Tag: Sadat

Israel vs The Arab States Part 2 (of a 4 Part Series)

The October 1973 War  We will go through this war by looking at the perspective from each of the main players- Egypt, Syria, Israel and the US. Israel  The dazzling victory by Israel raised the level of pride and arrogance of Jews the world over. It also sparked a boom in immigration, and in the […]

Weaponising Islam – “The American & Saudis Takeover” Part 4 (of a 6 part series)

Initially, Saudi Arabia supplied the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) with money only. After 1954, when Nasser cracked down on the MB, Saudi Arabia provided an important refuge for the MB, and many of its members flocked to the kingdom. This migration occurred just as the US was giving up on Nasser and turning to Saudi Arabia. The […]

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