Category: Americas

The Global Reset Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

Actions within the US and nations allied to the US suggest an accelerated attack on personal liberties is at hand. There are sister foundations to the CFR in many other countries. For example, in Australia they have the highly embedded and influential Strategic Policy Institute, which has been consistently advocating for complete centralization of government […]

The Global Reset Part 1(of a 2 Part Series)

Stage One: Trade War against China On January 30, 2020 the WHO Director General determined that the coronavirus outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The decision was taken on the basis of 150 confirmed cases outside China, and first cases of person to person transmission: 6 cases in the US, 3 cases […]

Post Lockdown – The Rockefeller Game Plan Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

The “Farce” of the Economic Reopening How does one define an economic “reopening”? I think most people would say that a reopening means that everything goes back to the way it was before the crisis; or at least as close as possible.  Most people would also say that a reopening is something that will last.  Simply […]

Post Lockdown – The Rockefeller Game Plan Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

This is a follow-up to the article called Operation Lockdown – the sinister agenda behind Covid-19. There are a few facts we need to clear up first. Population control or eugenics and its associated bio-warfare plans are strictly a feature of the Rockefeller Empire, or New York. The Rothschilds in London have other priorities. In […]

OPERATION LOCK-STEP – The Sinister Agenda behind Covid-19

The entire world is confused, helpless, and living in fear over the past month, as the hype over the Covid-19 virus mounts. Why is this happening? And, most importantly, WHO BENEFITS? As the author explained in a previous article, this was an engineered virus, used as a bio-weapon, for geopolitical advantage.  Every day the world’s […]

How the Rockefellers “Trumped” the World

The Rockefeller Empire chose to put Donald Trump in the White House in November 2016. Every US president since Franklin D Roosevelt (1933-1945) has always been chosen by Rockefeller. London (the Rothschild family) had lost control of the White House in 1932, and it has been so since then.  A month later, in December 2016, […]

Fortress America

Starting in late 2010, just before the outbreak of the Arab Spring, the Rockefeller Empire issued instructions for the “Fortress America” plan to commence. What is this plan?  In short, it is a plan to make America INDEPENDENT of all raw materials needed for its sustenance. This plan envisaged a Latin America back within the […]

Finance: Derivatives and the Imploding Financial System

Most people don’t understand what derivatives are.  Unlike stocks and bonds, a derivative is not an investment in anything real. Rather, a derivative is a legal bet on the future value or performance of something else. Just as one can bet on the horse, or the outcome of a sports game, financiers in London and […]

THE US – Saudi Nexus Part 5 (of a 6 part series)

The Plot to Kill Crown Prince Mohammed bin First CIA Attempt to Kill the Saudi King & MBS Following the success of the China trip, King Salman was in high spirits.  The Rockefellers aim was to curtail Chinese influence in the Middle East, and this deal would only strengthen it. It was not on! It […]

THE US – Saudi Nexus Part 3 (of a 6 part series): 2010-2015

Saudi Arabia in the next 8 years would witness profound changes, both internally and externally. In the period immediately after the start of the Arab Spring, Saudi Arabia embarked on domestic policy changes, in order to forestall a possible Color Revolution in the country. To avoid any protests, in February, 2011 – King Abdullah announces […]

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