Tag: Illuminati

The Origins of Zionism Part 3 (of a 3 Part Series)

The story continues from Part 2 … https://behindthenews.co.za/the-origins-of-zionism-part-2-of-a-3-part-series/ A Study of the Jewish Mentality The chief difficulty in writing about the Zionist Question is the super sensitiveness of Jews and non-Jews concerning the whole matter. There is a vague feeling that even to openly use the word “Jew”, or to expose it to the print […]

The Origins of Zionism Part 1 (of a 3 Part Series)

Introduction The article below is an expose of the Zionist lies. Why are Jews persecuted? I always used to wonder what it was about Jews that made people throughout history despise them. If they were indeed “God’s chosen” I thought, they had to be the unluckiest people in the history of the world. Why were […]

The Great Reset and the Woke Agenda Part 3 (of a 3 Part Series)

The Khazar Kingdom  Japheth was a son of the Prophet Noah. Japheth, in turn, had a son called Askhenaz, who also happened to be a nephew of Ajooj (of the Gog and Magog tribes). These Ashkenazi spoke a Jewish dialect called Yiddish. In the 1860s they numbered around 12 million, while the Sephardim numbered around […]

The Origins of Modern Finance Part 1 (of a 3 Part Series)

The Beginning The present financial system, while recognizing private ownership, is based largely on interest. Money is a most fundamental tester of human character. Money will expose most people very deeply. All this is well known, but less well known is the process by which this power of money has been brought under the absolute […]

The Controversy of Zion Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

The Eviction Period Many of the wealthy Jews expelled from Spain moved into other parts of Western Europe. The richest among them established themselves in Amsterdam. Over the course of 150 years, they built up a strong financial and political base. And it was from Amsterdam that the Jewish financiers fought Catholic England, defeated the […]

The Controversy of Zion Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

The story of Zion, from its start, falls into 5 distinct phases, those of the Levites, the Pharisees, the Talmudists, the Illuminati, and finally, the Zionists.  The Levitical phase was that of isolated Judah, the Babylonian “captivity” and “return”, and the production and enforcement of “the Mosaic Law”.  The Pharisee phase, which followed and roughly […]

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