Category: Finance & Economics

Rising rates = Financial Implosion

The US The North American region is in a more fortunate position than Europe. It has enough energy, raw materials and food to reduce its reliance on imports. It is mainly in manufacturing that the US has fallen way behind. In 1980, manufacturing was nearly 75-80% of the economy; and in 2023, it has been […]

The Global Planned Financial Tsunami has begun 

In the last article, we discussed the impact of what a declining energy consumption may lead to. In this article, we will discuss the danger of rising interest rates – the reason of it, and its implications on the global economy. Since the creation of the US Federal Reserve over a century ago, every major […]

Rising Rates Spells a Derivative Disaster

In September 2019, Wall Street had a triple cardiac event. The Feds’ Repo window went crazy. A normal weekly repo activity amounts to an average $50 billion. In mid September, over a period of 2 weeks, the Fed lent out an astounding $600 billion plus! This shocked David Rockefeller Jnr (the head of the family), […]

The Dollar’s Last Tango Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series

The Fed Tightens As a result of the Fed’s relentless tightening blitz, both US capital markets (the S&P 500 is down -24%, and 10 year US treasuries are down -17% and bonds were down -10%) and the US economy have been left reeling. One should note –WHY IS THE FED RAISING INTEREST RATES? The day […]

The Dollar’s Last Tango Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

When David Rockefeller pulled the plug on the gold-dollar on August 15th, 1971, the dollar fell against major currencies by 40%.  Confidence is the name of the game. Without gold backing, the dollar was worthless. There was no confidence.  It was only in 1975 that the Saudis agreed under pressure that the dollar would, henceforth, […]

LockDown – The Hidden Financial Agenda Part 3 (of a 3 Part Series)

Referring to the effects– economic and health-wise– of COVID-19 and the pandemic, Bill Gates, the self-appointed global czar of disease and vaccines by virtue of his enormous wealth, told his readers in August 2020, “As awful as this pandemic is, climate change could be worse.” What Gates is doing is setting the rhetoric for the […]

LockDown – The Hidden Financial Agenda Part 1 (of a 3 Part Series)

The Collapsing Machine-Tool Sector The battered world physical economy, if it is to survive, must draw from and be energized by the machine-tool design sector. However, the machine-tool industry’s capability is being destroyed. This year, orders for this sector have fallen by more than half. This indicates a desperate situation for the world economy. It […]

Yamashita’s Gold Part 5 (of a 5 Part Series)

Conflict of Interest      In March 2001, only weeks into the new Bush Administration, two U.S. Navy ships arrived in the Philippines carrying teams of SEAL commandos.  They were sent to the Philippines to recover gold as part of a plan to enlarge America’s reserves. This gold would come from two places: – new excavations […]

Yamashita’s Gold Part 4 (of a 5 Part Series)

The Paladins        Once it was proved in U.S. courts that massive gold shipments did come out of the Philippines during the twenty years Marcos was president – gold that did not originate in the Central Bank or in mines like Benguet – the remaining mystery is where did it go? To be sure, the […]

Yamashita’s Gold (Part 3 of a 5 Part Series)

Dirty Tricks    Japan is not the only example of how Washington used Axis war loot for political action during the first years of the Cold War. The Italian elections of 1948 are another.    In postwar Italy, CIA agent James Jesus Angleton recovered Ethiopian treasure plundered by Mussolini’s forces. Instead of returning this loot […]

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