Welcome back. We continue the story of Zion, and we have now reached the second stage of the narrative. The first stage was that of the Levites, from 973 BC till 580 BC. From 580 BC, at the time of the captivity of the Judeans, till the period just after the time of the Prophet Jesus, the Levites had changed into the Pharisees.
The Rise of the Pharisees
The Pharisees, who had formed the most numerous political party in Judah, contained the dominant inner sect; earlier represented by the Levitical priesthood. They made themselves the carriers of the Levitical idea in its most fanatical form. As the Levites had succeeded in severing Judah from its neighbours, so did the Pharisees, their successors, stand ready to crush any attempt to reintegrate the Judeans with mankind.
It is chiefly of academic interest to the rest of mankind because history shows that whenever the dispute for and against “seeking the peace of the city” has reached a climax, the party of segregation and destruction has always prevailed, and the Judaist ranks have closed behind it. The last century has given the latest example of this. At its start, the established Jewish communities of the West were hostile to the Zionists from Russia, but within 50 years, the extreme party had made itself the exclusive spokesman of “the Jews” with the Western governments, and had succeeded in beating down nearly all opposition among the Jewish communities of the world.
The Pharisees formed a league of brotherhood of their own, submitting to their innermost councils only those who pledged themselves to the strict observance of the Levitical laws. They were the earliest specialists in secret conspiracy, as a political science.
The experience and knowledge gained by the Pharisees may be plainly traced in the methods used by the conspiratorial parties which had emerged in Europe during the last 250 years, and particularly in those of the destructive revolution in Europe, which has been Jewish organized and Jewish-led. We take into account the English (1650), French (1789), and Russian (1917) revolutions.
Under the domination of the Pharisees, the Messianic idea first emerged, which was to have great consequences through the centuries. The Messiah would lead his “chosen people” to paradise, while the non-Jews are excluded from heaven. The Pharisees told their people to expect the coming of the Messiah, provided they continue to observe the laws of the Torah. Spontaneously the question burst from the: When? They were suffering the burdens of a heavy daily task in observing these laws, “a covenant”, which promised a specific reward. When would this reward be theirs? The rulers, who were in direct communication with God, must be able to answer this question: When? This was the one question which the Pharisees could not answer.
When the Messiah appeared and pointed the way to the “kingdom of heaven”, it was the very opposite road from that pointed out by the Pharisees. Evidently, many of the people were only too ready to listen, if they were allowed, to any who could show them the way out of their darkness into the light and the community of mankind. However, victory lay with the Pharisees so that, many of these people had cause to weep, and the catalytic force was preserved intact.
Jesus Christ & the Pharisees
When Jesus was born the vibrant expectations that a marvelous being was about to appear was general among the Judeans. They longed for such proof that God intended to keep the covenant with his Chosen People. They awaited a militant, avenging Messiah who would break Judah’s enemies and bring them empires of this world and the literal fulfillment of the tribal Law.
Yet the being who appeared was the Messiah. In a few words he swept aside the entire mass of racial politics, which the ruling sect had heaped on the earlier moral law, and like an excavator revealed again what had been buried. The Pharisees at once recognized a most dangerous prophet. The fact was that Jesus found a large following among the Jews.
The Law, when Jesus came to “fulfill” it, had grown into a huge mass of legislation, stifling and lethal in its complexity. Jesus reached out a finger and thrust aside the entire mass, revealing at once the truth and the heresy. He reduced “all the Law” and the prophecies to three commandments: Believe in the Oneness of God, love God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself.
This was a direct challenge to the Law as the Pharisees represented it, and Jesus carried the challenge further by deliberately refusing to play the part of the nationalist liberator and conqueror of territory for which the prophecies had cast the Messiah. He said, “My kingdom is not of this world.”
Everything he said was a quiet but direct challenge to the most powerful men of his time and place, and a blow at the foundations of the creed which the sect had built up in the course of 9 centuries. The final straw was when Jesus admonished the Pharisees, and told them: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven against men’ for you neither go in yourselves, nor allow others to enter therein. Wherefore you be witnesses unto yourselves that you are the children of those who killed the prophets, you serpents, you generations of vipers.”
Within a few years, the Pharisees conspired with the Roman governors to kill Jesus. They claimed to have crucified him, but God had saved Jesus by taking him up to the heavens, only to return to earth to destroy the Anti-Christ, in the near future. The Anti-Christ will be the leader of the Zionists when the final battles take place in the Middle East, in the near future.
The Pharisees had taught the Judean peoples to expect a Messiah, and now had crucified the first claimant. That meant the Messiah was still to come. According to the Pharisees the Davidic king had yet to appear and claim his empire of the world, and that is still the situation today.
The public claim, “Jesus was a Jew” is always used in our time period, for political purposes. It is often employed to quell objections to the Zionist influence in international politics, or to the Zionist takeover of Palestine, the suggestions being that, as Jesus was a Jew, none should object to anything done in the name of Jews.
In AD 70 all fell to pieces. The confusion and disorder in Judea were incurable and Rome stepped in. Other peoples of Palestine would not submit to Rome and after many risings and campaigns the Romans entered and razed Jerusalem. They also destroyed the Second Temple. Judea was declared conquered territory and the name vanished from the map. For long periods during the next 1900 years no Jews at all lived in Jerusalem.
Before Jerusalem fell in AD 70, two bands of travelers passed through its gates. The disciples of Jesus bore a new message to mankind, Christianity. The Pharisees, foreseeing the fate which they had brought on Jerusalem, moved to a new headquarters (Jamina in Palestine) from which the ruling class might exercise command over the Jews, wherever in the world they lived. These two small groups of travelers were the vanguard of parties of light and darkness, and they moved westwards.
The Pharisees saw, from the start, that the new religion – Christianity- would have to be destroyed if their “Law” were to prevail, and they were not deterred by the warning voices heard within their own ranks : “Consider well what you are about to do. If this be the work of man, it will soon fall to nothing, but if it is the work of God you cannot destroy it.” The majority of the Pharisees felt strong enough to destroy it, and if necessary, to work for centuries at that task. Thus the Pharisees took their dark secrets of power over men into a world different from any before it.
The crisis of “the West” today traces directly back to that departure from doomed Jerusalem 1950 years ago, for the two groups bore into the West ideas that could never be reconciled. One had to prevail over the other, sooner or later, and the great bid for victory of the destructive idea is being witnessed in our generation.
The Pharisees were prepared to vanquish this new force that had arisen in the world. Their task was larger than that of the Levites in Babylon. The Temple was destroyed and Jerusalem depopulated. The tribe of Judah had long since been broken up, now the race of Judeans was dissolving. There remained a “Jewish nation”, composed of people of many different bloods, who were spread all over the known world, and had to be kept united by the power of the tribal idea and of the “return” to a “promised land” to a “special people”; this dispersed nation had also to be kept convinced of its destructive mission among the nations where it lived.
The Talmud
“The Law”, in the form that was already becoming known in the outer world, could not again be amended, or new historical chapters added to it. Nonetheless, The Law needed constant reinterpretation and application to the events of changing times, so that the “special people” could always be shown that each and every event was in fact one of God’s fulfillment. The Pharisees at Jamnia invoked once more their claim to possess the oral secrets of God, and began to reinterpret these laws so that these could be shown to apply to Christianity. This was the origin of the Talmud, which in effect is the anti-Christian extension of the Torah.
The Talmud became, in the course of centuries, “the fence around the Law”, the outer tribal stockade around the inner tribal stockade. Looking back from this distance of time, the task which the Pharisees undertook looks hopeless, for the wish to become part of mankind must surely have had strong appeal to a scattered people. The Pharisees were successful in their huge undertaking. The Talmud was effective in putting a fence between the Jews and the forces of integration released by Christianity.
What is called Western civilization cannot be conceived without Christianity. The shadow that followed the disciples out of Jerusalem, before the Romans entered also followed Christianity into the West, and the Talmudic sect dogged it for centuries. The West, in the 20th and 21st centuries, became the scene of the struggle between the nations which had risen with Christianity and the sect dedicated to the destructive idea.
The West was not the only one involved in this issue. About 500 years after the period of Jesus, the instinctive impulse to seek One God produced another challenge to Talmudic racialism and this time it came from among the Semitic tribes. The Arabs too, attained to the concept of one God for all men.
The Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh), was the final messenger of God. He held Jesus to have been, like the Prophets Abraham and Moses, a prophet of God. He regarded himself as the successor of Moses and Jesus and as the Prophet of God whom he called Allah. Thee was but one God, Allah, the creator of mankind, and Allah was not the tribal God of the Arabs, but the God of all men.
This religion, like Christianity, thought no hatred of other religions. The Prophet Muhammed showed great reverence for Jesus and his mother – who are both subjects of profane derision in Talmudic literature. However, Muhammed (Pbuh) held the Jews to be destructive force, self dedicated. The Quran says of them, : “ Often as they kindle a beacon fire for war, shall God quench it. And their aim will to abet disorder on the earth, but God loves not the abettors of disorder”. All down the centuries the wisest men thus spoke of the tribal creed and the sect, until the 20th century, when public discussion of this question was virtually suppressed.
The Pharisees knew of the coming of the last prophet, and that it would be in Arabia, and in Mecca. Khyber, in Arabia, was the stronghold of the Pharisees. When the Pharisees discovered that the final prophet was born of an Arab, they discarded him. And on many occasions, they tried to kill him. But the Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh) was divinely protected. Eventually, their treachery resulted in them being expelled from the Arabian Peninsula. Up to today, they have a strong desire to re-claim Khyber and whatever else they lost when they were expelled. And, in the near future, it will be their leader, the Anti-Christ (or Dajjal) who will bring them back to Khyber, if only for a brief moment.
Thus was Islam born and it spread to many parts of the world, as Christianity spread over the West. Christianity and Islam spread out and embraced great masses of mankind, the impulse that moved in men became clear. Far behind these universal religions lay Judaism, in its tribal enclosure, jealously guarded by the inner sect.
In the 20th century, this powerful sect was able to bring the masses of Christianity and Islam to the verge of destructive battle with each other. The present generation will be a witness to that clash. The resulting disaster will see the setting up the creed of the “master race, headquartered in Jerusalem, funded and controlled by the ruling family in Zionism, the leaders of international Jewry, the Rothschild family.
Towards this strange destiny, 1950 years ago, the two parties of men set out from Jerusalem long ago. For this reason, the next period in the story of Zion is best described as that of the Talmudists, the former ones being those of the Levites and the Pharisees. The Pharisees of our time are the Illuminati/Zionist elite, whose ruling family is the Rothshilds.