Category: Finance & Economics

The BA Cartel Part 3 (of a 3 Part Series)

Welcome back. Here, we continue with our report on the food cartel. In this report, we will explain how the global grain and food cartels function. How It Works They dominate the export and import of basic foodstuffs—wheat, soy, corn, rice, sugar, dairy tropical products, etc. They intervene to determine where crops are grown, which […]

The BA Cartel Part 2 (of a 3 Part Series)

The Global Food Cartel – Instrument for Starvation The Control Apparatus The control of food for use as a weapon is an ancient practice. The House of Windsor inherited certain routes and infrastructure. One finds the practice in ancient Babylon/Mesopotamia 4,000 years ago. In Greece, the cults of Apollo, Demeter, and Rhea-Cybele often controlled the […]

The BA Cartel Part 1 (of a 3 Part Series)

In this article, we will detail the control over four main areas that are crucial for human existence. They are food, raw materials, energy and finance. The two families and their allied networks in London (the Rothschilds) and New York (the Rockefellers) have increased their control over all aspects of life – especially and most […]

Yamashita’s Gold (Part 2 of a 5 Part Series)

Step 3 – The Recovery        At sunrise, Yamashita withdrew up the Asin River into the Kiangan Pocket, for the last three months of the war. He later surrendered to the Americans. US Intelligence certainly knew that Yamashita had knowledge of where some of the looted gold was stored, and they wanted to “extract” this […]

Yamashita’s Gold (Part 1 of a 5 Part Series)

Background      The period between the two world wars (1920-1939) was one of financial speculation, and a geopolitical contest between the British Empire and Wall Street. America and the Rockefeller Empire were determined to take over Asia from the British. They needed markets for their manufactured goods, as well as a source for raw materials. […]

Finance: Derivatives and the Imploding Financial System

Most people don’t understand what derivatives are.  Unlike stocks and bonds, a derivative is not an investment in anything real. Rather, a derivative is a legal bet on the future value or performance of something else. Just as one can bet on the horse, or the outcome of a sports game, financiers in London and […]

ICE–NINE (How the Elites plan to steal your Money) The Global Financial Lockdown

In a 1963 comedy novel, a scientist created a substance called ice-nine. Ice-nine was a poly morph of water, a rearrangement of the molecule H2O. Ice-nine has two properties that distinguish it from regular water. The first was that ice-nine was frozen at room temperature. The second was that when a molecule of ice-nine came in contact […]

Currency Wars Part 3 (of a 3 part series)

In order to better understand current financial movements and directions, let us go back 40 years to explain the dollarization of the global economy, and how this has benefited only one group of financiers – the Rockefeller family, as the overlords of the American Empire. The petro-dollar was born in 1975. That same year saw […]

Currency Wars Part 2 (of a 3 part series)

Historically, a currency war involves competitive devaluations by countries seeking to lower their cost structures, increase exports, create jobs and give their economies a boost at the expense of trading partners.  This is not the only possible course for a currency war. There is a far more insidious scenario in which currencies are used as weapons […]

Decline of Global Trade

While the global economy is doing well, the amount of stuff that is imported and exported around the world goes up, and when the global economy is in recession, the amount of stuff that is imported and exported around the world goes down. It is just economics. Governments have become very adept at manipulating other measures […]

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