
Trump: The Jerusalem Decision & Russiagate

Almost every week it seems the US administration contrives to highlight the sheer unreality of its policies, rarely more so and more often than in the Middle East. What are these policies? Leave to one side the loose talk about a peace between Israel and Sunni Arab powers such as Saudi Arabia, which will supposedly magic into a settlement of the century-old Palestinian question. This is a chimera.

A Saudi-inspired Arab peace plan has been on the table for 15 years. Israel has refused to consider it. Even if their shared antipathy towards Iran trumps that, there is still the question of Jerusalem. The House of Saud, custodians of the holy places of Mecca and Medina, cannot ally openly with an Israel that forecloses on Jerusalem, the third-holiest place in Islam. Nor can the Hashemite dynasty ruling Jordan. In the real world, their need to survive trumps everything. Beyond that unreality, Trump really has two operative policies. The first is to smash Isis. The second is to damage Iran as painfully as possible.  As should be apparent by now, the US has no real plan for the governance of Syria or Iraq after Isis is defeated. Iran does, and is running rings around its adversaries. Through its proxies and allies in Baghdad, Damascus and Beirut, it will be the main beneficiary of the territorial collapse of the Isis caliphate. It is already gobbling up land freed from Isis and territory held by Iraq’s self-governing Kurds against Isis.  The one constant emerging from this White House’s Middle East policy is to confuse reality and rhetoric, geopolitics with the habitual optimism. In May, Mr Trump attended a summit in Riyadh at which he enjoined Saudi Arabia to forge an alliance to isolate Tehran, a Sunni jihad against Shia Iran. The Saudis and their allies united all right: to isolate the maverick, Sunni emirate of Qatar, triggering further instability.

It ain’t easy to be the world’s Sole Superpower today, not at all as it was, say, in the 1990’s. Not even psychopathic generals with nicknames like Mad Dog can scare others into falling back in line when Washington barks her orders. Back as recent as the 1990s it was, so to say, a piece of cake. Run a war in Yugoslavia, destabilize the Soviet Union after a long war in Afghanistan, and loot the former Communist economies of all Eastern Europe. Worse still, the world seems not to appreciate Washington’s wars of destruction anymore. Now that’s real ingratitude after all that Washington has done for them in recent years.

Could it be that the American Century, viewed by future historians, will have its obituary written around the time in 2017 when Washington lost control of the “strategic prize” as Dick Cheney called the energy-rich Middle East?

The question is,  why did the Rockefeller Empire decide at this moment to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? This issue was never brought forth previously, as America could not afford to offend the Arabs and the Muslims, not to say of the orthodox Christian world.

From reading the previous articles, one can draw up a picture of a declining America, and a rising East. America is in a hurry to start the blow up of the Middle East. What better way than to ignite the spark that is Jerusalem. The main reason why Trump recognized Jerusalem was the fact that Saudi Arabia and the Arab states had informed Trump, when he visited Riyadh in May, that the alliance between Israel and the Arab states against Iran would not be effective as long as the Palestinian issue is not resolved. It would give Iran a chance to sway the Arab street against the alliance with Israel. But Trump ignored this warning from the Arab states. The intent and aim was to further fracture the region.  And, secondly, to show to Israel that America  has  “ their back “(just as  America supported Hitler with finance , arms and political interference between 1933 and 1940- in order to give courage to Nazi Germany to start war) This act will embolden Israel to start preparations to invade Lebanon, and block the gas pipeline from Iran. That’s the KEY AIM!

And there was a third, strong, reason for this: The attempted coup against MBS by the CIA failed badly. This coup was to have taken place in the first week of November. MBS was tipped off by the Mossad, and he acted swiftly to arrest all the coup plotters. More on this in the next article, called “The CIA’S Plot to topple MBS”. The who, what, why, where, will be described in detail in this article.

A month later, on December 6,2017, Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and start preparations for the U.S. to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to the contested city, has the potential to further inflame tensions across the Middle East.

Trump’s decision to move the embassy means he will not follow his predecessors by renewing a waiver on the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, which required the embassy to eventually be moved from Tel Aviv.

Since then, there has been a cross-party consensus in the U.S. that any act which recognizes the annexation of East Jerusalem by Israel and its designation as the country’s capital would affect the fragile balance of power in the Middle East – and the ability of the U.S. to promote its interests in the region. U.S. diplomats have sought to tread carefully on this issue in one of the world’s most treacherous political landscapes.

The Palestinian leadership condemned the move before Trump spoke, as did leaders from the Arab world and beyond. The announcement of the embassy move is likely to cause a wave of resentment among Palestinians in the occupied territories and the city itself, especially after two decades of stalemate in the peace process and deteriorating conditions throughout the Palestinian territories.

Central to the Peace Process

Jerusalem is not just a city of historical importance to Judaism, Islam and Christianity, but also a site key to both Israeli and Palestinian identity. Add to this the centrality of the status of Jerusalem in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, often described as one of the world’s most intractable disputes and it’s clear why the decision to move the U.S. embassy there has been described as tantamount to political arson.

At the political level, most Israelis and Palestinians insist that Jerusalem must be the capital of their states, present and future, and that this is non-negotiable. This is why the final status of Jerusalem was deemed to be one of the thorniest issues in the Oslo peace process in the 1990s. It was envisaged to be circumnavigated, dealt with only at the stage of “permanent status negotiations,” once all other issues between the state of Israel and the Palestinians were resolved.

As there has not been any progress in less important, yet substantive issues since Oslo, the issue of Jerusalem has acquired a symbolic importance among Palestinians.

Jerusalem is a city dense in symbolism in the Palestinian national imagination. Particularly so as other, more material anchors of identity such as territory, governance and self-determination are continually being eroded by the harsh realities of Israeli occupation, the blockade of Gaza and deteriorating cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian authorities.

The response to Trump’s announcement by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and most of his government was muted. But its symbolic value among nationalist circles in Israel, and also among many ordinary Israelis, should not be underestimated.

The Israeli government has been active in strengthening Israeli claims to the entire city since its annexation in 1980. Settlement building around Jerusalem has aimed to ring-fence the city and integrate it more into Israel. Meanwhile, there were building restrictions in East Jerusalem, and a series of restrictions to Palestinian access to the Al-Aqsa mosque, built on the remnants of the last Jewish Temple. Both sets of restrictions were lifted.

Equally important in terms of symbolic politics has been Israel’s archaeological intervention around Jerusalem, which Palestinians see as an attempt to strengthen Israel’s historical connection with the city.

Wider Significance

Trump’s decision seems oblivious to the fragility of coexistence in the city between its Israeli and Palestinian inhabitants. It also ignores the significance of Jerusalem in Palestinian national identity and national aspirations, and the devastating impact on the future of a moribund peace process.

It has the potential of not only affecting the political ecology of a place where history is a matter of life and death, but could also cause a ripple effect much further afield. It can destabilize a Palestinian authority already deprived of legitimacy and an array of fragile Arab regimes. And it is likely to accentuate the enmity between Israel and Iran. Iran perceives such a move as a “violation of Islamic sanctities” and, together with Trump’s revitalized alliance with Saudi Arabia, a clear sign of the U.S. president’s anti-Iranian stance.

Last but not least, it could further stoke the flames of anti-Western Islamic movements in the Muslim world and the West alike, which have always put Jerusalem and the Palestinian issue in a central position.

The corollary truth that is more and more quietly spoken: an Israeli-Palestinian peace process under U.S. leadership, the way it was envisaged at Oslo 25 years ago, is dead.

The process is dead because of another truth that remained unspoken, but is clearly visible, one that will drive the consequences Americans won’t see right away: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been declining in salience to everyone but the Palestinians for more than a decade. The U.S., Saudi, and Israeli leaders are all operating on the assumption that the conflict is no longer a core security interest for them — or other regional actors. For those three governments, the prize is Iran — and Palestine can either be an asset or a speed bump in that conflict.

This led the U.S. and the Saudis, whose restrained public complaints make it clear that they acquiesced in the U.S. decision, to believe that any backlash among the peoples of the region would be limited, or could be controlled. Demonstrations began Wednesday night mostly in countries whose governments oppose the Saudis’ anti-Iran focus (Turkey) or don’t restrict protest and freedom of assembly (Western Europe).

Palestinian despair, Arab cynicism, and anger from Europeans allies are hard to measure.  Germany’s foreign minister criticized the Jerusalem decision and spoke of “the limits of solidarity being reached” in the U.S.-German relationship. That will have consequences, like less German support for U.S. military missions; less German aid to U.S. partners in the Middle East and elsewhere; and potentially less German willingness to join the U.S. in supporting Israel against its critics at the U.N. and elsewhere. Germany won’t be alone, either. Those consequences – they’ll be harder to see, but they’ll be very real.

Hillary Clinton & the Russia-gate Scandal

 Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton ; born October 26, 1947 is an American politician who was the First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001, U.S. Senator from New York from 2001 to 2009, 67th United States Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, and the Democratic Party’s nominee for President of the United States in the 2016 election.

As First Lady of the United States, Hillary Clinton was not liked by the Pentagon brass and many amongst the White House staff. Nicknamed “the Iron Lady” by her detractors, she was what would one say – “she wore the pants in the house “.

When Bill Clinton’s term ending in January 2001, Hillary, a year earlier made a trip to see a rabbi in Brooklyn. Whenever any politician wants to attain higher office, they have to make a trip to Brooklyn to meet this rabbi. This rabbi then grants his “blessings and anoints” them, but only after obtaining the authorization from the head of the London Rothschilds! The rabbi obtained the go-ahead from London for Hillary, and was given the go-ahead to run for senator.

In 2000, Clinton was elected as the first female Senator from New York. She was re-elected to the Senate in 2006. Running for president in 2008, she won far more delegates than any previous female candidate, but lost the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama, A Rockefeller man.

Clinton made a second presidential run in 2016. She received the most votes and primary delegates in the 2016 Democratic primaries and formally accepted her party’s nomination for President of the United States on July 28, 2016. She became the first female candidate to be nominated for president by a major U.S. political party. Clinton lost the presidential election to Republican opponent Donald Trump despite winning a plurality of the popular vote.  The Rockefellers would never allow Clinton to be the President, as she was the nominee for their bitter rivals – the Rothschilds!

Now, to understand why what happened in the last elections, it would be essential to do some background first, on the Rothschild political machinery within the United States.

Rothschild Control of the Democratic Party

By 1820, Nathan Rothschild had gained control of the Bank of England, and with it assumed the position of the overlord of finance in the British Empire. Likewise, James Rothschild had taken control of the Bank of France in 1830, and with it became the emperor of finance in France. Together, the British and French branch of the Rothschild family became the premier investors in many countries around the world, not least the United States. They had no competition in this field.

In May 1882, the Russian state had passed a bill to limit the influence of Jews within Russia. The Jews retaliated against the Russian state, and in the crackdown that followed, many Jews fled from Russia. Europe was in no need for more “Eastern Jews”, so the Rothschilds, as leaders of international Jewry re-directed this influx of Jews to North America.

These newly-immigrated Jews were relocated to various cities across the United States, and this formed the core of support for the Democratic Party. Thus, Jewish influence was very strong in the Democratic Party. Beginning in 1934, under strong pressure from the Rockefeller faction, Jewish influence over the Democratic Party began to dwindle. This state of affairs continued until 1967, when the Rockefellers urged Israel to “break Nasser of Egypt into a 1000 pieces”. When Israel had successfully defeated Israel and Jordan in the 1967 War, Israeli influence within Washington increased, including its influence over the Democrat Party This state of affairs continued until now.

When a complete break between the two families took place in 2015, following the Mossad killing of Richard Rockefeller – David’s son, relations between the two families- and between America and Israel turned very chilly.

There could be no reconciliation now. And a year later, a Rothschild nominee, Hillary Clinton became a candidate in the presidential elections in 2016. She had no chance of winning, given the circumstances that you now know about.

In a case of “sour grapes”, London and the Rothschilds went on the offensive against Rockefeller’s man – Donald Trump. Remember, the London Rothschilds view Russian president Putin as their mortal enemy, due to the fact that he curbed their oligarchs in Russia. They even tried to assassinate Putin several times in the early 2000s. The intelligence agencies of the Rothschilds – the Mossad and MI 6, learned of the intentions of the Rockefeller Empire to make a secret alliance with Putin, in geopolitical terms. London was not happy, to put it mildly. So, a campaign of trying to link Trump with Russia began, and it consumed the whole of this year of 2017.

The Rockefeller-owned CIA found out about this, and instructions were given to the Counter-Intelligence division of the FBI to arrest Bill Clinton. Clinton was “singing like a canary”, under heavy interrogation. Orders went out to pick up Hillary. She was arrested at JFK airport, about to catch a flight to Bahrain, in order to “seek asylum”. Under heavy interrogation, she revealed a lot. Both the Clinton’s were under house arrest for months.

The Trump–Russia dossier, also known as the Steele dossier, is a private intelligence dossier of 17 memos that were consecutively written from June to December 2016 by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence (MI6) officer. It contains allegations of misconduct and conspiracy between the Donald Trump campaign and the Russian government before and during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, much of it detailing alleged cooperation between the campaign and Russians to interfere in the election to benefit Trump. The contents of the dossier were published in full by BuzzFeed on January 10, 2017. Several mainstream media outlets have criticized BuzzFeed’s decision to publish the dossier.

The media, intelligence community, as well as most experts have treated the dossier with caution, while Trump himself denounced the report as ‘fake news”. The dossier and the separate investigation preceding its creation were both part of opposition research on Trump during the 2016 US presidential election campaign. The American research firm Fusion GPS was hired for both investigations. Fusion GPS is within London’s orbit – and is tied into the Rothschild network.

The media, intelligence community, as well as most experts have treated the dossier with caution, while Trump himself denounced the report as “fake news”. In February 2017, some details related to conversations between foreign nationals were independently verified. But, first, about Christopher Steele: Simpson says that he and his firm began working with Steele—whom he describes as “the lead Russianist at MI-6”—as early as 2009, on a wide range of topics related to Russia. Simpson insists over and over again that Steele is a highly experienced, “trained intelligence officer [who] can spot disinformation.” John Sipher, a former CIA officer who founded The Cipher Report, wrote a lengthy, methodical take on the dossier, noting that it is what intelligence professionals call “raw reporting,” Not “finished analysis,” and that the dossier contains mistakes.

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