When Washington activated sanctions against Russia in 2014, the economic effects of this was felt more within the EU than in the American economy. Most affected in the EU are France and Germany.
France was placed under heavy pressure to cancel two warships that she had built for France. They are helicopter-carriers, called Mistrals. Russia had even paid France in advance for this, an amount of 1,200 million Euros. This resulted in France’s reputation taking a bit hit. Who, after all, will be prepared to purchase military or industrial goods, knowing that France may renege on the delivery of these goods.
A desperate France was working around this American-imposed embargo on trade with a vital supplier of its energy, and a top market for its goods. Part of this is its ongoing energy ties with Russia. Here, the oil company is a good example. Total has several projects ongoing in Russia. And the US was squeezing Total to withdraw from Russia. The loss to France would run into billions; in addition to which it would lose out on a continuing energy supplies from Russia.
The Murder of Total’s Chief
The chief executive of the French oil company Total, Christophe de Margerie, was killed when a private jet collided with a snow plough at Moscow’s Vnukovo international airport on Monday night.
“The collision occurred just before midnight as the Dassault Falcon business jet attempted to take off bound for Paris.
De Margerie, 63, was on a list of attendees at a Russian government meeting on foreign investment in Gorki, near Moscow, on Monday. Hours before his death he had met the Russian prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, at his country residence outside Moscow to discuss foreign investment in Russia.
A staunch defender of Russia and its energy policies amid the conflict in Ukraine, De Margerie told Reuters in a July interview that Europe should stop thinking about cutting its dependence on Russian gas and focus instead on making those deliveries safer.
He said tensions between the west and Russia were pushing Moscow closer to China, as illustrated by a $400bn deal to supply Beijing with gas that was clinched in May.
“Are we going to build a New Berlin Wall?” he said. “Russia is a partner and we shouldn’t waste time protecting ourselves from a neighbour … What we are looking to do is not to be too dependent on any country, no matter which. Not from Russia, which has saved us on numerous occasions.”
Total is one of
the major oil companies most exposed to Russia, where its output will double to
represent more than a tenth of its global portfolio by 2020.
Total is one of the top foreign investors in Russia Total said in September
that sanctions would not stop it working on the Yamal project, a $27bn joint
venture investment to tap vast natural gas reserves in north-west Siberia that
aims to double Russia’s stake in the fast-growing market for liquefied natural
De Margerie said then that Europe could not live without Russian gas, adding that there was no reason to do so.
Total is the fourth largest by market value of the western world’s top oil companies behind Exxon, Royal Dutch Shell and Chevron. Russia accounted for about 9% of Total’s oil and gas output in 2013.
The oil company had forecast in April that Russia would become its biggest source of oil and gas by 2020 due to its partnership with the Russian energy company Novatek and the Yamal project.
Total SA is France’s second-biggest listed company with a market value of €102bn.
The Americans were not playing around.
Them in late December 2014, French President Hollande went to Kazakstan, and met its leader to discuss energy-related matters. On his return to Paris, Hollande stopped over in Moscow, and had a brief meeting.
Just days into the New Year, Hollande issues a statement saying that sanctions against Russia “are not working for both parties, and the sanctions must be done away with. This was on January 3. The American response was not long in coming.
The Payback
On Wednesday, January 7, gunmen stormed the offices of a magazine publisher, Charlie Hebdo, and killed 12 employees. Obviously, there was a “legitimate” explanation for this. The cover story was that the gunmen were claiming revenge on this magazine for publishing insensitive cartoons about the Prophet of Islam, Muhammed.
That is how these things work. Responsibility for the attack was claimed by an Al Qaeeda franchise, the Al Qaeeda in the Maghrib (AQIM). We know who this group works for. It was the same group that claimed responsibility for the attack on the Al Amenas gas complex in southern Algeria in 2013.
The French got the message loud and clear. Also of note, is that Total falls within the orbit of the French Rothschilds.
Paris is European headquarters for both the CIA and the Israeli secret service, Mossad. In the shadow world, intelligence agencies keep a close watch on the activities of other intelligence agencies. And so in Paris, the Mossad was keeping a close watch on the activities of the CIA station, and its staff. They knew something was going down, especially when covert contacts and activity increased from Sunday, January 4.
When the Charlie Hebdo hit went down, on Wednesday, the Mossad sprang into action. On Friday, January 9, using patsies (which is the normal modus operandi by both CIA and Mossad), a hit was done on a Jewish supermarket in a Paris suburb. Several people were killed.
A massive manhunt followed. Many “patsies” were eliminated by French security services over the course of the next few days. As an interesting aside to this drama, was the death of a senior police chief who was the senior investigator in the Charlie Hebdo case. Police reports say that he “committed suicide”.
That is utter nonsense. He must have picked up a lead that pointed to the involvement of certain operatives working for the dark side of American covert operations. He had to be silenced in such a way that his death would not arouse any suspicions. That is how a lot of opponents of Washington die, in various ways, such as being ‘suicided”, or “heart- attacked”.
We can understand the Charlie Hebdo hit – as explained above. But this hit was confusing, until one understands Israel’s motives. It was a message firstly to the Jews of France that France is not safe; it would be better if French Jews moved to Israel; and secondly, to add increasing tensions between the Muslims and others in France.
A few days later, a funeral was held for the Victims of the attack on the Jewish supermarket. The funeral was attended to by 40 world leaders, holding arms. It was a spectacle to watch. Many people commented on the fact that the US did not send even one diplomat, even the lowest, to attend this funeral. They could not understand why. But, we do know. Read the “BREAK-UP”.