Zionism was founded by Edmond Rothschild of the French branch- to bring about the realization of Project Israel. Zionism has 2 flavors – a socialist nationalistic flavor which died by 1995, and a Talmudic flavor which took over in 1996.
When Israel was established in 1948, its original leaders were from a background that was socialist and nationalist. After the end of the 2nd Gulf war in 1991, US pressure on Israel led to the peace deal between Israel and Palestine – the Oslo Accords. Within a year, under instructions from its masters in France and Britain, Israel began to back-track on its commitments to the Oslo Agreement. An expanding Israel does not need borders.
In order to better understand the mentality of the current rulers of Zionism and Israel, it would be wise to back in time into history, and uncover these most enigmatic stories of our time.
The Cold War & the Middle East
The Cold war started immediately after 1945, in which the world was divided into two camps- communist and capitalist. It was done by design to make it easier for the Americans to achieve their aims. This was to drive out the European colonial empires and to bring those newly-independent nations under US dominance. The biggest beneficiary was America, for she could now station troops in countries with a valid excuse. Plus, there were economic benefits too.
In the oil-rich Middle East, the US/Rockefeller aim was to control all these countries, of which the most important one was Egypt. It had the largest population and it had the Suez Canal- Europe’s “oil artery “. The prime target was to wrest control of the Suez Canal out of Rothschild hands. It would serve the Rockefeller’s oil agenda if the new owner was Egypt. But, Egypt was occupied by 80,000 British troops and owned the Suez Canal Company.
The 1956 War (October 1956)
In Israel, one of the first acts of the Zionist state was to build a water project called the National Water Carrier. This project was diverting water from the Jordan River for its own use, and despite repeated requests from Washington to stop. Israel ignored these requests.
In Washington, the Eisenhower administration came to office in January 1953, sweeping away pro-Israeli Truman. In September, Washington suspended all economic aid to Israel. Eight days later Israel caved in on the water project. It was one of those rare instances when an American President had used the lever of American financial support. The effect had been immediate and devastating.
At first the cancellation of American aid was kept secret by both sides, but a month later, on October 14th, a special unit of the Israeli army- Unit 101, commanded by a rising star – Ariel Sharon – crossed the Jordanian border and attacked the village of Qibya, blew up 41 houses, a school, and murdered 66 Arabs, mainly women and children. Outraged, President Eisenhower ordered that the aid cut-off be made public. The UN mildly censured Israel.
Then, on February 28, 1955, a large Israeli force invaded Gaza, killing 39 Egyptians. Gaza was awarded to the Egyptians by the UN in 1949. On June 8th, another attack into Gaza resulted in 35 Egyptian dead.
On October 23, it was the turn of Syria, where several Syrians were kidnapped. On December 11, another invasion into Syria resulted in the deaths of 56 Syrians. Then from June to September, it was Jordan’s turn. The next one was to be a full-scale war. Nasser had been the architect of the 1952 officers’ revolt by the Egyptian Army that overthrew the monarchy. By 1953, with the Egyptian monarchy formally abolished, Nasser’s Free Officers were able to govern. No communist himself, Nasser became a leading spokesman for Arab nationalism and joined the emerging Non-Aligned Movement, with Tito’s Yugoslavia and India’s Nehru. The Non-Aligned group of nations sought to define a “middle way” between Soviet communism and American capitalist free markets.
In 1953, Nasser introduced far-reaching land reforms and was taking steps to renationalize the British-controlled Suez Canal Company. London was not happy with the emergence of Nasser. In fact, British intelligence tried repeatedly to assassinate him. The West refused to provide arms to Egypt, so Nasser obtained them from the Soviet Union in May 1955. By October 1955, Ben Gurion instructed Moshe Dayan to prepare for war. In addition, Israel was set on forcing open the Straits of Tiran. This narrow outlet to the Red Sea had been blockaded by the Egyptians since 1948, thus shutting off direct Israeli access to Africa and the Far East. The slide to war was accelerating.
John Foster Dulles, a former Wall Street lawyer for the Rockefeller interests, was Secretary of State. His brother, Allen Dulles, another Rockefeller family lawyer, was CIA Director. In April 1956, Dulles was reporting to Congress on the situation in the Middle East, where he told them that the 2 key factors in US policy in the region were in conflict, namely: “retention of the immense oil resources of the region, and preservation of Israel as a nation.” When asked which policy comes first, saving Israel or keeping hold of the oil, Dulles replied, “We are trying to do both”. Dulles said that he found that the Arabs feared Zionism more than communism – a discovery of the obvious: the Arabs understood the Torah, Deuteronomy, Leviticus and the Talmud and witnessed its literal application at Deir Yassin, Qibiya, Gaza and Jordan.
The Rockefeller game-plan was to inform Nasser that the World Bank (a Rockefeller entity) would loan Egypt money to build the Aswan Dam. When, after months of negotiations, the World Bank cancelled the loan, taking Nasser by surprise. Angry and humiliated, Nasser was looking for revenge. Unconsciously, without him knowing it, Nasser was being led into a trap by the Dulles brothers. On July 26, the Suez Canal was nationalized. It was a resounding act. Tensions rose drastically. Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal, with the aim of using its income to build the dam; as the Americans intended.
Britain was in trouble financially, and the loss of Suez was going to compound her problems. Britain had gone from being the world’s greatest creditor to being the world’s greatest debtor-all within a space of 4 decades. Its overseas possessions were being pried loose one by one by the Rockefellers, using the military might and financial power of the US. Britain’s foreign reserves and finances were precarious. As British PM Eden told Eisenhower: “If Middle East oil is denied to us a year or two, our gold reserves will vanish, and with that the sterling area disintegrates, then we shall not be able to project force anywhere – and a country that cannot provide for its defense is finished”. This was in keeping with the Rockefeller plans to eliminate the British as a competitor globally, but especially in the crucial Middle East oil countries.
The Rothschild trinity –Britain, France and Israel began meeting and planning without the Americans being told, but the CIA had photographed the assembled Anglo-French fleet. On October 24, senior “trinity” diplomats and military officers met at a Rothschild villa at Sevres, outside Paris. Present were Ben Gurion, Moshe Dayan, Shimon Peres. Among the family members were Elie, Guy, Edmund and Victor Rothschild. Only Victor was from the British branch, while the first three were from the French branch. The day before, Egypt and Syria set up a joint military command. The next day Jordan joined. The die was cast.
On October 29, 1956, Israel launched its attack, putting the Sevres accord in motion. On the 30th, London and Paris issued their ultimatum and announced their intention to occupy the Canal Zone. Three years before, the British withdrew their military force from Egypt- nearly 80,000 troops. On the 31st, Britain and France bombed Egyptian airfields. Egypt began a retreat. Nasser scuttled dozens of ships with rocks and cement, effectively blocking the Canal, and choking off oil shipments. Syrian engineers sabotaged the pumping station along the pipeline of the Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC), further reducing supplies. Eisenhower and the Rockefellers were furious.
By November 5, Israel had consolidated control over the Sinai, Gaza and the Tiran Straits. On that same day, British and French forces began their airborne assault on the Canal Zone. The next day, November 6, Eisenhower won a landslide victory and was re-elected for a second term. That same day, the Anglo-French forces agreed to a cease fire in place. For them, the war had barely lasted a few days, and its objective- unrestricted use of the Canal had already been lost.
But, for Washington, a ceasefire was not enough. The trinity had to withdraw, or they would face economic reprisals from Washington. Due to fears of an oil embargo, and the opportunity this gave the Rockefellers to get rid of the Rothschild attempt to re-gain control of the Canal. Rockefeller protégé, Eisenhower had to threaten to support UN sanctions, as well as withdrawing the tax-deductible status of private contributions to Israel. Without American aid, all of Western Europe would soon be short of oil.
Saudi Arabia instituted an oil embargo against Britain and France. An immense run was started on the Pound and the Franc. London could receive financial help from nowhere. The Rockefellers threatened Britain and France with oil sanctions. When he heard the news, British PM Harold McMillan threw his hands in the air and exclaimed, “Oil sanctions- that finishes it!” In addition, the bank account of the Rothschild-controlled Suez Canal Co was frozen.
Finally at the end of November, Britain and France agreed to withdraw their forces. Washington now authorized the re-supply of American oil to Europe. Eisenhower also forced a furious Ben Gurion to give up the territory he had gone to war to conquer, but Israel did gain the right to send shipping down to the Red Sea, through the Tiran Straits. After this, all important issues were between Washington and Israel was settled through the CIA-Mossad conduit. That same month, the Soviet Union signed a secret deal which called for the stepping up of oil supplies and other vital raw materials to Israel!
In May 1957, the IPC pipeline was re-opened, while Kuwait and Saudi Arabia resumed oil shipments to Europe. The prime minister of the Rockefeller Empire, John J McCloy rushed to the Middle East, and helped in clearing the Suez Canal, so that tankers were able to resume passage, by April 1957. In this whole messy business, Nasser and the Rockefellers were the only clear winners.
This war proved that Israel could not go to war without US/Rockefeller consent and permission. We now do the 2nd of the 6 wars Israel fought against its Arab neighbours.
The 1967 War
Israel now embarked on multiple programs to achieve military superiority. First, it continued its military purchases from France, and started a nuclear –weapons production facility in the Negev Desert, called Dimona. It then started to buy arms from America, using its secret channel through the Mossad to the CIA to cement this dangerous liaison. Because the Americans were newcomers to the region and with Britain and France viewed as unwelcome competitors, the CIA had no choice but to turn to Israel and the Mossad. This co-ordination ranged across the Middle East and Africa; this operation was code-named “KK Mountain. It is still active today.
Doctrine of the Periphery
Following its founding in 1948, the new state aimed for “outflanking its immediate Arab neighbors, with whom the nascent Jewish state had hostile relations.” In 1958, Israel forged a top secret alliance known as “the peripheral alliance” with Turkey, Iran and Ethiopia.
Tel Aviv aligned with non-state actors like Sudanese Christians and Iraqi Kurds but also, more important, with non-Arab states such as Iran, Turkey, and Ethiopia. These countries and groups believed that (mostly covert) relations with Israel would serve as a bulwark against pan-Arabism, the nationalist push led by Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt.
Turkey would checkmate Syria.
Iran would checkmate Iraq
Ethiopia would checkmate Egypt
Israel would seek allies among ethnic groups that lived under the same political conditions and faced the same dangers as Israel. The idea was to forge “a peripheral and minorities’ alliance” that would include “the Maronites in Lebanon, the Turks, Greeks, Armenians, Kurds, Iranians.”
For its part, Israel saw these benefits:
Immediate security: Emboldening the enemies of Arab states would sap their ability to effectively strike the fledgling Jewish state. Long-term relations: States in the neighborhood would come to understand the benefits of a relationship with Israel. Geopolitical strength: Israel’s building of alliances and power would convince the United States that it would be a strategic ally in the region.
Nasser’s nationalization of the Suez Canal and his charismatic presence made him a magnetic personality across the Arab world. The fact that he had turned to Moscow for aid, while remaining non-aligned, gave him further appeal. Nasser, never a communist but rather a strong-willed anti-colonialist and Arab nationalist, was becoming a major problem for the US Cold War agenda in the Middle East.
In the process, Nasser began championing the sovereignty of the oil producers, by saying “Arab oil must benefit the Arabs – – – why should our economic future be tied to decisions made in New York, London or Paris”. This one sentence made him a marked man in the eyes of the two families.
A decision was made to “cut Nasser down to size”. Over the course of the next 9 years, a series of coups took place across the region, toppling those leaders who aligned with Nassers’ vision: from Iraq to Syria, from Lebanon to Jordan, from Yemen to Algeria. This war in the shadows served to distract Nasser from his dream of a Pan-Arab movement.
When Saud, leader of Saudi Arabia became close to Nasser, the Americans replaced him with Faisal. When Yemen underwent a crisis in 1962, Nasser stepped in to help, and nearly a third of Egypt’s army got bogged down in Yemen. Aligned against him were the US, the Rothschild trinity along with Iran and Saudi Arabia.
In 1957, the Eisenhower Doctrine was announced, promising armed US and NATO intervention against any threatened aggression in the Middle East, making the region into a de facto US sphere of interest. The Americans learnt one thing regarding the Middle East, and that was the use of religion as a political force. To western leaders, promoting Islam was a dangerous solution, but the Rockefellers decided it was a more sound approach than the previous efforts by the CIA. Nobody In the American power elite foresaw the consequences of adopting Islam, for they felt that playing the Islamic card meant that not only their oil interests were safer, but it made things safer for Israel, especially when the region was in a nationalistic mood.
The CIA took control of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in 1958 – a group founded by British Intelligence in the 1920s in Egypt. This same group tried to assassinate Nasser, under London’s orders, but failed. After this, Nasser banned the Muslim Brotherhood, killed and jailed many of its followers. Around 1960, the CIA urged Saudi Arabia to house the MB, as well as to spread Islam through seminaries and publications, etc. The aim of the CIA was to use religion to counter Arab nationalism. The Eisenhower administration began to look to the arch – conservative monarchy in Saudi Arabia as a counter within the Arab world to the growing influence of Nasser.
Countdown to War
Israel’s plan for exploitation of the headwaters of the Jordan River had caused Eisenhower to cut off aid in 1953. The dispute had been smoothed over and Israel proceeded with work on the “National Carrier” for the next 10 years. It was a massive scheme by which water from the Sea of Galilee and the lakes above it near the Syrian border was to be pumped through a conduit down the length of Israel to irrigate the Negev Desert.
The country’s Arab neigbours were of the opinion that they would pay a heavy price of seeing their farmland- deprived of water by this water scheme – turn into desert. This scheme was the basis for the familiar Israeli claim that it was “making the deserts bloom”. This irrigation project was key to Israel’s capacity to absorb future immigrants. This intensified Arab alarm. There was constant provocation efforts By Israeli soldiers disguised as farmers, to take possession of these lands, and Syrian forces would fire on them. Israel would retaliate. By escalating the conflict through greater use of artillery, tanks and planes, Israel had by the early 1960s seized most of the salient, drained the Hula marshes, won exclusive control of the Sea of Galilee and completed its National Water Carrier by 1964.
Syria demanded that Nasser, hero of the Arabs, do something to stop the Israelis. Nasser was in no condition to take on the Israelis. He urged the Arab states and the Palestinians not to start anything rash and thus draw him into the conflict. To this end, he got their support to form the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), as a means by which Palestinian aspirations could be safely kept under control.
Nor were things going well for him; Ahmed Ben Bella was overthrown in Algeria. The Moroccan nationalist Mehdi Ben Barka was captured and tortured to death by the Mossad and French intelligence in Paris. In Indonesia, his friend, Sukarno, was overthrown by the CIA after he threw the IMF mission out of the country. Adding insult to intelligence, the US president LBJ cut off the food aid initiated by Kennedy. The Russians sharply cut their economic aid.
In February 1966, Britain announced it was moving all its military forces out of the region by 1968. The British announcement served to signal a time limit by which Nasser had to be destroyed or overthrown, for if he was still in power by the time the British left, it would lead to great complications for America and the Rothschild trinity. The second event that month was a coup in Syria, and the new leaders were happy to provide shelter and support for Palestinian militants launching armed attacks on Israel. Yasser Arafat, the leader of Fatah, the strongest guerilla group at that time, seemed anxious to spark off an Arab-Israeli war before Israel became too powerful ever to be destroyed. The Syrians knew that they were poor, starved for modern weapons, their officer corps decimated by repeated purges and coups, and in no condition to take on Israel. By allowing Arafat and his fighters to launch pinprick raids was one way of relieving their frustration.
At this time, Israel was receiving ever larger number of immigrants from Arab countries and the Soviet Union – always a signal that this is a prelude to war. Prior to the 1956 Suez War, Israel was receiving very large numbers of Jewish immigrants. Unlike Syria, King Hussein of Jordan was doing his best to restrain Palestinian attacks on Israel. A faithful client of the Americans and willing recipient of CIA bribes since his inauguration in 1957, he wished only for peace and quiet in a fractured and turbulent region.
In October and early November, Palestinian raids from Jordan killed 3 Israelis and wounded 11. Six days after the Egyptian-Syrian unification treaty was signed on 13 November, an Israeli armored brigade of 4,000 troops swept across the Jordanian border and struck the West Bank town of Samu. After ambushing a Jordanian army column rushing to the scene, the Israelis drove the 5,000 inhabitants of the town from their homes and blew up 125 houses, the clinic, school and the local mosque. Hussein’s quiet days were over. His angry Palestinian subjects rioted in protest at what they regarded as his subservience to the Israelis and unwillingness to protect them. The King was now under pressure to team up with Egypt and Syria.
Israel’s massive assault on Jordan had sharpened Arab divisions, radicalized opinion, and set its lamentably weak and hopelessly quarrelsome neighbours lurching amid mutual plots and accusations, to the very edge of the precipice. These consequences were very carefully planned by Israel, in order to “soften up the enemy” and “prepare the ground” in advance of a war which they had planned for some time. In accordance with the Laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, they had to take back what “was originally theirs” (meaning going back to 594 BC and 70AD) – the West Bank and Jerusalem. Since Jordan was in possession of these, then it was time to destabilize Jordan. Syria and Egypt were also in line for the “repossession of property”.
Throughout the winter of 1966, the Syrian front was a tinder box- waiting to be ignited. Israel, ever cunning, chose this moment to send an armored tractor into the DMZ on the shores of Lake Galilee, provoking Syrian gunfire. It was April 3, 1967. The Israeli air-force went into action to silence the Syrian guns. New Syrian air-force chief Hafez Asad ordered his planes up to meet it, and in the ensuing battle, 6 Syrian Migs were lost. In addition, Israeli tanks and artillery killed 100 Syrians. Humiliatingly, Israeli jets “buzzed” downtown Damascus. This was the most serious military reverse Syria had suffered since 1948. This military blow to Syria had immediate consequences for Nasser, since his Arab enemies were quick to taunt him for passivity. Nasser could not afford to stay out of the crisis. His battered reputation would not have survived. He could not afford an Israeli invasion of Syria, as Egypt’s own strategic position would be gravely compromised. As he himself put it, “Who starts with Syria finishes off with Egypt”. He also worried that if Syria went down undefended, then Arab morale, security, nationalism and the whole movement of the Third World emancipation from the paralytic grip of the two families would suffer a crippling blow.
On May 14, he gave the order to move two divisions into the Sinai, and requested the UN commander to withdraw his forces from Gaza. The UN replied that if any UN forces have to leave Egypt, then all must leave, including the one stationed at Sharm el Sheik, whose symbolic presence guaranteed free passage for Israeli shipping into the Red Sea, from Eilat.
The UN is a Rockefeller entity. The two families played Nasser like a baby and he fell into the trap. On May 21, he occupied Sharm el Sheik, and blockaded the Gulf of Aqaba to ships transporting Israeli goods. To the whole world, Israel was now menaced by an Arab “ring of steel” It was pure lies and the msm was on Israel’s side. The Syrians for their part knew this was far from the truth given half their 500 tanks were out of action, and their air-force consisted of 100 semi-obsolete MiGs. The Egyptian army was 200,000 in size. One third was bogged down in Yemen; the rest did it fit the description of a “lean fighting machine”. In contrast, the Israeli military machine had been honed and perfected over the years. The generals knew they could sweep in and smash the Egyptians anytime they wanted, but PM Levi Eshkol preferred to wait until he got a ”go-ahead” from Washington. He was not going to repeat the fatal mistake made by Ben Gurion in 1956 of attacking without permission, and then having the paymasters in New York cancel the fruits of victory.
Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban was sent off to Washington. On the way, he stopped in Paris where he met his boss Barons Guy and Elie de Rothschild, soon after receiving clear instructions to clear the way with the Rockefellers. Eban next stooped in London to get the blessings of the head of the British branch-Victor. Eban met with a few key Zionist leaders, who pressed LBJ, who replied that Israel is not in danger, and refused to give the go-ahead.
Back in Israel, Moshe Dayan was promoted to be the defense minister, and the terrorist Menachem Begin was brought into the government. The transfer of power from civilian to military was now in place. Again, Live Eshkol had to calm the generals- and explained to them that the strength which the generals were so boastful about had been obtained with help from the outside. Victory would be no use without having an ally at the end of it. Who would help them re-arm the country, he said “ BECAUSE A MILITARY VICTORY WILL NOT BE THE END OF IT – – – THE ARABS WILL STILL BE HERE”; “ The Egyptians seemed so disorganized that, were they given a breathing space, they could only get better and might yet turn into a credible fighting force”.
- In contrast to Israel’s eagerness, Arab governments neither wanted war nor were they ready for it. Anything further from the popular belief of an “Arab ring of steel” tightening around Israel would be hard to imagine. But this was not a fact that Israel’s leaders wished to share with the Arabs or the world at large or even their own people. Rather, it was a cunning ruse of war to convince public opinion that the Jewish state was in danger of extinction and deserved sympathy. Their PR was as brilliantly executed as the war itself. It amounted to one of the most extensive exercises in lies ever attempted in the region. The same day, the head of Mossad, Meir Amit set off for Washington where he met with key Rockefeller men, Richard Helms (CIA) and Robert McNamara (secretary of defense). Within hours after this very private meeting, word came back from high up (the Rockefellers); the signal was “GO”!
Both the families were in accord with what was to follow. Both had their own reasons which merged into a common aim – DESTROY NASSER.
On the night of Saturday, 3 June, a select group gathered at Eshkol’s house in Jerusalem. This included Dayan, Yithzak Rabin, Eban and Israel Lior. They were waiting for Meir Amit, who returned at midnight. All eyes were on him as he gave the report, and Amit kept the answer to the most vital question of all until last night: How would Washington react to an Israeli attack on Egypt?
Amir said simply, “I am given to understand that the Americans would bless us if we were to break Nasser to pieces”. These last words of Amir had a stunning effect on the men in the room. It now meant that the covert liaison between the two countries (the CIA & Mossad) could now enter into an OPEN relationship between Tel Aviv and Washington- and all that this implied. The next day the cabinet met, a decision was made, and the war broke out the next day on Monday June 5, 1967.
Meantime in Jordan relations between King Hussein with Egypt and Syria had gotten worse-the Arab world was turning against Hussein. The Egyptians routinely referred to the king as the “CIA dwarf”. He went to Cairo and decided to join Egypt and Syria against Israel. The CIA tried to dissuade the King, warning him that Israel was going to attack the next day, but he brushed off their concerns.
War Breaks Out
At 7.45 am, the next day, the Israelis attacked Egyptian air bases. In less than two hours, the Egyptian air-force was wiped out (309 out of 390 planes), along with a third of their pilots. Matti Hod, the air-force commander boasted, “We lived the plan, we slept on the plan, we are the plan – – – consequently, we perfected it”
The first days attack ended with a long range attack on Iraq’s westernmost air-base, H-3, in which 10 aircraft were destroyed on the ground. The destruction of H-3 was prompted by the Iraqi bombing of several targets in Israel a few hours earlier. Other attacks followed on Syrian and Jordanian targets. The secret of this multiple aerial assaults one of the most decisive and devastating first strikes in military history, was ACCURATE INTELLIGENCE. As King Hussein put it later, “Their pilots knew exactly what to expect – they had a complete catalogue of each of the 32 Arab air bases- – – we had nothing like that”.
After the Jordanian air-force was wiped out, Israeli troops moved to take Jerusalem that very night. Although they met stiff resistance from the Bedouin soldiers of the Arab Legion, the West Bank militia was badly armed and poorly trained because the king did not trust his Palestinian subjects. Hussein never had a chance of holding either Jerusalem or the West Bank. On Wednesday, the 7th, the Israelis completed the conquest of Jerusalem, and boasted “We have united Jerusalem, never to part from it again”. By destroying the Egyptian air-force on the ground, Israel brought the Arab world to its knees. Stripped of air cover, the Egyptian army in the Sinai was routed, losing in 4 dreadful days over 10,000 killed, 13,000 captured and many hundreds of tanks and guns smashed. As a fighting force it ceased to exist. Syria’s air force suffered the same fate along with two Iraqi squadrons which had moved up to the Jordanian border. Once the military power of these 3 Arab countries had been destroyed, Israel went all out for the acquisition of territory. It was expanding!
On June 7th, Arab East Jerusalem was taken and the West Bank overrun. The Sinai passes of Mitla and Giddi , as well as Sharm el Sheik overlooking the Straits of Tiran were seized . Israel now signaled its acceptance of the ceasefire. For the first 4 days of the war, Asad of Syria had remained virtually passive. At that time, Asad was head of the Syrian Air-force. On the eve of the war Syria had been the target of Israeli threats. However, at dawn on 9 June, a few hours after Syria’s request for a cease fire, Dayan ordered an immediate attack. A 3-pronged Israeli force with close air support moved to attack the Golan Heights. Taking these Heights, from which Syrian guns had launched shells on Israeli settlements below for so long (without much effect), took 2 days. With neither air cover nor air defense, Syria’s infantry put up a fierce resistance in hand-to-hand fighting. Israel lost 160 tanks against Syria’s 86. 600 Syrian soldiers fought and died in place under continuous bombing, napalming and strafing. At this stage, Israel was inclined to stop and consolidate its gains. On the night of June9-10, the Syrians gave the order to fall back, which Israel exploited and took Quenitra. The road to Damascus lay open, but under American pressure, the Israelis did not proceed.
A cease fire went into effect on the afternoon of June 10, which did not inhibit the Israelis seizing the Mount Hermon strongpoint which the Syrians abandoned, and which was to become a prime IDF electronic listening post. Israel plundered Quenitra which was to become the badge of Syria’s defeat, a symbol of hatred between Syria and Israel. The war was a week-long nightmare for Syria and Asad. He lost his air-force on the 5th, the Golan on the 10th, and the Mount Hermon stronghold on the 12th from which Israel could monitor every movement in the Damascus plain, visual and electronic. For Asad, this war had proved that the Palestinians could not be allowed to free-wheel as they pleased; the raids had played into Israeli’s hands, giving it a pretext to threaten Syria and suck Egypt into the war.
The 1967 war was a premeditated attack to destroy Nasser and Egypt. Of all the secrets, one was kept totally silent: the Israeli attack on an American intelligence ship, the USS Liberty, in which 70 Americans were killed. Israel did not want any of their moves to reach the Arabs. Yet, Washington did not retaliate against Israel for the murder of its soldiers. The war that changed the Middle East was over.
Zionism – Communist Collusion in the Middle East
We cannot hope to understand the history of these wars unless we understand the true colors of the two main antagonists: the Soviet Union as the supposed supporter of the Arab states and Israel as the supposed bastion of Western capitalism and resistance to Soviet expansionism until 1989. The answer is found in the realm of high finance. Political events linked to these financial changes include the Bolshevik revolution, the subsequent rise of the Soviet Union to the status of an industrial and military giant; World War 2; the dismantling of the colonial empires; the establishment of the UN, and the instant creation of many new nations – some of them very small – none of them economically self-sufficient, all of them now represented in the new shadow world parliament and government. Changes in the realm of high finance made all these possible.
For a long time after the beginning of the modern industrial revolution era, finance-capitalism (not to be confused with private-ownership capitalism) existed almost entirely in a NATIONAL concentrations, each joined to a national government and answerable to a national electorate.
In the 19th and early 20th century, these national concentrations of financial power were in vigorous competition; a major example of this rivalry being the scramble for colonial possessions in Africa and the Third World; another was World War 1, which arose out of rivalry between financial and economic powers centered in Britain and France.
What happened then was that many national concentrations of finance were drawn into coalescence to form something new in history: namely an INTENATIONAL finance-capitalism and it fiercely resolved to free itself from any accountability to any national government. The seminal point of this process was the Balfour/Rothschild Declaration, and the Versailles Treaty.
Once the control of international finance as an integrated system was established, the Rothschilds initiated major political changes in the world, as there was no way in which the aims of the Levitical creed and its leader-the Rothschilds – could be reconciled with the continued existence of strong governments anywhere. Only if national governments are weak could the family have engineered the concept and birth of Israel- which took two world wars. The dismantling of colonial empires can be similarly explained as the FREEDOM WHICH INTERNATIONAL FINANCE SECURED FOR ITSELF, as it detached vast lands from the colonial powers, replacing them with oppressive proxy regimes, easy to manipulate and even easier to remove when no longer required. The Bolshevik Revolution was a Rothschild exercise with Rockefeller assistance. Their control has remained from 1917 till 2000, when Putin took over. Soviet policy in the Middle East has been as a “self-proclaimed friend “of the Arabs. That is a lie! The Arabs were subtly manipulated into Moscow’s arms. How could the Arabs and the world been deceived? Where deception is suspected, should we not pay more attention to the results produced? So what were the results of Soviet policy in the Middle East? Answer: Both the Zionists and the Soviet Union made important gains in the Middle East. Soviet “assistance” left the Arabs, especially the Palestinians, worse off than ever. The Soviet Union was able to secure a firm foothold in the eastern Mediterranean, and Israel was able to grab more territory, both inside Palestine and from neighbouring Arab states.
It is hard to see how Israel could have made such gains WITHOUT SOVIET SUPPORT FOR THE ARABS. The Israelis clearly NEEDED the specter of Soviet expansionism in the region as they NEEDED to present themselves to the West as a “bastion” of resistance in order to justify the massive aid in arms and money. Moscow behaved exactly as might have been expected by those who knew it was still under the covert control of the Rothschilds – a false friend to the Arabs and a feeble and false opponent of the Israelis. The late King Faisal never doubted that there had been a continuous collusion between the Soviet Union and the Zionists. Interviewed by NEWSWEEK (Dec 21, 1971), he said: “Zionism and Communism are working hand-in-glove to block any settlement that will restore peace”, and went on to describe Zionism as “the mother of Communism, “adding: “It helped to spread communism around the world. It is now trying to weaken the United States, and if the plan succeeds, it will inherit the earth”.
Asked how he reconciled this view with the fact that the Russians and Israelis were on opposite sides in the Middle East conflict, King Faisal replied: “It is part of a great plot, a grand conspiracy – – – they are only pretending to work against each other in the Middle East. The Zionists are deceiving the United States – – – the communists are cheating the Arabs, but they are actually in league with the Zionists”.
Brigadier Sir John Glubb says that it was Soviet policy in 1967 “- – – to cause the US to come out on the side of Israel “and then lure the Arabs into a catastrophic defeat”, which would leave them even more dependent on Soviet support”.
In 1948, when Israel was forming itself into a state we witnessed a curious situation in which the Russians and the Americans – the super antagonists- joined hands. Together they managed to dislodge the British from the Middle East, and together, they acted as midwives in the act of Israel’s birth. Ben Gurion himself alluded to this, in an address to university students at Haifa (June 6, 1970): “Russia supplied us with arms that helped us survive our war of independence – – – Israel has nothing to fear from the Soviet Union”. Moscow armed Jewish terrorist groups such as the Irgun and Stern gangs. It has never been seriously denied that the June 1967 war was precipitated by the Soviet Union, nor is there any doubt about how it was done. Moscow gave assurances to Washington that it would not intervene, and this was communicated to the Israelis. By committing themselves not to intervene, Moscow was giving a vastly superior Israeli army carte blanche to destroy the Egyptian army and to seize the huge store of arms supplied by the Soviet Union. Both Moscow and Israel wanted it that way. A few days after the war, several members of Israel’s political parties journeyed to Moscow, and a party took place in the Kremlin to celebrate Israel’s victory.
The war left bad blood between the Soviets and their Arab client states. Nasser and the Syrians laid much of the blame on the poor quality of Soviet equipment and on the inadequacies of both Soviet military doctrine and on the training given by Soviet advisors. The Soviets will never allow anyone to beat Israel, for both Zionism and Communism are part and parcel of the same program; both also originate from the same creed – that of the Law of Deuteronomy and Leviticus, and both have been headed and initiated by the same family-the Rothschilds.
Dear reader, as can be seen from the above, we find that the Israelis acted on their own in 1956, and were put back in their place by the Rockefellers. But, in the 1967 war, it was the Rockefellers who wanted to cut Nasser down to size, as he wanted independence for the Arabs, especially oil. Anyone who threatens their oil empire gets defeated. Only when Israel got a green light from Washington, did they launch this attack, The Arabs never stood a chance. We now move onto the next war- the 1973 October War.
Doesn’t this collusion between Israel and Russia persist subtly today via the influence of the Chabad Loubavitch Jews, despite accusatory geopolitical comments about Israel coming from the China/Russia/Iran bloc?
Everything seems to be pointing towards a global conflagration that will satisfy messianist delusions on all sides.