Tag: IMF

Gaza – The Rafah Invasion – Why Now?

The Rothschild Obsession with Egypt History repeats itself.  Apparently, Egypt has forgotten the mistakes of the colonial era. In the 19th century, the situation that eventually led to the country’s enslavement unfolded in a similar way to what’s happening now.  As the Rothschild family became the dominant financial power in Europe by the 1830s, it […]

The West versus Eurasian Integration Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

Below are some quotes from the book, THE GRAND CHESSBOARD by Zbigniew Brzezinski.    He was a Rockefeller geopolitical analyst/advisor to David Rockefeller, who made him the first head of his newly-formed Trilateral Commission in 1973. He became the National Security Advisor to Carter-the most important job in Washington since the 1970s, and, who are […]

BRICS: Cable Geopolitics

In response the NSA spying scandals targeting Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff,  in October 2013, she announced the laying of a new cable infrastructure to bypass US control of communications .    News of the laying of a BRICS-cable triggered public attention as news of laying telegraph cables did a century ago. The ‘cable rush’ by […]

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