North America and the United States was the New World. It was a land that was free of the dogmas attached to Europe, and it was worked by hard, determined people. There was no restriction to upward mobility, unlike Europe. It was also a land very rich in natural resources, with a temperate climate. Since the founding of the Bank of England in 1694, London has been trying to unify the few colonies of North America, and get them to use money based on credit, and not gold. While visiting London, Benjamin Franklin was asked, “How do you account for the prosperity in the American colonies? “. Franklin replied; “That is simple. It is because we use our own money. It is called Colonial Script, and we issue it in our proportion to accommodate trade and commerce “.
In 1760, The Bank of England (BOE) issued legislation banning the issuing of its own money, and to use the BOE’s money. This law caused great unemployment when put into effect. Benjamin Franklin refused, and so the BOE went to war against the North American colonies. The British lost this battle, and the colonies gained their independence, on July 1776. The war ended in 1783. The BOE decided to subvert this process from within the American system, for it said that – – “ If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origins in North America, becomes fixed, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debts. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed, or it will destroy every power on the globe”.
George Washington saw through the BOE’s manipulation, and repeatedly turned down their request for a national bank charter. In 1787, he made a speech, saying: “We must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and penetration. That menace, gentlemen, is the Jew. In whatever country the Jews have settled in any vast numbers, they have lowered its moral tone, depreciated its commercial integrity, have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within a state, and when opposed, have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal. “
“For over 1700 years the Jews have been bewailing their sad faith in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But, gentlemen, did the world give it them in fee simple, they would at once find some reason for not returning. WHY? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves; they must subsist on peoples not of their race. If you do not exclude them from these United States, in less than 200 years, they will have swarmed in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land, and change our form of government. Our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. Jews are Asiatic and are a menace to this country if permitted entry. A leopard cannot change its spots”.
Thus was the above statements uttered by Benjamin Franklin, at the framing of the Constitution, in Philadelphia, nearly 233 years ago!!
US President George Washington appointed Alexander Hamilton – an agent of the BOE – as Secretary of the Treasury, in 1788. In 1790 Franklin passed away. In 1791, the US Government granted a 20-year charter to its first national bank, called the First Bank of the United States. The bank was capitalized at $35 million, of which 80% was owned by Dutch and English Jewish financiers. Within a short time, the government was able to pay off its debts, and be free. By 1811, pressure was increasing on the government to renew the charter. Sentiment was running against renewal. The BOE issued an ultimatum; “Either the application for renewal of the charter is granted, or the US will find itself involved in a most disastrous war”. The British government launched the War of 1812, even though it was fighting Napoleon in Europe at this time. This war was calculated to impoverish the US to such an extent that the government would have to plead for peace, and seek financial aid.
The war proved expensive and raised the US debt from $45 m to $127 million. This war was intended to force the US into a position of creating a central bank, to pay for the costs of the war, thus creating interest payments and debt. The pressure to find a way to pay the costs of the war through the re-chartering of a national bank continued, and in 1816, the Second Bank of the United States was formed with a 20-year charter. This bank was given the ability to loan the government $60 million. This new bank now had the power to control the entire fiscal structure of the country.
In 1816, Thomas Jefferson warned the people; “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raided up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance”.
It did not take long for the Second Bank to exercise its powers. The Bank inflated from 1816-1818. In early 1819 it reversed its policy and began a contraction, leading to depression. Gold and silver flowed out of the country, leaving in its wake a trail of bankruptcies. This cycle benefited the bankers who were able to re-possess assets at a fraction of its value. By 1834, the war debts of 1812 were paid up. This did not please Nathan Rothschild – the largest shareholder of the Second Bank. The Rothschild family was now calling the shots in the British Empire, since at least 1825.
The presidential elections of 1832 were a crucial one for the Bank, as the main issue was the renewal of the Bank’s charter in 1836. Andrew Jackson won the elections on an anti-Bank platform. After the elections, President Jackson ordered Nicholas Biddle, the head of the Second Bank, to withdraw government funds on deposit at the Bank. Biddle refused, and instead called for a general curtailment of loans throughout the banking system. The order was so sudden, and its financial effects so devastating that the country experienced economic panic. The Bank was punishing the American people for voting against it.
Jackson feared for his life. He told his Vice-President, Martin Van Buren, “The Bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to kill me, but I will kill it”. On January 30 1835, a would-be-assassin stepped into his path and fired two pistols at close range. Both pistols misfired, and Jackson survived the first presidential assassination attempt in the US. The Bank’s charter expired in 1836- making the US free of a central bank. Within months the economy boomed, but the Rothschilds caused a depression in 1837.
August Belmont
Up until the mid-19th century, the Rothschilds entrusted to agents their business in distant lands. These might be on-the-spot financiers, merchants or trusted bank employees sent abroad after years of service in either the London or Paris house. Their positions carried enormous responsibility and prestige, as well as the potential for personal enrichment. The family was in the vanguard of overseas developments. As new colonies were opened in Africa, and the newly created nations of South America sought to expand their economies, the family’s agents bought up mining concessions, finance railway construction, or provide state loans. They owned or had major shareholdings in Central American ironworks, North American canal construction companies, and a multitude of other concerns. They became the major importers of bullion from newly discovered goldfields. In 1855, the London branch opened its own gold refinery.
The family policy was to appoint only men they could trust, and then to check up on them whenever possible. The appointment of such agents always posed a problem of trust. The Rothschild representatives in New York, Mexico City, Havana, Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town, Melbourne, Singapore, Tokyo, Shanghai, Bombay, Russia, and other places, had considerable freedom in handling deals worth millions. It took weeks for instructions and reports to travel to and fro across the oceans, so the agents on site had to be allowed considerable latitude and encouraged to use their initiative for the firm, rather than for their own advantage. Of all the overseas capitals, New York was the most important one.
In 1829, a 15-year old Jewish boy, August Schonberg, arrived at Frankfurt and talked his way into a menial job at Amschel’s bank. A good talker and charmer, this aggressive youth had Rothschild qualities, and he was a financial genius. He earned rapid promotions, and in the next 8 years did the rounds of all the houses, becoming fluent in French, English and Italian.
In 1837, the Rothschilds needed someone to go to Cuba where their interests were being seriously affected by the spread of revolt against Spanish rule. They chose their brilliant young protege and dispatched him without delay. August Schonberg set off for Cuba, via New York. On arrival in New York, he changed his surname to Belmont. Seven weeks before his arrival, the New York Rothschild agents had gone bankrupt. Belmont simply took their place.
Within a short space of time Belmont put the business on a sound footing; he became the most powerful person in New York’s financial and social circles. Men accorded great respect to the representative of the world’s greatest private bankers.
The Rothschild’s involvement started in 1799, when Nathan, in Manchester, started to buy cotton from the Southern States of the US. Over the years since the first purchase, the Rothschilds had built up heavy American commitments. Nathan had acquired a considerable stake in the future of the continent. He made loans to various states of the Union, and was also for a time the official banker for the US government in Europe. As America was a developing economy, it had constant need for funding its economic growth. In the process, quite a few states defaulted on their loans, and this infuriated the Rothschilds. State defaults also impacted Federal credit. European investors cursed America as a land of cheats and rascals. When George Washington sent treasury agents to Europe in 1842, James Rothschild told them; “Tell them that you have seen the man who is at the head of the finances in Europe, and that he has told you that they cannot borrow a dollar. Not a dollar!!!”
August Belmont did very well for the Rothschilds in America. He found plenty of business in this expanding land, and kept them extremely well informed of transatlantic events. Year in year out the New York office maintained an almost daily flow of correspondence, so that the parent houses would remain up to date with their investments in bullion, cotton, tobacco, railways, federal and state bonds, and a wide range of industrial companies.
Belmont provided an excellent service for the government in Washington, giving them access to Rothschild funding throughout a period when adequate cash supply was a constant headache. In Europe, the superlative courier service developed by the Rothschilds had been instrumental in shaping their political role. It was because they could provide superior information that they had been taken into the confidence of princes and ministers, and had become advisors on policy. History now repeated itself. Politicians in London and Paris wanted information about America, and the Rothschilds were the best people to provide it. From there it was a short step to governments on both sides of the Atlantic using the bankers as an unofficial channel of communication.
In 1844, Belmont became the Austrian Consul-General, and joined the Democratic Party, eventually rising to its chairmanship. In 1849 he married Caroline Perry from one of the top social families. His father-in-law was Commodore Perry of the US Navy, who would do the Rothschilds an immense favor in 1859 when, with only 4 ships, he forced Japan to end centuries of isolation, and opened diplomatic relations with Britain and the US. Since that time till 1936, Japan was a Rothschild colony.
Gold was discovered in California in 1840. With the Rothschild’s desire to monopolise this metal, Alphonse, son of James, was sent to America in 1849 to study the situation. He toured extensively for 6 months, familiarized himself with the present state of the family investments in America, and to assess the future potential of the continent. It impressed him enormously. This is his report of May 1850; without the slightest doubt, this is the cradle of a new civilization. The settlement of California is an event of enormous potential for America, both for her gold and her geographical position. In a few years from now America would have attracted to itself the greater part of the trade with China and the Indies and will be enthroned between the two oceans. The country possesses such elements of prosperity that one would have been blind not to recognize them. And it continues.
This recalls the analytical conclusion that made the Dutch Jewish financiers fasten onto England as their ideal base for World Empire.
Alphonse was in no doubt about the implications for the family. They had to get more involved in plotting the destiny of this country according to the dictates of the Rothschilds. At this time America was a free country whose citizens were basically industrious immigrants who escaped socially-rigid Europe with its nobility-caste system and its oppressive, usury-ridden economic life. They asked for nothing more than to be given an opportunity to live and work in such a stimulating environment. The results of such a unique experiment were so brilliant that America became a legend around the world. Many millions across the globe viewed America as the Promised Land. America was also blessed for not having Jewish finance controlling the economy.
The Family’s Plan to Break-Up America
In the ensuing years, the family set about planning a new takeover of America. The way to go about this was to embroil America in another war, for then she would be in need of funds. But the family faced a problem: What nation could they induce to fight against the American government? The US was too powerful, and no country or combination of countries could match them in a “balance of power “showdown. Canada to the north and Mexico to the south were not strong enough, and could not raise an army adequate for the anticipated conflict. England and France were 5000 kms away, separated by an ocean that made the supply of an invading army nearly impossible. And Russia had no central bank, so the Rothschilds had no control over that nation.
In the years following independence, a close business relationship had developed between the cotton growing aristocracy in the south, and the cotton manufacturers in England. The family decided that this business connection could be exploited. The policy of “divide-and-rule” was implemented. The Family made the decision to divide the US into two parts, and to let the two parts fight. The issue to be used was slavery. Next the family created an organization that would promote secessionism. The Knights of the Golden Circle was created in 1854 for that purpose by George Bickly.
A pivotal meeting took place in London, in 1857. It was the marriage of Leonare, Lionel’s daughter to her cousin, Alphonse of Paris, which was attended by many big shots, including Benjamin Disraeli. In his speech there, Disraeli made this remark; “Under this roof are the heads of the family of Rothschild, a name famous around the world. If you like, we shall divide the United States into two parts, one for You James, and one for you Lionel”.
A distant Rothschild relative, Judah P Benjamin was appointed as their Civil War strategist. Eleven southern states seceded from the Union to form the Confederacy. The South started the war in April 1861.
Abraham Lincoln was the US President, and he saw that England and France were siding with the South against the North. He issued orders for a sea blockade of the Southern states to prevent the South from getting supplies from England and France.
The Russian minister to the US advised his government that; “England will take advantage at the first opportunity to recognize the seceded southern states, and that France will follow suit”. In November, England dispatched 6000 troops to Canada, as tangible proof that she meant business in supporting the South. French Emperor Napoleon 3rd was persuaded by James to extend his French Empire to Mexico. Accordingly, French troops landed in Mexico, and installed their own puppet Maximillian as the Emperor of Mexico. James lent 200 million francs to Napoleon for his Mexican campaign. When the Confederacy needed assistance in 1863, the Rothschilds offered Napoleon Texas and Louisiana, in exchange for French intervention against the Northern States.
The Russian Tsar heard of these offers, and he informed England and France that should they actively intervene and give military aid to the South, Russia would consider such an action as a declaration of war against the Imperial Russian Empire.
New York’s banks applied pressure on Lincoln to issue interest-bearing loans to pay for the war. Lincoln was playing a deadly game. He had crossed the Rothschilds, when he issued government money, called “greenbacks” to the value of $450 million. He pledged the credit of the nation as security behind this money, and it was issued debt free and without interest.
Besides external threats, Lincoln faced domestic problems, when in February 1863; Congress passed an act to create a federally chartered national bank that would lend to the government at interest. After the passage of this bill, Lincoln once again warned the American people; “The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than aristocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the money power of the country will strive to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed”.
Lincoln needed an ally, and he found none in Europe. In desperation he sent a letter to the Russian Tsar, Alexander 2nd– a bitter enemy of the Rothschilds. When the envelope containing Lincoln’s urgent appeal was given to Alexander, he weighed it unopened in his hand and stated; “Before we open this letter or know its contents, we grant any request it may contain. On that day in which Lincoln was inaugurated, we Alexander of Russia signed the protocol which liberated 23 million serfs. Lincoln has freed 4 million slaves. Therefore whatever he asks of Russia, Russia will grant, for Alexander will not be a factor in the enslavement of any man”.
Unannounced a Russian fleet stormed into New York In September 1863, and anchored there. The Russian Pacific Fleet arrived in San Francisco 3 weeks later. The Tsar issued orders to his admirals that they were ready to fight any power and to take their orders only from Lincoln. This was the turning point in the war.
On April 14, 1865, Lincoln was assassinated, and a month later, the war ended, with the loss of over 2 million lives. In April 1867, the Russians sold Alaska to the US for $7.2 million, thus cementing ties between the two countries. This sale of Alaska to the US was meant to flank Canada- a geopolitical move.
Between 1866 and 1876, the bankers reduced the levels of currency in the economy, netting some $2 billion for themselves through re-possessions. Lincoln’s successors cancelled the National Bank charter. Further, the British were forced to pay a war indemnity to the US of some $15 million in 1872. Napoleon 3rd withdrew his troops from Mexico, and his puppet, Maximillian was executed.
The Rothschilds decided then that no Rothschild will set up base in North America; rather it would be managed by their top agents. In 1867, Kuhn Loeb & Co, run by 2 German-Jewish general merchants-turned-bankers, was formed. Kuhn Loeb was now the official outpost of the Rothschilds in America. By 1900, this position would be assumed by J.P. Morgan, on Wall Street.
Opium & the India-China Trade
The Background:-
To understand the history and financial conquest of India and China by the British Empire, it would be well to go back in time to 1077 AD. The original order of the Knights of St John was founded by the Crusaders in 1070. This group believed in the occult and ancient cult of the Egyptian idol Isis.
After the takeover of Jerusalem by Saladin, the Knights of St. John moved to Malta and established a new base there, and re-named themselves as the Knights of Malta. Two centuries later, many European leaders wanted to lay their hands on the loot that the Knights had, from their stay in Palestine. Many of these Templars were killed, and a renegade group of Templars, under the command of an adventurous thug, Robert Bruce, re-located to Scotland. Scotland would become a nest of evil in the coming centuries.
With the decline of Spain as a world power in the 16th century, and the rise of the Dutch and Portuguese empires, trade with the East increased. Portuguese traders built up a remarkable position in India under the Moghul Empire, which resulted in a Portuguese enclave at Goa on India’s west coast. Similarly, in China, the Portuguese were awarded Macao as a base for their trading empire. The Jesuits, Spanish Jews who had converted to Christianity, followed the trail of these traders and had achieved high positions in the Moghul court. Since the original Jesuit mission had attached itself to Beijing in 1601, the Jesuits had held the key to the Far East trade. With the Jesuits as the contact point between the Manchu rulers of China and the Moghul Empire, the Portuguese and later the Dutch took over the centuries-old trading routes paved by Arab and Indian traders, including the opium trade.
The Dutch later negotiated an opium monopoly for the entire northern part of India that included Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Benares. The Dutch traders were permitted to force-draft Indian peasants to produce opium in exchange for taxes paid to the Moghul court. By 1659, the opium trade had become second only to the trade in spices, for which opium was the medium of exchange. By 1750, the Dutch were shipping more than 100 tons of opium a year to Indonesia. Opium has always been a highly lucrative commodity, but the Dutch did not fail to note its side benefits. The Dutch found opium to be a useful tool to break the resistance of targeted nations and peoples. When the Muslims of Indonesia opposed this poisoning of its peoples, the Dutch rounded up their leaders and exiled them off to Cape Town, South Africa- a Dutch colony at that time.
Back in India, the BEIC remained on the sidelines of this trade until the 1757 military victories that made Bengal a Crown colony. Further incursions were proving a hindrance for the Crown in India; the BEIC was facing resistance from the Muslim clergy, and from the broad Muslim population. A 3-prong attack to neutralize Muslim rule and influence was decided upon – the age-old tactic of divide-and-rule. The Crown established a school for the Muslim intellects at Alighar, in order to brainwash them into thinking more secular, and less religious. Next, two false cults were introduced; one for the wealthy segments, called Qadianism; the second was for the poor masses called Barelvism. Over the next two centuries, these three entities did succeed to some extent.
The British East India Company, or the BEIC, was founded by a group of Scottish merchants in alliance with the Knights of St. John, and the Jesuits. Among the commodities imported into England from India was spices and tea. In 1683, the BEIC brought opium into England, but the English people did not take to it. They then looked to China to sell the opium.
The BEIC then funded a Christian Missionary Society called the “China Inland Mission”. This was, in reality, a “promotion” marketing team for opium. Soon after, this team began handing out free samples to the Chinese working class, and this proved to be a success. In 1715, the BEIC opened its first office in Canton, and soon opium sales shot up. Now that they had a market for opium, the BEIC soon evicted the Portuguese and the Dutch from India, thus clearing the way for British domination over opium. This was the real reason for the British takeover of India. Then the Chinese passed a law in 1729, banning the importation and sale of opium.
By the late 1700s, Britain was in a financial squeeze, and its Prime Minister Shelbourne proposed to expand the opium trade. He took two bankrupt entities, the BEIC and the British Empire, and combined them to make it into a going concern. Shelbourne reorganized the BEIC and made it the central instrument of loot for the maintenance of the British Empire. With the money from the opium trade, Shelbourne bought Parliament in 1783, and consolidated the seeds of a new financial power. The next stage reveals how the opium trade was built up.
Setting up the Opium Infrastructure
Slaves from Africa worked on cotton plantations in the southern US states. This cotton was exported to England to be woven into cloth, or finished clothing and exported into India at cut-rate prices, which bankrupted the Indian textile industry, putting millions out of work. There was only one solution to India’s economic woes: produce more opium and sell it for less to the BEIC. This was the rock upon which British trade grew and prospered. Opium was the final stage in the demand cycle for the British-financed and slave-produced cotton. Without the “final demand” of Chinese opium sales, the entire structure of British trade would have collapsed.
The people that owned the English cotton mills, and the ships carrying cotton to Britain, were now actively becoming involved in the Opium trade. These families were the Barings, Keswicks, Jardine-Matheson, Palmerstons, and others.
In the US, the families involved in the slave-cotton-shipping businesses also jumped into the opium trade. Most of these families were centered in Boston. We find such names as the Astors, Binghams, Girards, Hathaway, Perkins, and Forbes. The latter three formed a company called Russell & Co, which eventually tied into the Morgan of J.P. Morgan. Morgan and the Russell Co provided the initial funding for Harvard University; Opium profits built up Harvard University!
The BEIC established a set of intermediaries to conduct the exports of opium from India to China. The first of these was Jardine Matheson. Imports into China increased between 1821 and 1837, by 7,000 %. By 1840, opium was the largest commodity in world trade.
The First Opium War
Increasing opium consumption was causing social calamity in China. Millions became addicted. In 1838, the Chinese Emperor tried to restrict the British trading companies. Britain’s answer was war. Jardine placed its entire opium fleet at London’s disposal for war against China. The Chinese forces, decimated by years of rampant opium addiction within the army, proved no match for the British. The British fleet arrived in force and laid siege to Canton. Within a short time, the Emperor was forced to come to terms.
The Treaty of Nanking in 1842, gave the British $21 million silver, legal admission of opium into China, as well as control over the port of Hong Kong- which remained the capital of Britain’s global drug-running business, until 1997. Of all the new treaty ports, Shanghai was the gem, and it was here that the Chinese opium business would be based. After 1842, Shanghai began its economic boom.
Back in London, Nathan’s son and heir, Lionel, had observed the British build up in India and China. When the Family had taken over the power structures between 1825 and 1830, this Far East portfolio also fell under their control. The British Prime Minister Palmerston could not go to war without Rothschild consent or money. Since this marriage between the Rothschild family and narcotics, no divorce has ever taken place to this day.
The Rise & Fall of the Manchus
The Qing dynasty was the last imperial dynasty of China. It was established in 1636, and ruled China proper from 1644 to 1911. It was preceded by the Ming dynasty and succeeded by the Republic of China. The Qing multi-cultural empire lasted for almost three centuries and formed the territorial base for modern China. It was the fifth largest empire in world history. The dynasty was founded by the Manchu clan in Manchuria.
The Manchu conquest of China killed over 25 million people. During the peak of the Qing dynasty, the empire ruled over the entirety of today’s Mainland China, Hainan, Taiwan, Mongolia, Outer Manchuria and Outer Northwest China
The dynasty reached it’s high point in the late 18th century, then gradually declined in the face of challenges from abroad, internal revolts, population growth, disruption of the economy, corruption, and the reluctance of ruling elites to change their mindsets. The population rose to some 400 million.
The Taipeng Rebellion
In February 1850, in south China, the Taaipeng Rebellion started. Founded by a convert to Christianity, their objective was to put the government back in Han Chinese hands- even if it meant toppling the Manchus. They were also hell-bent on removing all immoral practices. A huge Christian army of famine-stricken peasants and workers swept north. For 14 years, the Taipengs battled the Manchus, ravaging 20 provinces, resulting in 20 million deaths.
The Taipengs made the mistake of attempting to take Shanghai. Two years later, they were driven out by the French. This led to the Manchus hiring a mercenary force head by a military misfit, Charles Gordon. The attempted takeover of Shanghai led to the 2nd Opium War.
The Second Opium War
In January 1859, a joint Anglo-French force was completely wiped out at Taku Forts, in China. A short while later, Gordon crushed the Taipeng revolt and earned the undying gratitude of the family. He would now be employed to crush nationalist revolts against the British Empire. His success led to him being deployed to Egypt crush a nationalist uprising, and was killed while evacuating British forces from Khartoum in 1885.
In October 1860, the Rothschild’s Anglo-French force took over Beijing, and within a short time the Treaty of Tientsin was signed. Even more concessions were extracted from the Chinese. Britain was now in control of 90% of the vastly expanded opium trade in China. Over the next 20 years opium shipments from India to China skyrocketed from 60,000 chests to 106,000 chests- in 1880.This trade amounted to some $20 million a year. Opium yielded 23$ of India’s GNP, at this stage. With its war against China, Britain established its method of control over the international narcotics trade. What this meant was the following:-
- Sponsorship of mass-scale opium addiction of targeted populations as the way to “ sap the vitality of that nation”;
- Willingness of Britain’s military to protect this trade;
- Use of the massive profits from this trade to fund allied criminal and terrorist organisations within the targeted nation, to serve the trade and act as a 5th column inside that country.
Out of the 2nd Opium War (1860-1865), The British banks and trading companies established the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking operation (HSBC), which, to this day, serves as the central clearing house for all the Far Eastern financial transactions relating to opium and heroin.
The US Connection
Meanwhile, in America, the railroad companies were lines across the country. In order to cultivate the opium habit in America, it was decided to use Chinese labor to work on the railroad construction. Many Chinese refused to go to America, so they were kidnapped on the ports of Shanghai – thus the term “Shanghaied” evolved. By 1846, some 120,000 Chinese had arrived in the US, of which some 95% were addicts. Once the railroads were complete, the Chinese did not go back to China, but settled in San Francisco, LA, Vancouver. This was the birth of all the “Chinatowns” throughout North America. Wherever Chinatowns were established, drug addiction became a problem. By 1875, the Chinese narcotics rings were earning the Rothschilds some $1 million a year.
Is it any wonder that San Francisco was the birthplace of the “hippy” culture of the 1960s, and as well as the “rock-drugs-counter culture” of the 1960s, and the start of the liberal trend amongst American students. San Francisco was also the place where the first known AIDS case, ; a by-product of giving homosexuality a respectful face. The city is also home of the first pro-abortion rights movement. It is now easy to plot how one evil leads to the next.
The Compradores
The Rothschilds found a need to build up local Chinese to act as intermediaries between London and the locals. These were called the “Compradores”. This role of comprador was complex – somewhere between pimp and patrician – that linked the separate economic classes and provided the lubrication between East and West. Foreigners never engaged in direct business dealings with the Chinese.
The family initially, for the sake of secrecy, trust and loyalty, had employed only Jews as compradores in the Opium trade. These Jews, from Iran and Iraq, became very rich in the process and emerged as some of the top families of Shanghai. They include the Sassoons, Kadoories, and the Hardoons. The Sassoons also married into the Rothschild family. All three names are still big in the business and financial markets. One of the Sassoon banks was the power behind the Bank of India – that country’s central bank. The Sassoons were directly responsible for building up the financial base of India’s richest family – Tata & Co. In short, the Rothschilds were the power that built up Tata, as well as many others in recent years- the most famous among them being Mittal Steel. Of these Jewish compradores, it was said that they left Baghdad in Camels, and left in Rolls Royce cars.
These Rothschild agents needed Chinese compradores, and many Chinese compradores grew rich through these connections. Nothing could move without them. Skillful politicians, they made profits from both sides. Successful compradores were senior members of the Triads- the Chinese Mafia.
In 1894 Charlie Soong met a secret society brother who became his closest friend and future son-in-law, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, who was a revolutionary. As he was dedicated to the overthrow of the Manchu Dynasty, the Rothschilds backed him, and in 1897, Sun Yat-Sen moved his base of operations to Japan, where the Rothschild-linked House of Mitsui became his host and financial supporter.
By 1893, Chinese nationalists were becoming restive under the yoke of foreign domination. Two decades earlier, the de-monetisation of Silver resulted in a severe depression within China. The Chinese silver dollar was devalued, resulting in imports costing more, and exports earning less. The Manchu government was being squeezed, and so was the population. Resentment was rapidly rising against the foreign trading houses and banks.
At this point, the Rothschilds decided to use their “stick” – Japan. In 1894, Japan went to war with China, and defeated them within a year. This was called the “Yellow War”. Rothschild investment in Japan had paid dividends.
Also, in 1894, the Rothschilds started a bank-The Bank of China & Japan, to function as the new financial and political alliance between the Rothschilds and Mitsui of Japan. Chrlie Soong was made when he became the political agent of this bank. His son T V Soong was educated at Harvard, and went to work for the Sassoons. In the next 50 years TV Soong became a multi-billionaire, along with his family.
The Rothschilds Demonetise Silver
Most of the currency of the East was backed by silver- a metal which did not suit the Rothschilds, as gold was the base of international finance. Silver was also heavily in use within the US, in financial transactions. It was in competition with gold within the banking system. It was an annoyance to the family, as they could not obtain absolute control of a nation’s financial system with silver playing a key role. The London house sent Ernest Seyd to America, with large amounts of money to bribe American lawmakers to remove silver from financial transactions. The bill was made law in 1872. The resultant withdrawal of currency which this entailed brought about massive business failures from 1873 to 1892. The Chinese economy, being totally dependent on silver in its economic system, was brought to its knees. The Chinese reaction against this resulted in the Yellow War between Japan and China.
To aggravate the removal of silver from the banking system in the US, the Rothschilds activated the services of the Knights of the Golden Circle, whose member Jesse James achieved notoriety in organizing gangs to raid, and rob stage-coaches and trains of their silver loads being sent to the US Treasury from various mines around the country. This loot, in turn, was handed over to emissaries of August Belmont in New York.
The Rothschild’s Build an Asian “Stick”
The family now went ahead and put into motion a brilliant plan. They needed a “stick” – some nation who would create an Asian “balance of power”, in a similar role of what England was to Continental Europe. The answer was Japan. Like England, both were island nations lacking resources. To survive, they had to import raw materials and export finished goods.
Japan was a closed society at this time. To correct this problem, and open Japan up, the man the family chose was Commodore Perry- the father-in-law of their American agent, August Belmont. In 1857, Commodore Perry and 4 ships visited Tokyo. When he was refused entry into Tokyo or even an audience with the Japanese Emperor, he used the ship’s guns to such forceful effect, that not only was he granted an audience with the Emperor, but reached several agreements with the Emperor that resulted in Japans start to modernize as an industrial nation.
The Rothschilds chose the smartest and most cunning of the business clans in Japan – the House of Mitsui, as their Japanese agents. Mitsui went onto becoming one of the largest business groups in Japan. Japan would be built up and groomed by the family as a formidable industrial and military power. Rothschild control of Japan was to last until 1936.
When the Scramble for Concessions by foreign powers triggered the violently anti-foreign “Boxers” in 1900, with many foreigners and Christians killed, the foreign powers invaded China. The Boxers were decisively defeated by the eight invading powers, leading to the flight of the Imperial Court to Xi’an.
After agreeing to sign the Boxer Protocol, the government initiated unprecedented fiscal and administrative reforms. Sun Yat-sen and other revolutionaries competed with constitutional monarchists such as Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao to transform the Qing Empire into a modern nation.
The London House, using the power of the British Empire, managed to take effective control over the world’s two largest economies at that time – India and China, and through the use of opium, brought these two nations to its knees. Now you know why India was referred to as “the Jewel in the Crown “of the British Empire. First, the family conquered Europe through financial power, and it would now continue taking over large parts of Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. We now turn our attention to Germany – Europe’s newest nation, and Russia – a bitter foe of the Family. The story continues in the next episode.