Category: Middle East

Weaponising Islam – “Roots of Islamic Rage” Part 2 (of a 6 series)

The Turkish Ottoman Empire had been one of the most powerful and successful empires in the world for more than 6 centuries. Sultan Abdul Hamid II, the spiritual and political head of the Ottoman Empire, and head of the Islamic Caliphate, had been maneuvered in 1881 by the British and French creditor banks and governments […]

Weaponising Islam – “The Arab Spring & ISIS” Part 1 (of a 6 part series)

Introduction Europe and the West faced an unprecedented social crisis as shock waves of a brutal war in Syria spread around the world. The ISIS or Islamic State erupted violently onto the world stage in 2014 proclaiming a Global Caliphate. War and terror in Syria created a massive refugee crisis across Europe. In September 2015, Russia […]

The Collapsing Oil Price–Why?

“Control food and one controls people; control finance and one controls governments, but control oil and one can control the destinies of nations “ Henry Kissinger 1972. It was oil that made up the core of the wealth and power of the Rockefeller family. The founder John D Rockefeller started out in the oil business in […]

The Carve Up Begins

Decline of Global Trade | Currency Wars |De-Dollarization Decline of Global Trade While the global economy is doing well, the amount of stuff that is imported and exported around the world goes up, and when the global economy is in recession, the amount of stuff that is imported and exported around the world goes down. […]

The SINAI Shootdown

The downing of the Russian plane in mid-November over the Sinai Peninsula was a targeted hit. It was aimed at two countries – Russia and Egypt. We can understand Russia; but why Egypt?  To better understand the dynamics of Egypt, let’s do a brief background on the country. Egypt Egypt has always given the world […]

The Mosul-Haifa Pipeline

As a follow up to the previous issue, we now discuss the story of the Mosul to Haifa pipeline, and this will bring us to the real reason for Israel’s excitement in northern Iraq.  We have taken passages from an article by the late Joe Vialls, called “Israel’s Blitzkrieg on Middle East Oil “. This […]

The Crisis of ISIS

Over the past 18 months the world has been gripped by the phenomenon of ISIS. Who and what is ISIS. Let’s go back to the beginning.   Since the early 1950’s, when the CIA station chief in Munich became aware of the effective use of radical Jihadist Muslims from the Soviet Union, US intelligence has […]

The Arab Spring

The name “Arab Spring” is a term coined in distant offices in Washington, London, and Paris.  The upheavals in the Arab World are not an Arab awakening either; such a term implies that the Arabs have been sleeping while injustice has been surrounding them. In reality the Arab world has been filled with wars and […]

THE GAS WARS Part 3 (of a 3 part series)

We went with Gazprom to the west into Europe, to the east into China, to the south into Africa. Now we travel to the Eastern Mediterranean. And so, let’s start with Syria. Syria Syria has been on the Pentagon’s drawing board for years, largely because of its important geo-strategic emplacement in the Middle East.  The […]

THE GAS WARS Part 2 (of a 3 part series)

Moscow Goes East  At the end of 2009, precisely as planned and to the surprise of Washington, Russia opened the East Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) oil pipeline, a 4-year construction project costing some $14 billion.  The pipeline now allows Russia to export oil directly from its East Siberia fields to China as well as Korea and […]

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