A few days after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a boastful speech at the United Nations, (September 2023) announcing the establishment of a new Middle East centered around Israel and its new Arab partners, the Palestinians, whom he totally omitted from his fantasy regional map, dealt him and Israel a fatal blow, politically and strategically.
The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas launched a meticulously planned, well-executed lightning incursion from Gaza into Israel, by air, sea and land. In tandem with thousands of missiles fired towards Israeli targets, hundreds of Palestinian fighters attacked Israeli military and civilian areas in the southern part of the country.
Hamas’s objectives in the operation are no secret: First, retaliate and punish Israel for its occupation, oppression, illegal settlement, and desecration of Palestinian religious symbols, especially Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem; second, take aim at Arab normalization with Israel that embraces its apartheid regime in the region; and lastly, secure another prisoner exchange in order to get as many Palestinian political prisoners released from Israeli jails as possible. In that sense, the attack may have been incredibly shocking, but it was hardly surprising. Hubris has finally caught up with Israel and its arrogant leaders, who long thought themselves invincible and repeatedly underestimated their enemies. Since the “surprise” Arab attack of October 1973, successive Israeli leaders have been shocked and awed, again and again, by what the people they oppressed have been capable of. They were caught unprepared by the Lebanese resistance after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, by the Palestinian Intifadas in the 1980s and the 2000s, and by the Palestinian resistance after more than five decades of Israeli occupation and four successive wars on Gaza.
Clearly, the Israeli military and civilian leadership also did not expect Hamas’s massive operation, its success representing a major Israeli intelligence and military failure. Despite Israel’s sophisticated network of spies, drones, and surveillance technology, it could not detect and preempt the attack.
But the damage done to Israel goes beyond the intelligence and military flop; it is also a political and psychological catastrophe. The invincible state has shown itself vulnerable, weak, and terribly impotent, which will not go down well for its plans to be a regional leader of a new Middle East.
Currently, the Jewish population of Israel is around 7 million. Of this, around 20-30 % of the population has fled Israel. Around another 5-8 % of the population is internally displaced. The Rothschild’s Zionist Project is collapsing.
Israel-the Rogue State
How Israel became one of the world’s worst rogue states:”Rogue state” (or sometimes “outlaw state”) is a term applied to states that they consider threatening to the world’s peace. The simplest definition of a rogue state is one which does not conform to the rules of the international system. This could include breaking international laws, breaking or refusing to sign international treaties, refusing to participate fully or “fairly” in the global economy. Problem is there are a few other countries that fit that description just as easily, the biggest one being the US.
The US breaks international law fairly regularly by conducting aggressive warfare, toppling governments, providing arms to foreign rebels, violating the sovereignty of other states etc. The US has refused to sign several international treaties; there are also a number of international human rights treaties they won’t sign. They use their economic power to force smaller countries into unfavorable trade agreements; they also heavily subsidize their agricultural sector, severely undercutting the global food markets. Some critics of US foreign policy describe the United States as a rogue state. William Blum’s 2000 book Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower suggests that US-led interventions around the world during and after the Cold War have threatened the world’s peace. Its nuclear proliferation and large numbers of nuclear warheads , sponsorship of terrorist or guerilla groups to overthrow opposing governments especially in the Global South, and violations of human rights in war and peace time are all suggested to be characteristics of a rogue state.
Israel a close American ally is guilty of similar acts. Israel’s occupation of Gaza and the West Bank has been declared illegal numerous times by several international organizations including the UN. Israel is a rogue state. It is violating over 30 UN Security Council resolutions, dating back to 1949, resolutions that require action by Israel and Israel alone. That very important fact is entirely absent from reporting on Palestine by the western media. If any other state in this world were guilty of such persistent refusal to obey the will of the “international community”, it would be subject to continuous threats of economic and/or military sanctions by the US and the EU – and we would never hear the end of it from the mainstream media. Thing is, you’ll never hear Israel referring to itself as a rogue state. Israel is a rogue state which should be treated as such! It doesn’t even recognize the United Nations!
Despite propaganda to the contrary, Israel is not a democracy and never has been and legions of paid and anonymous agents, zealously repeats and disseminates – in the media, on university campuses, in blogs and comment sections, at conferences and more – the same old, tired Zionist myths. Propaganda guides and tool kits, such as the “global language dictionary”, offer ready-made arguments and counter-arguments to sell Israel to journalists and critics. Such talking points come with tips on what tone and rhetorical tactics to use, what words and formulas “work”, and how to discuss “sensitive” issues, such as Israel’s illegal colonization and annexation of Palestinian land, Jewish settlements and the killing of civilians.
All of which are now set to get worse since the US has both rewarded and emboldened Israel by recognizing its illegal and brutal colonization (its “settlements”). By the same token Israel has offered yet another spectacular demonstration of the complete contempt for the rule of international law.
Disinformation Machine
The media is saturated with uplifting news about the “Israeli economic miracle”, its wealth and high living standards, and its thriving startup and high-tech industry. But have you ever heard from a mainstream Western media outlet or politician that a fifth of Israelis live below the poverty line, that people are forced to look through rubbish for food to avoid starving, or that Israel has the highest poverty rate in all of the developed world?
The answer is most likely not, and we should ask ourselves why. Other lies propagated by Israel’s disinformation machine include origin myths, the most famous being the romantic theme of Palestine as “a land without a people for a people without a land”, which strangely persists, despite its historical absurdity. Israel relies a lot on ignorance and gullibility. It is hard to convincingly portray such a predatory, violent and terrorist rogue state as noble, democratic, peaceful or gentle
This magnificent interactive photographic collection of pre-1948 Palestine is enough to pulverize that revisionist lie, which seeks to eliminate the very notion of the existence of Palestinians on the land before it was taken from them by Western colonial powers to be given to Jewish emigrants from Europe and elsewhere. Palestinians were made to pay for a Holocaust that Europe had committed, and in which they themselves played no part.Besides the pathetic nature of such PR operations to counter critics and improve Israel’s disastrous global image, its effectiveness is more than a little uncertain. When news and images of Israel’s killing and mutilation of Palestinian children, deliberate bombing of schools, and indiscriminate use of white phosphorus on entire neighborhoods circulate around the world, it is hard to convincingly portray such a predatory, violent and terrorist rogue state as noble, democratic, peaceful or gentle.
Zionist Myths
By far the most common Zionist myth is the notion that Israel is the “only democracy” in the region – one that some even describe as a liberal, egalitarian, Western-style democracy. This grotesque, self-serving fairytale perpetuates the fallacy of a similarity of regimes, of a common destiny, and of a natural alliance between Israel and Western nations. Racist propaganda often pits this against the inevitably “barbaric”, backward and undemocratic Arab states and Muslim-majority societies.
Repeating a lie multiple times does not make it true, although Israel’s agents clearly think it does. Israel is no democracy, and certainly not a “liberal, egalitarian” state. Two cold, hard facts can easily debunk this myth.
Firstly, there is the acquisition of Israeli nationality and citizenship through religion. The Law of Return allows any Jew, anywhere in the world, to immigrate to Israel and obtain full Israeli citizenship, whether or not they have ever set foot there or have any relatives living there. A privileged, royal path to citizenship is reserved exclusively for Jews, while being denied to members of other religions. Religious discrimination is thus institutionalized as official policy.
Archaic Marriage Laws
Just imagine for a minute how “democratic” countries such as France, Germany, Britain or the United States would be if they decided that from now on, Christians from all over the world – but only Christians – could freely emigrate and settle there, and unlike members of any other religion, or even atheists, they would automatically be granted citizenship upon arrival.
This would amount to discarding their most fundamental and basic democratic principles, including their cherished secularism – but such institutionalized religious discrimination is exactly what Israel practices.
Why Israel cannot be called a Democratic State
Secondly, there is the issue of marriage. Given the massive pro-Israeli propaganda machine, coupled with the silent complicity of our Western media and governments, many people might be unaware that in Israel, only religious authorities are allowed to officiate marriages. Civil, non-religious marriages are not permitted. Even worse, inter-religious, mixed marriages are also forbidden by law, forcing inter-religious couples to marry abroad. When they return, the non-Jewish partner often receives second-class citizen treatment by the state.
Again, let’s imagine what would happen to the French, British, German or US democracies if we were to apply such archaic principles. Rather unthinkably for those of us living in actual democracies, the Israeli state manages to make those already backward practices even harsher, levying a two-year prison sentence on couples who get married by a religious authority not accredited by the state.
Despite all this, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his PR minions continually explain to us – with a straight face – how democratic, egalitarian, tolerant, open and enlightened the state of Israel has always been, and how it grants all of its citizen’s equal rights.
Institutionalised Apartheid
Israel was already a profoundly racist, undemocratic, ethno-religious state before the nation-state law was passed last year. Now, it is even worse. Conceived of from the start as an ethno-religious “Jewish state” – a description it has finally openly acknowledged through the nation-state law – just as other countries thought of themselves as “white states” (South Africa, the segregationist US), it is not surprising that Israel quickly instituted a veritable apartheid system. Even access to water, the most fundamental and life-sustaining resource, is the object of differential treatment by Israel, which has never hesitated to confiscate water or to use it as a war weapon to collectively punish entire populations.
This reality is easily visible to anyone on the ground, and has been abundantly documented for decades by the media, all major human rights organizations, UN-mandated independent teams on the ground, Palestinian and Israeli activists, NGOs and academics, who explain how Israel’s apartheid regime constantly invents new, creative ways to perpetuate and consolidate itself.
Jewish Holocaust survivors and their descendants have themselves denounced Israel as a structurally segregationist, and even fascist, apartheid state. One can safely assume that when you have survived Auschwitz, you can recognize fascism in action – particularly in your own country.
ANC veterans who spent their own lives fighting apartheid in South Africa have also declared that what they saw in Israel was in some respects worse than what they confronted at home. Even US President Jimmy Carter wrote an entire book on Israel’s apartheid, explaining how Palestinians were caged in an open-air prison worse than what the South Africans had to face.
Legalized Discrimination
Israel’s discrimination against its Arab citizens, among others, is thus not just a societal, economic or cultural phenomenon. Every country has a share of that. In Israel’s case, discrimination is institutionalized, inscribed in its justice system as well. Israeli law includes numerous provisions that explicitly assert and institutionalize a principle of inequality between Jews and Arabs. To cite only one example, the Israeli flag, with its Star of David, represents only the Jewish majority of the country. But this differential treatment is certainly not limited to the realm of the symbolic. It exists in all domains of life: the definition of the state and its symbols, but also immigration laws, citizenship, political participation, access to land, culture, religion, budgetary policies, etc.
Similar to the Law of Return, the “settlements” in the occupied West Bank – often direct breaches of Israeli law itself and major violations of international law – are exclusively reserved for Jews.
Israel invests considerable resources there on infrastructure and social services, but non-Jews are not allowed to live in the settlements – even though they are often built on confiscated land privately owned by Palestinians.
These settlers live among a population of more than three million Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, who live under an all-pervasive, brutal military occupation. Another two million Palestinians live under siege and ongoing military terror in Gaza. None have a right to vote in Israeli elections.
Again, imagine the outcry if Britain or the US started invading territories outside of their internationally recognized borders, illegally annexed the land and resources, and then began creating Christian-only settlements in those areas.
The dozens of Israeli laws that explicitly discriminate against Arab citizens and Palestinians in the occupied territories are well documented, and they apply to all aspects of Palestinian life: citizenship, education, political and economic rights, residency, language, culture, religion, and so on.
Since the nation-state law has been adopted, Israel’s already systemic discrimination has become even worse, with new laws being passed to further entrench and expand inequality.
Israeli protest crackdown defies notion of ‘Democracy’
In addition to all of this evidence that Israel is no democracy, the state has also become globally infamous for its relentless, illegal, supremacist, hyper-violent colonialism; its annexation of land at gunpoint; its terroristic military; and its armies of fanatic Jewish “settlers”, who are little more than international rogues and land thieves.
Such lawless behavior has given Israel the distinct honor of being among the countries that for decades have been, and continue to be, regularly condemned by all major human rights organizations out there, and by the UN itself.

Silencing Truth & the Genocide Case:
Over the course of the war, Israel has targeted journalists in order for their crimes not to be published. Sources have confirmed more than 105 journalists were killed by Israeli military since October 7. That’s more than one per day. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) renewed its calls for the end to the killing of journalists by the Israeli military as the war enters its 100th day.
The Hannibal Directive
According to the directive, once it had been declared by a field officer, Israeli forces were to open fire on enemy forces carrying away an IDF prisoner. Vehicles suspected of removing such a prisoner from the battlefield could this be attacked, even at the risk of killing the prisoner himself.
The Israeli military has denied the interpretation of the directive that allows for the killing of their fellow troops, but Israeli soldiers, have understood it as a license to do just that, as it is preferred to a scenario in which a soldier is taken prisoner. The directives are shared orally with the commanders, and are never put to writing.
Why was the Directive Created?
In 1986, Israeli army commanders drew up the doctrine after three soldiers from the Givati Brigade, an Israeli infantry brigade, Hezbollah. Members of the brigade saw a vehicle getting away with their captive fellow soldiers but did not open fire. The directive was created in response to ensure that never happened again. The remains of the captured soldiers were returned to Israel 10 years later in 1996, in exchange for Israel returning the bodies of 123 Hezbollah fighters, according to the Israeli government.
Israel’s hardline stance since then is due to the fact that a soldier’s abduction is a strategic move for an enemy, giving them negotiating power, as well as the ability to affect both national morale and public support for a conflict.
In 2006 Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit was seized by Hamas. After five years in captivity, he was eventually released in exchange for more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners, the highest number of prisoners Israel released for one of its soldiers. The release of Palestinian prisoners themselves was seen as a humiliation and damaging the national honor which put Israel in a state of national psychosis, that’s why Israel wants to prevent the capture of soldiers at all costs, even at the cost of the death of the soldier. Following Shalit’s return, Israel began to arbitrarily arrest more Palestinians, including minors, in order to expand its assets for any future exchanges. All of this reinforces the perception that the life of one of the colonisers is worth a thousand times more than the lives of the colonized.
On August 1, 2014, during Israel’s 50-day bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which the Israeli military called Operation Protective Edge, the besieged enclave’s southern area of Rafah bordering Egypt was pounded after Hamas fighters captured Israeli officer Lieutenant Hadar Goldin. In the eyes of the Israeli public and from the eyes of Palestinians in Gaza, Israelis had lost the operation with the capture of Goldin. Exacting brute might, therefore, was a way for Israel to gain an upper hand. “An army that wants to save a captive doesn’t act like this. An army that wants to ensure the death of both captive and captors acts like this,” one soldier wrote to then army general Benny Gantz.
On October 7, Hamas captured many Israelis. Many of the civilian captives were exchanged in a prisoner swap. And many have been killed in Israeli air strikes on Gaza, Hamas has said. But many of those captured are soldiers, to whom the directive does not apply. These include Israelis (many of them female) and American Delta Force operatives. There are many high ranking officers amongst both groups. Amongst the Israeli POW’s, we find generals, senior officers, and more importantly, many from the intelligence services. These are very high value POW’s. Israel was going mad about this last group, as it would reveal very important information. Thus, Israel is bombing like crazy, with the hope that these high-value POW’s are killed. (As a side note, on October 7, when attacked the Israeli bases next to Gaza, they also took over the intelligence hub. They captured all the officers within PLUS took all the computers and servers, which revealed a treasure trove of information. This also led to the execution of the many spies Israel had within the Gazan population). Let’s say Hamas has one soldier and let’s say the agreement says to free a thousand [Palestinian] prisoners. There are 5,000 hostages in prison. Now, let’s say Hamas has six and they decide to free 3, 000, but now Hamas has 200+! The directive has already been put into practice in the war on Gaza. Israel has largely refused to negotiate with Hamas to release its captives, instead choosing to employ the use of force against the Gaza Strip which somewhat mirrors what the directive was about Israel’s current assault on Gaza already supersedes its previous most deadly ones in 2008 and 2014. In 2008, 1,385 Palestinians were killed over 22 days, while in 2014, Israel killed 2,251 Palestinians. “With the current indiscriminate bombing of Gaza, the government seems not only to be bringing unprecedented destruction on the people of Gaza but to be returning to the principle of preferring dead captives to a deal . Duration 28 minutes 00 seconds.

Distinctly Israeli Terror
It is difficult to find a worse rogue state than Israel. From its very inception, writ with ethnic cleansing, Israel has made the collective punishment of defenseless civilian populations, the killing of entire families, the deliberate mutilation of children, the bombing of schools and hospitals, and other barbaric atrocities as distinctly, recognizably Israeli.
The Zionists have a policy that goes like this: “What’s mine is mine, and what is yours is negotiable “
With this in mind, Israel collects taxes that are generated by import/export duties, etc. The amount collected then is forwarded to the PA, which uses the money to pay for salaries of its civil servants. This is around $188 million a month. Since the conflict started, Israel has refused to hand over this tax money to the PA. A day ago, Israel relented and sent the money to Norway! Israel says that Norway will hold the funds until Israel says it is ok to Release it to the PA. Even Israeli soldiers themselves … are exposing and documenting Israel’s systematic and deliberate targeting of defenseless Palestinians
Even Israeli soldiers themselves – thousands of them, often elite soldiers regrouped in veteran organizations such as Breaking the Silence – are exposing and documenting Israel’s systematic and deliberate targeting of defenseless Palestinians. As much as the ANC veterans know apartheid, and Holocaust survivors know fascism, when they see it, these brave soldiers surely know what they are talking about, as they were once a part of it. But they, too, are probably just “anti-Semites” or “self-hating Jews”; instead of them, maybe we ought to believe the likes of Netanyahu.
Having read the previous articles, especially “The Origins of Zionism”, then all of the above makes perfect sense. The creed that brought about Zionism rests on the two books of the Old Testament, Deuteronomy and Leviticus. It is filled with hatred and destruction of all non-Zionists. These teachings, reinforced by the Talmudic doctrines, do not preach anything but the total subjugation of humanity, Jews, Christians, Muslims, and others.
The Palestinians have their own right to decide their future. “Those who have come from all over the world have no right to steal our land”, is the common refrain from the Palestinians. We live in a downside-up political universe, where leaders of the formerly colonized nations are subjected to endless, pious lectures on humans rights and good governance by Western heads of state whose active participation in regime-change warfare, coups, and other depredations qualifies them as the biggest mass murderers and liars on the planet. Totally consistent with this stand-on-your-head worldview, is the just plain silly depiction of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith as a benign Jewish civil rights organization, dedicated to combating anti-Semitism and hatred in service of the brotherhood of humanity. Here is not the place to recount the actual sordid history of the ADL’s multifaceted ties to organized crime.
What’s new is that today’s political and strategic crisis is causing the ADL’s leaders, along with others, to debase, degrade, and expose themselves in a more obvious way than ever before. But when the 2014 Maidan coup in Ukraine brought to power the political heirs of the bona fide, blood-on-his-hands Jew-killer, 1940s Hitler ally Stepan Bandera, the ADL suddenly developed a severe case of political amnesia.
So, having tried, clumsily, to cover the tracks of actual Nazis and hate-mongers, the ADL nonetheless has discovered a new threat to our way of life. What is this looming evil that must be extirpated lest it poison us all? Why, it’s the sight of young Jewish Americans protesting the genocidal scorched-earth attack on Gaza by the Israel Defense Forces! Clearly, anyone, especially of Hebrew descent, who objects to “Bibi” Netanyahu’s collective punishment and indiscriminate vengeance masquerading as self-defense, is, ipso facto, anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic, and probably a secret Hamas agent, say our intrepid ADLers. What an incredible self-incriminating display!
To the ADL and its minions: Keep up the bad work! Seriously, every time you open your mouths nowadays, you help us to reveal what we’ve known you to have been all along—a hit squad for the London-Wall Street financial oligarchy, nothing more. Please continue that assistance.
The Genocide Case
“No one will stop us. Not The Hague,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a speech marking 100 days of war on Gaza, referring to the genocide trial it faces in the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
Namibia stated that Germany has failed to “draw lessons from its horrific history” by backing Israel at the ICJ, part of hearings where South Africa has accused Tel Aviv of carrying out a genocide against Palestinians.
The ICJ wrapped up hearings in The Hague on Friday, where South Africa claimed “genocidal intent” against Israel in its war on Gaza, charges Israel rejected as “libel”. Israel has been given one month to stop the war. If not, this then goes to UN. If the US and Britain vetoes any action against Israel, then the General Assembly takes charge- and who knows where this may end up, as the majority of the members are from the Global South. The only media coverage of the case in Hague shown to American audiences was that when the Zionist lawyers were speaking. What was not shown was when the South African lawyers were making their briefs and presenting evidence. Due to a nearly total control over the Western media, the Rothschild family has exercised massive censorship in the media over any unfavorable news to their Zionist project. There was practically zero coverage of the ICJ verdict in the West – in North America and Europe.
A second case is being filed. Nearly 50 South African lawyers, led by attorney Wikus Van Rensburg, are gearing up to file a lawsuit against the United States and the United Kingdom, asserting their complicity in Israeli forces’ war crimes in Palestine. This initiative follows South Africa’s filing of a genocide case against “Israel” at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Rensburg, the driving force behind the legal action, aims to prosecute those complicit in the crimes through civilian courts, collaborating with legal professionals in the US and UK, and emphasized the need to hold the US accountable for its actions and highlighted the forthcoming legal proceedings against Washington and London. “The United States must now be held accountable for the crimes it committed,” Rensburg stated. “No one says stop, enough is enough.” He referenced the lack of accountability for the US’ crimes in Iraq and underscored the importance of giving due significance to such issues. “What happened in Iraq is an example of this; no one held the US accountable for the crimes it committed in the Middle Eastern country as the issue was not given the necessary importance,” he noted.
A common gripe against the U.S.’s position: It’s hypocritical for officials to back Israel’s operation in Gaza while staunchly criticizing Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. “I’m sick of this hypocrisy. It’s not politics,” Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said, “I would say such hypocrisy is happening in many of the so-called countries that promote democracy and human rights.”
Time for a Cease-Fire?
Gaza has experienced five attacks from Israel in the past 15 years, but none of these have been as barbaric as the current war. By its actions, it has shown the world its genocidal face- thanks to social media. The longer this goes on, the more support Israel and the US loses.
AS we have seen from previous articles, Israel and the US were caught unaware by the military, but jumped at the opportunity this provided to carry out the Rockefeller “consolidation” plans regarding the gas field’s off-shore. Operating under a tight time-bound schedule, the Israeli military went all out destroying Gaza and committing genocide. Openly proclaiming this intention, the world recoiled in horror and revulsion at what Israel was doing. By this, Israel began losing whatever support it had, and revealed to the world its true character. No matter what it does going forward, it will never regain respect. Since Israel has made clear its program (in public) of genociding the Palestinians in Gaza, and knowing well that they won’t succeed, has made them continue with their brutality.
Hamas & the Palestine Resistance
Israel is in negotiations with the United States and others about a possible prisoner exchange involving the Hamas hostages and certain categories of political prisoners—women and children—held by Israel (yes, you read that right—children. And now you know the wisdom of Hamas’ decision to take Israeli children hostage.)
Such a possibility would never have occurred if it weren’t for the Hamas raid of October 7.
And in Saudi Arabia, the largest gathering of Islamic nations in modern history has convened to discuss the Gaza crisis. One of the top agenda items is the issue of the Al Aqsa Mosque and ending Israeli desecration. This was a discussion that would never have taken place if it were not for the Hamas raid of October 7. Many people could barely remember the names of the various Palestinian resistance groups. Now, no one will ever forget the name “Hamas”, or Gaza. The plight that Al Aqsa fell in under the Israeli occupation has been high-lighted globally in ways that was not possible before.
The barbarous actions by the Israeli occupation in arresting Palestinian civilians (including 100s of children) and locking them up with no cause or charge has been made aware to the world like never before. The issue of Palestinian statehood was fading away, but for the actions of the Resistance in Gaza and West Bank.
The Abrahamic Accords, which were meant to legitimize Israel in the region needed the signature of the key Arab/Muslim leader in the region- that is now permanently off the table. We can see from this that any chance of compromise is slim to none. The escalation in the Middle East is not the last conflict to come, with more hostilities expected to break out worldwide soon – and no one seems to be capable now of stopping them.
The August-September repo market on Wall Street blew up. Within a month of this David Rockefeller jnr gave the go-ahead for the imposition of Covid and the resulting global lockdown. This was done in order to save the financial system from totally collapsing, by eliminating the demand for credit from the financial system. Whatever available credit available was meant to be set aside for the financial system.
London-the home base of the Rothschild family joined the Rockefellers in enforcing this lockdown in the countries under their control- the EU, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and Israel- and who were amongst the most tormented nations under the Covid program.
The 2 families made a deal. London will help New York in enforcing this lockdown, in addition to helping New York with their “climate change” agenda- another Mickey Mouse operation. Both of these- Covid and climate change are Rockefeller programs. London has very little to do with this. London would help New York, on the condition that they put their man in the White House. Saving the financial system was more important to David Rockefeller than granting London a 4-year term in the White House- which was under firm Rockefeller control since FDR’s time (1933). So, the deal was done, and Biden became the new “manager” in the White House. Rothschild influence over the executive would produce disastrous results for the US. Within a short time, these Rothschild/London policies came to include the following:-
Immigration & open borders.
Every one of these policies emanate from London, which in turn gets it from a source that is diabolical. The results are clear for all to see. The main thing here is that the combination of these policies has turned most western societies upside down- especially the US.
The Covid caper cost millions of lives –all just to save a dying, insolvent financial system. Just this one fact alone shows that these 2 criminal families have zero empathy for human lives.
In fact, were one to tally the lives lost once these 2 families gained power and control, since the 1830s (in London’s case) and the 1900 (in New York’s case), the final figure runs into 200 million + lives !.
The key thing here is the lies, misdirection; double-standards, hypocrisy, law fare, censorship, freezing bank accounts and imprisonment have resulted in many people opening up their eyes to the reality of power and its servants in government. The resulting disappointment of the people and their trust in government and authority has declined to low levels.
With Biden in the White House, his behavior has made the US a laughing joke in the world. Many have realized that Biden makes for an excellent “front man”, while the real power is exercised by Jake Sullivan and the neocons.
The Ukraine war has added to this state of despair. Billions were pumped into Project Ukraine, all to no avail. The US, and NATO suffered a humiliating defeat, but they are still “doubling down” on this. The Americans are furious about this financial and military aid going to foreign wars while within the US, the society and economy is imploding. Even worse is the censorship being placed on Covid lies and pro-Palestinian news. The final “nail in the coffin” is the Gaza conflict. The entire world witnessed the total subservience of the White House and the political class endorsing genocide. After all the abuse meted out by the governments of the West on its own people, the citizens of the world rose up in rage and began countless protests, locally and globally.
The ICJ verdict in the genocide case was a positive for the world, and a huge negative for Project Israel and the West. It has finally punctured the false narrative spewed in the media for the past 80 years, of Israel being the only democracy in the region, etc.
The masks have dropped and the gloves are off. When the true face of evil has been revealed, the world recoiled in horror. All of the above facts, combined, have resulted in the HUMILIATION and ISOLATION of both America and Israel. Global pro-Palestinian protests call for Gaza ceasefire. Hundreds of thousands of people protest every weekend, around the world, for the past 4 months. The size of these protests increase every week.
The 2 families are very worried. Let’s do Ukraine first. The Rockefeller family has pulled the plug on funding Ukraine, and handed the ball over to London and Paris- the bases of the two Rothschild branches. Now, the Rothschilds want to steal Russia’s $300 billion frozen funds of the Russian government, for which Moscow has replied that all Western remaining business assets within Russia will be taken over as compensation. Ukraine is undergoing massive losses in men and machines. Even British, French, American and other NATO intelligence officers and military men are being wiped out in large numbers. Their Project Ukraine is a bust.
Combine that with the defeat of Israel in Gaza, and we find that these two families and their correspondent networks of power aka “the deep state” are cornered. A cornered animal is dangerous. The global empires of these two are cracking up. Their anger and rage has robbed them of rational thinking and logical moves. Let us give you an idea of their range and anger.
- Covid= FAIL.
- Climate agenda = FAIL.
- Green Agenda = FAIL.
- Antifata = FAIL.
- Woke = FAIL.
- Project Ukraine = FAIL.
- Gaza gas deal = FAIL.
- Then there is the controlled immigration on its southern borders. The government has outlayed $20 billion for this project. This policy has 2 distinct aims: the first is to “brownise” the white race, and the second is to bus/fly these immigrants to areas that will boost the chance of the democrats hanging onto the White House in the coming elections. This is a Rothschild initiative. It is a “work in progress”. With Texas and the Republican states taking action, this will also become a failed policy.
- Then comes BRICS, and its key newest members – Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE and Egypt. The only way America can neutralize this existential threat to its global power is to blow up the Middle East, by provoking Iran. America has failed in stopping Eurasian integration.
- To add to the misery that these 2 families are going through, their global empires are weakening, and many sectors are on the verge of collapse. The Western-based financial system is on the verge of implosion.
- Their 3-decades long build-up of “globalization” has also crashed- a project countless billions have been spent on.
Failure after failure has made these 2 families become completely unhinged. And, therein lies great danger. When the Houthis began hitting Israeli-bound ships, and as well as US warships, New York has decided to expand the war in the region, with Iran being the main target. In the face of the impending collapse of their New World Order, the heads of the two families have reached this conclusion: “I rather blow up the world than lose my empire”.
In this position, they could not care two hoots what the global population cares about them, or their captive politicians, heads of states and media big wigs. There is much, much more we can write, but I am sure that you, the reader, get the message of this title. The resulting debacle has left both the US and Israel isolated and humiliated. Our next article is titled “Iran & the 3 Musketeers “. Stay tuned till then.