Tag: Putin

Russia Raises the Stakes Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

Industrial Warfare There is an elephant in the room, that no-one wants to discuss it. This is the reserves of military hardware and ammunition. As can be seen over the past few months, the EU is on the verge of being de-militarized. Even the mighty Pentagon is running dry. The war in Ukraine has proven […]

Russia/Putin & the West Part 1 (of a 2 Part series)

Background (1991-Present) The fall of the Soviet Union marked the beginning of a highly dangerous new phase of American aggression against a severely weakened Russia. For the Rockefeller Empire, it represented a golden opportunity to destroy their former adversary, Russia, as a functioning agent. If they could succeed in destroying Russia, they believed they could […]

Eurasia’s Energy Wars Part 2 (of a 2 part series)

Map detailing the complex web of Iraq’s oil and gas infrastructure. After the defeat of Iraq in the First Gulf war, in 1991, the country was put under international sanctions.  Three years later, some relief was provided by the UN “oil-for Food” program. By the end of the decade, many were in sympathy with the […]

TRUMP – Rockefellers New Manager

The Rockefeller family is, without doubt, the premier power family in the United States. Since 1934, they have been in a position to have effective control of the White House, the main controlling instrument of the United States Government. Whoever controls the White House controls American politics. Of the three centers of political power in America, […]

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