Tag: Petro Dollar

The Eurasian Challenge to the Rockefeller Empire Part 1 (of a 4 Part Series)

1 The Ancient Silk Route 2 The First Battle of Eurasia (1914-1918) 3 The Second Battle of Eurasia (1939-1945) 4 The American Century(1945-1990) 5 The Unipolar Period (1991-2020) 6 The Third Battle of Eurasia (2020-current) 1 The Ancient Silk Route  The main story at the moment has to do with the turmoil in the Middle […]

The Dollar’s Last Tango Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

When David Rockefeller pulled the plug on the gold-dollar on August 15th, 1971, the dollar fell against major currencies by 40%.  Confidence is the name of the game. Without gold backing, the dollar was worthless. There was no confidence.  It was only in 1975 that the Saudis agreed under pressure that the dollar would, henceforth, […]

From Opec to Nopec – How the Rockefellers Lost Control of their Creation Part 1 (Of a 2 Part Series)

Background In March 1938, oil was discovered in Saudi – six years after its formation. Us oil companies had obtained the concession in Saudi Arabia. Then, the war broke out. During the war years, the US government built up the necessary infrastructure, e.g., pipelines, storage tanks, and a loading port, etc. The country began producing […]

The End of the Dollar Hegemony Part 1 (of a 4 Part Series)

Introduction Financial Collapse Is a Mathematical Certainty  After the 2008 stock market crash, governments, because the economy collapsed globally, started spending like drunken sailors The last 14 years have been a ballooning of  the sovereign debt bond bubble. Who’s going to save that bubble? Who’s going to be the buyer of all that debt when […]

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