Year: 2022

Facts on the Ground – Season 2

Since our last report – end August – about the facts on the war in Ukraine, we now update you on key events on this war that has occurred over the past 4 months – September till end December 2022. After a slow grind for much of the summer, events have begun to accelerate, calling […]

MBS Pivots East Part

In 1929, a border dispute between Jordan and Saudi Arabia led to clashes, with the British backing Jordan. When Standard Oil heard about this, their agents got in touch with Ibn Saud, reached an understanding, and proceeded to bankroll him with gold coins and rifles. This led to increased American-Saudi contacts. In 1932, the Kingdom […]

The Dollar’s Last Tango Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series

The Fed Tightens As a result of the Fed’s relentless tightening blitz, both US capital markets (the S&P 500 is down -24%, and 10 year US treasuries are down -17% and bonds were down -10%) and the US economy have been left reeling. One should note –WHY IS THE FED RAISING INTEREST RATES? The day […]

The Dollar’s Last Tango Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

When David Rockefeller pulled the plug on the gold-dollar on August 15th, 1971, the dollar fell against major currencies by 40%.  Confidence is the name of the game. Without gold backing, the dollar was worthless. There was no confidence.  It was only in 1975 that the Saudis agreed under pressure that the dollar would, henceforth, […]

From Opec to Nopec – How the Rockefellers Lost Control of their Creation Part 2 (Of a 2 Part Series)

The Russia-Saudi Nexus  The two countries are referred to as the two petroleum superpowers and account for about a quarter of the world’s crude oil production between them. The first country to establish full diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd (the name of the Saudi state until 1932) was the Soviet Union. The relations began in 1926 as a means for Moscow […]

From Opec to Nopec – How the Rockefellers Lost Control of their Creation Part 1 (Of a 2 Part Series)

Background In March 1938, oil was discovered in Saudi – six years after its formation. Us oil companies had obtained the concession in Saudi Arabia. Then, the war broke out. During the war years, the US government built up the necessary infrastructure, e.g., pipelines, storage tanks, and a loading port, etc. The country began producing […]

Russia Raises the Stakes Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

Industrial Warfare There is an elephant in the room, that no-one wants to discuss it. This is the reserves of military hardware and ammunition. As can be seen over the past few months, the EU is on the verge of being de-militarized. Even the mighty Pentagon is running dry. The war in Ukraine has proven […]

Russia Raises the Stakes Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

Samarkand, Referendums, Mobilization With the conclusion of the SCO summit in Samarkand, Washington is going ballistic. Several plans are being activated to cause disruptions across Eurasia. Developments are increasing at an increasing rate.  We will do a quick but important tour across several vectors. Bear with me. Let us start with Samarkand. Samarkand Following the […]

The SCO – The West’s Worst Nightmare Part 3 (of a 3 Part Series)

2010-2021 BRICS BRICS is the acronym coined to associate five major emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The BRICS members are known for their significant influence on world affairs. Since 2009, the governments of the BRICS states have met annually at formal summits. China hosted the most recent 14th BRICS summit on 24 July 2022 virtually. BRICS host […]

The SCO – The West’s Worst Nightmare Part 2 (of a 3 Part Series)

The SCO is Conceived The first target for the two families was Russia- to deconstruct and break into several parts. In this way, control of oil and gas flows will be under Anglo-American control. In 1994, a new pipeline was proposed that would eventually become the TBC pipeline. This was achieved after the two families […]

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