The story continues from Part 2
4. Zionism vs. Judaism
The Zionist regime has to be understood in its proper context. Emerging as a settler-colonialist movement, led by the Rothschild family, Zionism plunked itself in the middle of the Arabs, and began to exterminate them. The Rothschild plan was to build up this state as an overwhelming military power in the region, and eventually dominate the entire world from Jerusalem. Non-Jews, or goyim, will function as servants to this “master class”.
This idea of the Palestinian cause ran so deep in the hearts of the Arabs and Muslims, because many of them had also suffered at the hands of the Zionists and/or their Western backers. The Palestinian cause never had a specific country. No matter how bad the military defeats were, whether in 1967 or 1982, the Palestinian Resistance would continue taking different forms. The Israelis believed that the Oslo Accords [1993-5] would be able to shut the Palestinians up; they would simply continue to steal more land quietly and condense the Palestinian people into smaller and smaller enclaves. Between 1995 and 2005, with the withdrawal of Israeli illegal settlers from their settlements in Gaza, a new monster-religious Zionism- also began to form and was aided along the way by Netanyahu. As Israeli society shifted further and further to the extreme Right, so came the rise of Religious Zionism spearheaded by a violent and aggressive settler movement in the West Bank.
This rise in religiosity, combined with a far-right government that Netanyahu leads today is changing internal Israeli society. This ended up leading to the clash between the religious far-right and the more secular-leaning far-right, culminating in the mass street protests that are taking place in “Tel Aviv” and other occupied cities till today. The secular brand of far-Right Zionism, which many calling themselves liberals prescribe to, began clashing with the supporters of Netanyahu’s coalition who were accused of trying to overthrow the Israeli judiciary and Zionise the country.
Why This All Matters
From the beginning of the Zionist Entity, the problem was that the Zionists failed to exterminate and ethnically cleanse all the Palestinians and they failed to kill the cause. In the end, the only answer the Zionist Entity ever had for what was to be done with the Palestinian people was a combination of extermination, ethnic cleansing, and subjugation.
While the Israelis had not had to fight a war against any country since 1973, only wars against Resistance movements, it developed what it calls its “deterrence capacity” to deal massive concentrated blows against the likes of Hezbollah and Hamas when it saw fit to do so. If you look into the Israeli war games or military exercises, where they prepare for conflicts with Hamas or Hezbollah, or in some cases a multi-front war, it is always assumed that the war will end within weeks, or maximum months.
When October 7 happened, based upon the model set forward by the regime, its response was in many ways predictable. They used unimaginable firepower to pulverize the cities and refugee camps, and mass murdered civilians, before entering with their ground troops in heavily armored vehicles, cowering away from engaging in street battles and depending upon their technology. They believed that this medieval maximum force strategy would work and here they are 11 months later with not a single one of their objectives achieved. They never anticipated that a war with the Resistance in Gaza would last this long, just as they couldn’t have anticipated Yemen’s blockade in the Red Sea or Hezbollah continually firing upon their position in the north of occupied Palestine on a daily basis. With no way of bringing about a plausible victory, all of the Zionist Entity’s problems began coming to the surface.
The Israelis have come to realize that there will be no “Israel” without the elimination of the Palestinian people from the equation, whether you look at it from a demographic perspective in the long term or a perspective of unrelenting resistance. Then there’s the Israeli society, which is deeply divided in what they believe their ethno-supremacist regime should even look like and what legal system they seek for it.
Another problem is that their economy, society and military were not prepared for a long war of attrition against a variety of fronts: Hundreds of thousands of settlers are internally displaced, their industry is dead in the north, the Port of Eilat is bankrupt, their tourism industry is gutted, around a million plus settlers are said to have left the country, 46,000+ businesses have gone bust, investors are withdrawing, multi-billion dollar deals are being abandoned, inflation is taking hold, their currency is devaluing and the list goes on.
But what of their 500,000 strong mighty militaries? The cost of calling up the reserves for so long is one issue, but the bigger problem is their willingness to serve and how exhausted they are, in addition to inefficient training. To quote the Haaretz article written by Yitzhak Brik: “Israel is sinking deeper into the Gazan mud, losing more and more soldiers as they get killed or wounded, without any chance of achieving the war’s main goal: bringing down Hamas. The country really is galloping towards the edge of an abyss. If the war of attrition against Hamas and Hezbollah continues, Israel will collapse within no more than a year.” Israel has employed some 20,000 plus mercenaries, which is costing the government somewhere between $300 to $500 million a month.
The truth is that the most authentic iteration of the Zionist ideology is now on display for the entire world, a racist settler-colonial entity that is only in disagreement about what their extermination’s ethno-regime will look like and in what way they will get rid of the Indigenous population. While such a murderous criminal entity may have gotten away with its ambitions 100+ years ago, it started too late and failed to defeat the Palestinians. Now, with modern weapons the Israelis are trying to finish their Zionist project, but in a world that doesn’t accept this and in an era when smartphones provide us with the ability to follow their genocidal actions with minute-to-minute updates. They failed to look at the reality staring them in the face and instead consumed themselves in their own sense of security, believing that their greed could not know bounds. The Resistance shocked them and now the entire world can see the reality if they so seek to. This war of attrition was inevitable and they have already lost.
The Israeli public lived in a number of delusions, kinds of bubble worlds that were shaped by their unlimited capacity for self-deception, where they could just continue living their lives as usual while destroying an entire national group. Believing that they could just continue tormenting Palestinians indefinitely and that nothing would be done and that they could perpetually cause suffering in the nations surrounding them, while only planning for limited confrontations that won’t cost them greatly demonstrates the sheer maniacal arrogance of the settler entity. This also explains why they are behaving in a much more extreme manner now as a society because they are beginning to realize that the pre-October 7 world will never return and the only way to maintain their racist regime is through a never-ending conflict.
‘We’ll die before enlisting’: Ultra-Orthodox Israelis storm army base. The Israeli High Court ruled on 25 June that male ultra-Orthodox Jews who are eligible for service must be drafted into the military. Israel’s Defense Ministry began sending out the orders last month. The Haredi community’s call for ultra-Orthodox Israelis to dodge draft orders has hampered Tel Aviv’s enlistment efforts. Ultra-Orthodox Jews, also known as the Haredim, were protesting a recent government decision to enlist them into the Israeli army. Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Israelis have received their first call-up orders for enlistment into the military. “We will die and not enlist,” protesters chanted on 6 August. It is indeed ironic that the worst of the Zionists are refusing to enter the IOF. They prefer other Jews to die for them.
The War Machine Cornered
The Iron Dome, touted as Israel’s most-effective defense shield, was designed to project an image of security to a force of over 500,000 people. On paper, armed with a nuclear arsenal, the Zionist regime was capable of somewhat deterring its opposition and even attracted collaborators from across the Arab and Muslim World who were drawn to its material powers and influence. However, the reality reveals a different picture: much like a child in a knight costume – impressive against plastic swords but utterly defenseless against real weapons – the Iron Dome excels mainly against the relatively crude rockets weapons of the Palestinian resistance in Gaza. Its most prized defensive weapon is part of a broader branding effort, rooted in techniques pioneered by the teacher of professional lies – Edward Bernays. The Iron Dome is not just a defense system but also a psychological construct designed to reinforce the image of an invulnerable entity under constant threat from less enlightened neighbors. It is an impenetrable barrier safeguarding the occupation state from external threats.
Despite its reputation, the Iron Dome’s performance has often fallen short. Numerous videos have surfaced showing and technological superiority. Promoted as a cutting-edge mobile air defense system, it was intended to symbolize the failure of this system – the Tamir missiles performing erratic maneuvers, exploding near civilian areas, or being triggered by false alarms and causing damage to infrastructure. These failures contrast starkly with Israel’s false claims of a 90–99 percent interception rate. Professor Emeritus Theodore Postal of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers a vastly different assessment. “I would say that the intercept rate is at best 4 or 5 percent,” Postal stated in an interview with the Boston Globe last October
When we look at almost every war that the Zionist Entity has been involved in, they either briefly took place inside the borders of occupied Palestine or occurred in neighboring countries, with the exception of 1948. Even the brutal assaults on Gaza in 2008/9, 2012, and 2014 were all reduced to a relatively limited exchange of fire where neither side was forced to commit all it had to the battle. The reality is that the Israelis had prepared themselves with the weapons capabilities to pulverize entire nations and the technology to deal with limited projectile threats, while boasting a military that, when combined with reservist soldiers, could amount A crumbling shield in the north – From Iron Dome to Iron Done!
5. THE US-Israel Tango
There are some simple truths surrounding all the nonsense being spewed by Israel’s agents and its cheerleaders in the United States, Canada, and Europe as well as elsewhere in the Anglophone world. First of all, Israel is no democracy and never has been one since its foundation over seventy-five years ago. Second, the claim is that Israel is a close ally and friend of the United States and the other nations that have been coerced into supporting it. In reality, Israel is no one’s actual ally even though totally bought and paid for American politicians delight in repeating that fable. Alliances are by their very nature reciprocal and Israel has entered into no agreement to aid any other country that might come under attack. Indeed, even defining an attack on Israel is problematical as it has no fixed borders since it is an occupying power over much of what was once Palestine.
In reality, Israel could care less about the lives or well-being of Americans, Brits and the others taught by their Talmud, and whom Israelis regard as sub-humans that only exist to serve Jews. Those goyim are little more than sources of consequence-free money, weapons and political cover as the “Chosen” wreck the Middle East and engage in genocide to achieve their objective of obtaining a Greater Israel running from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, with some other chunks of their neighbors like Egypt , Iraq and Lebanon also included. Israel is neither a friend nor ally of the United States. Israel looks out for Israel 100 percent of the time and really doesn’t care what happens to anyone else. Americans have been brainwashed into believing that Israel is “our pit-bull in the Middle East” who keeps the natives in line. But this simply isn’t true. Israel’s activities in the region undermine US interests and inflict severe damage to America’s public image. Israel is a strategic albatross around our neck. It’s a liability. Let me just point out, the US doesn’t just give Israel lots of weapons and lots of money. It gives it unconditionally. This is truly remarkable. We don’t treat Israel like a normal country and help it because it’s to our benefit strategically.
There is plenty of first-hand evidence coming from Israeli politicians and Rabbis to confirm Israel’s complete disdain for non-Jewish lives among its “friends” and enemies as well as its utter willingness to see them be killed or starved to death without any remorse. And in many cases the US government will actually intercede in a cover-up of the crime even when one or more American citizens are the victims. That is the ongoing tragedy that the American government has been so “occupied” and controlled by the Israeli monster that it no longer has the ability to react rationally when actual American interests are at stake. If it comes to war, young Americans will undoubtedly be sent by their leaders to die to protect war criminal Israel.
Will it ever end? Possibly, but only when the Jewish state has extracted the last dollar from the US Treasury and the last weapon from America’s arsenals, at a point when what remains of the United States will be just an old bit of rags and tags that can easily be discarded. It is at this point that the American people will turn against the Zionist and Jews. Many Jews will flee America for Israel, and its new leader- the anti-Christ, where they will be annihilated by Jesus Christ.
Israel’s Overreach: The Perils of Ignoring Power Limits
Israel’s prolonged multi-front aggression and its utter dependence on US support expose the perilous consequences of power overreach. Tel Aviv is left dangling in the wind with a sledgehammer, but no strategy to climb down. In the study of international relations, one of the most important threats to nations arises from an internal lack of awareness about their limits of power. A nation-state’s power projection is ultimately defined by key factors – military, economic, technological, diplomatic, and political reach – that are measurable and have inherent limitations.
Israel’s Strengths
Israel undeniably ranks among the world’s most formidable powers providing the occupation state with a strategic advantage over its regional adversaries. Its armed forces are ranked 15th globally and have received over $130 billion in support from the US, its irreplaceable ally in international affairs. Economically, Israel is also a significant player. Technologically, Tel Aviv also stands out on the global stage. Israel ranks 14th out of 132 economies. Diplomatically and politically, Israel benefits from unwavering US support, allowing it impunity from many international laws and norms. Washington has exercised its veto in the UN Security Council 89 times, more than half of which have been to block resolutions critical of the occupation state, effectively shielding Israel from accountability for its actions.
All of this support and help is only possible due to the help provided by its founders – the Rothschild family. Israel is the visible tip of an invisible empire – the Rothschild Empire and its associated networks of power. That’s why it is so powerful. Otherwise, it would not be able to last even for a day. It is as weak as a spider’s web.
Dependence on Washington: A Double-Edged Sword
Israel’s superiority in all these fields is closely tied to continuous US support, which also reveals a critical vulnerability. Dependence on Washington necessitates Israel’s alignment with western policies, which has led Israeli elites to caution against straining US–Israel relations.
Israel’s integration into the international system is under threat, especially in light of the ongoing Gaza war, which has significantly damaged its global standing.
Israel’s strategic importance to the United States is relevant only as long as the shared values are safeguarded. At this time, the special relations are in danger, especially given the widening gaps on the perception of democracy, Israeli policy on the Palestinian issue, and the growing alienation between the American Jewish community and the State of Israel.
The ‘War’ with Washington, Post 7 Oct
Ordinary Americans (and some in the Administration) however, were watching the horrors of genocide ‘live’ on their cell phones. The Democratic Party started to fracture badly. The ‘power-brokers’ in the backroom began to put pressure on the Israeli war cabinet to negotiate the release of the hostages and conclude a ceasefire in Gaza – hoping for a return to the status quo ante. But Netanyahu’s government – in various ways – said ‘no’. Washington and the Rockefeller Empire somewhat belatedly came to understand that 7 October was now the pretext for the Rothschild family to do what they had always wanted to do: To expel the Palestinians from Palestine. Anyone around the globe watching events unfold understood that killing Ismail Haniyeh had nothing to do with eliminating Hamas. The Israeli message was perfectly ‘received and understood’ by Washington’s ruling strata. The Revisionist Zionists (who represent about 2 million Israelis) intended cynically to impose their will on the Anglo-Saxons; to threaten them with igniting war with the world, in which the U.S. would ‘burn’. They would not hesitate to plunge the U.S. into a wide regional war, should the White House try to undercut the Zionist project.
In spite of the absolute support Israel has across Washington, it seems that the ruling class decided that the ‘Revisionist stratagem’ ultimatum could not be tolerated. A crucial U.S. election was in train. U.S. soft power around the World was collapsing. All while the West is losing badly in the Ukraine conflict, and the Rockefellers are in a rush to begin a war with China sometime in the near future.
Setting the Trap for the U.S.
For the avoidance of confusion, the American ‘neo-cons’ – are not in principle opposed to the Netanyahu government’s agenda. It was not Gazans suffering that exercised them; rather, it was the threats by the Revisionist Zionists to launch an attack on Iran and on Lebanon. For, were this war to be launched, the Israeli army – for certain – would be unable to defeat Hezbollah on its own. And for Israel to wage war on Iran would amount to certifiable madness.
Thus to save Israel, the U.S. undoubtedly would be forced to intervene. The balance of military power has shifted considerably towards both Hezbollah and Iran since the Israeli-Lebanese war of 2006 and any war now would be a risky undertaking. America is trapped. The power-brokers are unhappy, but impotent
Washington tries to Push Back, but finds itself Check-Mated
The only alternative for the U.S. would be to encourage a military coup in Tel Aviv. Already, some senior officers and non-commissioned Israeli officers have come together to suggest this. In March 2024, General Benny Gantz was invited to Washington (against the wishes of the PM). He did not, however, accept the invitation to overthrow the Prime Minister. He went to make sure that he could still save Israel, and that his allies in the U.S. would not turn against the Israeli military cadre.
This may seem odd. But the reality is that the IDF feels undermined, even betrayed. Recent reports indicate a refusal by the IOF to go on a ground invasion of Lebanon, or to expand the war in the West Bank or to impose more drastic military solutions in Gaza. The IOF knows its limits as its military machine is currently crippled in various ways. Its strength and deterrence power has vanished.
Indicators that Israel is reaching its Limits
Beyond its dependency on US support, Israel’s military engagements, particularly in Gaza, have exposed the constraints of Tel Aviv’s power projection. Eleven months into Israel’s brutal military assault on the besieged strip, the Palestinian resistance is still able to inflict severe losses on the IOF.
History shows that states that ignore their limitations often face decline. This is “imperial overstretch,” where ambitions exceed capabilities and precipitate decline. A recent example is the constrained ability of the US to support multiple fronts, evidenced by its diminished focus on Ukraine following the outbreak of the Gaza war.
Several indicators suggest that Israel, by continuing its war in Gaza, may be approaching the limits of its power. For starters, economic strain is becoming evident despite Israel’s historically strong economy. In the Israel’s GDP contracted by about 20 percent compared to the previous year. There was also a significant decrease in consumption by 27 percent, and investment fell dramatically by 70 percent. The war has disabled approximately 18 percent of Israel’s workforce, with 250,000 civilians displaced and four percent of the workforce called up as reservists. In response, the occupation state plans to increase military spending from four percent to six or seven percent of GDP by the decade’s end. This increase in military spending comes as the global economy is already under strain, and the US is less capable of providing the same financial and military support as in the past. In addition to the economic strain, there has been a failure to achieve the military objectives outlined at the onset of the conflict.
This shift in strategy is seen as a concession, acknowledging that the complete destruction of Hamas, the war’s primary goal, is not feasible. In June, Israeli military spokesperson Daniel Hagari candidly admitted that Israel’s stated policy of eliminating Hamas was unrealistic, it as “throwing sand in the eye of the public” and adding: “Hamas is an idea. Anyone who thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong.” The deployment of US naval fleets in the region, intended to deter any potential response from Iran, Lebanon, or Yemen, highlights Israel’s dependence on American military support. This dependency reveals Israel’s current inability to manage independently. Furthermore, Israel’s heavy reliance on US support limits its autonomy and increases its vulnerability to shifts in American foreign policy. This dependency extends across economic, political, and military dimensions, further constraining Tel Aviv’s ability to act independently.
The US military has completed its 500th flight, airlifting over 50,000 tons of weapons and equipment to the occupation army. In addition to the reinforcements airlifted to Israel since 7 October, Washington has sent Tel Aviv 107 shipments of military supplies by sea. Nasrallah claimed in a speech late last year that Israel’s munitions stock had been largely depleted in the first month of its Gaza assault and that the occupation army was almost entirely reliant on arms transfers from its allies, primarily the United States.
What would happen if that pipeline of weapons halted or if it suffered major production delays?
Israel’s traditional approach of rapid, decisive conflicts is being replaced by a strategy that accepts prolonged wars. This could exceed Israel’s capabilities, as the society, economy, and military are not equipped for sustained, drawn-out conflicts. This shift, driven by a sense of invulnerability due to current levels of US support, has led to a decline in long-term planning. The most important factor in the decline of Israeli strategic thinking at the expense of tactical choices is “the sense of arrogance and impunity that stems from American protection and respect for Israel’s wishes.” If the most powerful country in the world supports you no matter what you do, the need to think carefully about your actions will inevitably diminish. Israel today, by prioritizing immediate tactical gains over strategic vision, faces a looming and resounding defeat. As it stands, the occupation state has yet to propose a realistic plan for Gaza’s future or a strategy to address its regional adversaries, who are becoming increasingly emboldened.
U.S. General Kurilla, who commands U.S. forces in the region, arrived at the weekend in Israel – his second visit in a week – to complete ‘coordination with the IDF in anticipation of any possible retaliatory Iranian and Hezbollah attack’. Washington, though committed to support Israel in any conflict with Iran or Hezbollah, nonetheless is worried. Senior American officials expressed fear in recent days that a full-scale war against Hezbollah will lead to huge damage to the Israeli home front, especially if Iran and others from the Resistance Alliance join in. has severely complicated the picture for the U.S. It may prove to be a game-changer when paired with Iran’s stock and Iran’s acquisition of advanced Russian defense materiel pile of advanced strike missiles. Modern war has passed through a revolution. Western air dominance has been check-mated.
What Has Israel Done for Americans in the Past 8 Months?
They’ve taken our money & weapons and made us complicit as war criminals. Israel and its promoters never tell the truth, particularly when they are conning the United States government into providing more money and more weapons, as has been occurring both openly and secretly over the past nine months during the horrific ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.
Given the wonderful comfort zone that Israel has established largely due to US protection in international bodies like the United Nations and the UN Security Council as well as vis-à-vis the several international courts and humanitarian aid agencies, Israel has been regularly attacking and otherwise killing its neighbors without ever being held accountable for anything. US politicians lie when it comes to Israel as they are all political prostitutes, mainly because of AIPAC, ADL and others supported by the Zio-Christian Crowd. Israel’s backers will go to silence anyone who challenges their narrative.
But something changed because of October 7th. The big difference is that the lobby’s activities are completely out in the open today. I think few people knew much about the lobby back then. And very few people knew much about the lobby’s influence on American foreign policy, especially as it applies to the Middle East. And that’s exposed now, such that more people understand what’s going on. The lobby is now forced to operate much more out in the open. All that corruption judiciously applied is serving to strip Americans of their fundamental rights, particularly freedom of speech, as it will soon by illegal to criticize either Jews or Israel. The Congress has also been putting intense pressure on universities to clamp down on Pro-Palestinian groups on campus by claiming they are anti-Semites while not doing the same vis-a-vis the sometimes violent supporters of Israel, and the universities are obliging, canceling the graduation of protesters or even expelling them.
The latest news is the banning of the statistics of Israeli genocide in Gaza. The law makes it an offense to publicly reveal the numbers of Palestinians killed by the IOF. Besides the banning of TikTok, the Zionists are afraid of informing the American public of the truth. So typical.
The Western and , in particular, American public are taken as fools, easily brainwashed and manipulated, like how it has been for the past few decades. Thankfully, many of them are waking up to the lies.
The 7th Front – The Student Protests
Israel is fighting on SIX fronts. It has the military capacity to fight on one front only. Today, it is fighting in Gaza, the West Bank, Hezbollah, the Iraqi Resistance, Iran, and Yemen. This makes it SIX fronts in all. Yet, the biggest damage to the Zionist narrative is the SEVENTH FRONT – that is the student protests in the EU and North America. The more the authorities use violent measures to quell these protests, the more people join in. The more massacres Israel commits, the more people join the protests. With summer in full swing in the northern hemisphere, expect these protests to grow in size as time goes on. Social media has destroyed the Zionist narrative.
As a by-product of these student protests, and the way that the police are treating them has revealed something that many are now waking up to – the methods employed by police forces are wholly imported from Israel. The young American generation of today says “We will not identify with suspect genocidal tendencies against an indigenous people”. The first factor is the student protests unfolding across the West; and the second is the threat that the ICC might issue arrest warrants for the PM and other prominent leaders. No wonder some of the ruling élites are desperate to outlaw the critical narratives. If Israel is the target today, tomorrow the US government and its elite backers will be the target. A day is coming when this will be the reality. People are not stupid. They are now waking up.
What’s Next For Battlefield America? Israel’s High-Tech Military Tactics Point the Way
“I did not know Israel was capturing or recording my face. But Israel has been watching us for years from the sky with their drones. I feel like I have been watched for so long.” – Mosab Abu Toha, Palestinian poet. If you want a glimpse of the next stage of America’s transformation into a police state, look no further than how Israel uses its high-tech military tactics, surveillance and weaponry to advance its authoritarian agenda. Military checkpoints. Wall-to-wall mass surveillance. Aerial surveillance that tracks your movements wherever you go and whatever you do. Carried out with the knowledge or consent of those targeted by it. Cyber-intelligence. Detention centers. Brutal interrogation tactics. We’ve already seen many of these military tactics and technologies deployed on American soil and used against the populace, especially along the border regions, a testament to the unholy alliance between US police forces and the IOF. Indeed, Israel has become the symbol of oppression worldwide.
Yet it’s not just military weapons that Israel is exporting. They’re also helping to transform local police agencies into extensions of the military. Thousands of American law enforcement officers frequently travel for training to Israel, as part of an ongoing exchange program that largely flies under the radar of public scrutiny. A 2018 investigative report concluded that imported military techniques by way of these exchange programs that allow police to study in Israel have changed American policing for the worse. Upon their return, U.S. law enforcement delegates implement practices against dissent. Rather than promoting security for all, these programs facilitate an exchange of methods in state violence and control that endanger us all. At the very least, critics also assert that Israeli training encourages excessive force. This all began in the wake of 9/11, eventually implementing one of the first post-9/11 counterterrorism programs that explicitly followed the Israeli model. That was merely the start of American police forces being trained in martial law by foreign nations. It has all been downhill from there. This ongoing transformation of the American homeland into a techno-battlefield tracks unnervingly with the dystopian visions of the 2 families. What was most striking was how the government will employ technologies such as drones, Tasers and biometric scanners to track, target and control the populace, especially dissidents.
With Israel in the driver’s seat, it’s not so far-fetched to imagine how the American police state will use these emerging technologies to lock down the populace, root out dissidents, and ostensibly establish with disconcerting similarities to Israel’s of present-day Palestine. For those who insist that such things are celluloid fantasies with no connection to the present, we offer the following as a warning of the totalitarian future at our doorsteps. Drones, some deceptively small and yet powerful enough to capture the facial expressions of people hundreds of feet below them, have ushered in a new age of surveillance. Not even those indoors, in the privacy of their homes, will be safe from these aerial spies. Citizens are identified, sorted and dealt with by way of various scanning devices that read their biometrics—irises, DNA, etc.—as well as their national ID numbers, imprinted by a laser into their skin. In this way, citizens are tracked, counted, and classified. The end result is that there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide to escape the government’s all-seeing eyes. Given the that various world governments, including Israel and the U.S., is collecting information on its citizens and non-citizens alike, we are not far from a future where there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
When Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World in 1931, he was convinced that there was “still plenty of time” before his dystopian vision became a nightmare reality. It wasn’t long, however, before he realized that his prophecies were coming true far sooner than he had imagined. Israel’s military influence on the United States, its advances in technological weaponry and its rigid demand for compliance are pushing us towards a world in chains. Through its oppressive use of surveillance technology, Israel has erected the world’s first open-air prison, and in the process, has exported this model to the US. What we cannot afford to overlook, however, is the extent to which the American Police State is taking its cues from Israel. We may not be an occupied territory, but that does not make the electronic concentration camp being erected around us any less of a prison.
Every Republican Senator and Congressman has an AIPAC “Babysitter”.
The phenomenally influential Israel lobby is used to push pro-Israel foreign policy in powerful western governments Just recently, US Rep Thomas Massie said that every Republican in Congress besides himself “has an AIPAC person” assigned to them with whom they are in constant communication, who he describes as functioning “like your babysitter” with regard to lawmaking on the subject of Israel. The Israel lobby exists with the full consent of the western imperial war machine and its secretive intelligence cartel, because western military support for Israel is also phony and fraudulent. But in reality this military presence simply allows for greater control over crucial oil-rich territories whose populations would otherwise unite to form a powerful bloc acting in their own interests. The Israel lobby is a self-funding consent manufacturer which helps the empire do what it already wants to do.
Support for Israel in the media is also phony and imposed from the top down. Since October outlets like BBC and CNN have been finding themselves fighting off scandals due to staff leaks about demands from their executives that they to push a pro-Israeli, anti-Hamas narrative. Israel’s support from celebrities is similarly forced. Support for Israel on social media is likewise notoriously phony. For years Israel has been funding trolls to swarm Israel’s critics and promote Zionist agendas, and has just confirmed that Israel has been targeting US lawmakers with fake social media accounts to influence their policymaking on Israel. In truth, nobody really organically supports Israel. If they’re not supporting it because their lobbyists and employers told them to, they’re supporting it because that’s what they were told to support by the leaders of their dopey political ideologies like Zionism, liberalism and conservatism, or by the leaders of their dopey religions like Christian fundamentalism. It’s always something that’s pushed on people from the top down, rather than arising from within themselves due to their own natural interests and ideals.
Israel is not a country, it’s like a fake movie set version of a country. A movie set where the set pieces won’t even stand up on their own, so people are always running around in a constant state of construction trying to prop things up and nail things down, and scrambling to pick up things that are falling over, and rotating the set pieces so that they look like real buildings in front of the camera. Without this constant hustle and bustle of propagandizing, lobbying, online influence ops, and nonstop mass military violence, the whole movie set would fall over, and people would see all the film crew members and actors and cameras for what they are. Clearly, no part of this is sustainable. Clearly, something’s going to have to give. The hard truth is that the Resistance has understood the reality of the situation better than their western counterparts.
Zionism Blackmails Washington’s Political Class
Allies don’t need to blackmail or bribe one another. Were one to study the history of US-Israeli relations, we find that Israel uses MICE (money, ideology, coercion and extortion) to get its way. The Zionist lobby and its 100s of entities focus on extracting money, arms and political cover to help Israel. The US and Israel are “frenemies” at best. The ruling family in each country hate one another. They use and abuse one another to further their geopolitical agendas.
AIPAC is America’s No 1 enemy. Washington, today, is “occupied territory”. At the current rate of how this relation is going, there is a great possibility that, by tying up with Israel, the US will be destroyed. It needs to wake up before it’s too late.
Zionism Works Hard To Hide the Truth
Israel is covertly funding a massive propaganda campaign to target the US public, including through the passage of legislation to restrict US citizens’ right to free speech when criticizing Israel and its ongoing war on Gaza.
There are 80 programs already underway as part of the massive propaganda campaign known as the “Voices of Israel.” The program is funded and run by the Israeli Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, led by MK Amichai Chikli. The program was designed to carry out what Israel calls “mass consciousness activities” targeting the US and European public. Voices of Israel is part of the “latest incarnation” of a “sometimes covert operation” by the Israeli ministry to censor students, human rights organizations, and other critics of Israel.
Known previously as “Concert” and before that, “Kela Shlomo,” the campaign previously spearheaded efforts to pass so-called “anti-BDS” state laws that penalize Americans for engaging in boycotts or other non-violent protests of Israel. Voices of Israel works through non-profits and other entities that often do not disclose donor information. From October through May, the campaign spent about $8.6 million to target US citizens with pro-Israel propaganda. Even with Rothschild/Zionist control of the media, the Zionists are not winning the PR war. No matter the effort and the money put into distorting the reality, this campaign is an exercise in futility.
The Rothschild Family is Cornered, Desperate, Frustrated, and Humiliated & Enraged
The Ukraine Project of the 2 families has been an abject failure. The blow-back from this disaster has hurt the 2 families in many ways- economic, political, and financial and loss of control over their dumbed down societies. Even worse, they have lost the ability to influence events to their liking. In their rage, they are doubling down, and doubling down again. They have no reverse gear. The world is entering a period of unprecedented times.
The Creed & the Rothschild’s
The Rothschild family and the Illuminati Council merged around 1810-1820. They eventually came to dominate this Council. The Illuminati Council is the current face of a 3,000 year old creed that started in 950 BC. It started as the Levitical government, then became the Pharisees, then changed its name to the Talmudic Council immediately after the period of Jesus Christ. Then in 1773, it once again changed the name of its ruling body as the Illuminati Council. In 1882, a division of this Council was formed. This was called Zionism. Started in September 1882, in Paris, by Edmond Rothschild. The family is the flag-bearer of this creed. As such, they have no choice but to ride this to the end. Which, will lead to its destruction and extinction.
Is the US Safe From The Rothschild Rage?
The answer is no! America is the “balance wheel “of international power politics. As such, it was vital for the family to have a powerful network within the key structures of power in Washington and New York. Now, that the 2 families are losing in Ukraine and Israel, the Rothschild’s cannot afford to lose its influence within the US. To avoid this, it may be possible that the US will witness its last presidential elections. The next stage may be a military dictatorship, along with an electronic prison camp. Then, expect to see the entirety of the US turn into a “modern version” of Gaza.
We do live in interesting times. Our next article is titled “Lebanon’s 9/11-The Pager War “.