Tag: Brexit

From Trump to Biden – The Implosion of America

There are 5 key areas I am going to touch on. These will prepare you to better understand what is coming ahead. No 1. The Green Agenda In the late 1960s, the Rockefeller-funded Club of Rome, and similar think tanks, began spouting a new lie.  “Industrialisation is bad“; “Limits to growth“, etc. The family’s reasoning […]

The Brexit Deal – London’s Cunning Agenda

Brexit is the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU) on 31 January 2020. To date, the UK is the first and only country formally to leave the EU, after 47 years of membership within the bloc, after having first joined its predecessor, the European Communities (EC), on 1 January 1973. It is also thought to be the first country […]

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