The West versus Eurasian Integration Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

Take a look at the map of the Eurasian continent. It is one single mass. Starting around 1500, in response to the takeover of Constantinople by the Ottomans in 1453, and the eviction of the Muslims from Spain in 1494, it was decided by Portugal to find alternate routes to the East without paying the […]

The Gaza War Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

The Current War On Wednesday, October 4th, a group of 800 Jewish settlers invaded Al Aqsa Mosque, under protection from the Israeli police. This invasion of the mosque has been increasing over the past few years, and it acts like a trigger for the Palestinians. This last elicited a response from Palestinian groups resisting Israel. […]

Ukraine – A NATO Defeat: What Next?

It has been 4 months since Ukraine began the counter-offensive, this time with a large infusion of NATO equipment. The Russian Ministry of Defense, meanwhile, has revealed that Ukraine has suffered a staggering 90,000 battlefield deaths since the start of the – failed – counteroffensive four months ago. Then add nearly 600 tanks and more than […]

Game over for the West – The Unipolar is Dead Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

A multi-polar world is bad news for the American Empire but great news for gold. Since the 1970s it’s been virtually impossible for a country to function without access to US dollars. And Washington maintained this highly-favorable status quo by putting various kinds of pressure — from sanctions to election theft to outright invasion — […]

The Empire’s Worst Nightmare – The Russia-Iran-China Triangle Part 1 (of a 2 Part series)

Introduction  In 1904 in a speech before the Royal Geographical Society in London British geographer Sir Halford    Mackinder, a firm advocate of the British Empire, presented what is arguably one of the most influential documents in world foreign policy of the past two hundred years since the Battle of Waterloo. His short speech was titled […]

The SCO – The West’s Worst Nightmare Part 3 (of a 3 Part Series)

2010-2021 BRICS BRICS is the acronym coined to associate five major emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The BRICS members are known for their significant influence on world affairs. Since 2009, the governments of the BRICS states have met annually at formal summits. China hosted the most recent 14th BRICS summit on 24 July 2022 virtually. BRICS host […]

Six Months into the War – Analyses & Update Part 4 (of a 4 Part Series)

The Global South AKA Zone B The End of the Unipolar World On February 24, 2022, the start of the special military operation in Ukraine marked the end of the unipolar world. Six months after the start of the Special Military Operation (SMO) by Russia in Ukraine, the geopolitical tectonic plates of the 21st century have […]

Qatar-in the Cross-Hairs of New York

At one time, from 2002 till 2015, Qatar and the US were very close allies. Then, things began to change. Do remember, Qatar is tied into the Rothschild Network of Power, which is based in London and Paris. Three events changed all of this. This has brought the friendship between the New York and Qatar […]

The Carve Up Begins

Decline of Global Trade | Currency Wars |De-Dollarization Decline of Global Trade While the global economy is doing well, the amount of stuff that is imported and exported around the world goes up, and when the global economy is in recession, the amount of stuff that is imported and exported around the world goes down. […]

Why did Zuma fire Nene?

South Africa is a member of BRICS. This stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. As related in an earlier issue on BRICS, both London and New York are doing their utmost to sabotage and derail the Brics countries at every opportunity possible. From the financial and political scandal targeting South Africa and […]

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