London- May 1897- A group of the wealthiest robber barons from America have been invited by the Rothschilds for a serious discussion. The British Empire has ongoing operations in several parts of the world. Consequently, their military has been stretched to the limit. The Boxer Rebellion in China, periodic uprisings in India, the Boer War in South Africa, uprisings in Egypt and Sudan. The British Empire could not cope. Consequently, they invited the key financiers and industry titans from the US to help them. A deal was worked out. The British Empire would cede control of various Spanish colonies to America. These turned out to be Cuba, the Philippines, and Morocco. The Americans accepted Cuba and the Philippines. Thus, began America’s journey of economic imperialism.
World War 1
While Britain began its decline as an economic powerhouse in the 1860s, Germany started on its own path to becoming Europe’s economic powerhouse. With the unification of Germany in 1871, Britain realized that she would have to take steps to either stop or control Germany’s economic growth. This became more urgent with the prospect of oil deposits in Iran in the 1890s, and with the launch of the Berlin-Baghdad railway project. Over the next 15 years, London built up an alliance of France and Russia, which eventually erupted in the outbreak of World War 1, in July 2014.
At this point, both France and Britain were broke. So, the Rothschilds used their New York agents, J.P. Morgan, to borrow funds on the American markets to pay for needed war supplies. By early 1917, it was becoming obvious that Britain would lose. If this happened, the American loans, totaling some $4.2 billion would be at risk of default. That is why the US stepped into the war in April 1917. Germany was defeated a year later. Britain and France were financially ruined, and the Versailles Peace Conference, in 1919, extracted huge financial compensation from Germany.
Both London and New York worked jointly to bring about the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, which toppled the Czar, and ushered in communism.
The war also brought about the dissolution of both the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires.
Because of Britain’s weakened financial position, the Rothschilds forced Britain to issue the Balfour Declaration, granting a homeland to the Jews, in Palestine. British industry was in ruins, but the Rothschilds were even more powerful; war-time profits added greatly to their wealth and power.
The League of Nations
As part of the Rockefeller plan to increase its global footprint, John D Rockefeller built the League of Nations headquarters building in Geneva, at a personal cost of $24 million. At this time, the British had created a barrier to US goods by enacting the Imperial Trade Preference area, infuriating New York. At the same time, the two families were involved in a bitter rivalry to gain access to the potential oil riches of Iraq. The British were not budging.
In South Africa, a new government came to power that leaned towards the Americans. The Americans applied pressure on the British by coming to an agreement to re-direct gold flows to New York, instead of it going to London. Britain could not take this chance, and an agreement was reached, whereby the Rockefeller Group was given a 40% stake in the Iraq Petroleum Company, and in return , Britain would retain full control of South African gold.
American pressure on Britain was relentless. This included the US military drawing up plans to invade Canada (Operation Orange) and decimating the Royal Navy in the Atlantic and the Japanese fleet (a British ally) in the Pacific (Plan Blue).
In 1927, both parties came to an understanding, and, a cease-fire came into being.
From this point on, the contest between Germany and the US began, as to who will replace a declining Britain as the global power. This contest erupted in World War 2. The war devastated Eurasia, and left America as the sole global superpower.
The Bretton Woods Order
By end 1945, America was the globe’s dominant force. The wealth of the world had flowed to New York, to pay for war supplies. The 5 Rockefeller brothers lost no time in putting the squeeze on its hated rivals – the British Empire. Washington had brought into being several new multi-lateral institutions, such as the UNO, the World Bank (both under Rockefeller control), and the IMF (a Rothschild entity). From this point on, Britain had no choice but to act as the “junior partner” to America, on the global scene.
Washington lost no time in forcing Europe to give up its colonial holdings, and as they became independent, to bring them into the American orbit. This process lasted some 3 decades.
One of the prime British holdings was the Suez Canal, the key route for oil flows to Europe. The CIA had put Nasser into power in Egypt in 1952, with the aim of throwing Britain out of Egypt. Through various means, Washington had put Nasser into a corner, leaving him with no choice but to nationalize the Suez Canal. When Nasser did just that, the Rothschild countries of Britain, France and Israel invaded Egypt and re-took the Suez Canal, in 1956. Under massive American pressure, including sanctions, an oil boycott, and the freezing of the Suez Canal bank accounts, these three countries withdrew in defeat.
All of these had tremendously weakened the British Empire, and by 1971, Britain was forced to withdraw from areas “east of the Suez”, thus leaving the way open for the Americans to move into the vacuum.
The dollar was still backed by gold, and London controlled the gold market. By late 1971, New York also managed to remove this Rothschild constraint on them, by coming off the gold standard. To maintain the dollars dominance, New York orchestrated the entire 1973 Arab-Israeli war, in order to firmly shift the world to a Petro-dollar standard, thus increasing the influence and power of the Rockefeller Group versus the Rothschilds.
For the next 25 years, London and New York worked in tandem in bringing about a new financial paradigm. In 1989, with the collapse of communism, the global political order had changed. The key reason had to do with what occurred some 3,300 years back. When the prophet Moses (pbuh) was instructed by God to take his people into the land of Canaan, or Palestine, his people refused; they were fearful of the Canaanites, who were very big in size. They replied to Moses (pbuh) that he must go alone. With this refusal, God enacted a punishment on the Jewish people, and cursed them to wander in the Sinai for a period of 40 years. When Israel was established as a political entity, in Palestine, in 1948, the Rothschild/Illuminati leadership, reckoned, that if “they could survive this 40-year curse”, then they would be invincible.
As evidenced, many political, economic and technological shifts occurred between 1988 and 1991. One of the things was that the world transited from an analogue to a digital system. This change had so huge implications, that few , at that time, could grasp its significance.
On March 29, 1995, the RIIA the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House)- the British Empire’s premier policy-making body, sponsored a one day conference , entitled “Britain in the World”.. The essence of the conference was summed up by a political commentator ; “ I am afraid the British are getting more assertive because the 40-year political program which followed 1945, in which the British establishment, the political elite, set themselves the task of the orderly management of decline, HAS ENDED!. We have HAD ENOUGH OF THAT”.
One of the things discussed there was the dismantling of the nation-state system , and General Sir Rose made this remark ; “ I think one of the things we are going to have to develop – – – a whole set of new doctrines, new concepts, new strategies to try and deal with this form of world disorder, based on ethnic, religious, and national differences. The UN has made a considerable start in doing just that – – – “.
The bottom line? There are no more ideological wars that we can use to gain advantage over rivals, through the use of “divide-and rule “tactics. Now, it’s just sheer raw power through the use of finance, economics, and brute physical force, if the British Empire has to survive and avoid becoming a 4th rate power. In short, this conference signaled the RISE OF THE THIRD BRITISH EMPIRE!
The First British Empire ended in 1776, when after defeating Britain, America gained its independence. The Second British Empire ended in 1945, when America became the dominant global power. The Third British Empire will end in 2020, with Brexit signaling the end of Britain as a significant geopolitical power in the world.
Our future articles will touch upon some facets of Britain’s irregular warfare tactics in the world of finance and geopolitics. We now move onto the story of the rise of the House of Rothschilds – a family that would dominate the heights of power within the British Empire.