In this article, we will detail the control over four main areas that are crucial for human existence. They are food, raw materials, energy and finance. The two families and their allied networks in London (the Rothschilds) and New York (the Rockefellers) have increased their control over all aspects of life – especially and most critically in these above 4 areas.
The British American Cartel or BAC
At the heart of the British-American-Commonwealth clique, run by the super-wealthy families of the oligarchy, is a combined economic and financial power greater than any single nation-state on Earth. The BAC has been busy, in preparation for the biggest financial implosion in history, which some insiders are acutely aware of—unlike the babblers at the Wall Street Journal and other financial press, who fantasize about the “eternal stability” of the system – in mergers.
There has been an intense consolidation, tightening the BAC’s death-grip over the production of goods necessary for human life. Under BAC control are 3-4,000 corporate entities. Although they maintain the fiction of corporate independence, their boards of directors are so multiply interlocked that it is difficult to tell one corporation from another. They are really one entity. In groups of 10 to 50 firms, they are formed into cartels, which dominate 50-90% of the economic activity in critical sectors: precious metals, base metals, strategic minerals, oil and energy, food supplies, and finance. As the rate of financial disintegration has accelerated, the BAC clique has hoarded commodities, often buying the source of production, from the mines to the oil fields, from which commodities are extracted or produced.
The financiers behind the BAC reason thus: “The Mountain of financial instruments in the world will soon collapse and be worth very little. If, when the dust clears, we can own 70% of food, energy, metals, and strategic minerals, we will still dominate the world.” The BAC’s hoarding poses a potentially devastating danger to mankind: Its policy is the neo-Malthusian policy which Henry Kissinger promulgated in 1974 as U.S. Secretary of State, under his National Security Study Memorandum 200. NSSM-200 outlined a policy of genocide and depopulation against the Third World, and ultimately, against the industrialized sector.
Through consolidation of 70% or more ownership of raw materials, the BAC has put within its grasp the power to cut back the production-flow of every kind of agricultural produce and raw material that is needed for people to eat, or, worked up from raw materials to capital and other finished goods, that is required for modern society. By squeezing off these flows, production would be crippled, to the point that mankind would be reduced to 500 million semi-literate souls roaming the Earth—achieving the paradigm desired by the 2 families. The immense physical goods and financial power of the BAC cartel is not reported in university textbooks or in the media. The latter focus on how much the stock of Facebook is worth, or what is going on with Tesla or with other Internet stocks, but it has given little coverage of how the BAC has been building up immensely its power.
The New British Empire
One of the most dangerous, widely held myths in the world today is the idea that the British monarchy is a “toothless tiger,” with little more than ceremonial power, and little purpose beyond the attraction of tourists to Buckingham Palace to watch the changing of the guards. In fact, the Queen of England, Elizabeth II (acting as “front-man for the Rothschilds), is one of the wealthiest individual in the world today, with vast real estate holdings, Crown treasures, and a cash-flow of investments estimated in the tens of billions of dollars, largely concealed through blind trusts and offshore accounts. The notorious hedge fund swindler, George Soros, is but one of many “handlers” of the Queen’s portfolio. As head of the British Commonwealth, Elizabeth II enjoys absolute sovereignty over 16 countries and substantial authority over 60 additional countries and dependent territories.
The new British Empire presides over 1.7 billion people representing more than 24% of the world population; and it occupies nearly 32 million square kilometers, or just below 24% of the world land-area. The nations of the British Commonwealth constitute the largest voting bloc in many multinational organizations, from the United Nations, to the Organization of African Unity (OAU), to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada are 4 of the 16 countries where Queen Elizabeth II is the sovereign. The governments and parliaments of those countries serve at her pleasure, and she has the unchecked authority to dismiss a government without cause or explanation.
In 1975, a rebellious, popularly elected Australian government, under Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, was sent packing by order of Her Majesty. Among the other states where the Queen is sovereign, are the British Caribbean offshore money-laundering centers, which harbor more than half a trillion dollars a year in illicit drug trade. This trade has been associated with the British Crown since Prime Minister Lord Palmerston dispatched the Royal Navy to fight two Opium Wars to impose drug addiction on the people of China, during the nineteenth century.
The 1001 Club has 1,001 members at any given time. They are among the wealthiest and most powerful figures of their English- and Dutch-speaking nations. For example, the 70-80 Club members in Canada form a tightly knit group, all hand-picked by Maurice Strong; they have controlled every Canadian government of the postwar period, dominate the country’s six leading banks, and maintain a tight grip on the country. Prince Philip is, to this day, also the chief operations officer of the Club of the Isles, the core group of approximately 5,000 British and Commonwealth oligarchs, who control the interconnected apparatus of banks, raw material cartels, media organizations, private think-tanks, and oil multinationals and insurance giants. In recent years, this apparatus has tightened its grip on the world’s flow of petroleum, food, and precious metals. It can truly be said that the informal power of the British ruling cabal is even more extensive, albeit concealed, than the formal powers of the British Crown.
Chatham House is home to the Rothschild brain trust At 10 St. James Square, once the London home of Prime Minister William Pitt the Elder, the Earl of Chatham, the elite planners of the new British Empire gather under the banner of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA). it is at Chatham House that the mandarins of the “informal” empire gather to shape the direction of the BAC cabal, long before the issues come up for a vote in Parliament. This is the way it has been since the RIIA was inaugurated in 1919-20, following World War I. Today, the RIIA is largely bankrolled through a veritable who’s who of the Club of the Isles multinational banks, raw material cartels, insurance companies, etc.
In this report, we will look at four areas which the BAC runs as cartels: finance, petroleum, food, and metals. The individuals in one cartel area will show up frequently in many of the others. Here, we will outline the structure of the principal BAC cartels, from precious metals, to food, to finance; the wealthy nobility that runs them; and the extent of their global control. But over the past 3 decades, the BAC has consolidated its cartels. We give an overview of how these cartels work.
Oil is the world’s most strategic commodity. A modern economy cannot function without oil. Oil is vital in transportation, for cars, trucks, and airplanes, and is used in plastics and feedstocks. The oil industry is dominated by a handful of companies – mostly owned and controlled by the 2 families. From the Rockefeller side, we get Exxon, Chevron, and a few others. From the Rothschild side we get BP, Shell and Total, plus a few smaller ones. These 5 companies are responsible for 30% of the global refining and marketing of oil products.
The output of national oil companies, such as that of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Mexico, is large, but it is the Big Four of Exxon, Chevron, BP, Total and Royal Dutch Shell, and other BAC satellite oil companies around them, that dominate the international arrangements of production, and even much more, of refining and marketing. These three are among the world’s four largest oil refiners, and combined they sell 26% of world gas station sales. This provides the pivotal control for the BAC in petroleum production, refining, and marketing, and anchors its dominating role in world energy.
For more detailed information in the energy and oil industries, please read the authors articles on this subject – on this site i.e. https://behindthenews.co.za/how-the-petro-dollar-disintegrated-the-world-economy/ and https://behindthenews.co.za/the-collapsing-oil-price-why/

The United Kingdom is one of the centers that dominate world financial turnover, out of all proportion to the U.K.’s relative weight in the world economy. Britain’s economy accounts for just 3% of the world’s GDP, but the City of London’s share of control of key financial markets is as high as 45%. London’s role as a financial center, a role that is overlooked by the media, is long-standing. These institutions, along with some insurance companies, all grouped around the mother institution, the Bank of England, form the core of the British financier cartel. At the top are about 1,000 immensely wealthy families in Britain. Around this core, the cartel has built up a large infrastructure. Located in London are the London Metal Exchange, the world center for trading certain metals; the London Petroleum Exchange; the setting-fixing of the world gold price; the center for world shipping, including ship-contracting and maritime insurance; the London International Financial Futures Exchange, which is one of the world’s largest derivatives trading centers; and so on. There are at least 200,000 who work in finance and financial services jobs, to service the City of London’s operations. Some 500 foreign banks operate there, more than on Wall Street. London’s percentage share of financial turnover in some markets has increased. For example, recent figures show that London’s share of assets managed in Europe for foreign institutional clients exceeds 60%. If one goes on to include the British-American-Commonwealth faction’s operations in Canada, Australia, Singapore, and a few other British Commonwealth countries, the percentages go up. If one includes the firms on Wall Street and other U.S. locations now controlled by the British command center, such as Morgan Bank, Bank of America, Merril Lynch, etc., the British share of world financial activity becomes even greater, and in many major market spheres, including derivatives trading, financing of mergers and acquisitions, and Third World bond origination, it exceeds half of all world market activity.
In 1913, the financier oligarchs of the City of London and Wall Street effected a profound change: They created the Federal Reserve System to impose a dictatorship on the United States, through control of the nation’s credit. Through this means, economic and national policy can be dictated. Over the years, the Federal Reserve ruined America’s productive economy, and destroyed its economic sovereignty. This became all the more important in 1913, because by then, America was the most powerful industrial nation in the world, producing fully one-third of the world’s industrial output. As a centralized authority, with the final say over most credit policy, the Federal Reserve handed to the City of London and Wall Street powerful levers, to set the level and price of credit, and to determine how much would flow, and for what purpose. Since February 1917, the capital of international finance had moved to New York, and that is where it is till now.
The BAC is a short version to describe the companies controlled by the power networks of the two families in these four related fields. There is virtually no competition between them, over these sectors. Rather, they work together to achieve common aims.
A crucial point to add here is the following. The great rivalry for markets after 1920, between US and British companies nearly led to war between America and Britain in the 1920s. With a weakened British Empire after 1930, Nelson Rockefeller took over Latin America so thoroughly by 1945, that he was able to “expropriate” some of the choicest holdings of British companies in Latin America.
This grab of resources away from European colonial holdings into American hands continued after 1945, when US pressure resulted in many Third World countries gaining independence from their colonial masters. Whenever a country experiences economic and financial turbulence, its currency gets weaker, relative to the dollar. This makes the local companies a “real bargain“ in dollar terms. Thus, after every financial crisis, a greater percentage of the local economy falls under foreign – mainly BAC – control. Through such “baby-steps”, American companies have expanded their presence in most countries.
One measure of the British-American-Commonwealth (BAC) faction’s success in seizing control over the United States is the great strides it has made in transforming the most powerful industrial economy and nation the world has ever seen, the United States, into a rusting hulk, where quick-buck speculation has largely supplanted the “old-fashioned” idea of production. From the global derivatives racket of Wall Street, to the lottery frenzy of all too many of our citizens, speculation has become a national way of life. Pick up virtually any major newspaper, and you will see the so-called experts proclaiming the “fundamental soundness” of the U.S. economy, with some going so far as to claim that the economy is “nearly perfect.” The boom, they all agree, is on.
The claims that the United States is experiencing an economic boom are akin to claims that an emaciated patient is prospering, because his tumor gained 50 pounds. The U.S. economy is not growing; it is collapsing, and at an increasing rate. The industrial base is contracting; infrastructure is crumbling, and productivity declining. The United States is indeed on the edge of a new era: a plunge into a new Dark Age. Africa is already there, with Asia, the former East bloc, and Latin America sliding downhill fast, and the (formerly) industrial nations poised to join them, as soon as the bubble pops. And pop it will. Take a look at the perilous condition of the U.S. banking system, where what the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. terms “off-balance-sheet derivatives” have taken over.
Since 1991, the banking system as a whole has added $120 in derivatives for every $1 of new assets, $90 in derivatives for every $1 of new loans, and $150 in derivatives for every $1 of new equity capital. At the end of 2018 8 U.S. commercial banks reported $1,800 trillion in derivatives, backed up by $962 billion in equity. The bubble frenzy is also playing out in the stock market. They’re not banks anymore: The cancer has indeed taken over. A world gone mad.
Behind this insanity, lies a carefully crafted plan to bring the United States to its knees, and to reintegrate it into the British Empire. The death of the Bretton Woods fixed – exchange – rate system in 1971, combined with the Fed’s huge interest rate hikes a decade later, destroyed the stability of the U.S.-dominated, post-World War II economic system. The calculated effect of this instability was to increase the power of the financial oligarchy to manipulate the economies of the world.
During the 1980s, thanks in large part to a series of tax breaks for speculators and laws which deregulated the banking system, the cancer was allowed to run wild. The resulting junk bond and real estate bubble expanded until the latter part of the 1980s, then blew out spectacularly, with the public collapse of Drexel Burnham Lambert, the savings and loans, the Texas banking system, and the Ibero-American debt crisis—and the more discreet collapse of the big banks. In response, the Bush administration and the Federal Reserve organized a secret bailout of the U.S. banking system, through a series of hidden subsidies, forced mergers, and a “no such thing as a bad loan” regulatory stance. Such mergers are continuing, both to increase the power of the banks relative to the national government, and to hide the losses arising from the derivatives shell-game.
A similar game –from 1991 – is being played worldwide, especially among the European banks, with huge mergers in Switzerland, France, and Italy. Mergers are also sweeping the insurance, telecommunications, energy, and raw materials sectors, leading to an explosion in mergers and acquisitions worldwide in recent years. And most of these mergers and takeovers normally take place after major market and financial crashes. Since 1945, the Rockefeller Group has become the dominant financial player on Wall Street.
With nearly every merger, the BAC increases its hold over the economy. The result is a world where virtually everything is sacrificed on the altar of big money. Banks used to prosper by helping to build their communities; some banks still do that, but the big banks now make their money by pulling funds out of their customer base, and betting it in the global casino. Their off-balance-sheet derivatives holdings wildly exceed their balance sheets, with JP MORGAN Chase having more in derivatives than the Gross Domestic Product of the entire United States. They have chosen to go with the bubble, and support it by looting the real economy. This is no longer the American System banking model which built the nation; it has been transformed into a British-style system, which is destroying the United States and the world.
For more details on the world of international finance, read the authors articles in this site i.e. https://behindthenews.co.za/finance-derivatives-and-the-imploding-financial-system/ and https://behindthenews.co.za/dollarization-of-the-world/
Here we will give a condensed list of the major mining companies owned and controlled by the 2 families.
- Glencore Xtrata
Glencore is a Switzerland-based multinational commodity trading and mining company. The company took shape over the past 4 decades, mainly by combining various Rothschild and Oppenheimer-controlled companies, into one big giant today. It produces metal, mineral, energy, and agricultural commodities. The company serves the automotive, steel, power generation, battery manufacturing, and oil sectors globally.
Glencore Xstrata, created through the merger of the world’s biggest commodities trader Glencore and the diversified mining company Xtrata in May 2013, is the world’s biggest mining company. The mining and trading conglomerate headquartered in Switzerland reported revenues exceeding $230bn from industrial and marketing activities in its metals and minerals, and coal and oil segments in 2018.
The company’s mining operations encompass over 150 mining and metallurgical sites around the world. Revenue from the metals and minerals business including copper, nickel, zinc/lead, alloys, alumina/aluminum and iron ore was over $74bn in 2018. Glencore Xstrata also produced 148.1 million tons of coal in 2018.
The Zanaga iron ore mine in Republic of Congo, the Collahuasi copper mine in Chile, the Antamina copper-zinc mine in Peru, and the Correjon coal mine in Colombia are among the major mining operations in which Glencore Xtrata holds significant interests.
- BHP Billiton
BHP is an Australia-based international resources company – Rothschild Group Company. It explores and mines minerals, including coal, iron ore, gold, titanium, ferroalloys, nickel, and copper properties. It also offers petroleum exploration, production, and refining services. The company serves customers worldwide.
Australian miner BHP Billiton earned $67.83bn revenues in the year ending in December 2018 making it the world’s second biggest mining company. The major mining commodities produced by the company include aluminum, coal, copper, iron ore, manganese, nickel, silver and uranium.
The company’s Iron ore operations, the third biggest in the world, comprising the Western Australia Iron Ore operations in the Pilbara region of Australia and the Samarco iron ore operation in Brazil, account for about one third of its revenue. Samarco Alegria is the world’s second biggest iron ore mine.
Copper is the second biggest revenue source for the company. BHP Billiton operates the world’s biggest copper mine Escondida in Chile. It also owns three of the world’s ten biggest coal mines – the Peak Downs coal mine in central Queensland, Australia, Mt Arthur coal mine in the Hunter, Valley region of New South Wales, Australia, and the Cerrejon coal mine in Colombia. Olympic Dam in Australia, a major poly-metallic mine and the second biggest uranium producing mine in the world, is also owned and operated by BHP Billiton.
- Rio Tinto
Rio Tinto (formerly RTZ) is the other world raw materials giant. Rio Tinto was founded in the 1870s by Hugh Matheson, the head of the Hong Kong based Jardine Matheson, then the world’s biggest opium-trading operation. More recently, Rio Tinto was under the direction of Sir Mark Turner, who from 1939-44 was a leading officer in the U.K. Office of Economic Warfare. He studied the economic chokepoints of an economy, and knows how to implement a strategy to cut off raw materials and economic flows to cripple an economy. It is a premier Rothschild Group company, along with Anglo American, BHP, and Glencore.
Rio Tinto is a U.K.-based multinational metals and mining company. It explores and mines for aluminum, borax, coal, copper, gold, iron ore, lead, silver, tin, uranium, zinc, titanium dioxide feedstock, diamonds, talc, and zircon. The company serves customers in various industries worldwide.
The British-Australian multinational mining company Rio Tinto headquartered in London earned gross sales revenue of $74.6bn in the year ending in December 2018 becoming the world’s third biggest miner.
Rio Tinto is the second biggest iron ore producer in the world. Iron ore accounted for over $62bn of the company’s revenue in 2018. . The company’s coal mining operations in Australia and Mozambique together accounted for $5.5bn in revenue. The diamond and minerals business contributed $5.1bn of revenue.
Simandou in Guinea and Hamersley in Australia, both operated by Rio Tinto, are among the world’s ten biggest iron ore mines. The company holds 30% interest in Chile’s biggest copper mine Escondida. Rio Tinto operates two of the top ten uranium producing mines in the world, namely the Ranger uranium mine in Australia and the Rossing uranium mine in Namibia. It also owns and operates Argyle, one of the biggest diamond mines in the world.
- Vale
Vale is a Brazil-based multinational mining company. It produces iron ore, pellets, manganese, iron alloys, gold, nickel, copper, bauxite, alumina, aluminum, potash, and coal. The company also owns and operates railroads and maritime terminals. The company operates in approximately 30 different countries. Both the families have an interest in Vale, although the Rockefellers hold a dominant position in this company.
Vale, the Brazilian multinational metals and mining company with revenues of $58.9bn in 2019, is the world’s fourth biggest miner. Vale is the world’s biggest iron ore producer and the second biggest nickel producer.
Iron ore and pellets accounted for 58% and 12.6% of the company’s total revenue respectively in 2018 Base metals including nickel, copper, gold and platinum group metals (PGMs) contributed 14.9% of the company’s revenue. Fertilizers including potash, phosphate and nitrogen accounted for 6.1% of the revenue whereas coal accounted for 1.9%. Asia contributed for 54.2% of Vale’s revenue in 2013, of which China alone accounted for 38.6%.
Vale operates three of the world’s biggest iron ore mines including the world biggest Carajas iron ore mine located in the state of Para in Northern Brazil. The company also holds 50% interest in Samarco Alegria. The Vale-operated Moatize coal mine in the Tete Province of Mozambique is the world’s fourth biggest coal mine by reserve.
- Anglo American
Revenue $27.6 billion
Net Income $2.1 billion
Anglo American is a U.K.-based mining company. It engages in the exploration and mining of precious metals, base metals, and ferrous metals. The company produces iron ore, manganese, metallurgical coal, copper, nickel, platinum, and diamonds. It has operations throughout the world. The British multinational mining company Anglo American headquartered in London, UK, becoming the world’s fifth biggest miner. It is also one of the top 5 companies within the Rothschild mining Group.
The company produced 42.4 million tons (mt) of iron ore, 97.8mt of coal, 34,400t of nickel, 2.32 million ounces of platinum and 31.2 million carats of diamonds in 2013. Diamonds accounted for $6.39bn whereas iron ore and copper accounted for $5.3bn and $5.2bn respectively as part of total revenue. Revenues from thermal coal and metallurgical coal stood at $3.8bn and $2.6bn respectively, while platinum contributed $3.58bn. Mining operations in South Africa followed by Chile generated the biggest share of the company’s revenue in 2018.
Anglo American’s wholly owned Minas-Rio iron ore project in Brazil and Sishen mine, part of its Kumba iron ore operations in South Africa are among the world’s 11 biggest iron ore mines. The company also holds significant interests in Collahuasi and Los Bronces mines in Chile, which rank among the world’s 10 biggest copper mines.
In December 1998, Zambia agreed to sell to Anglo American Corp., the world’s largest mining operation, the Nchanga and Nkana mines of the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM), for $72 million—a price so low it was effectively an act of thievery. Zambia was ravaged by AIDS, and by the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the international donors who had cut off most funds to this starving nation until it sold its copper mines to foreign interests.
Oct. 18, marking the 34th year of Zambia’s independence, the Zambian National Broadcasting Corp. reported on a speech by President Frederick Chiluba: “He wondered what civilization was all about, when poor countries were still being given conditions like those given the slaves in the past.” On Nov. 19, Chiluba said, “Our donors are making the point that copper is a new millstone around our necks, by insisting that aid is tied to the sale of the copper mines.” By late December, President Chiluba, under the intense pressure of the worsening condition of his population, gave in, and sold the mines to Anglo American. This is the way Anglo American normally does business, in concert with other extensions of the BAC, such as the IMF.
In 1996, during the invasion of Zaire/Congo, led by the forces allied to Uganda’s Yoweri Museveni, Anglo American Corp., operating through its MDDZ firm, obtained a substantial chunk of the leading mining concern, the Socie´te´ Minie`re et Industrielle de Kivu (Sominki), in mineral-rich Kivu Province. Sominki operates 47 mining concessions, encompassing 10,271 square kilometers, and it used the genocidal war as the opportunity to pick up the property at fire-sale prices. Anglo American Corp. offers a taste of how a world without nation-states, run by the financier oligarchs, would operate. It was formed in 1917. Financing for, and investments into Anglo American and its associated companies came from the Rothschild bank and J.P. Morgan. The South Africa-based Anglo American owns DeBeers Centenary and DeBeers Consolidated (which together control the Central Selling Organization that markets and controls 80% of the world’s diamonds), and the Luxembourg- based Minerals and Resources Corp. (Minorco) holding company. In South Africa alone, Anglo American owns more than 1,600 companies, where it is the world’s leading producer of gold, platinum, and diamonds. The Oppenheimer family runs the Anglo American Corp Empire.
- Newmont Goldcorp
Newmont Goldcorp is a leading gold and copper producer with operations in the U.S., Australia, Ghana, Peru and Suriname, and is a part of the Rothschild Group. Earlier this year, Barrick struck a joint venture with Newmont Goldcorp, called Nevada Gold Mines, which will have three tier-one gold mines: Barrick’s Cortez; the combination of Barrick’s Goldstrike and Newmont’s Carlin; and Barrick’s Turquoise Ridge, with Newmont’s Twin Creeks. The joint-venture operations making up Nevada Gold Mines — owned 61.5% by Barrick and 38.5% by Newmont Goldcorp — produced more than 4 million oz. gold in 2018.
- Southern Copper
Processing equipment at Southern Copper’s Toquepala copper mine in southern Peru. Credit: Southern Copper.
Southern Copper (is one of the largest integrated copper producers in the world, with a copper reserve totaling 70.6 million tons. The company was incorporated in Delaware in 1952, and is listed on the New York and Lima Stock Exchanges. The company operates in Mexico and Peru, and has exploration projects in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru. And it is a Rockefeller company.
Southern Copper produced 883,689 tons copper, 70,778 tons zinc and 17.3 million oz. silver in 2018. In February 2018, the company won the public bidding process for the Michiquillay project in Cajamarca, Peru, with mineral resources of 1.15 billion tons and a 0.63% copper grade. The Michiquillay project is expected to produce 225,000 tons copper a year, along with by-products molybdenum, gold and silver, for an initial mine life exceeding 25 years. Michiquillay will start production in 2025 to become one of the largest copper mines in Peru.
- Barrick Gold Corporation
Barrick Gold Corp is the second-largest gold mining company in the world. Headquartered in Toronto, the company was originally an oil and gas company but evolved into a mining company. The need to “launder” part of the loot from Yamashit’s Gold haul in the Philippines, led to the formation of Barrick as a gold company.
The company operates gold and copper mining operations and projects in 13 countries in North and South America, Africa, Papua New Guinea, and Saudi Arabia. Barrick produced more than 5.3 million ounces of gold in 2019. The company holds a number of large and undeveloped gold deposits. Barrick had a market cap of U.S. $47 billion as of June 2020.
In 2019, Barrick and Newmont Goldcorp established Nevada Gold Mines LLC. The company is owned 61.5% by Barrick and 38.5% by Newmont. This joint venture is one of the largest gold-producing complexes in the world, which includes three of the Top 10 Tier One gold assets.
The world’s biggest gold mining company Barrick Gold earned $18.5bn revenues in the year ending in December 2018 becoming the world’s eighth biggest miner. Barrick Gold carries out gold and copper mining operations in Australia, Africa, North America and South America
Barrick owns and operates three of the world’s ten biggest gold mines including the Pueblo Viejo gold mine the Dominican Republic and the Cortez gold mine in Nevada, US. Goldstrike in Nevada, Lagunas Norte in Peru and Veladero in Argentina are the other major gold mines operated by Barrick.
- Freeport-McMoRan
Revenue of $25bn from mining operations in the year ending in December 2018 make Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold , the US-based natural resource company headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, the world’s seventh biggest miner. It is also a Rockefeller entity.
The company produces copper, gold, molybdenum and cobalt, and has mining operations in North America, South America, Africa and Indonesia FCX’s Grasberg open pit mining operation in Indonesia boasts the world’s biggest gold reserves and the tenth biggest copper reserves. operates seven open-pit copper mines in North America (Morenci, Bagdad, Safford, Sierrita and Miami in Arizona, and Chino and Tyrone in New Mexico) and two copper mines in South America (Cerro Verde in Peru, and El Abra in Chile).
In 2018, Freeport produced 3.8 billion lb. copper at an average realized price of $2.91 per lb., and 2.4 million oz. gold at $1,254 per ounce. The company has estimated consolidated recoverable proven and probable mineral reserves of 119.6 billion lb. copper, 30.8 million oz. gold, 3.78 billion lb. molybdenum and 393.1 million oz. silver.
In May 2019, Freeport announced the sale of its cobalt refinery — in Kokkola, Finland — and related cobalt cathode business to Umicore for $150 million. Production at the Lone Star copper-leach project in Arizona, which Freeport started developing in 2018, should begin by the end of 2020. In December 2018, the Indonesian government took a 51.2% stake in Freeport’s Grasberg mine in Papua province, Indonesia, in a $3.85 billion deal.
- Alcoa
Alcoa is a global industry leader in bauxite, alumina and aluminum products. Alcoa is among the world’s largest bauxite producers, with seven bauxite mines, including the world’s second-largest: Huntly, in Australia. It is also the world’s leading producer of alumina, and operates six refineries in Australia, Brazil and Spain. Its three-refinery operation in Western Australia is the world’s biggest single source of alumina.
It is controlled by the Mellon family of Pittsburg. This year, the company expects to ship between 47 million and 48 million dry tons bauxite, between 13.6 million and 13.7 million tons alumina, and between 2.8 million and 2.9 million tons aluminum.
- Peabody Energy
Peabody Energy is the largest private-sector coal company in the world, and is a Rockefeller company. Its primary business lies in mining, selling and distributing coal for use in electricity generation and steelmaking. The company, headquartered in St. Louis, Mo., has majority interests in 22 of the 23 coal-mining operations in the U.S. and Australia, and a 50% equity interest in Middlemount Coal Pty Ltd., which owns the Middlemount mine in Queensland, Australia
2. Fortescue Metals Group
FMG is the world’s tenth biggest mining company Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) earned revenue of $10.69bn for the year ending in December 2013. The Australian mining company is also the world’s fourth biggest iron ore producer after Vale, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton. This company is controlled by the Rothschild Group.
Most of these companies are in the 1001 Club, the tightly knit, elite society of royalty, oligarchs, financiers, raw materials executives, and billionaires, to coordinate strategy worldwide. For 16 of the 24 crucial minerals and metals, the combined output of these dozen companies accounts for 30% or more of global output, and in the case of seven of the materials, this combine produces 50 % or more global output. Anglo American and Rio Tinto form the core of the metals cartel. With other BAC majors Barrick Gold, Vale, Glencore, Canada’s Inco, they have a grip over the flow of metal and mineral goods. For gold, BAC firms and nations control 70 % of world.
The BAC cartel controls 49% of silver production and 80 % of world platinum production. The BAC has a similar degree of control of base metals: copper, zinc, lead, nickel, alumina bauxite, iron ore, and tin. Without them, a modern economy is impossible. If one excludes crushed stone, and wood- and carbon-based materials, 70% of the weight of every manufactured good in the world is made up of just these seven metals. They are the mainstay of the finished goods that make up economic life, ranging from machine tools and tractors, to electric generators and refrigerators. The BAC cartel controls 27% to 78% of these seven metals. BAC control of even 15-20% of a good’s output, in a world where production is fragmented among hundreds of companies and nations, gives it a great deal of control. Control of 30%, 40%, or, in the case of alumina-bauxite, 78%, of production, gives the BAC dominant say over pricing and output. In strategic minerals, so-called because they form crucial alloys used in defense and high-technology goods, the BAC cartel monopolizes 74% of cobalt mine output, 62% of manganese output, and 67% of titanium output.
When the BAC, through cartels, controls 97% of U.S. wheat exports, 83% of U.S. beef exports, 74% of U.S. wet corn processing, and so forth in the food industry; much of the world’s supply, refining, and marketing of petroleum; 70% of the world’s gold production, 27-78% of the world’s seven basic industrial metals production, 74% of the world’s cobalt production, and so forth, in the metals industry—this is enormous power.
Bill Gates’s net worth may be $158 billion, but that is a paper pyramid. What the BAC controls is assets instrumental to the operation of the physical economy. As is shown in Zambia, where Anglo American Corp., working with the IMF, was increasing the rate of starvation until the Zambian government caved in and gave Anglo American the copper mines, the BAC cares only about its profits and power.
In the next article, we continue with the story of the BAC cartel in the food industry. If you and your family don’t want to starve, then it is important for you to understand what the future has in store for our survival. Read these articles, and share with as many people as possible.
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