Category: Middle East

Re-Balancing the Middle East Part 3 (of a 3 Part Series)

 Russia & China in the Middle East By the series of actions in recent months in Iraq and across the Middle East, Washington has forced a strategic shift towards China and to an extent Russia and away from the United States. If events continue on the present trajectory it can well be that a main […]

Re-Balancing the Middle East Part 2 (of a 3 Part Series)

The Arab World, Turkey & Iran The Region’s Flash-points The world is in turmoil. 2020 has already brought major multiple crises, with the Iranian-American clash in Iraq which followed the US assassination of Major General Qassem Soleimani, and the COVID-19 health pandemic and economic disaster that followed.  None of this, however, prevented America from imposing even […]

Re-Balancing the Middle East Part 1 (of a 3 Part Series)

Israel & the Middle East Introduction It would be best if we explain the key aim of the 2 families. Both want a one-world government – each for their own reason. The Rockefeller family began this journey in the aftermath of World War 1, when the founder built the League of Nations building in Geneva […]

Why Was Beirut Nuked?

Why Was Beirut Nuked?  On the 4th of August, the Beirut port was hit with a mini – nuke. In any incident, such as this, one question one must ask is, “who benefits?” The answer is, of course, Israel. Now, the question becomes, – “WHY?” To answer this, it would be wise to go back […]

The Qasem Soleimani Hit – Why?

Background.  There were 4 major trends happening in Iraq, and its convergence led to a blow-up in the country, followed by the death of Qasem Soleimani.  They are as follows ; The frustration of the Iraqi people at the government and  the undue and resentful influence of Iran in Iraq; the role of outside powers […]

The Aramco Hit

The Aramco IPO When Prince Mohammed bin Salman, or MBS, decided to list the world’s largest oil company, Aramco, the resulting frenzy within international banking circles was unprecedented. This decision was made in 2016. MBS wanted to diversify the Saudi economy and reduce the economy’s reliance on oil income.  The big question within investment banking […]

The GeoPolitics of Yemen

Early History The ruins of The Great Dam of Marib – destroyed by God, when the people left the worship of God, and indulged in sin. This was sometime between 1000 BC and 300 AD. A very fertile region was turned into a desolate place. Yemen was first populated by Cain (or Kabil), Adam’s son who […]

The Greater Middle East Project

At the time of the Iraq War in 2003, there appeared a project called the “Greater Middle East”. It was a plan of redrawing of the Old World regime’s map. This redrawing of the map of the Middle East is part of a strategy to put US military boots on the ground in control of […]

Trump’s Mid-East Strategy: Jockeying for Influence

The election of Donald Trump as the next American president has added a major new element of uncertainty to a Middle Eastern picture that had already achieved its highest state of confusion, violence, and uncertainty in its modern history. The factors that will determine the policies Trump will pursue there are many, and they are all […]

THE US – SAUDI NEXUS PART 6 (of a 6 part series)

First, some background. There was a reason why King Salman put his son, MBS as No 2 in the Kingdom. The normal way of doing business with the world was over. A new approach was needed. The Kingdom was facing huge challenges. So, MBS became the Crown Prince.  He is young, does not carry “any […]

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