Category: Middle East

Iran and the 3 Musketeers

By the 3 Musketeers, we mean Russia, China and Saudi Arabia. The Shanghai 5 & The Grand Chessboard The first Chechen war ended in mid-1995. Russian President Boris Yeltsin was worried that unrest in the Caucasus would spread to other Russian provinces in its south-the so-called “soft underbelly of Russia. He flew to China, met […]

Yemen and the Houthis

The Yemen Front The Ansar Allah movement has lately attracted international attention by boldly defying major world powers, particularly the United States, through their military actions to support Palestine amid the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza. This decision comes at a time when even larger Arab nations refrain from such interventions, despite Yemen itself enduring a decade of US-backed […]

Egypt – Caught Between Rafah and Sudan Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

The story continues from Part 1 The Sinai Insurgency   This was an insurgency in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt which was started by Islamist militants against Egyptian security forces, which have also included attacks on civilians. The insurgency began during the Egyptian Crisis, during which the longtime Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak was overthrown in the 2011 Egyptian revolution ;  the country became increasingly destabilized, creating a security vacuum in […]

Egypt – Caught Between Rafah and Sudan Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

Egypt    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent statement concerning the plan to evacuate civilians from Rafah and launch a ground operation to eliminate Hamas brigades in the city wasn’t received well by the Egyptian authorities. In fact, Israel’s military scenario has jeopardized the Camp David Peace Accords between Cairo and Tel Aviv. For the […]

How Zionism Weaponised Anti-Semitism

Since the 5th century, the Jewish race was reviled amongst the other groups in the Middle East, and later in Europe itself. There were many reasons for this-which we have covered in previous articles. The main reason is their treatment of non-Jews.  It was only until the late 19th and early 20th century that Jews […]

GAZA WAR Isolates & Humiliates Israel & the US

A few days after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a boastful speech at the United Nations, (September 2023) announcing the establishment of a new Middle East centered around Israel and its new Arab partners, the Palestinians, whom he totally omitted from his fantasy regional map, dealt him and Israel a fatal blow, politically and […]

GAZA – US & Israel Defeated: What Next?

The Gaza conflict has dealt a massive defeat for Israel and the US. What was thought to be simply a walk in the park has turned out to be a nightmare for these two “rogue states”. They have repeatedly suffered multiple blowbacks on the implementation of their genocidal aims and policies. For every move they […]

GAZA – Hamas Defeats Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

If you recall, this war on Gaza caught both Israel and the US by surprise. But, they quickly jumped on this attack by Hamas to initiate their sick plan to do a “gas heist and consolidation “deal for the gas-fields off-shore Gaza. The timeline to complete this job by Israel, with full 100% US support, […]

GAZA – Hamas Defeats Israel Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

On the Ground Roughly half of Gaza’s buildings have likely been damaged or destroyed, based on satellite analysis. To add insult to injury, Israel is holding back millions of dollars due to the PA and the Palestinians. This happens regularly. The withholding of these funds adds to the misery of the Palestinians.  Prime Minister Benjamin […]

Palestine – From Antiquity to 1948

Historical Background It is a paradox of the Arab-Israeli conflict that the central issue, the plight of the Palestinians, was long regarded by much of the world as peripheral. In 1948, the UN considered the outcome irreversible and made no attempt to enforce the creation of a Palestinian state. UN resolutions 242 and 338 refers […]

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