the Caucasus mountain regions. It was occupied by a tribe known as the Khazar. In the 9th century, the Khazar tribe was under pressure from Byzantine Constantinople and the Muslim Ummayad dynasty to convert. To avoid falling under control of these 2 powers, the ruler, the Khagan, converted to Judaism in 891.

While Islam was expanding, a new force emerged- the Vikings. These Vikings and Norsemen from the Scandinavian countries invaded Europe in two ways. The first was to England, France and the Mediterranean. The second was through the Volga, Don and Dnieper rivers. They would come in a fleet of several hundred ships through these rivers into the Black and Caspian Seas. Scandinavia at that time was known as Varangia. The conducted many raiding trips over the centuries and the many Muslim, Christian and Khazar areas were the victims.  After a long period, many of these Vikings settled down in these areas. The Khazar people called these Vikings “Rus”, which means “rowers”. They used to row in order for the boats to move. Thus, the descendants of these “Rus” that settled down, became known as the “sons of the rowers”, or “Russians”. And, that’s how the name Russia came into being. In 965, both Byzantine and the Ummayad Dynasty destroyed the Khazar Kingdom. Two centuries later, came the Mongol invasions. By now, the Khazars began to immigrate west into Eastern Europe. The bulk of them settled down in an area encompassing Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania. The regions in eastern central Europe, in which the Jewish immigrants from Khazaria , became a new home and safety. From the late 10th century, several Slavonic tribes, headed by the Polan tribe, became the nucleus of the Polish state. Thus, the rise of Poland started at about the same time as the decline of Khazaria. Two nations, the Poles and the Lithuanians, became united in 1368, into the Kingdom of Poland. And, so the Khazaria Jews settled in this region, and soon came to dominate the economy.

The Jewish people did not have a formal government, but were ruled by an “informal” ruling body- the Talmudic Council. When the Moors conquered Spain, the Talmudic government also moved into Spain. Then, in 1492-1495, the Christians took over Spain, and expelled many Jews and Muslims. The Talmudic government relocated to Eastern Poland.

The Khazar Jews in Poland were content to be led by the rabbinical doctrines, which were now issued from the Talmudic government, based in Poland. From 1493 to 1772, this condition prevailed- mentally moulding the Jews for their messianic mission, which was soon to unfold in Europe-starting with the French Revolution.

Due to legislative and geopolitical tensions, Poland broke up into several parts, with the eastern part coming under Russian control. This area was called the “Pale of Settlement”. The Talmudic government was located in this area.  Due to the old conflict between the Rus and the Khazars , the Talmudic government faced a harsh environment under Russian rule. So, the Talmudic government went underground, and re-located itself in Frankfurt, Germany. A few months later, a meeting was held in Frankfurt of the 12 wisest and most powerful figures in Jewry, and was introduced to what is now known as “The Protocols of Zion”. The Talmudic government, after this meeting in 1773, underwent a name change to now become The Illuminati. One of its junior leaders was Adam Weishaupt.

This was also around the same time that a Jewish trader called Meyer Rothschild began his rise to power- first as a trader, then later, as a money-lender.  After the founder’s death in 1812, the family and the Illuminati merged! By 1820-30, the family came to dominate European finance, primarily, by lending to European governments and royalty. Resistance to the family’s rise to prominence increased among the Christian rulers of Europe. Obstacles were put in the family’s path. The family then decided to eliminate this obstacle and, put in its place, a form of democracy through a parliamentary system. In this way, the family would have a chance to control European politics. And, this is how it came about:

Communism – a Rothschild Construct

The Austrian branch of the Rothschilds gave out a contract to produce a new doctrine that would serve the family’s plan to dominate European politics, as well as serving the Illuminati agenda.  Of the 3 contenders, only Karl Marx won. This was in 1844. Two years later, he manifesto was completed and approved by the family and the Illuminati. In 1847, it was published and distributed. It was called “The Communist Manifesto”.

Within weeks of publication, several states underwent protests and riots. Governments fell, and were replaced by pro-Rothschild governments.  The exception was France. The government that came to power was allied to a group of Catholic industrialists and bankers. Over the next 2 decades, these 2 groups fought for dominance, but ultimately the Rothschilds won. In 1870, the family brought about the war between France and Germany. This was meant to punish France for going against the family. This war helped to unite Germany into one nation, and propelled Germany to economic prosperity, which would eventually lead to World War 1.

 How The May Laws gave  rise to – – -:

The invasion of Russia in 1812 by Napoleon shook Russia to the core. Their leader set about a task of re-organizing the economy. In the hope  that he would be bring about a unified recovery program throughout the Russian Empire, he relaxed many of the restrictions which had been placed on the Jews who occupied the region called the Pale of Settlement, formerly eastern Poland. Special concessions were made to the Jews, and they were invited to merge themselves into the Russian way of life. By the time Nicholas became the new Russian leader in 1825, the Khazar Jews had made rapid inroads into the Russian economy. He viewed with alarm and great displeasure that the Jew was not prepared to drop their special culture – but were financially, economically and socially raping the citizens of Russia.

In order to assimilate the Jews into Russian society Nicholas 1, in 1834, made it compulsory for all Jewish children to attend school. The net result of the Russian experiment did not turn out as expected.

Education for non-Jewish children was not compulsory. The Jews became the best educated segment in Russia. Many Jews, who had taken advantage of the compulsory education, then entered universities. They found themselves severely handicapped after graduation when seeking employment. To correct this injustice Alexander 11 who had succeeded Nicholas 1 in 1855, ruled that all Jewish graduates be given government jobs in Russia. By 1879, the Jewish professional classes were allowed to reside and work anywhere in Russia.

Alexander devoted his life to improving the conditions of the peasants, poor and the Jews. In 1861 he freed 23 million peasant slaves. In 1865 he intervened on the side of the American civil war, favoring the nationalist led by Lincoln, versus the Rothschild-backed Confederates. As Russia was a monarchy and not a democracy, it had to brought down, according to the plans as laid down in Frankfurt in 1773, by the Talmudic government, operating under its new name, the Illuminati Council. This is the most powerful force in world Jewry – whose ruling power is the Rothschild family.

 Russia was making all the right moves which made her a richer and stronger nation. As Russia was a huge land power, there was no other force or combination thereof, who could fight Russia and win- without destroying themselves in the process. The best way to destroy Russia was from within in a manner similar to a healthy body being infected by a deadly virus. The benevolent rule of Alexander was not in line with the Talmudic/Illuminati plan to destroy monarchies in order to bring about communism.

 Having consolidated their financial grip on most of the European nations by the 1860s, the family worked hard to extend their sphere of influence and control to all parts of the globe in preparation for their aim of global domination, resulting in the Jews ruling the world from Jerusalem. In the years that followed, it became apparent that to achieve global domination, several world wars need to happen –which would level the old order in order to usher in the New World Order.

This plan was outlined in graphic detail by Albert Pike, head of the American chapter of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.  In a letter to Giusseppe Mazzini, leader of the Italian Freemasons, a key operator of Benjamin Disraeli, dated 15th August 1871. Note that all three of these figures are operatives in the Rothschild Empire. The letter reads that the First World War was to be fomented in order to destroy Czarist Russia – and to place that vast land under the direct control of the Rothschilds. Russia was then to be used as a “bogeyman” to further the aims of the family. Further wars would be used to expand the influence of Russia and the establishment of a Zionist state in Palestine. A final war would take place between the Arabs and Zionists, with Israel victorious. The Rothschilds have adopted this plan to amass wealth and power, and which plan has nearly achieved its goals, but the Creator will throw the family a big monkey wrench. The Rothschild family instructed its underground network in Russia to continue anti-state riots and terror attacks. These Jewish terrorists assassinated Alexander 11 in 1881 through the Jewess, Hesia Helfman. This was after 2 previous failed attempts in 1868 and 1879. In response the Russian government passed the May Laws on 23rd May, 1882. 

On 3rd September, and the following is a part of it: “The conduct of the Jews in business matters has brought about the sad conditions of the Christian population; during the last 20 years the Jews have possessed themselves of all trade, business and agriculture- with few exceptions they have, as a body, devoted their attention to defrauding the Russian peoples by their wiles. The government has adopted stringent measures to put an end to oppression as practiced by Jews on the other inhabitants and to rid the country of their malpractices, which were the original cause of the anti-Jewish agitations “.

 An official protest was made to the new Czar, Alexander 111, by a Jewish delegation headed by Rothschild agent, Baron Gunzberg.

The Rothschilds imposed economic and financial sanctions on Russia after the government refused to rescind the May Laws. (Note the uncanny parallel to the recent war and the sanctions, etc. imposed by the Rothschilds (Europe), and joined by the Rockefellers (America).  This almost reduced Russia to bankruptcy. An open, but undeclared war was on between the family and Russia. The Rothschilds increased their terror activities in Russia, through Jewish terrorists. This worried many Jews in Russia because they feared a continuation of such terrorism would result in a wave of anti-Jewish riots, and that it could possibly result in the extermination of the Jews in Russia –at that time the largest in the world.


After the assassination of the Czar Alexander in 1882, the position of Jewry in Russia became doubtful, as the Russian people rose up against the Jews. The Rothschilds then embarked on a new plan to protect their people. This involved moving Jews out of Russia. This took place in 2 ways. A large number of Jews moved west into Europe, but Europe did not look favorably on more Jews settling in their country. Thus, the majority of these Jews moved to North America, the colonies of the British-such as South Africa, Australia, etc. A second group of Jews moved to Palestine.

The Jewish population went from 6,000 in 1840 to 20,000 in 1880. From this level, the Jewish population in Palestine would see great increases under Rothschild patronage. This was the start of a “back-to-Israel” movement started by the Illuminati Jews. This was the catalyst for the formation of the Zionist movement. Zionism was founded in Paris in September 1882, at the house of Edmond Rothschild- youngest son of Jacob Rothschild. Edmond laid down the terms and conditions for Jews to settle in Palestine. Since he was the financial godfather, his words carried weight. Since then, till his death, Edmond was the single Rothschild who was the brains behind the establishment and formation of Israel.

The French family has been Israel’s single largest supporter followed by Britain, the Soviet Union, and those nations under its grip.

The Geopolitical Contest Between the Rothschilds & Russia

The Great Game was a rivalry between the 19th-century British and Russian Empires over influence in Asia, primarily in Afghanistan, Persia, and later Tibet. The two colonial empires used military interventions and diplomatic negotiations to acquire and redefine territories in Central and South Asia.

Britain feared that Russia’s aims to get access to a warm-water port would threaten its maritime routes to the East, specifically India and China. Russia had no “year-round” warm-water port, and this seriously impacted its projection of naval power. This was one of the chief causes of the numerous Ottoman-Russian wars in the 19th Century. Britain obviously backed the Ottoman Empire against Russian moves south to gain access to an all-year round warm-water port.Though the Great Game was marked by distrust, diplomatic intrigue, and regional wars, it never erupted into a full-scale war directly between Russian and British colonial forces. However, the two nations battled in the Crimean War from 1853 to 1856, which impacted the Great Game. The Russian and British Empires also cooperated numerous times during the Great Game,

Britain feared Russia’s southward expansion would threaten India, while Russia feared the expansion of British interests into Central Asia. As a result, Britain made it a high priority to protect all approaches to India, while Russia continued its military conquest of Central Asia.

Beginning in 1891, Russia had embarked on an ambitious industrial program along with a railroad infrastructure program. The most ambitious program  initiated in Russia at  had been the construction of a railroad linking Russia in the west to Vladivostok in the Far East-the Trans-Siberian Railroad project, a 9,000 km long undertaking , which would transform the entire economy of Russia.

A central part of  this plan was to develop peaceful and productive relations with China, independent of Britain’s control of China’s ports and sea lanes, through the overland  openings which the Siberian rail line would facilitate.

In 1892, the man responsible for the railroad program, became minister of finance. As finance minister, Count Witte, from 1892 until he was deposed during the suspiciously timed 1905 revolution, Witte transformed Russia’s prospects dramatically from its former role as “breadbasket” to British grain trading companies, into a potentially modern industrial nation. Railroads became the largest industry in the country and were inducing a transformation of the entire range of related steel and other sectors.

Britain and the Rothschilds energetically opposed these new economic policies and the Trans-Siberian project with every means at its disposal.  A British commentator tied to the Rothschilds declared: “This line will not only be one of the greatest trade routes that the world has ever known, a political weapon in the hands of the Russians whose power and significance it is difficult to estimate. It will make a single nation out of Russia, for whom it will no longer be necessary to pass through the Dardanelles or through the Suez Canal. It will give her economic independence, through which she will become stronger than she has ever been or ever dreamed of becoming.”

For decades, the British balance-of-power alliance strategy in Europe had been built around support for the Ottoman Empire- now Turkey, as part of what British strategists called the great game- blocking the emergence of a strong and industrialised Russia. Support for Turkey, which controlled the vital Dardanalles access to warm waters for Russia, had been a vital part of British geopolitics until that time. But as German economic links with the Ottomans increased, especially the construction of the Berlin to Baghdad Railroad, British overtures to Russia (and against Turkey and Germany) increased.

It took a series of wars and crisis by the British to unsuccessfully block the railroad, which was completed in 1903.  In 1905, the Rothschilds enticed its new Asian vassal (since 1860) Japan to attack Russia and resurgent Japan had obtained its military victory in the Russo-Japanese war of 1904 -05.

Russia was defeated, and this brought about the 1905 revolution throughout the entire Russian Czarist Empire.

 What happened in 1903 was that there was a series of very large strikes on the Trans-Siberian Railroad which essentially cut off Siberia from the rest of Russia.  Russia was defeated and badly humiliated. After this war, Witte was forced to resign all his posts. His successor gave in to the Rothschilds, and insisted on coming to terms with British power and proceeded to sign over to the British the rights to Afghanistan and large parts of Persia, and agreed to significantly curtail Russian ambitions in Central Asia.

Thus, a British-French-Russian Triple Entente had been fully established by 1907. Traditionally, the Great Game came to a close by 1907, when Russia and Britain signed an agreement to form a united front against Germany.

The 1905 Revolutions

In the meantime, Rothschild initiated terrorism was increasing against the Russian state. Assassinations, bank robberies, political and economic turmoil etc, encompassed Russia between 1882 and 1905.

 As Russia is a huge land power, there was no nation, or group of nations, which could fight Russia and win – without destroying themselves in the process. The best way to destroy Russia was from within.

From 1890 onwards Russia had enjoyed an increase in production in all its sectors – from mining to industry to agriculture. Between 1890 and 1914, its production of coal, iron ore, steel, oil, sugar, wheat, cotton, and many other items had increased by 600%. Russia was on its way in becoming an economic superpower.

Its taxes were the second-lowest in the world. Production of industrial goods was immense; rail lines were increased; world trade was on the up- and all the while with no inflation, and no central bank.

Russia was just becoming too powerful for the Rothschilds – and its problems had to deal with speed and haste. The Rothschilds were in a race against time – for given time, Russia would soon be immune to the plans of the Rothschilds to destroy it.

The non-stop terrorism by the Rothschilds added to the social chaos caused by the Russian defeat in its war with Japan. These conditions brought about the short-lived 1905 Revolution. The government regained control, and in 1914, the First World War broke out.

The Bolshevik Revolution

Conditions in Russia in early 1917 met all the requirements of revolutionary change. Discontent had long been fermenting. The country had been involved for two and a half years in an unsuccessful and badly managed war. The monarchy had been brought into disrepute, hence the Revolution had a great army of adherent among civilian and soldiers.

 Since the Bolsheviks were deliberately creating a state of chaos and confusion which they would be able to exploit to their own advantage, only they knew all the time exactly what was happening.

When Russia joined with Britain and France in an alliance against Germany, in 1907, the Rothschilds got one of their firms on Wall Street, Kuhn Loeb & Co, to finance their take-over of Russia. This budget was $20 million!  Jacob Schiff was the head of Kuhn, Loeb. The Schiff family was inter-linked with the Warburg family. All these families were from Germany, with the Schiffs being neighbors to the Rothschilds.

Russia was put on the defensive, internally and externally. In addition to causing serious labor problems and creating terrible misunderstanding between all levels of Russian society, Rothschilds agents within Russia- mainly Jews- rubbed the sore of religious bigotry into a festering boil. This boil was brought to a head by the hot application of wholesale murders and assassinations.

 By 1919, the Bolsheviks gained victory in Moscow; this was after 1000s of deaths of those opposing the Bolsheviks, and the murder of the Czar and the royal family, the Rothschild-dominated Bolsheviks became the new masters of Russia. Between 1918 and 1922, the Bolsheviks transferred 600 million rubles of gold to Kuhn Loeb! We notice the same pattern in 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed. The Russian central bank’s gold reserves shrank from 2,000 tons to less than 400 tons within a matter of weeks. 1,400 tons got stolen!!

 Jewish domination of Russia is hidden behind a screen of ethnic Russians. The ruling body in Moscow at that time was the Council of Commissars, out of 61 members, 41 were Jews. In short, the Rothschilds captured Russia. We must not forget the involvement of the Rockefeller family –which was extensive – in this affair. With the Rothschild takeover of Russia, the country saw a massive influx of Jews into Russia. The full story, in detail, will be in our article, titled “The Geopolitics of Russia”, which we hope to load sometime later this year.

When Stalin became the leader of Russia in 1924, Jews occupied key positions across the entire government. A reign of terror was unleashed against millions in Russia, all in keeping with the Talmudic ideology. In the Bolshevik Revolution, we have some of the world’s richest and most powerful men financing a movement which claims its very existence is based on the concept of stripping of their wealth, men like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.  But obviously these men have no fear of communism. It is only logical to assume that if they financed it and do not fear it, it must be because they control it. Can there be any other explanation that makes sense? Remember that for 200 years the standard operating procedure of the Rothschilds and their allies to control both sides of every conflict.

The Bolshevik Revolution was masterminded and financed from the West and the Soviet Union was set up., rescued from collapse and raised to the status of an industrial and military superpower by the two families.

Although it was not their main purpose, the takeover of Russia, and the subsequent installation of communism, the two families bought themselves an enormous piece of real estate, complete with the largest mineral resources on earth, for about $30-$40 million! Communism will only make sense if it is an arm of a larger conspiracy to control the world by power mad billionaires and brilliant but ruthless academics that have shown them how to use their power. One of the primary reasons the 2 families worked behind the scenes to foment global wars was to create in its aftermath a world government. If you wish to establish national monopolies, you must control national governments. If you wish to establish international monopolies or cartels, you must control a world government. It had to be done by stealth, for if the world knew if the plans of these maniacs, then they would be stopped.

Then came World War 2. In its aftermath, the Rothschilds pushed for a communist takeover of Eastern Europe.  Everywhere the same revolutionary pattern has been seen: population control as a means of creating disorder and undermining the status quo- all of this to meet the requirements of a planned “new World Order”.

A point to note: The original name of the family was Bauer. In Europe, Jews lived in ghettos. These ghettos had no street names or house numbers. As such, people marked their houses with some sign or flag. Thus, outside the Bauer house, there was a red flag on a pole. Eventually, this became known as the “house of the Red Flag, or in German, Roth Schild (which stands as Red Shield).  Thus, we find that every communist party flags in the world is red in color-this recognizes the role of its founders – the Rothschilds. Furthermore, ALL communist parties have a strong presence of Jews in key positions.

It was the Austrian Rothschilds that founded communism.

It was the Paris house that founded Zionism, and that stood behind the early stages of the establishment of Israel.

It was the British Rothschilds that provided political cover to pressure Britain to grant the Jews land in Palestine.

It was the Soviet Union which provided men and arms that paved the way for the brutal birth of Israel in 1948.

Russia & Israel

As we related, communism and Zionism have the same parents. One of the most closely guarded secrets of the Soviet Union, as far as the people of the non-communist world were concerned, was the highly privileged position of the Jewish minority during the 70 years after the Revolution; hence it was only in 1981 that it came to be known in the West that privately owned industrial and commercial business had continued to thrive, nearly all of it in the hands of Jews. For historical reasons, the underground business milieu in the large cities of Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic states has been predominantly Jewish.

When Israel was formed, the first country to recognize it was the Soviet Union! Minutes later, the US followed. It was indeed a curious situation in which the Russians and the Americans joined hands. Together, they acted as midwives to the birth of Israel. Russia then sent 10s of 1000s of Russian Jews to Israel. Israel’s first Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion stated, in an address to university students in Haifa; “Russia supplied us with manpower and   arms that helped us survive our war of independence”.

When the Korean War broke out in the early 1950s, the US pressured Israel into taking its side. While North Korea was backed by both China and Russia. Israel could not afford to antagonize Stalin, who was also pressuring Israel NOT to side with the US. What was at stake was the millions of Jews still living in the Soviet Union. To solve this dilemma, the Rothschilds killed Stalin, using the circle of Jewish doctors servicing the senior leaders in the Kremlin. More on this in the article – “The Geopolitics of Russia “.

Soviet policy in the Middle East favored Israel over the Arabs. Where deception is suspected, as in the case of the ostensible Soviet support for the Arabs, should we not pay more attention to the RESULTS PRODUCED than to the types and quantity of arms given?

ANSWER : Both the Zionists and the Soviet Union made important gains in the Middle East, and Soviet “assistance” left the Arabs, especially the Palestinians , worse off than ever. The Soviet Union was able to secure a firm foothold in the eastern Mediterranean, and Israel was able to grab more Arab territory, both inside Palestine and from neighboring states.

It is hard to see how Israel could have made such gains “without that ostensible Soviet support for the Arabs”. In other words, the Soviet Union behaved exactly throughout as might have been expected by those who know it to be still covertly under Jewish/Rothschild control at the highest level – a false friend to the Arabs and a feeble and ambivalent opponent of the Israelis. When the Arabs lost against Israel in the June 1967 war, there were many in the Kremlin who were happy, to the point that Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko and other senior Kremlin officials had a party in the Kremlin, along with Israeli officials.  The late King Faisal of Saudi Arabia never doubted that there had been continuous collusion between the Soviet Union and the Zionists in the Middle East ; interviewed by Newsweek (Dec 21, 1971). He said: “Zionism and communism are working hand in glove to block any settlement that will restore peace – Zionism is the mother of communism – it helped to spread communism around the world. It is now trying to weaken the US, and if the plan succeeds it will inherit the world “.

When asked his view on the fact that the Russians and the Israelis are on opposite sides in the Middle East conflict, King Faisal replied: “It’s part of a great plot, a grand conspiracy- – – they are only pretending to work against each other in the Middle East. The Zionists are deceiving the United States – – – the Communists are cheating the Arabs, making them believe they are on their side. But they are actually in league with the Zionists”.

The Collapse of the Soviet Union

The Soviet Union imploded in 1990/91, into 14 separate countries, with Russia being the largest component. When the change happened, both the families’ intelligence services were active in Moscow, busy eliminating Russia nationalists. Their favorite candidate Boris Yeltsin became the new leader of Russia. This, then, laid the grounds for the rape, plunder and genocide of Russia.

The Decade of Despair

During the 1990s, the 2 families’ networks plundered Russia to the limit. Estimates range from $500 to $1,000 billion during the decade. Russia, all this while, was crumbling. Regional leaders ruled over their provinces like little tsars, either paying no attention to the Kremlin or blackmailing the Moscow courtiers and the president himself. The Russian state eroded, losing its power and the ability to perform elementary functions of government. Russia sank deeper and deeper into social and economic crisis: falling life expectancy; a resurgence of contagious diseases that had been eliminated in the Soviet Union; decaying schools; hundreds of thousands of homeless children; millions of migrants; a shrinking economy that during Yeltsin’s tenure contracted in real terms by 40 percent; and finally, rampant lawlessness and corruption that had become a lifestyle passing for “normal.” Ordinary people had lost both the past and the future, and the present was confusing for many. But neither the president nor elites seemed to notice—they were busy pretending to rule, struggling for a place at the top, robbing the state.

By the end of the 1990s, Yeltsin had lost control of it and himself.  Oligarchs kicked open the doors of government offices and ran for their own benefit the remnants of the economy, which had been decimated by long-standing weaknesses and the August 1998 financial collapse. The looting got so bad, that one point, in August 1998, Russia defaulted on its government bonds. This prompted the 2 families to lend Russia $22 billion through their IMF and the World Bank.  This loan was made to Moscow in order for it to meets its foreign debt obligations. The rape and plunder of Russia was soon coming to an end with the coming to leadership of Vladimir Putin.

Putin takes Charge

 Russian President Vladimir Putin has quickly become one of the most powerful and feared politicians in the world.  He’s had a long climb to the top — he spent years working in Russian intelligence and local

Early life and KGB career

Putin was born to a working-class family in Leningrad in 1952. Growing up, Putin loved spy novels and TV shows. When he was still in school, he went to the KGB security and intelligence agency and asked how he could join. The people at KGB headquarters told him to work hard and study law. So Putin did exactly that, at Leningrad State University, and later spent 17 years as a mid-level agent working in foreign intelligence.

As president, Putin is known for his nationalism and patriotism — traits that can be traced back to his youth. A profile of Putin that ran in The Washington Post in 2000 said he once refused to read a book by a Soviet defector because he didn’t “read books by people who have betrayed the Motherland.”

Putin in February 2000. 

The Beginnings of a Political Career

By 1991, Putin had officially resigned from the KGB’s active reserve. He was back in Leningrad, now called St. Petersburg, and working for the city’s first democratic mayor (and his former law professor) Anatoly Sobchak.

Putin worked mostly behind the scenes and kept a low profile. He reportedly was “the man to see if things needed to get done” and “Sobchak’s indispensable man.” Putin was loyal to Sobchak. When Sobchak wasn’t reelected as mayor, the victor offered Putin a job. But Putin turned it down, saying, “It’s better to be hanged for loyalty than be rewarded for betrayal.”

In 1996, Putin and his family relocated to Moscow.  Putin’s concern for Russia’s struggling economic and lost superpower status long predates his appointment as PM. In 1997, Putin wrote a thesis. Its main points were that Russia must have a state-directed economy, with the buildup of “national champions”. He then re-joined the KGB, now called the FSB. There, he quickly climbed up the ladder and, in August 1998, Yeltsin appointed Putin to head the FSB

Prime Minister Appointment and First Presidency

A year after taking over the FSB, in August 1999, Yeltsin appointed Putin prime minister of Russia — the fifth in less than two years. In Russia, the prime minister is the second-highest-ranking official and reports to the president. And then — seemingly out of nowhere — Yeltsin stepped down and named Putin the acting president on New Year’s Eve 1999. Putin then won the election in March 2000.

Many people believed Yeltsin propelled Putin to the presidency to protect himself. The war in Chechnya, in which Russian forces were fighting CIA-backed secular separatists who wanted the region to be independent, was starting to go south, and his approval ratings were dropping. One of Putin’s first moves was to pardon Yeltsin, giving him “immunity from criminal or administrative investigations, including protection of his papers, residence and other possessions from search and seizure.”

During his first term, Putin focused primarily on domestic affairs. He had two items on the agenda: the war with Chechnya and the Yeltsin-era oligarchs. Putin inherited Russia during a particularly complicated time. The country was in the midst of a conflict with Chechnya — a region that’s officially considered a Russian subject. One month after becoming PM, Putin moved immediately to tighten control. He sent the military to Chechnya and ruthlessly eliminated the terrorists- working on behalf of the CIA and British intelligence. And with the Second Chechen War, Putin established his reputation as a “man of action.”

In 2002, a Moscow theater was seized by 40 Chechen militants, who were led by the warlord Movsar Barayev. This was a CIA-directed move to stop the meeting between Putin and the Saudis. During the three-day ordeal, 129 of the 912 hostages died. This was a critical moment for Putin, and many expected his domestic approval to plummet. But his “ruthless handling of the siege and his refusal to negotiate with the hostage-takers further shored up his reputation as a man of action.” His approval rating was up at 83% after it was all over.

The Rothschild Oligarchs

When the Soviet Union imploded, and Russia emerged out of the ashes, the 2 families lost no time in creating the conditions of its plunder. The Rockefeller Empire sent in the “Harvard Boys”, such as Jeffrey Sachs, who wrote the rules for a new Russia. The Rockefeller Empire was more interested in bringing Russia into the dollar system than in taking over state assets.

The Rothschilds set up around seven Jews to take over the endless number of state-owned companies- mainly in mining and energy. Many of these companies were taken over at less than 1% of its true value. Some of these oligarch’s are Boris Berezovsky, Kodhordovsky, Roman Abramovic, Gusinsky, and 3 others. Berezovsky was the unofficial leader of this group, due to his seniority and his closeness to Yeltsin.

Undoubtedly, both families benefitted immensely from the plunder of Russia. This infuriated the nationalist elite within Russia, who saw the theft as treason. Additionally, Yeltsin-era oligarchs were increasingly interested in expanding their political influence. In return for backing Yeltsin, Berezovsky gained political influence within the Kremlin.

It’s hard to write fiction about Russia: reality stubbornly keeps all the best plots and characters for itself. No writer could have invented Boris Abramovich Berezovsky: a mathematician who became a billionaire, a boy from a modest Jewish family who became the Kremlin’s gray cardinal and Russia’s kingmaker. Power, in Yeltsin’s Russia, was a family business, and Berezovsky was consigliere to the inner circle of Yeltsin relatives and allies known as “the Family.” He was their political fixer, the key mover in a pyramid of power and patronage whose nominal head—Yeltsin himself—was a near invalid, rarely seen in public. Berezovsky spoke to Russia’s top ministers and generals in patronizing tones. He acquired one of Russia’s largest oil companies, a chunk of its national airline Aeroflot, a controlling stake in the country’s main TV station. Despite his billions he was always more interested in power than money.

Berezovsky was the architect of post-Soviet Russia not once but twice. His first invention was the devilish Yeltsin-era equation where the rich carved out great chunks of state property, then turned their money into power over and over again. They called these men oligarchs, though in truth only one of the seven original oligarchs—Berezovsky himself—was ever politically powerful enough to deserve the title. Yeltsin may have made Russia free, but it was Berezovsky who made it for sale. And not just oil companies and TV stations but every Russian institution, including the press, Parliament, and police, were also bought up by rival oligarchs who used their tame ministers, editors, and cops to take down their enemies.

But it’s Berezovsky’s second legacy that we live with today: Vladimir Putin. It has been widely reported that Putin resented the meddling of the oligarchs, particularly Berezovsky.  In 1996, Berezovsky teamed up with other powerful Russian bankers to form the Big Seven, a group of oligarchs that underwrote Yeltsin’s reelection campaign. Berezovsky viewed himself as a king-maker, and he was a major force in ousting some senior officials and electing others. Berezovksy also was instrumental in Putin’s 2000 election victory before the two men’s falling-out, which began over Berezovsky’s public criticism of Putin for his slow response to the deadly sinking of the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk. Many – not least Berezovsky – say he played a key role in plucking Putin out of obscurity and engineering Yeltsin’s appointment of the former KGB officer as acting president when he stepped down abruptly on the last day of 1999.“He presented (Putin) to the Russian establishment of that time, brought him into Boris Yeltsin’s close circle, and he was the first to believe that out of this indistinct bureaucrat, a successor could be made,” commentator Sergei Parkhomenko said.

Putin was Berezovsky’s creation. That sounds somehow controversial now, but none of the key players would seriously deny that Berezovsky was the prime mover in the search for a successor to the ailing Yeltsin—a successor who would be popular with the Russian people yet preserve the wealth and privileges of the Family who selected him. In Putin, once the faithful sidekick and enforcer for the liberal St. Petersburg mayor, Anatoly Sobchak, Berezovsky thought he’d found a safe pair of hands. He was, of course wrong: within three years of coming to power Putin had put one leading oligarch in jail (Mikhail Khodorkovsky), and several  more, including Berezovsky, had fled for their lives.

When Berezovsky left Russia, he sold most of his oil and media interests to his protégé Roman Abrahamovic-another Rothschild asset, who in turn, sold the oil assets to Rosneft, took his money, went to London, and bought a football club, Chelsea.

On December 31, 1999, Yeltsin’s Russia became Putin’s Russia. The new Kremlin boss has been shrewd enough to let people think what they want and to see what they long for.  Putin not only has succeeded in taming Russia, but maintained high approval ratings for years. Putin does not even try to play monarch. He wants to be accepted as a pragmatic manager. He has succeeded—at least outwardly—in achieving order and stability.

 The new Russian leader prefers subordination and loyalty. Not only its leader and leadership pattern but Russia itself has suddenly changed, as if someone had closed one chapter and started another.  The corridors of the Kremlin are full of people with a military bearing and nondescript faces

Who then had even heard of Vladimir Putin? Who outside a tiny circle in Moscow knew his name even in early 1999? The few who had met him had trouble later recalling the man or remembering that Yeltsin had made him head of the Federal Security Service (FSB), formerly the KGB. In 1998 or much of 1999, a suggestion that Putin would be the next president of Russia would have elicited bewilderment, if not laughter.

From Blueprint to Action

As a first task in initiating his national champion program, Putin staffed Russian state-owned companies with leaders who would do the state’s bidding, instead of foreign financiers. That meant he had to remove some of Russia’s powerful oligarchs from their only recently privatized (stolen) companies. Putin recognized that the Yeltsin-era oligarchs had the potential to be more powerful than him, so he struck a deal with them. But after he was elected, Putin saw that the oligarchs had the potential to gain too much political power and moved to thwart them.

One of his first tasks among this group was Gusinsky, who headed a media empire, very critical of the Kremlin, and Yeltsin. When he criticized Putin over his handling of the Chechen war, Putin arrested Gusinsky in July 2000, on confirmed fraud charges.

Then, Putin summoned 21 of the country’s new oligarch’s to a Kremlin meeting on July 18, 2000; neither Berezovsky nor Gusinsky were invited. In this meeting, Putin told the oligarchs that he would not interfere with their businesses or renationalize state resources as long as they stayed out of politics — that is, as long as they did not challenge or criticize the president. Most of the oligarchs got the message, paid heed to Putin’s warnings, and stayed out of politics.

Moscow in August 2000, less than half a year since Vladimir Putin emerged in the Kremlin as the new leader of Russia, was changing.  Oligarchs, once arrogant and bullying but now living in fear of a visit from secret police in black masks, have already moved their money and their families abroad and are keeping a low profile. Brezovsky fled Russia, and settled in London. Khordorkvsky went further than any of Jacob Rothschild’s oligarchs. He became heavily invested in politics and the energy business, cutting deals without obtaining permission from the Kremlin. In October 2003, Putin arrested him, and after a court case, was jailed in a Siberian jail. His assets comprising of oil companies were seized, broken up, and absorbed by Rosneft and other Russian “national champions”.  By this time, Putin had neutralized most of the Rothschild thieves within Russia. In revenge, the Rothschilds tried to assassinate Putin- many times- but all were unsuccessful. At this point, the family had realized that they had lost control of Russia.

From 2004 till 2014, when Crimea returned to Russia, both France and Britain (both in the Rothschild orbit), could only send spies, spew lies on their msm, and work on harming Russia interests around the globe. From 2014 till the start of the SMO, both France and Britain helped the US to build up immense fortifications, and a very large and well equipped arm.

2010 till Now

The Crimea-Syria Linkage

We know that Ukraine was a crucial geopolitical pivot. A Ukraine under Russia makes Russia a Eurasian power. A Ukraine under NATO/Western domination would reduce Russia to an Asian power. 

As you are now aware-dear reader-that the Crimean peninsula was of great strategic value. This is mainly due to the naval base at Sevastopol, in the Crimea. The US needed to evict Russia from this base. This would reduce the presence of Russia’s navy in the Black Sea, reducing Russian influence in the Black Sea. By pushing Russia more east, it would make it easier for NATO to then have its way in the Middle East. Let me explain.

Some of the geopolitical aims of the Rockefeller Empire in the 2008 financial crash was to reduce the oil   income of Russia and the Middle East, and to reduce the size and power of the sovereign wealth power of these countries.

A weakened Middle East was hit with the Arab Spring in 2010. The aim was to replace the leadership of Egypt, Tunis and Libya with a pro-western faction under the cover of the Muslim Brotherhood- a western-created political entity. A year later, a regime-change operation was unleashed on Syria.

In 2014, the combo of the CIA, Mossad, British and French intelligence created ISIS. The aim was to speed up the break-up of Iraq and Syria. Demonising Islam would add a wonderful bonus.

The overall aim was to break-up the region into smaller pieces. This would make it easier to rule, and to plunder. A further advantage is that control over the oil of the region would give the Rockefeller Empire a huge geopolitical advantage over its economic rivals- the EU and China. And this way, it would prolong its global dominance.

This was the plan of the Rockefeller’s American dollar and Oil Empire. Let’s see how Putin foiled these plans.  

The CIA coup in Ukraine on 22 February 2014 sparked pro-Russian demonstrations  against the incoming new Ukrainian government. On 27 February, Russian troops captured strategic sites across Crimea, followed by the installation of the pro-Russian government in Crimea, and Russia formally incorporated Crimea on 18 March 2014.

The Islamic State – also known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh – emerged from the remnants of al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), a local offshoot of al Qaeda founded by Abu Musab al Zarqawi in 2004. It faded into obscurity for several years after the surge of U.S. troops to Iraq in 2007. But it began to reemerge in 2011, just as the Arab Spring was in full mode, and the regime-change operation in Syria was beginning. Over the next few years, it took advantage of growing instability in Iraq and Syria to carry out attacks and bolster its ranks.  group changed its name to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in 2013. ISIS launched an offensive on Mosul and Tikrit in June 2014.

Look at the chronology and take note of the dates and events. There is NO COINCIDENCE:-

  • 2011 -ISIS emerges just at the same time, the regime-change operation starts in Syria.
  • March 2014- Russia formally annexes Crimea
  • June 2014- ISIS launches its first offensive.
  • By mid-September 2015, Syria was about to fall to the opposition. A plea by Syrian leader, Bashar Assad, resulted in Putin coming to the aid of Syria.

Why did Putin intervene?

Putin was aware of the US plans to extend NATO to its borders, use Ukraine to destabilize Russia, bring about regime-change in Moscow, then break-up Russia into several pieces, in order to control and plunder it. He was also aware of US plans for the Middle East, and the plans of the 2 families to exclude Russia from the region, thus reducing its role as a “non-player”.

Had both these plans succeeded, then Russia would have to fight the West on three fronts- in Ukraine the Caucasus and Central Asia. The Middle East would be fragmented. The flow of oil to Europe and China would be in Rockefeller hands-which would mean the continued dominance of the American Empire. If this became a reality, then both Russia and China would also end up under American/British, or Rockefeller /Rothschild dominance. Both these nations have bitter memories of Rothschild /Rockefeller dominance, and they do not want a repeat of that nightmare.

Israel’s careful plans for the region were derailed by the Russian intervention into Syria. The game-plan of the 2 families was to bring about a “new Middle East”, as per the plans mentioned above.  The two families were determined in their game-plan, and Lebanon was the next target When Israel attacked Lebanon in 2006, it was defeated by Hezbollah- and for which Iran was its main backer. By taking Lebanon and Syria out, and putting in a pro-west government in charge, it would make the job of weakening, destroying and regime changing Iran easier. With Iran in the Western orbit, then the next target would be Russia, followed by China.

So, now we know the answer to Russian intervention in Syria.And, why would it make the Rothschilds furious? Their careful plans went overboard. The family’s hatred for Russia, especially Putin, has been played out in the increasing anti-Russian/anti-Putin narrative spewing out from the Rothschilds global MSM. 

Since  July 2000, especially following the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko (done by MI6 and blamed on Russia in 2006), relations became strained, and since 2014 have grown increasingly unfriendly due to the Russo-Ukrainian War (2014–present) and the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal (done by MI6 and blamed on Russia)in 2018. In the wake of the poisoning, 28 countries expelled (all vassals of the Rothschild Empire) suspected Russian spies acting as diplomats.  In June 2021, a confrontation occurred between HMS Defender and the Russian Armed Forces in the 2021 Black Sea incident, which humiliated Britain.

Following the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, relations between the nations collapsed entirely; the United Kingdom imposed economic sanctions on Russian outlets, seized the assets of Russian oligarchs, recalled its citizens and severed all business ties with Russia. Russia retaliated with its own sanctions against the UK and accused it of involvement in attacks against Sevastopol Naval Base, the Nord Stream gas pipeline and the Crimean Bridge.  British intelligence was extremely active in anti-Russia terror attacks, in Ukraine and Russia. The UK is one of the largest donors of financial and military aid to Ukraine and was the first country in Europe to donate lethal military aid. After Britain, France has been the next largest supporter and supplier to Ukraine. The sanctions and economic and financial war on Russia has blown back onto the 2 families. The Rothschilds have lost far more than the Rockefellers in this. Let me cite a few examples:-

Most of the airplanes leased to Russia belongs to Rothschild entities. Most of the European companies that have exited Russia belongs to the 2 families. The oil companies belonging to the 2 families have now been taken over by the Russian state. Examples of these companies are for the Rothschilds (Shell, BP and Total) and the Rockefellers (Exxon). Besides all western airlines have to incur higher costs to reach destinations by bypassing Russia. Financial sanctions have hurt the 2 families more than Russia.  These are some of the many examples.

Ever since the start of the war, we find that the majority  of lies , regarding the war,  comes from all the media outlets that are in the orbit of the 2 families, but it has been shown, repeatedly, that the British and French media outdo any other groups. Putin has rightly called them “the empire of lies”. It is very obvious to see that the British are the biggest cheerleaders of this war to crush Russia. The family has gone all out to demonise and crush Russia. This conflict has even extended over to Africa and the Middle East. We will explain. The story continues in Part 2 – – –

3 thoughts on “Russia and the Rothschilds Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

  1. This site, not just this article, ties together many years of research I have done myself trying to piece together what drives the modern world. While many people are confused about what happens in their life and see no patterns to it, this site provides the dots and the lines connecting the dots to enable anyone to see “the great game” from its origins to the events of today.

    I live in Canada and while there are good investigative journalism sites here, it’s hard to find a site such as this one as Canada is polluted with both Rockefeller and Rothschild assets. Canadians are very unaware of what’s happening to them or why.

    Thank you again for the enlightenment. I look forward to reading many more of your publications.

  2. Sam, it is my understanding that “Rus” is a term used to mean “light” or “shining one”. It referred to the hair colour of the Alans of southern modern day Ukraine and of the Norsemen from Scandanavia. My source for this is the novel “Russka” by Edward Rutherfurd. He claims it is an Iranian word “Rus” used by the Alans or “Rhos”. Have you heard of this interpretation before? I know it is a minor detail but I thought I would mention it. Fantatsic article by the way, something I have kept in my archives as a source of truth an little known history in the West.

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