The story continues from Part 3
Moscow Goes East
At the end of 2009, precisely as planned and to the surprise of Washington, Russia opened the East Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) oil pipeline, a 4-year construction project costing some $14 billion. The pipeline now allows Russia to export oil directly from its East Siberia fields to China as well as Korea and Japan, a major step in closer economic integration between China and Russia. The pipeline is 4,800 km long. The pipeline was opened in 2014, and has an annual capacity of 560 million barrels or about 1.5 million barrels per day.
An indication of the priority that energy-hungry China places on Russian oil, is that China lent $25 billion to Russia in exchange for oil deliveries over the next 20 years. The Chinese loan was made at 6% interest and would require Russian oil be sold to China for $22 a barrel. Today the oil price is around $70 a barrel, meaning China has locked in a golden prize. Rather than renege on the price deal, Moscow has decided the strategic advantages of the China link outweigh possible revenue losses. While the energy markets of Europe pose a stagnant demand prospect, those of China and Asia are booming. Moscow is making a major shift eastwards in light of that fact. China passed Japan several years ago to become the world’s second major oil-importing nation after the US.
With the completion of the ESPO pipeline, Russia began its first ever deliveries of LNG from the Gazprom-led Sakhalin 11 project, a joint venture that includes Japan’s Mitsui and Misubishi as well as Shell. Russia has nationalized Shell’s stake in this venture in the wake of the Ukraine conflict. Sheel is in the Rothschild orbit.
Also, in 2010, the Turkmen-China Gas Pipeline was completed, connecting central Asian gas fields to cities such as Shanghai and Hong Kong. It supplies 40 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas annually. It marked the first pipeline to bring Central Asian gas to China. The US tried to destabilize this route when it instigated riots within Xinjiang, using the ethnic Uighur’s as cannon fodder. The Turkmen-China gas pipeline serves to deepen the economic ties within the countries of the Shanghai Cooperating Organization (SCO), at the same time it locks up for China a major portion of Turkmen gas that might have gone to the floundering Nabucco pipeline favored by Washington.
Russia’s energy exports, including its significant natural gas capacity, are geopolitical currency for the country. Before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Russia was Europe’s single largest supplier of imported natural gas. But since the global fallout after the invasion, Russia is setting its sights on China as a new market for the country’s gas and as an important ally.
Power of Siberia 2 (Pos)
After February 2022, China has emerged as a major buyer of Russian energy; in gas, the domestic consumption in China is around 400 bcm per year, and the number is expected to increase. A majority of gas is imported from Turkmenistan. With gas exports from the PoS-1 pipeline expected to reach the design capacity of 38bcm by 2025, the second PoS pipeline would add an additional capacity of 50 bcm, and the third Power of Siberia-3 pipeline from Sakhalin into China would carry an additional 10 bcm of gas.
The proposed Power of Siberia 2 pipeline would transport Russian natural gas to China via Mongolia. The project is a window into Russia’s energy export strategy and the evolving relationship between China and Russia. The construction of the Soyuz Vostok pipeline is a 962-km-long extension of the Power of Siberia 2 pipeline, which connects the gas fields in Yamal in Western Siberia to China via Mongolia. This 2,594-km-long pipeline would add capacity to export 50 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas, in addition to the existing 38 bcm of natural gas currently being exported via the Power of Siberia-1, which runs from Yakutia and enters China from Blagoveshchensk on the Russia-China border.
While both Gazprom and CNPC have agreed in principle, negotiations on the gas price, volumes, sharing of construction costs, and other related issues are still underway. China wants Gazprom to sell gas on par with the domestic price of gas, which is around US$ 60 per 1000 cubic meters, but on the other hand, the price of gas sold by Russia through the PoS-1 pipeline is US$ 257 per 1,000 cubic meters Furthermore, Beijing has other concerns, such as Gazprom wanting to control the Mongolian section of the pipeline, which worries China of increased Russia control of Mongolia.
In the wake of the events of 9-11, events, the SCO has begun to take the character of the very threat that Zbigniew Brzezinski warned of. We now know who was responsible for this “event”. In a recent interview on The Real News, Brzezinski also bemoaned the lack of any coherent Eurasian strategy, notably in Afghanistan and Pakistan, on the part of the Obama Administration. America could not wait for China to bring Afghanistan into its orbit. Furthermore, by securing Afghanistan for itself, Washington could block any pipeline routes from China into the Middle East and Central Asia. This would also effectively position American military forces in Russia’s backyard, the so-called “soft underbelly “of southern Russia. Afghanistan was a “platform” from which the US intended to control the regions energy flows.
The Battle Moves South – Nigeria
Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation and its largest oil producer, is from all evidence being systematically thrown into chaos and a state of civil war. Nigeria today is one of the most important producers of light, sweet crude oil – the same high quality oil that Libya and the British North Sea produce. It produces about 2 million barrels per day.
Despite its oil riches, Nigeria remains one of Africa’s poorest countries. Its oil is exploited and largely exported by the Anglo-American giants – Shell, Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, Agip. To no one’s surprise, the Chinese state oil companies have been granted a few exploration blocks. One major geopolitical factor that is generally ignored is the growing role of China in the country. In May, 2010, Just days after the new government of President Jonathan Goodluck took office, China signed an impressive $28.5 billion deal to build three new refineries, something that in no way fit into the plans of either the IMF, Washington, or of the Anglo-American oil majors. In September, Nigeria announced it would make the Chinese currency, the Yuan, and part of its foreign reserves – up to 10% of her reserves. Nigeria holds 79% of her reserves in dollars, and the balance in Euro and sterling. This was like waving a red flag in Washington’s face.
The Chinese Connection
The involvement of Chinese energy and raw materials companies across Africa had become a major cause of alarm in Washington. As its future energy needs became obvious several years ago, China began a major African economic diplomacy which reached a crescendo in 2006 when Beijing literally rolled out the red carpet to more than 40 African heads of states and discussed a broad range of economic issues. None were more important for Beijing than securing future African oil supplies. China moved into countries that had been virtually abandoned by former European colonial powers like France, Britain or Portugal.
Enter Gazprom
Fresh from securing gas supplies from Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, Gazprom visited Nigeria in late 2009, and signed a deal. Gazprom explained to the Nigerian government that their country was flaring its natural gas, and it was going to waste. Would it not be better if they would pipe it north into Europe, via Libya and Algeria? Gazprom would help them build the pipeline and other infrastructure to make this happen. Nigeria signed on. And trouble blew up.
Boko Haram came into existence a few years before. A small insignificant group, it got a boost from the CIA. A new leadership, well supplied with arms, they began their terror campaign. Most of it was in the north of the country – the very route of the planned pipeline. The planned pipeline route was north to Nigeria, through Mali, and then forking into two branches; one through Algeria, connecting with the already existing gas infrastructure in the country; and piped north into Europe. In Late 2013, another CIA group, Al Qaeeda in the Maghrib (AQIM) then went and killed staff at an Algerian gas plant in southern Algeria-the Al Amenas plant. This route was now off the table.
The second route was through Libya and from there to Europe. The results were predictable. Mali got destabilized. Nigeria was in an upheaval caused by the CIA-funded operation called Boko Haram. And Libya imploded. These moves put paid to Gazprom’s plans to create a new gas corridor into Europe from North Africa.
AFRICOM Responds
The key force behind the recent wave of Western military attacks against Libya or more covert regime changes such as in Tunisia, Egypt and the fateful referendum in South Sudan which has now made the oil-rich region “independent”, has been AFRICOM, the special US military command established by President Bush in 2008 explicitly to counter the growing Chinese influence over Africa’s vast oil and mineral wealth.
In 2007, a Washington insider stated openly that among the aims of the new Africom, is the objective of “protecting access to hydrocarbons and other strategic resources which Africa has in abundance – – – a task which includes ensuring against the vulnerability of those natural riches and ensuring that no other third parties, such as China, India, Japan, or Russia, obtain monopolies or preferential treatment.”
Then, attention by the Empire turned its focus to the Middle East.
The “Greater Middle East” Project
In 2004, Washington began to implement a new plan called the ‘Greater Middle East Project ‘. This plan envisioned the takeover of regional banking and financial affairs by new entities tied to Washington and the Rockefellers. It faced vehement opposition from Saudi Arabia and Egypt, forcing Washington to put this project on a back burner. This was one of the reasons Mubarak was toppled by the US. Six years later, America’s strategic position became weaker while China was becoming stronger, alarming David Rockefeller.
In response, the US carried out a destabilization campaign in the Middle East, and called it the “Arab Spring “. These uprisings fit the geographic context of Rockefellers Greater Middle East Project to bring “democracy “ and “liberal free market “ economic reform to Muslim countries from Afghanistan to Morocco.
Another aim of the 2008 financial crash was to “cut down to size “ the sovereign wealth funds of the Arab oil exporters. Remember, the oil price crashed to $30 from a high of $140 just a few weeks earlier.
The ultimate aim was to firmly control oil and to use that control to blackmail China, Japan and any European nations that might eventually break free from US domination and force a new Eurasian economic space. The Rockefeller aim was to create a global regime of control unlike any in history. For more than a century that control had been built on a foundation made up of lies and oil wars. The myth of oil scarcity was at the heart of their power and they clearly would not surrender that power easily.
It is useful to briefly recall the sequence of Washington-sponsored “Twitter” revolution in the so-called Arab Spring. The first was Tunisia, an insignificant land on North Africa’s Mediterranean. However, Tunisia is on the western border of Libya. The next domino to fall in the process was Mubarak’s Egypt. That created major instability across the Middle East into North Africa as Mubarak, for all his flaws, had fiercely resisted Washington’s Middle East policy.
Then in July 2011 Southern Sudan declared itself independent, breaking away from Sudan after years of US-backed insurgency against Khartoum. The new Republic takes with it the bulk of Sudan’s known oil riches, something that upset Beijing very much, as it was the Chinese that built up Sudan’s oil infrastructure. South Sudan is now being encouraged by Israel to build a new export pipeline independent of Khartoum via Kenya. Kenya is a hub for the US and Israel in east Africa.
The aim of the US-led regime change in Libya as well as the entire Greater Middle East Project which lies behind the Arab Spring is to secure absolute control over the world’s largest known oil fields to control future policies in countries such as China, and Western Europe.
Enter Brics
As detailed in previous issues, both Russia and China created the Shanghai Cooperating Organization, the SCO, to secure their flanks in Asia from the ‘shooting-and looting’ tactics of the US.Once this was achieved, the next step was to build up an economic grouping in order that each party will be a back-up for the other members in this group. And so was BRICS formed. The essence was this; “either we stand together, or divided we fall”.
It was an analyst in a Wall Street investment bank, Goldman Sachs, Jim ‘O Neill, who coined the term BRIC (no South Africa then). It stands for Brazil, Russia, India, and China. ‘O Neill points out that China, even growing by a mere 7.7% in 2012, created the equivalent of another Greek economy every 3 months!. The BRICS push is part of an irresistible global trend. The bottom line: the North is being overtaken in the economic race by the global South at a dizzying speed. For the first time in 150 years, the combined output of the developing world’s three leading economies – Brazil, China, and India – is about equal to the combined GDP of the long-standing industrial powers of the North. The obvious conclusion is that the rise of the South is radically reshaping the world of the 21st century, with developing nations driving economic growth, lifting hundreds of millions of people from poverty, and propelling billions more into a new global middle class.
BRICS represents 42% of the world’s population and about 20% of the world’s GDP. Total trade between the countries stands at $6.2 trillion, or nearly 17% of the world’s total. According to Russian experts, economic turnover within the BRICS in the last five years has doubled. And, despite the crisis, any downturn is not expected: The growth rate is anticipated to be 5-10% per year.
Challenging US-Dominated Institutions
In recent decades Beijing has made every effort to ensure that it has the resources, markets, and the strategic alliances with developing agencies to ensure a stable growth of its economy. In particular, Beijing provided a number of African, Latin American, and Asian countries with large loans.
Under these conditions, Beijing decided to create a new financial institution and attract joint partners, and launched the two new banks. This decision was long overdue, since starting in 2010 the emerging economies began actively proposing a reform of the IMF and the World Bank. There was a time when they were saying that the world would be bowing to the almighty dollar. But the story of the AIIB says that even today many of America’s allies are dreaming about cashing yuans. As the fist fight around AIIB between Washington and Beijing gets tenser, the ultimate question is what will prevail: the brutal military force or growing economic power.
At the 2014 BRICS summit in Fortaleza, Brazil; the BRICS members announced the formation of two new international banks, the New Development Bank as it is formally called, or informally the BRICS Development Bank. It will be headquartered in Shanghai, China’s fast-emerging world financial hub. It will open for business with a $100 billion dollar liquidity reserve to defend against possibly currency wars. The second bank is the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, or the AIIB. This would also fund infrastructure projects; the difference being it would be open to other nations joining it, as members and shareholders. The combination of the two new infrastructure banks poses the greatest threat to the US dollar system and its control of world financial flows since 1945. It is this threat that is driving the foreign policy agenda of Washington.
When the AIIB was founded in 2014, the US warned its allies and vassals not to join this bank. At that time, there was a bitter conflict between the 2 families. London, to spite Washington, became a member. Not long after that, New York unleashed a financial war on China. Its stock market suffered a huge drop, along with other destabilizing measures that hit the Chinese financial sector. China resisted but at a cost to itself of some $2 – $4 TRILLION. This is NOT a TYPO! Although it set China back, the nation still remained standing.
These two new banks now threaten to rival the IMF, World Bank, and the related Asian Development Bank as a long-term creditor able to attract capital to major infrastructure investment across Eurasia and beyond. These three public banks are tightly controlled by Washington to the advantage of the dollar, and the Rockefeller Empire. Washington is holding on like a pit bull to the old bylaws in which the US retains a blocking veto share of votes. The AIIB today is emerging rapidly as a centerpiece in this emerging global architecture. For Washington, China is the emerging global challenger to US military power, so Obama imposes an “Asian Pivot” military strategy to encircle and “contain” China, thus angering Beijing. China’s economic and financial influence threatens the dollar system, so that too must be opposed. The BRICS threaten to become independent of Washington’s control as vassal states, so the BRICS states must be “thought a lesson”.
In July 1996, a leading British strategist, whose specialty is “classical geopolitics”, said, : “This Euro-Asian railroad project, involving China, Iran, and other countries, require us to revive Halford Mackinder and basic geopolitics. This has enormous geopolitical and strategic potential, and is a real danger, because, as you can see, it is not accessible to the Anglo-American maritime powers. What worries me is the economic multiplier effects of building railways. There is enormous multiplier effect, in terms of materials, and logistical infrastructure. Think of the implications of this, for movements of troops and materials. The United States should be very worried about such developments.”
“The best way to think of this, is to recall the effects on the Soviet economy, of building the BAM (Baikul-Amur – Mainline) railway, north of Lake Baikal, in the 1970s. This had an enormous impact. The actual building of the railway had a multiplier effect, which kept the Soviet economy chugging along, by opening the uninhabitable parts of Siberia. This is the kind of thing that could happen now, with the Euro-Asian railway project, only on a bigger scale.” “We’ve come full circle now, in the 20th century. It began with a Eurasian geopolitical threat, and is ending with one.”
It is essential to understand the real history of the early part of the 20th century, to grasp what is happening in the world today. The battle to develop Eurasia is meeting the same enemies, using the same methods, as were used a century ago. The real content of Mackinder’s “warning” was the danger to the survival of the Anglo-American maritime empire in the face of a group of “land-based” industrial nation-states, allied in their own interests.
Geopolitical Insanity
There is nothing coincidental in the process leading to catastrophe and World War 3. In essence, this confrontation is the strategic goal which the Anglo-American financier elite, better known as the British (Rothschild)-American (Rockefeller)-Commonwealth, or BAC, have been pursuing relentlessly since 1989, when the Berlin Wall came down.
Instead of economic development, the nations of Eastern Europe and Russia were forced to accept the economic recipes of the IMF, which gutted their countries. At the same time, outright aggression was organized. As if working from a map of the continent, the two networks proceeded systematically to set fires leading to regional and international conflicts on the Eurasian continent, many of which have continued to the present day.
The British American Cartel or BAC
There are four main areas that are crucial for human existence. They are food, raw materials, energy and finance. The two families and their allied networks in London (the Rothschild’s) and New York (the Rockefellers) have increased their control over all aspects of life – especially and most critically in these above 4 areas.
At the heart of the British-American-Commonwealth clique, run by the super-wealthy families of the oligarchy, is a combined economic and financial power greater than any single nation-state on Earth. The BAC has been busy, in preparation for the biggest financial implosion in history, which some insiders are acutely aware of—unlike the babblers at the Wall Street Journal and other financial press, who fantasize about the “eternal stability” of the system.
There has been an intense consolidation, tightening the BAC’s death-grip over the production of goods necessary for human life. Under BAC control are 3-4,000 corporate entities. Although they maintain the fiction of corporate independence, their boards of directors are so multiply interlocked that it is difficult to tell one corporation from another. They are really one entity. In groups of 10 to 50 firms, they are formed into cartels, which dominate 50-90% of the economic activity in critical sectors: precious metals, base metals, strategic minerals, oil and energy, food supplies, and finance. As the rate of financial disintegration has accelerated, the BAC clique has hoarded commodities, often buying the source of production, from the mines to the oil fields, from which commodities are extracted or produced. The financiers behind the BAC reason thus: “The Mountain of financial instruments in the world will soon collapse and be worth very little. If, when the dust clears, we can own 70% of food, energy, metals, and strategic minerals, we will still dominate the world.”
The BAC’s hoarding poses a potentially devastating danger to mankind: Its policy is the neo-Malthusian policy which Henry Kissinger promulgated in 1974 as U.S. Secretary of State, under his National Security Study Memorandum 200. NSSM-200 outlined a policy of genocide and depopulation against the Third World, and ultimately, against the industrialized sector. Through consolidation of 70% or more ownership of raw materials, the BAC has put within its grasp the power to cut back the production-flow of every kind of agricultural produce and raw material that is needed for people to eat, or, worked up from raw materials to capital and other finished goods, that is required for modern society. By squeezing off these flows, production would be crippled, to the point that mankind would be reduced to 500 million semi-literate souls roaming the Earth—achieving the paradigm desired by the 2 families. The immense physical goods and financial power of the BAC cartel is not reported in university textbooks or in the media. The latter focus on how much the stock of Facebook is worth, or what is going on with Tesla or with other Internet stocks, but it has given little coverage of how the BAC has been building up immensely its power.
In 1913, the financier oligarchs of the City of London and Wall Street effected a profound change: They created the Federal Reserve System to impose a dictatorship on the United States, through control of the nation’s credit. Through this means, economic and national policy can be dictated. Over the years, the Federal Reserve ruined America’s productive economy, and destroyed its economic sovereignty. This became all the more important in 1913, because by then, America was the most powerful industrial nation in the world, producing fully one-third of the world’s industrial output. As a centralized authority, with the final say over most credit policy, the Federal Reserve handed to the City of London and Wall Street powerful levers, to set the level and price of credit, and to determine how much would flow, and for what purpose. Since February 1917, the capital of international finance had moved to New York, and that is where it is till now. The approximately 5,000 financier-oligarch’s who comprise the ruling councils of these two networks, own and manage the affairs of an interlocking corporate apparatus that dominates “choke points” within the global economy, especially finance, insurance, raw materials, transportation, and consumer goods. This cartel is known as the Club of Isles, in London, and RF & A in New York. RF & A stands for Rockefeller Family & Associates. Its center of policy-making and power is in the one square mile known as the City of London; and in a canyon in lower Manhattan known as Wall Street. The BAC is a short version to describe the companies controlled by the power networks of the two families in these four related fields. There is virtually no competition between them, over these sectors. Rather, they work together to achieve common aims.
A “dumbed-down population (thanks to our dismal education system, plus the increasing “drugging-up” of the population), who are unable to think coherently – most people are not in a situation where they can crystalize their thoughts, with so much happening – all at the same time. Between a reducing food supply, and collapsing physical economy, and a coming blow-out of the financial system, mankind is in for some very tough times ahead. The financiers are in control, and their aim is to increase their wealth and power even more, all at the expense of the common good. Government, its leaders and the citizenry are powerless.
6 The Third Battle of Eurasia (2020-present)
The behavior of the Rockefeller Empire; in its attempts to stop this “coming together”; has pushed various nations to get together in the hopes of surviving the American onslaught. This process has climaxed in the BRICS summit at Kazan in October 2024. However, in lock-step, ever-ratcheting overreliance on sanctions has begun to catastrophically backfire. Like a longtime junkie endlessly the Empire is evidently trapped in a toxic cycle, from which it cannot escape. By cutting their targets off from the Western financial system, for decade’s sanctions could crush national industries, erase personal fortunes and upset the balance of political power in troublesome regimes – all without putting a single American soldier in harm’s way.
By sanctioning so many countries so readily, the Empire has in effect sanctioned itself – and convinced an ever-increasing number of states to seek alternative economic and financial structures. Since February 2022, China AND Russia have been hard at work bypassing the dollar system. The effects have been so revolutionary that Washington has created an axis of evasion led by China and Russia. This is an international trading structure from which the US is excluded. But the pair’s close allies – particularly members of the BRICS alliance – want in immediately.
What is clear is that the NATO (at 75) circus is absolutely clueless and impervious to what happened. Especially when it comes to the SCO now positioned as a key node in bringing on a new, Eurasia-wide collective security arrangement.
A Declaration of War against Eurasia
The running NATO warmongering show has nothing to do with peaceful internationalism. It’s rather about a unipolar U.S. military alliance leading toward military aggression and economic sanctions to isolate Russia and China. Or more to the point, to isolate European and other allies from its former trade and investment with Russia and China, making those allies more dependent on the United States. The 2024 NATO declaration actually is a renewed declaration of war, hybrid and otherwise, against Eurasia – as well as Afro-Eurasia (yes, there are promises of “partnerships” advancing everywhere from Africa to the Middle East). The Eurasia integration process is about geo-economic integration – including, crucially, transportation corridors connecting, among other latitudes, northern Europe with West Asia.
For the Rockefeller Empire, this is the ultimate nightmare: Eurasia integration driving Western Europe away from the U.S. and preventing that perennial wet dream, the colonization of Russia.
So only plan A would apply, with absolute ruthlessness: Washington – literally – bombed Russia-Germany integration (Nord Stream 1 and 2, and more) and turned the vassal lands of frightened, discombobulated Europeans into a potentially very dangerous place, right beside a raging Hot War.
That’s what we’re facing today. NATO – in theory – fully mobilized, in military, political and economic terms, to fight against any Global Majority forces that may destabilize the Rockefeller and Rothschild Empires.
Declining Western Power
This makes the US Treasury “the gatekeeper to the world’s banking operations” – “and sanctions are the gate.” Treasury officials “can impose sanctions on any foreign person, firm or government they deem to be a threat to the US economy, foreign policy. It seems the West is slowly coming to its awakening moment: it stands no chance in a long term conflict against the manufacturing powerhouse of the Russia-China-North Korea-Iran bloc. How the tides turn.
Now that we have understood a bit about the real cause and effect of all the wars in Eurasia over the past two decades, what you will read going forward will help in crystallizing events that seem random, at first, but are part of a coldly calculated plan to bring all of Eurasia’s oil and gas fields under Rockefeller control. So, there we have it. The demonization of Russia and Putin, as well as those opposing Washington’s grand plan to seize the energy resources of Eurasia, in order to control its economic competitors. Remember the Rockefeller family motto “COMPETITION IS A SIN!” Always keep this in mind when studying international geopolitics.
You can read more about all these events and its causes in the following articles.
The SCO & 9/11 25 May, 2016,
The Gas Wars 25 June 2016,
Behind the Terror Bombings 25 August 2017,
Eurasia’s Energy Wars 25 March 2028,
Full Spectrum Domination 10 September 2018,
Russia’s Strategic Response 25 September 2018,
Fortress America 25 November 2018 25 November 2018,
The BAC Cartel 10 February 2020,
Lockdown – the hidden financial agenda 25 October 2020,
Stay tuned for our next article, titled “Wall Street vs the SCO & BRICS “-exercising the nuclear option