Tag: food control

LockDown – The Hidden Financial Agenda Part 3 (of a 3 Part Series)

Referring to the effects– economic and health-wise– of COVID-19 and the pandemic, Bill Gates, the self-appointed global czar of disease and vaccines by virtue of his enormous wealth, told his readers in August 2020, “As awful as this pandemic is, climate change could be worse.” What Gates is doing is setting the rhetoric for the […]

The BA Cartel Part 3 (of a 3 Part Series)

Welcome back. Here, we continue with our report on the food cartel. In this report, we will explain how the global grain and food cartels function. How It Works They dominate the export and import of basic foodstuffs—wheat, soy, corn, rice, sugar, dairy tropical products, etc. They intervene to determine where crops are grown, which […]

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