South Africa is a member of BRICS. This stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. As related in an earlier issue on BRICS, both London and New York are doing their utmost to sabotage and derail the Brics countries at every opportunity possible.
From the financial and political scandal targeting South Africa and its President, Jacob Zuma, this onslaught has not slackened. Read about this particular aspect, when in the immediate aftermath of the Brics meeting in Fortaleza in Brazil in July 2014.
Fast forward to December 2015, in South Africa.
President Zuma hosted Chinese President Xi Jinping , who was in South Africa on a state visit. Both chaired the economic summit in Pretoria. The two leaders evaluated the progress achieved by the two countries since December 2014, during Zuma’s last visit to China. In addition, 26 fresh agreements were signed between the two countries, totaling some R94 billion. It was a win-win for both countries, especially for South Africa, targeted for destabilization from New York; especially a South African nationalist leader.
Xi also announced new economic aid for the continent, covering the industrialization of African nations, agriculture, and infrastructure. Beijing has been Africa’s largest trading partner for the last six years, with trading volume totaling $222 in 2014.
The meeting between the two leaders ended on December 2. Within a few days, both Russian and Chinese intelligence agencies informed Zuma that his finance minister is working hard to derail these Brics economic and financial agreements between them and South Africa, mainly the nuclear deal between Russia and South Africa. With evidence on hand, Zuma called Nene, asked for explanations, and fired him. This was on December 9-10.
This was bad enough for the London-controlled political and financial network in South Africa, but what made it worse for them was Zuma’s appointment of David van Rooyen. Why? Because he was slated to become the head of the South African branch of BRICS. For both London and New York, this was not on.
The next day, New York and London crashed the South African currency, and threatened to take the country to the brink, if Zuma did not recall Nene. On that Friday, December 10, the ratings agencies downgraded South Africa’s credit rating to one level above junk. This has the effect of increasing the financial costs to South Africa, meaning a higher credit-risk individual, company, or country, has to pay a higher rate of interest, before lenders part with their money.
Within New York’s orbit are Standard and Poors and Moodys. Within London’s orbit is Fitch. First Fitch (London) acted, followed a short while later by New York (Standard and Poors). It was an act of financial warfare at its best.
London’s representative for all Rothschild interests in South Africa is the Oppenheimer family, its richest and most powerful family and business group. Working under Nicky Oppenheimer are its key “black diamonds”, such as Cyril Ramaphosa, Patrick Motsepe, Tokyo Sexwale – amongst others. In addition to which the Oppenheimer/Rothschild nexus controls most of the country’s financial, mining, industrial, and media sectors. It’s a super-powerful combination. And ALL of it has been arrayed against Zuma from the time he became the South African President.
On Sunday December 13, some of these assets met with Zuma and issued him a threat. Either re-instate Zuma, or bring back Pravin Gordhan as the Finance Minister. Failure to do so , they would plunge the rand even further, foreign investors would flee, interest rates would rise (control and ownership of South Africa’s central bank – the Reserve Bank resides with the Oppenheimer/Rothschild nexus), and the resulting spike in inflation would hit the poorest hardest.
In the face of such threats, Zuma had no choice but to capitulate. The Oppenheimer/London assets included the following people at this meeting: Maria Ramos (Barclays-Absa), Colin Coleman (Goldman Sachs -a Rockefeller investment bank), Stephen Koseff (Investec), Former Anglo-American executive (Bobby Godsell, ans Hohan Burger (First Rand).
A slide to disaster – and collapse of the currency – was averted.
That evening President Zuma on, live TV, at a conference, spoke about the suffering of Africans, first under slavery and then under colonialism and apartheid, and repeatedly returned to the theme of the importance of political power if it were not accompanied by economic power. He kept coming back to how the British and French colonialists in particular had developed ways of creating Africans in their own image.
These Africans, who have not found their true identity as Africans, are unconsciously manipulated to serve the interests of the colonialists rather than the interests of Africans, he explained. What became apparent was a distinction in his mind between true Africans who identified with the continent and those who were obstructing the realization of the economic kingdom. It was clear to many that he saw Nene as one of those in the latter group. Such Africans had gone astray and were preventing the access of state funds that was needed to create a new class of African industrialists. He seemed almost to be asserting his entitlement to personal control of state funds.
Here, Zuma was hinting directly at those South Africans who were at the service of foreign financial powers, both in London and New York. Those working for their pockets instead of for the country. That, folks, is the true story behind the sacking of Nene.