Tag: Judaism

Rothschild’s Zionist Project on the Verge of Collapse Part 3 (of a 3 Part Series)

The story continues from Part 2 4. Zionism vs. Judaism The Zionist regime has to be understood in its proper context. Emerging as a settler-colonialist movement, led by the Rothschild family, Zionism plunked itself in the middle of the Arabs, and began to exterminate them.  The Rothschild plan was to build up this state as […]

The Start of the Affair Part 1 (of a 2 part series)

Many have asked the question of “why are the Jews and the Rothschilds so powerful?’. In order to unravel this mystery, one has to go back to the starting point of the story of Zion. The intersection point between the devil, whom we shall call Satan, and one particular tribe in particular, the Levites, is […]

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