Category: Asia

Crimea’s Strategic Importance to Russia

For centuries, Russia has viewed the Black Sea as central to its security due to its abundance of warm-water ports, including Sevastopol in Crimea. The country’s ports on the Arctic freeze for several months of the year; Most of its Europe-facing ports, such as St Petersburg, were historically ice-locked for part of the year before […]

Moscow’s Red Lines  —— (Cross it & Die!)

Two weeks ago, President Vladimir Putin of Russia said, “enough is enough!” In order to understand his frustration, let’s go back to when he became President of Russia. The US has a Long History of Confrontation with Russia This goes way back to the time of Lenin’s revolution in 1917 to replace the Tsar with […]

Yamashita’s Gold Part 5 (of a 5 Part Series)

Conflict of Interest      In March 2001, only weeks into the new Bush Administration, two U.S. Navy ships arrived in the Philippines carrying teams of SEAL commandos.  They were sent to the Philippines to recover gold as part of a plan to enlarge America’s reserves. This gold would come from two places: – new excavations […]

Yamashita’s Gold Part 4 (of a 5 Part Series)

The Paladins        Once it was proved in U.S. courts that massive gold shipments did come out of the Philippines during the twenty years Marcos was president – gold that did not originate in the Central Bank or in mines like Benguet – the remaining mystery is where did it go? To be sure, the […]

The GeoPolitics of Tibet

Tibet is a region in East Asia covering much of the Tibetan Plateau spanning about 2.5 million km2. It is the traditional homeland of the Tibetan people as well as some other ethnic groups and is now also inhabited by considerable numbers of Han Chinese and Hui people. Tibet is the highest region on Earth, with an average elevation of 5,000m and located in the Himalayas, the highest […]

Yamashita’s Gold (Part 3 of a 5 Part Series)

Dirty Tricks    Japan is not the only example of how Washington used Axis war loot for political action during the first years of the Cold War. The Italian elections of 1948 are another.    In postwar Italy, CIA agent James Jesus Angleton recovered Ethiopian treasure plundered by Mussolini’s forces. Instead of returning this loot […]

The Geopolitics of Japan

The Beginning Japan, in the mid-19th century was a feudal society.  Next door, in China, the British had taken control of its key trading points – through the Opium Wars. Just as Britain was to play the “balance-of-power” role in regards to Continental Europe, the Rothschilds wanted something similar in Asia, especially against China. Japan […]

Yamashita’s Gold (Part 2 of a 5 Part Series)

Step 3 – The Recovery        At sunrise, Yamashita withdrew up the Asin River into the Kiangan Pocket, for the last three months of the war. He later surrendered to the Americans. US Intelligence certainly knew that Yamashita had knowledge of where some of the looted gold was stored, and they wanted to “extract” this […]

Yamashita’s Gold (Part 1 of a 5 Part Series)

Background      The period between the two world wars (1920-1939) was one of financial speculation, and a geopolitical contest between the British Empire and Wall Street. America and the Rockefeller Empire were determined to take over Asia from the British. They needed markets for their manufactured goods, as well as a source for raw materials. […]

The Geopolitics of Myanmar/Burma

BackGround Since the story of the genocide of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar recently, calls have been coming in to do an article on this issue. To better understand the ongoing tragedy, it would help to understand some background. In early April this year, a 2,200 kilometer oil pipeline was supposed to flow oil as […]

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