The October 1973 War
We will go through this war by looking at the perspective from each of the main players- Egypt, Syria, Israel and the US.
The dazzling victory by Israel raised the level of pride and arrogance of Jews the world over. It also sparked a boom in immigration, and in the arms business. Just prior to the war the economy had been stagnating and unemployment at 10%.
After the war the economy surged at over 10% a year. Immigration, now including a large number of Americans, poured in. In the first three years 1967, the military industry quadrupled its output. In 1967, Israel had proved itself as a “strategic asset”, which made the Americans equip and finance it accordingly. The Americans never liked the Israelis, and vise-versa This feeling reflected the attitudes of their bosses, but they did have to work together in many arenas, especially in geopolitics-oil, finance, intelligence and arms, for this is where the money and power lie, and in this there is no room for sentiments or emotion. This is the world of REALPOLITIK. The Rockefeller family found that using Israel as its “gangster force” in the region to protect its oil interests was “cost efficient”. Whenever the Rockefeller oil interests were threatened, it used Israel to do its dirty work for them.
In the meantime, Jewish immigration to Israel from Russia never stopped. Between 1971 and 1973, around 100,000 Soviet Jews landed in Israel, not counting an additional 25,000 Eastern European Jews. These Jews were needed to occupy and settle the new lands which Israel conquered in June 1967. This was the West Bank, taken from Jordan.
From July 1967, Israeli bombing of Egypt became so relentless that in October Nasser evacuated the three Canal cities, Port Said, Ismailia and Suez. Israel seemed to have a particular hatred for Egypt’s irrigation system. Several attempts were made to bomb Nag Hammadi, an important transformer station and to lay mines in the Barrage below Cairo. This threat to the irrigation system touched the deepest instincts of the Egyptians, for this system was the bedrock of the entire Egyptian society, and one which lasted for thousands of years. Maintaining this irrigation system was the cement of Egyptian society. The Israelis were trying to cause a social upheaval by attempts to fracture this system.
By 1969, the Israelis secured 50 F-4s from the US, and on delivery it was put into action immediately. By January 1970, the F4s were attacking targets in the suburb of Cairo, during the “War of Attrition” between Egypt and Israel. This bombing had the effect of driving Nasser into the arms of the Soviets, who agreed to send combat troops to Egypt and set up an air-defense system in the country. In consequence, the Israelis found it was no longer possible to bomb at will, and in August, the US imposed a cease-fire, bringing the “war of Attrition” to an end.
The main military problem confronting Nasser at this time was how to hold a bridgehead on either side of the Suez Canal. Without missile cover, anything bigger than hit-and-run raids would be certain of annihilation. Nasser learnt that Israel had about 50 crack pilots who were transferred from one front to another. The general level of the rest of the air force was not as high as this small elite group.
To stop Israel from bombing deep into Egypt, they established a 30-km strip west of the Canal and Moscow supplied SAM 7s, and it was in this particular stretch that the Egyptian High Command decided that the fate of the Middle East would eventually be decided. In trying to establish the missile site, Israel relentlessly bombed the area, resulting in the loss of thousands of engineers and civilian lives.
In February 1970, Nasser went to Moscow for more arms and missiles to stop the threat from Israeli bombing. This is what he said to Soviet leader Brezhnev in response to why he was afraid of Israeli bombing: “I’m not afraid of bombing, but I want to bomb the people who are bombing me. Let me remind you that there are 2,000 vital targets in Egypt. If Israel bombed one of our strategic barrages, it might mean the flooding of 200,000 acres.”
By the beginning of April, the first Russian planes arrived. On 18 April, they had the first brush with the Israelis. The Russians pursued them, with all communications between them going out in Russian. It was the signal to the Americans that the Russians had arrived in Egypt. The Israelis got the message. There was no more raiding in depth. By August the US brokered a cease-fire.
A month later, on September 28 1970, Nasser suffered a heart attack and passed away. Two weeks later, Anwar Sadat became the new master of Egypt. Egypt was pouring over 20% of its GNP into the military (Israel was close beyond at 18% but was greatly subsidized by America). How could Egypt ever make economic progress in such circumstances? Egypt wanted to stabilize , but could not do it while Israel sat on the eastern bank of the Canal, as Israel would have little incentive to negotiate , and Sadat could not negotiate from such a position of weakness, certainly not while the entire Sinai was in Israel’s hands. He would have to do something. All the while the Egyptian people were being promised that every year when Egypt would take land back from Israel. The mood of the country was one of anger and frustration.
Saudi King Faisal’s brother-in-law was Kamel Adhem, who was head of Saudi Intelligence. Sadat was close to Adhem from the early 1960s when he was providing Sadat with a steady income. The Saudis wanted the Russians out from Egypt, and Sadat explained his dependence on Russian aid as long as America was supporting Israel with everything it needed, but he said if Israel withdrew from the Sinai, he would get rid of the Russians: ”Do you think I want to keep them? We need them to give us protection in depth, but they are a burden on us because we have to pay them in hard currency”.
The Rockefellers were happy with with Nasser’s demise from the scene. They sent John J McCloy to Nasser’s funeral, and he had a private meeting with Sadat soon after the funeral. In short, a “hotline” was established between Sadat and Adhem. Adhem in turn communicated with Kissinger. This was kept secret from even their aides. The Rockefellers wanted to manipulate Sadat to change the geopolitical equation in the region to their advantage.
In July 1972, Sadat had another meeting with the Soviets about arms supply deliveries, which Sadat felt was very slow. As Sadat told the Soviet Ambassador in Cairo about everything that had happened between their two countries since February 1971: “Brezhnev lied to me in March 1971, Podgorny lied to me in May 1971, and Brezhnev lied to me in October 1971. Do you think I don’t know your game? You have agreed with the Americans that there is to be no war – – – let me tell you that you have no tutelage over us – – – all right, then. I am giving you ten days. After that, the old way of doing business between us is over”.
In July 1972, Egypt threw out the arrogant Soviet military advisors (20,000 of them). After this break, Moscow speeded up the supply of arms to an extraordinary extent.
In the 5 years (1967-1973), Egypt spent $9 billion on the war effort. By 1973, Egypt became the laughing stock of the world. Its friends in the Global South were in despair. Each day that passed was a day of humiliation for Egypt. Sadat wanted to create a shock- more psychological and diplomatic than military – which would enable both sides to show flexibility that was impossible while Israel considered itself military supreme. Egypt was paralyzed by humiliation.
Asad came to power in late 1970 in Syria, through a coup. The Syrians were outraged by Israel’s expansion and believed what had been taken by force could only be regained by force. Syria and Israel, competing for supremacy in the Levant were doomed to be antagonists. Any gain for one must be a loss for the other. No other Arab state sensed as acutely as Syria that the contest with Israel involved nothing less than the Arab’s national existence. So with stubborn patience which was the hallmark of his character, Asad set about preparing for war. He flew to Cairo and met with Sadat, and the Arab world followed suit. He then went to Moscow and gave the Soviets what they wanted in the Middle East – a stable presence and listening posts in the region.
In military terms he knew that a two-front strategy against Israel was the essential prerequisite for victory. In 1967, Egypt, Jordan and Syria, suspicious of each other and at odds, had fought separate, uncoordinated wars, allowing Israel to defeat each of them in turn. Asad was determined that Israel would be forced to fight on two fronts simultaneously. A two-front strategy was the bedrock of the secret planning which Asad and Sadat began planning early in 1971. In May, Asad went to Moscow and got more arms: – 30 jets, 100 SAM batteries and AA guns.
D-Day was finally decided on September 12. Asad said “If there is failure on the Egyptian front, it will be the end of the Arabs- which means the end of Syria. If there a failure on the Syrian front, this would not be the end. For if Damascus falls it can be re-captured; if Cairo falls the whole Arab nation falls”.
King Hussein was eager for peace. But, he was scared. The 1967 War had cost him half kingdom; another conflict would cost him the throne itself. He knew that if he joined Egypt and Syria when war came, he would expose himself to devastating Israeli punishment, but that if he remained aloof he would face an Arab charge of betrayal and treachery. On September 11, 1973, Hussein joined and was back in the Arab world. When war started, pressure mounted on him to join the war. He then phoned Kissinger to get permission from Israel to move a brigade to the Syrian front. In Washington, Kissinger and Simcha Dinitz (the Israeli Ambassador) had a good laugh, and Kissinger said, “Only in the Middle East is it conceivable that a belligerent would ask its adversary’s approval for engaging in an act of war against it”.
The US
In 1945, the Rockefeller brothers re-structured the global order. Three institutions were created: The World Bank, the IMF and the UN. All three under Rockefeller control, with joint control of the IMF shared with the Rothschilds. The dollar would be pegged to gold – priced at $35 per ounce – and all other currencies would be pegged to the dollar. This peg began to weaken in the 1960s, due to the large costs of the Vietnam War, and social programs in the US.
For the American public, it was an unpopular war. Wars can be financed only two ways; by raising taxes or by borrowing. Had Washington raised taxes, the outcry would have ensured a quick to end to the war. This left borrowing. But the effects and its implications would be felt by every person on this globe. Washington borrowed to finance the war, thus weakening the dollar. Washington, thus, forced Europe to “swallow” this US war cost in the form of cheapened dollars. As long as the US refused to devalue the dollar against gold (by increasing the official price of gold) to reflect the deterioration of US economic performance since 1964; Europe had to pay the cost by accepting dollars at the same ratio as it had some 20 years ago.
European central banks began to accumulate large dollar accounts which they used as official reserves; they earned interest by investing in US Treasury bonds. The net effect was that European central banks thereby “financed” the huge US deficits. Their dollar holdings were declining in value in relation to their own currencies. But US policy circles refused to listen to these protestations, because they reasoned that a devaluation of the dollar would cut the power of the big New York, Rockefeller-owned banks in world capital markets.
Those countries sitting with these surplus dollars watched the value of their dollar holdings decline year after year. Occupied countries like Germany and Japan had to keep quiet and lump it. But Britain and France (the 2 Rothschild colonies) took their surplus dollars to the Fed in New York, and cashed them in for physical gold.
By May 1971, the US recorded its first monthly trade deficit. Its federal budget had gone from $3 billion in 1963 to reach $25 billion by 1968. Its external liabilities had soared to #36 billion, while its gold holdings fell to $12 billion. Something sooner or later had to break.
A British delegation visited Nixon on Friday, August 12th, and demanded that the US release 3,000 tons of gold. Nixon told them to come back on Monday. Under instructions from three Rockefeller advisors, Paul Bennet, George Shultz and Paul Volcker, Nixon announced the formal suspension of dollar convertibility into gold. This was done on Monday, August 15, 1971. The British and the Rothschilds were furious!
The suspension of gold redemption, and the resulting international “floating exchange rates” of this period solved nothing. It only bought time. The Wall Street rationale was that the power of its financial domain must not be touched, even at the expense of economic prosperity. The three principal advisors were all well rewarded by David Rockefeller; Bennet went onto becoming a director of Exxon, George Shutlz became head of Bechtel and later Secretary of State, while Paul Volcker was made the head of the Fed in 1979.
Soon, massive dollar flows left for Europe and Japan. The dollar dropped by 40 % against major currencies. The August 1971 demonetization of the dollar was used to but precious time, while the Rockefellers devised a strategy to create a strong dollar and to increase their relative political power in the world, just when it appeared they were in a decisive rout.
In May 1973, with the dramatic fall of the dollar still fresh, a group of 84 of the world’s top financial and political insiders met at the secluded island resort of the Swedish Wallenberg family, at Saltsjoebaden, Sweden. This gathering hosted by Rockefeller’s Bilderberg Group, heard Walter Levy outline a ”scenario” for an imminent 400% increase in OPEC oil revenues. The purpose of this meeting was not to prevent the expected oil price shock, but to plan and manage the about-to-be-created flood of oil dollars, a process Kissinger later called “recycling the petro-dollar flows”. Present at this meeting were David Rockefeller, Edmond Rothschild and their key aides. The Bilderberg was started in 1954 by David Rockefeller, and this Bilderberg process, with their annual meetings, became one of the most effective levels of post-war policy-shaping for the two families.
In 1973, the two families decided to launch a colossal assault against industrial growth in the world, in order to tilt the balance of power back to the advantage of Wall Street and the City of London. In order to do this, they were determined to use their most prized weapon – control of the world’s oil flows. Bilderberg policy was to trigger a global oil embargo in order to force a dramatic increase in the world oil process. Since 1945, the world oil trade has been priced in dollars. Rockefeller companies dominated the postwar oil markets. A sudden and sharp increase in oil prices, therefore, meant an equally dramatic increase in demand for dollars to pay for that necessary oil. Thus the flight out of the dollar would be sharply reversed, once more increasing the power of the Rockefeller Empire- its oil companies and banks in New York, thus maintaining the power of the family.
Never in history had such a small circle of interests, (in New York and London), controlled so much of the world’s economic destiny. The main Rockefeller oil companies are Exxon, Chevron, and a few others. While the main Rothschild oil companies are BP, Shell and Total, and a few others. These two families resolved to use their oil power in a manner no one could imagine possible. Their scheme was utterly outrageous, and that was their chief advantage, they reckoned.
On October 6, 1973, Egypt and Syria invaded Israel to reclaim their lands, igniting what became known as the “Yom Kippur” or the “Ramadan War”, or the “October War”. Contrary to popular perceptions, this war was not the result of miscalculation or blunder. The entire constellation of events surrounding the outbreak of war and its aftermath, including Kissinger’s infamous “shuttle diplomacy”, along the precise lines of the Bilderberg deliberations in Sweden – in May-were as per script, while the Arab oil producing nations were to be the scapegoat for the coming rage from consumers, while the two families responsible stood quietly in the background. The world of oil is governed by supply and demand, but what if “supply is manipulated”. Let’s see how the CIA began to put into place certain actions that would result in supply being squeezed.
In June 1968, the CIA put the Baath Party back into power in Iraq, and Saddam Hussein became the ruler. On September 1, 1969, the CIA Rome-station engineered a coup, placing Qaddafi as the new ruler of Libya. Iraq. In June 1972, Saddam nationalized the Iraq Petroleum Corp (IPC). He then squeezed the many oil companies operating there, forced them to pay higher prices, and also nationalized many of them, with a particular focus on the Rothschild Company BP. By September 1973, all foreign companies were nationalized. Bu October 1973, the only foreign oil operations still in the Middle East was in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. In April 1973, the TAP pipeline carrying Saudi oil to the Mediterranean was blown up, further reducing supplies in an already edgy market.
The industrialized world economy was booming, and demand for oil was increasing. It was becoming a “sellers’ market”. US domestic oil production was running at full tilt; by September US imports were running at 6.2 million barrels per day, and the bulk of US imports were coming from the Middle East. Both Europe and Japan were also clamoring for more supplies.
Then, in comes the environmentalists-especially the Sierra Club – which was started and funded by the Rockefeller foundation! The Sierra Club made such an outcry over an oil spill off the coast of California in 1968, that Nixon banned all further offshore drilling. World oil production in 1973 was 50 million barrels per day, while demand was 49.5 million, leaving a surplus of just 500,000 barrels. A 99 % utilization rate and a 1% security margin in any business makes for a very precarious supply-demand balance. By August 1973, panic buying sees oil prices skyrockets. From 1949 until the end of 1970, Middle East oil prices had averaged $1.90 a barrel. They rose to $3 in February 1973. What the market needed now was a “trigger”, as everything was now in place.
Now, let’s see how this “trigger” was put in and synchronized. For this entire plan to work, the Arabs must be the first to attack, in order to regain their honor, and then must be made mad enough at American support for Israel to activate the use of oil as a “political weapon”, and so completing the plans finalized in May, in Sweden. In order for success, Israel must be restrained in order not to “pre-empt” and attack first. Israel must not be in any mortal danger, but instead would be given a “bloody nose”. The Rothschilds made sure that Israel never attacked first, no matter how great the threat.
Israeli PM Golda Meir received instructions from Edmund Rothschild, in Paris, that Israel was not to fire the first shot, and she rejected appeals from her military that Israel get the first shot. Secondly, Israel drew the wrong conclusions from the air battle over Damascus on 13 September, in which they shot down 13 Syrian jets.
By mid-1973, Israeli intelligence knew almost the entire war plans. Knowing the Arab war plans was one thing; believing that the Arabs actually intended to go to war was quite another. Kissinger, of course, knew more than others. His central aim was to exclude the Soviets from any part of the peace process that would follow the war. This would make the action towards war and the subsequent increase in the oil price much easier to manipulate. The idea was for Egypt to fall into the American orbit, by turning an enemy into a valuable ally for them, and from they could use Egypt as a battering ram against the idea of Arab unity. Egypt is the leader of the Arab world, and without Egypt, the Arab world could not go to war with Israel, or defend itself from Israeli aims. On 23 September, David Rockefeller paid a visit to Sadat in Egypt, and informed Sadat that it was time to “heat things up”. We now go back to the war.
The War
At 2pm on Saturday 0ctober 6, 1973, 222 Egyptian MiGs blasted over the Sinai in a series of strikes which achieved 90% of their targets with the loss of just 5 planes. Over 6,000 guns, rockets, artillery and mortars opened up on the Canal front. By then the news that after 3 hours of fighting, the Suez Canal had been stormed and neutralized was going around the world. Sadat was bombarded with calls from many Arab leaders. Saudi King Faisal sent $200 million; Libya sent $100 million plus other aid. Shaik Zayed of Abu Dhabi transferred $100 million from London. The Israelis were surprised strategically and tactically due to arrogance and pride. A military and political balance between 100 million Arabs and 3 million Jews cannot be maintained forever. With modern technology, the gap becomes even more significant. Take for example the SAM 7, which played a big part in the war. A small, simple weapon, operated by one man, yet proved fatal to Israeli jets.
Of the 800,000 soldiers in the Egyptian army, more than 110,000 were graduates of universities. So Egypt began to match Israel in the quality of its troops, while having greater numbers. When an Israeli pilot was shot down, he was brought to Hosni Mubarak, who asked him: “What has happened to the standards of your air force? The answer was: “It is not us, I think you have changed”.
During those years, the IDF underwent a marked change. It took up static defense lines instead of relying on mobility. There is always the danger that victory will sap the quality of an army, and post 1967, arrogance made the IDF blind to what was happening in front of its nose. It assumed it could not
be challenged and that it had the power to cope with any attack. A joyful Sadat stated, “Israel had been boasting about the SIX DAY WAR. WE CAN ALSO BOAST NOW OF A SIX HOUR WAR”.

By Monday 8 October, Israel had lost some 560 tanks. These running battle in the Sinai constituted the worst defeat in the history of the IDF. By sunset on the 9th, the Egyptians consolidated into 2 army bridgeheads – 10-12 kms deep, east of the canal. For Sadat and the Egyptians, it showed the overwhelming sense of relief and pride now that the humiliations of 1967 were being wiped out. For the first time all the Arabs were united. The oil weapon was really hurting and Israel facing great pressure.
The Syrian Front
October 6th was Asad’s 43rd birthday. Syria flung 35,000 troops, 800 tanks and 1,500 guns against Israel’s fortifications on the Golan Heights, bursting through at 7 points, almost reaching the rim overlooking the Sea of Galilee, the Jordan River and northern Israel.
On the Golan, Syria faced a daunting obstacle. Along the entire front, Israel had dug a deep and wide anti-tank ditch and protected by minefields all around. Behind the tank trap was a network of 112 fortified blockhouses and behind these the tanks, artillery guns and infantry of the Golan garrisons.
The Golan is a strategic battleground wedged between Lebanon to the north, the Jordan River on the south, and which overlooks Israel on one side and the plains of Damascus on the other. Here on the narrow front, Asad had massed a field army 60,000 strong armed with some 1,300 tanks, 600 artillery guns, 400 air defense guns and more than 100 SAM batteries.

On October 6, three Syrian divisions crossed the front line. At the same time, in their well-practised move, helicopter-borne commandos seized the Mount Hermon observation post in hand-to-hand combat, a bold stroke which deprived the IDF of spotting and enabled Syrian artillery to target in on IDF tank formations. By the night of October 7, two Syrian trusts were within striking distance of the eastern shores of the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan bridges. In Sinai and the Golan, Israel had been dealt severe blows. The troops the Arabs fielded were new-style armies, very different from the ill-led, ill-trained, under-equipped men whom Israel routed in 1967. Then, the Arabs stumbled into war without preparation, co-ordination, aims and objectives. Taking several leafs from Israel’s 1967 book, Egypt and Syria struck first, caught their enemy off-balance, and announced to the world that it was Israel who attacked them. Dayan later conceded that, “We were not used to a campaign where the initiative was in the hands of the enemy”.
With Israel’s defenses collapsing on the Golan, the IDF knew that if Syria’s armored spearheads reached the descent to the Jordan River, it would be very difficult to repel them. This is what Dayan had to say:
“On the Jordanian border, we have civilian settlements but no enemy. On the Egyptian border we have an enemy but no settlements. On the Syrian border we have both. If the Syrians get to our settlements it will be calamitous”.
By this time the Israelis were losing their nerve. What happened in the first few days was a shattering defeat. Dayan had a breakdown and talked about the “destruction of the Third Temple”, referring to the Zionist state. By the 9th he communicated his sense of panic to Golda Meir; from her to Paris. From Edmund, Elie and Victor came the chilling instruction – “prepare to go nuclear”. Washington grew even more alarmed when the CIA reported that the Israelis were reaching for their ultimate weapon. Deep in the Negev desert the Israelis had their force of nuclear-tipped Jericho missiles, the weapons developed and built with French help. That same night, the Jericho’s were armed and made ready for launch. Not only that, additional miniaturised nuclear bomblets were about to be dropped onto the Syrian forces on the Golan Heights. These bomblets had a force equal to one-tenth of the Hiroshima bomb.
Nuclear explosions on the Sinai and the Golan were definitely not on Kissinger’s’ agenda. We do not know precisely what measures Kissinger took to keep the nukes in their silos. But, the next day, the Americans began to airlift arms and supplies from Germany and flown straight to a Israeli forward base in the Sinai. From October 13 until three weeks after the fighting officially ended, the skies between Tel Aviv and the US were dark with military transports, which flew in a total of 25,000 tons of military supplies. Prior to this, Kissinger was dragging his feet, to the fury of the Israelis and the American Jews. Israel had only a three week store of arms and ammo to fight a war, which she calculated would be sufficient as it was based on the results of the 1967 war. But in this war, the amount of war material was being consumed at a terrific pace, and Israel faced a bitter reality that she would run out long before America was able to replenish her stores; thus, Israel’s decision to go nuclear.
On October 15, Israel launched its counter-offensive on both fronts. The next day, OPEC increased the oil price to $5.11, without consultations with the oil majors. This was the first time that OPEC acted unilaterally. They told the oil companies to accept the price on a basis of “take it or leave it”. Oil pricing was now firmly in OPEC hands. No ore negotiations. On the 17th, as the full scope of the US resupply effort became known, the Arab oil exporters instituted an oil embargo. This embargo applied to Europe, America, and all of Israel’s allies in the world. Fierce battles raged on both fronts which each side winning and losing. The Israeli drive towards Damascus continued, but was stopped by the arrival of 500 Iraqi tanks. Iraq had committed tanks, 100 jets and 18,000 troops. The Iraqis were immediately joined by a crack Jordanian tank brigade. A Moroccan brigade had been in action from the beginning around Mount Hermon. Saudi Arabia sent 27,000 troops and a mechanized brigade. At one point in the war, when Israel activated its Jericho nukes, the Saudi air force was about to take off and strike Israeli targets when word reached them that the nuclear threat from Israel was stopped!
In Egypt, on the night of October 15, Sharon crossed the Canal, over the next few days; the Israelis went on a rampage- destroying SAM batteries, ambushed convoys, attacked rear headquarters and created general havoc. By this time, Israel had 300 tanks behind Egyptian lines. Israel had surrounded the Third Army’s 45,000 men, now hopelessly marooned on the Canal bridgehead, cut-off from their home base, without food, water or ammo, and an open prey to the Israeli air force. Kissinger did not want the 3rd Army destroyed, for his diplomacy required an Egypt so enfeebled as to offer little resistance to his postwar plans.
Meantime, the Israeli counter attack against Egypt was succeeding. Sadat was desperate, and he cabled Asad on the 19th,” We have fought Israel to the 13th day. In the first 4 days Israel was alone, so we were able to expose her position on both fronts. On their admission the enemy has lost 800 tanks and 200 planes. But during the last 8 days I have been fighting the US as well, through the arms it is sending. To put it bluntly, I cannot fight the US or accept the destruction of our armed forces for a second time. I have therefore informed the Soviet Union that I am prepared to accept a cease fire.” The cease fire took effect around the 24th. Israel and Egypt accepted the cease fire, but Syria did not. Kissinger informed Tel Aviv that there could be some “slippage” in the ceasefire deadline. The Israelis had no intention of respecting the cease-fire, as is their usual character to never honor agreements. IDF increased attacks on the 3rd Army, with Israel taking as many prisoners, both civilian and military, as possible. They were also busy in stealing anything of value, crops, livestock, factories, etc.; it was pure plunder, pure and simple. In anger, Brezhnev sent a direct note to Kissinger, rather than Nixon. Brezhnev threatened to send Soviet troops to Egypt to enforce the cease fire, if Israel did not stop fighting. Kissinger was determined to keep Soviet influence out of Egypt, and replied that America would resist by military force if the Soviets did send troops. Still, the IDF, ignored the ceasefire, and continued their rampage. As Sadat’s screams for help grew more desperate, Brezhnev sent a few planeloads of crack Soviet troops to Damascus and Cairo, but before they entered the Middle East airspace, Kissinger ordered a worldwide nuclear alert of US forces to face down the Russians! Israel’s cease-fire violations were swallowed up in an East-West crisis largely of Kissinger’s cunning move. But he then reigned in Golda Meir. She wanted Sadat’s head, whereas he wanted Sadat’s survival. By 25 October, the war in the Sinai stopped. In January 1974, the Egyptian-Israeli accord was signed.
In December 1973, the OPEC met in Teheran, and the new price for oil was set at $11.65. In May the price was $2.90, by October it went up to $5.11, and by December it was now $11.65. These two price increases constituted a 400% price increase. It was exactly in line with the script planned at the Bilderberg meeting in Sweden in May of that year. Co-incidence or conspiracy? You be the judge.
Foreign holders of dollars were fleeing from the dollar, after Washington removed convertibility of these dollars into gold. A higher oil price will lead to a greater demand for the US dollar, which prior to October, was a declining currency. Now, people were battling to lay their hands on it, thus saving the Rockefeller Empire and Wall Street. It was also the birth of the Petro-dollar, which we will discuss below.
Reviewing the whole incredible picture, one cannot quell the still small voice that kept insisting: “ It was all planned this way in the first place”. WAS IT? BUT OF COURSE! With the rise in oil prices, the key Rockefeller oil company Exxon, shot up to No 1 on Fortune’s 500 list. Many other oil companies and banks within the Rockefeller Group benefited handsomely.
The Syria-Israel Deal
For his military and diplomatic plans to succeed in the region, Kissinger had no choice but to neutralize Asad. Kissinger wanted an Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty which, by removing Egypt from the military equation, would leave the Syrians, Jordanians and Palestinians at Israel’s mercy.
On May 31, Kissinger got Israel and Syria to sign the disengagement agreement. Apart from the recovery of Quenitra, Syria had little to show for the treasure and the 6,000 men lost in the war. Israel retained the ultra-strategic Mount Hermon observation post. The Arabs had to but their arms for hard cash, unlike the Zionists. Despite the fact that Israel lost, the US continued pumping money into the defense of Israel. Before the war, military aid amounted to $500 million. Then, in 1973, it shot up to $2.5 billion- this was an outright gift rather than a loan. A big thank you from the Rockefellers, for a job well done!
In order to weaken Asad’s position, Kissinger decided to neutralize Syria. First, Iraq had to weaken as it provided military support for Syria. There was a danger that Iraq might again come to Syria’s defense if Syria decided to start the war again. Syria and Iraq make up what is commonly known as the “eastern wall of the Arab world”. Determined to prevent this happening, Kissinger in collusion with the Shah of Iran and the Mossad, fanned into flames a long-smouldering conflict between the Iraqi Kurds in the north and Baghdad, so pinning down the Iraqi army at home was the ideal geopolitical move. This went into action just at the time of the Geneva signing between Israel and Syria (May 1974).
Kissinger explained the financing and arming of the Kurds as a means to dissuade Iraq coming to the aid of Syria. The Kurds were never intended to win, merely to sap Iraq’s strength. The Kurds paid a heavy price for Kissinger’s meddling. As Kissinger says: “Iran was our ally and was keeping Iraq’s armed forces occupied on its eastern frontiers, FAR AWAY FROM SYRIA. Our clients (the Kurds) who were encouraged to fight were not told of this policy. It was a cynical enterprise, even in the context of clandestine operations”.
But having served the purpose of weakening Iraq, and thereby ensuring that it would not come to Syria’s aid, the Kurds were abandoned in a trade-off between Iran and Iraq in the Algiers Agreement of June 1975. Iran sealed its frontiers to the Kurds, whereupon many were slaughtered by Iraq, and many more were displaced from the border areas. By this time a thoroughly disillusioned Mustafa Barzini –leader of the Kurds – came to realize he had been cruelly used.
Another reason for stopping the war between Syria and Israel was that Kissinger used the CIA Athens station and the Mossad, ignited the civil war in Lebanon in February 1975. If Lebanon is destabilized, Syria’s strategic environment is badly affected. Word went to Asad, was that if he did not intervene in Lebanon, and then Israel would be forced to. So, Asad was forced to send his army in to protect his rear and to avoid to be “flanked”, and Syria was once again “suckered into a trap”, not of his making.
The plan behind Kissinger’s Sinai 2 accords was to remove Israel totally from the Sinai, thus leaving no bone of contention between Israel and Egypt. This would leave Egypt happy and in the American orbit. They could not let Egypt escape its clutches again. It had happened before in the late 1950s under Nasser.
Kissinger’s mandate was to get the Arabs to agree to the deal between Israel and Egypt. In the Arab world at that time only one man counted, and whose word was final-King Faisal. Kissinger flew to Riyadh in February 1975. The previous November, both the Saudi foreign and Finance Ministers were murdered ON THE SAME DAY, one in New York and the other in Washington. This was done by the CIA, as both the ministers were refusing to go along with David Rockefeller’s petro-dollar program. So, Faisal sent his oil minister Zaki Yamani to meet Kissinger at the airport. On the way back from the airport, Yamani noticed Kissinger to be very tense. It was Kissinger’s aim to see the final disengagement agreement between the Israelis and the Egyptians. When Kissinger explained his plan in the king’s office, Faisal said no, that rather the second agreement should be between Israel and Syria. Kissinger promised that he would do Syria only after doing Egypt. Faisal replied “No, I will not countenance that”. The meeting went on like that for some time. Kissinger kept trying to convince Faisal, but Faisal would not budge. Yamani explains that the King was looking for an overall settlement. “Faisal wanted the Americans to insist that Israel sit down with the Egyptians first and the Syrians next because it was the only way to bring about the beginnings of peace, – – – for if you only solved the Egyptian problem, you would isolate the Egyptians from the Arab camp and the problems with the Syrians would remain. Of course, isolating the Egyptians from the Arab camp was what Kissinger wanted to do”.
When the meeting ended, Yamani took Kissinger back to the airport. Kissinger was very nervous in the car, and he kept saying ,” Now we will not have a second agreement with the Egyptians”. Yamani :” Kissinger knew that as long as Faisal opposed the second agreement , it would not go through Egypt would never have signed it over Faisal’s opposition”. Then, one month later, King Faisal was assassinated. The killer was a nephew of the king, and was used by the CIA through a brain washing program, called MK-ULTRA to carry out this deed. That same month, Kissinger activated the Lebanese civil war to distract Syria so that Asad would place no obstacles in Kissinger’s path. And Kissinger got his agreement between Egypt and Israel. Kissinger had two obstacles to achieve his aim; one he removed by murder; the other he distracted by a civil war.Kissinger ignited the Lebanese civil war (1975-1990); this was to distract Asad from blocking Kissinger’s plans for the region, especially his successful aim if removing Egypt from the conflict. The second reason for his Lebanon civil war was to eliminate the PLO, whose base was Beirut.
Yamani: “Kissinger had absolutely no credibility in Saudi Arabia or anywhere else in the Arab world by the time of Faisal’s death. Kissinger wanted to reduce the heat of the situation and keep things pending until sometime in the future and there would be no settlement. That way Israel could continue its occupation of the territories taken in 1967 and annex them. The final peace treaty signed between Egypt and Israel in 1977, the Camp David Treaty, was designed to isolate Egypt from the Arab camp and to weaken the united front of the Arabs. Without Egypt, who would defend the Arab world from Israel. Who would act as a brake on Israel’s expansionism, or deter it from striking at will. Israel could then relax and stay on the West Bank until some day when they would annex the territories and make them officially part of Israel”.
A day after Faisal’s death in March 1975, Kissinger had an article published in Harpers magazine, under the curious title “Seizing Arab Oil”. The article presented a complete scenario of how the US will use military action in Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi and Kuwait, to “secure vital supplies of oil”. At the same time, Kissinger was speaking openly about possible US military intervention in the Middle East, to protect “America’s vital supplies of oil”. This was a not-so-subtle message to the Saudi ruling family just immediately after Faisal’s murder, warning them that they dare not buck the policies and wishes of the Rockefeller Empire.- “see what we did to Faisal; if we take your precious oil fields away from you, then what will you do?” The Saudis got the message. They did not put up any more obstacles after this to the policies of the Rockefeller family, carried out by its servants in Wall Street and in Washington.
To conclude, the Rockefeller family had a plan. They knew, by 1968, that drastic steps were needed to get out from under the Rothschild-controlled system of “gold-backed” dollar. They wanted to make the dollar a global currency, free of the Rothschild leash. But, to make the dollar a sought-after currency, the plan was to back it with oil. We have described how this was accomplished.
The Arabs were not aware of this, nor were they clued in. In 1960, due to the rising nationalist sentiments exploding in the region, the family brought about the creation of OPEC. This was meant to pacify the Arab oil exporters, especially after the Iran coup (1953) and Nasser’s cry for oil nationalism.
From this to “reducing” the oil supplies through the various means described, the oil prices were rising by the time the October War broke out. To enrage the Arabs, the US resupplied Israel with arms, and did so in broad daylight. The Arab anger led to oil prices and embargos, which pushed up prices to the Rockefeller target of $11 per barrel- a 400% increase, as game-planned 5 months earlier. This war was a Rockefeller initiated war to bring about the Petro-Dollar, thus saving the dollar and this allowed the family to increase its wealth, power and geopolitical weight over the next 5 decades.
As we can see, of the 3 wars that Israel fought against its Arab neighbours, the first (1956) was against Rockefeller interests. Israel was forced to give up its territorial gains.
The 1967 June War war benefited both families, and its aim was to crush Nasser, Egypt and (for Israel), to expand its territories. For this, the US gave the green light.
The 1973 October War was designed to give birth to the Petro-Dollar. For this, Kissinger manipulated events to bring this about.
The Watergate Scandal
Nelson Rockefeller was a man who salivated after the presidency was within range of a target he had been chasing for two decades. The family spent tens of millions on this project, all in vain. He had to move fast to realize his life-long dream of sitting in the Oval Office. The problem: he was not popular. So, his intelligence networks engineered a scandal that forced Vice-President Spiro Agnew out of office. Nixon, instead of appointing Nelson, appointed Gerald Ford. That was it!
A plan was designed to force Nixon out of office, allowing Ford to become President, who will appoint Nelson as VP. All the key players in this were promoted, after the successful operation.
At the same time, the family did not want Nixon to interfere with their petro-dollar plan. Besides being the National Security Advisor, Kissinger got the Secretary of State out, and also took on that post. It was the only time that anyone ever occupied both positions at the same time. Thus, Kissinger was in a position to control the entire narrative and direction of the October War. And, we saw the results and outcome of this war.
As we see that it was in the interests of protecting the dollar-based American/Rockefeller Group, that this war was engineered, with Kissinger acting as the “controller” of the war and the events that followed. Our next part deals with the 1990/1991 2nd Gulf War; and how the Rothschilds Zionist project was the main beneficiary.