Tag: Mohammed Mossadeq

Weaponising Islam – “The Muslim Brotherhood” Part 3 (of a 6 part series)

The Beginning: How Britain begat the Brotherhood Jamal Eddine al-Afghani In 1885, an Iranian proposed the idea of a British-led pan-Islamic alliance among Turkey, Egypt, Iran and Afghanistan against czarist Russia. It was the era of the Great Game, the long-running geopolitical struggle between Britain and Russia for control of Central Asia. The biggest land grab […]

Iran: A Case Study Part 1

The first oil discoveries in the Middle East were made by the British in Iran, in 1909. A company, Anglo-Persian Oil was formed to exploit this concession. This find also ignited the already brutal contest between Britain and Germany. During the 2nd World War, Iran was occupied in the north by the Russians, and in […]

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