Actions within the US and nations allied to the US suggest an accelerated attack on personal liberties is at hand. There are sister foundations to the CFR in many other countries.
For example, in Australia they have the highly embedded and influential Strategic Policy Institute, which has been consistently advocating for complete centralization of government power in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
Their stated plan is to concentrate policy administration in the hands of a new “commission” or “department” made up of the “brightest minds”. This commission would not be tasked with getting Australia back to normal, but convincing the public to ACCEPT the “new normal” beyond the pandemic.
The ASPI enthusiastically heralds the idea in an article titled ‘Coronavirus Response A Chance To Reimagine Future For Australia’:
“The agenda of such a department now is not about getting Australia back to normal after the pandemic. It’s about re-imagining what Australia can be and how we can thrive and prosper in our future beyond the coronavirus and in light of drought, bushfires and climate change. “Think about the kind of new economy we can have after the forced, rapid adoption of dispersed home working and schooling through digital means. We can be the leading digital economy the prime minister desired before the pandemic, not by 2030 but much earlier.”
This reminds me immediately of the post 9/11 push to rapidly remove constitutional protections while the public was blinded by fear and confusion. As US globalist Rahm Emanuel would say: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”
The ASPI reveals the true agenda, which is the complete federalization and unilateral implementation of law without public approval. The plan is to do this by exploiting the pandemic event to its full potential and then applying the rapid societal changes in government structure. This will then be carried on long after the coronavirus disappears in the name of the economy, welfare programs and so-called “global warming”. The pandemic response is just a means to an end, and the end fame is total dominance of the population.
Australia Is A Full Scale Pilot Test for The New World Order
Several journalists and content creators have noticed that Australia looks like the most totalitarian police state that has existed in recent history. It has become a full-scale pilot test for the elitists to see how well they can implement the New World Order.
I focus on Australia and the surrounding regions in particular because this seems to be the place where globalists are enforcing technocratic policies first. Or at the very least, they are test-running their strategy and using Australians as guinea pigs.
When the ASPI says they plan to keep the pandemic changes in place well after the virus is gone, they aren’t just talking about shifting into a digital economy.
Right now in the Western World, Australia and New Zealand are slamming citizens with perhaps the most draconian measures yet. These are policies that the elites want to introduce everywhere, but they are going full bore in Australia, and it just keeps getting worse.
In various areas of Australia “Level 4” response measures have been enforced for at least the next six weeks, including curfews, strict mask policies including people being forced to wear masks OUTSIDE . Residents are not allowed to travel more than 3 miles from their homes and only one person from a household is allowed to leave at any given time.
Citizens violating these rules are subject to $10,000 fines or arrest. And, yes, people are being arrested simply for not wearing mask or being too far from home.
In New Zealand, the situation has become worse. While Australia has been using quarantine facilities to force people considered high risk to isolate, NZ quarantine camps are now fully under the control of the military, and ALL citizens who test positive or are suspected to have Covid can be separated from their families and placed in the camps, which are hotels converted into prisons.
It is the complete erasure of personal liberties all because of an increase in cases which has amounted to a mere 525 deaths in Australia and 22 deaths in New Zealand.

The elitists are using Australia to test out these authoritarian measures, such as getting the public used to a police state in which the military and police both patrol the streets ready to commit violence against other humans for refusing to quarantine when not sick or not wearing their New World Order issued face mask.
“These guys know full well what they are doing. They are psychopaths, but they aren’t stupid. The politicians are redistributing both wealth and power away from the public and consolidating it into their own hands.
We are in big trouble if we cannot get the military and the police who are committing violence on behalf of the tyrants to realize what they are doing to humanity. All of this is over 17 new cases of COVID-19. This absolutely horrifying that people continue to buy this scam. “Heavy-handed tyranny and oppression is happening everywhere,” If you don’t think this is coming to the United States or in your own country in the form of a second lockdown, think again.
The media has been preparing us for a “dark winter” and a “second wave” since the first false wave happened. Don’t’ live a life terrified (they enslave you with your fear), but make sure you know what’s going on. The best preparedness plan includes one of awareness of this situation we’ve found ourselves in today.
I believe the reason Australia and New Zealand have been targeted with this level of restrictions first is because they have been almost fully disarmed and have no means to defend themselves from government overstep. Another important point to note here is that both Australia and New Zealand are countries that are within the Rothschild orbit. Along with another Rothschild country, Israel, we find the highest levels of government heavy – handedness in imposing hard lockdowns. Why are the Rothschilds imposing such heavy lockdowns in their countries? The UK is also about to enter a period of harder lockdowns. Is it because Britain and the Rothschilds need to show New York that they are so obedient? Or is it because of Brexit and the impending peace deals in the Middle East between Israel and some Arab countries?
That said; I see signs that similar measures will be attempted in the US as well.
In states like New York, there are low-key programs to set up Covid checkpoints stopping and checking vehicles coming into the state. This is where heavier restrictions start. First, checkpoints will be established in the name of keeping infected people out of a state or city. Then, those same checkpoints will be used to keep people from leaving a state or city. Then, checkpoints will be set up at random to test people for fever or symptoms of illness. If allowed to continue, the natural progression of checkpoints is to terrify the population into not traveling anywhere for any reason.
Like in Australia and NZ, people will effectively be imprisoned in their homes. At this stage, bringing in laws or executive orders punishing people for leaving home will be easier; they will have already acclimated to being trapped at home anyway.
Furthermore, elites and globalists within the US are calling for hard lockdowns for at least six weeks, just like the Level 4 lockdowns in Australia. Federal Reserve member Neel Kashkari recently asserted that Americans are saving more, thus they should be subjected to hard lockdowns “because they can afford it”.
Virginia is planning mandatory Covid vaccinations, even though vaccines for SARS like viruses have proven impossible to develop in the past, and rushed vaccines have a history of harming or killing people rather than protecting them. Set aside the issue that giving government the power to force citizens to inject anything into their bodies is immoral.
What’s next – Covid camps? Well, yes, unless Americans make a hard stand. Mainstream media outlets have been suggesting this strategy for months. The Washington Post applauded the use of forced isolation camps in other nations and asks why the US has not yet used them beyond ports for foreign travelers?
The reason is this: Many Americans will not go along with such measures, and will use force (in-kind) against anyone trying to lock them up because of a virus that is a moderate threat at most to a small percentage of the population. That said; don’t assume that the establishment will not eventually try it here. They will. Be ready when they do so. Look to the actions in places like Australia and NZ and ask yourself, am I willing to go along with that? And if so, for how long?
Following the 2008 banking collapse, while the people were forced to suffer austerity to bail out the banks with a form of highly selective crony socialism, the parasite class simply carried on piling up the debt. In the Basel Capital Accords III, supposedly designed to stop the wild market speculations of banks which caused the collapse, they effectively reduced the liquidity (capital reserve) requirements for banks, allowing them to lend even more.
This process of allowing banks to create FIAT currency out of nothing has inevitably led to a global debt of approximately $260 trillion, which is more than three times the size of the planets GDP.
However, this is small potatoes compared to the scale of the financial products derivatives market. Estimated to be somewhere between $600 trillion to more than $1 quadrillion. While some say this is only the notional amount of the debt tied up in derivative contracts, the fact remains this is all debt.
Cumulatively, there isn’t enough productivity on Earth even to service the interest on these debts, let alone pay them. Ultimately this is debt owed to the two families who control the world’s system of central banks. It is a Mickey Mouse system allowing monopolists to seize assets using their own funny money.
While the power to create all FIAT currency, out of nothing but debt creation, has afforded them immense economic and political control, 2008 demonstrated that their usury fraud can, and certainly will, collapse. Hence the Great Reset. Responding to a pandemic, or saving lives, has nothing to do with it. The process of transition, laid out by the WEF as the Great Reset, builds upon the sustainable development goals of the U.N’s Agenda 2030. Founded upon the generational eugenicist ideology of the Rockefeller family, the new global governance system will be a technocracy.
While Technocracy, rule by technocrats appointed or elected for their particular expertise, may sound appealing to some, the model proposed relies upon the destruction of nations states to be replaced by a distant global technocratic order that serves only the interests of its founding oligarchs and financial benefactors.
This technocratic system was outlined in 1974 by former US ambassador Richard N. Gardner, member of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, in his article The Hard Road to World Order:
“Never has there been such widespread recognition by the world’s intellectual leadership of the necessity for cooperation and planning on a truly global basis. Never has there been such an extraordinary growth in the constructive potential of transnational private organizations – not just multinational corporations but international associations of every kind in which like-minded persons around the world weave effective patterns of global action.”
The global COVID 19 crisis is a catalysing event which has been misused to bring about the Great Reset. In order to convince the people to comply with their orders, governments and the media has inculcated the population into a state of fear. In other circumstances this would have been impossible without significant revolt. Terrorising the public was essential to convince them to believe that the State had to remove all their rights and freedoms in order to keep them safe.
Initially deceiving the public that the “emergency measures” would be temporary, further behaviour modification was then used to force people to comply with a lengthening list of totalitarian regulations. The objective was to move people towards passively accepting the dictatorship of a surveillance state re-branded as “the new normal.” Thus far, it appears most people have been sufficiently frightened to meekly accept their enslavement. Throughout the Great Reset transition, the public face of the globalist project has been Bill Gates. However, while Gates has used his wealth to seize control of global public health policy, he is just the current front man for the Rockefeller Empire. It is the technological possibilities presented by the 4th Industrial Revolution which the architects of the world order are capitalising upon.
For example, while there is no evidence that COVID 19 can be spread by handling cash, the MSM have repeatedly floated the idea.
Pilot schemes, such as the BMGF backed West African Wellness Pass, are already underway. By linking biometric identification, along the lines of the BMGF funded, Rockefeller and U.N backed ID 2020, with cashless payment systems, all transactions can be centrally controlled in the rapidly approaching cashless society.
When your biometric identity includes your vaccine immunity status, there will be no necessity to legislate to make vaccines “compulsory.” Thus avoiding any contentious public debate. As long as you fully comply with your orders, you will be allowed controlled access to social and economic activity.
Systems like immunity passport and vaccine certificates will be used to control freedom of movement, the right to work and to access services and the community. As described by Rockefeller’s New World Order spokesman Bill Gates: Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.”
While vaccines may not be compulsory you won’t realistically be able to participate in society, employment, run a business or receive benefits, without the appropriate vaccine or immunity status.
The BMGF have already invested more than $21 million in an MIT project to create a microneedle vaccine delivery system that will inject a reactive die under the recipient’s skin which can then be scanned by a reader. This pattern will act like an indelible bar code tattoo, enabling the global authorities to monitor and control your whereabouts and behaviour.
Having complete control over the testing and attribution of disease status affords the Biosecurity State the power to potentially remove and detain its political enemies and dissenters without trial.
This quarantine policy in New Zealand, Australia and Israel is designed to maintain the level of fear and accustom the population to dictatorship. It also appears to be a provocation that may encourage insurrection and revolt. With a monopoly on violence and the use of force, violent uprisings invariably benefit the Authoritarian State. It allows them to claim legitimacy for an even more oppressive “crack down.”
Thus far, the global response to COVID 19 has deviated little from the Rockefeller’s suggested Lockstep scenario in their 2010 report Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.
While New Zealand is the first nominally democratic state to raid family homes and remove people by force, it certainly won’t be the last.
World economic activity will be administered by biosecurity States and based upon sustainable development goals. This new, centrally planned, global economy will be restricted only to permitted businesses. Prior to his departure as governor of the Bank of England, in lockstep with the Great Reset, Mark Carney warned that companies that don’t follow the correct sustainability policies “will go bankrupt without question.” In other words, lines of credit, without which business cannot hope to function, will be limited only to those who adopt the approved polices.
This new economy will have very limited employment. Carney’s successor Andrew Bailey has already stated that it would be important not to keep people in “unproductive jobs” and that job losses, as a result of the COVID 19 crisis, were inevitable.
The preposterous spin of the bankers and carefully chosen economists that western economies will simply bounce back from an unprecedented 20% drop in GDP is absurd. With official unemployment more than doubling in a single year, these numbers are merely the tip of a very large, looming iceberg.
This will, as ever, disproportionately impact the lowest paid, with analysis suggesting that more than 50% of those at risk of unemployment are already in jobs paying less than $20 per hour.
These are the unproductive jobs and livelihoods Bailey wants to get rid of. Across Europe and the Americas staggering levels of unemployment are seemingly unavoidable. With the same pattern common to many developed nations, the social, economic and health impacts of this are almost beyond comprehension. Many have long been warning that the toll taken by the Lockdown response to the supposed COVID 19 pandemic will be far worse than the disease itself. This awful prospect is becoming increasingly apparent.
It is important to recognise that the global lockdown response was a political choice made to create the economic condition for the Great Reset. It was not unavoidable, and there is no evidence that lockdowns make any difference to COVID 19 mortality. South Korea, Japan and Sweden did not impose full lockdowns and all have better COVID 19 outcomes that the UK or the US.
This is the price we will all pay for the two familys’ determination to bring about the Great Reset and change the world’s economy and society to one centrally planned and controlled absolutely by them. They are currently spending billions globally on propaganda to convince us to accept their “new normal.” They require our consent if their plans are going to work. This means, in order to scupper them, all we need to do is refuse to comply. While peaceful protest is an important unifying right, ultimately it is what we do every day that will make the difference. Yet all we need to do in order to defeat it is refuse, en masse, to follow its orders.
Unfortunately, many governments are among those throwing everything at convincing us to believe their frankly ridiculous, scientifically illiterate, COVID 19 propaganda narrative. We only need wander to the local supermarket and witness the faceless, muzzled majority to know the deception is working.
We are faced with an existential choice. We can either give up any childish pretensions that we live in a free and open democratic society that values liberty and plurality of opinion, and accept the fascist dictatorial rule of a global technocratic parasite, or we can exercise conscious resistance and refuse to comply with the orders of the State.
While Lockdown policies originate at a global level, by looking at how governments have implemented them, and the deception they have used to convince the public to accept them, the true nature of the scamdemic can be revealed.
The ‘Great Reset’ Is Coming Like A Bullet Train
Indeed, no industry or business will be able to avoid the impact of the changes ahead. Either they adapt to fit in with the Great Reset agenda (assuming they have the resources to do so), or they will not survive.
It is your smaller companies and independent run businesses that are faced with ruin, opening the door to a new era of mergers and acquisitions that will further erode consumer choice and competition.
Global media coverage of Covid-19 has characterised it as a deadly virus that kills with impunity, and without the antidote of a vaccine could devour communities whole. They admit that Covid-19 is ‘one of the least deadly pandemics in the last 2000 years‘, and barring something unforeseen ‘the consequences of the virus will be mild compared to previous pandemics.’
WHO said that Covid-19 ‘does not constitute an existential threat or a shock that will leave its imprint on the world’s population for decades‘. The truth of the matter is that it is the measures imposed in the name of Covid-19 that have caused widespread economic destruction, not the virus itself. That distinction is one that mainstream outlets in particular refuse to engage with. It is the old cliché of dominoes falling. Once one falters it sets off a chain reaction, which was evidenced back in 2008 when Lehman Brothers collapsed. The scale of change that globalists are calling for through the vehicle of a Great Reset, which by definition is global in nature, will require the implosion of the current world order to lay the foundations for a new world order. The old must make way for the new. And the one method for how that could be achieved is through increased kickback against interdependence. Sustained crises offer many opportunities for global planners.
The potential for a contested U.S. election, an upcoming no deal Brexit and warnings of ‘vaccine nationalism‘ are three eventualities that if brought to bear could be exploited and used to advance the cause for a Great Reset. I would say that the further the world appears from collaboration and cooperation, the more people are going to call for those very same things if they become increasingly desperate.
Let’s keep in mind though that so far it is only global institutions like the WEF that are promoting the initiative, not national administrations. When it starts to permeate politics is when you know the agenda is advancing. But what exactly will the economic and societal conditions be when the Great Reset becomes part of the global conversation?
Have what we have seen up to now been enough to compel people to call for change on a global scale?
Already ‘solutions‘ like Universal Basic Income have been touted. But as yet there is not a widespread clamouring for change. But that time is coming. Whether it be in the name of Agenda 2030 (aka Sustainable Development), The Green New Deal or The Great Reset, it would amount to largely the same outcome – the subjugation once and for all of national
Fearful people are vulnerable. Fear pulls the energy out of our bodies and minds, lowers the capacity of our immune system and increases the chances that we get sick, both physically from any disease, not just Covid, but also mentally. Indeed, we have barely seen the tip of the iceberg. The WEF admit, almost with a certain satisfaction, it seems, that millions of jobs will be lost and continue to be eviscerated at breathtaking speed, and that millions of small and medium size enterprises will be gone forever, that only a few will survive, namely the globalized conglomerates.
The reader will start thinking, ‘what will happen to me, my family, my business, or work – my children, their education – there will be an endless row of “what will happen”, leading to despair, to angst and anxieties – all kinds of pathologies. Pathology begets pathology. Big time. More energy is sucked out of our bodies and minds, more gullibility instilled in our brains – you want to belong, you don’t want to be discarded like all those men and women who have lost their jobs, their livelihoods – who will get sick of loneliness in social distancing isolation – and may even get the covid disease, if they don’t wear a mask. You want to wear a mask. The media’s fear campaign has scared you. And when you wear a mask, you also belong. Never mind what it does for or against your health, you want to look the same – like everybody wearing masks. Wearing a mask is like a ritual that eventually allows you to belong to the masquerade. Because, have you seen how non-mask wearers are looked and sneered at, as if they were lepers or criminals?

You want to adhere to the rules – but silently and with inherent hope you look into an uncertain future – a hope of a better world, of a return to The Normal you know. There, at the horizon, hope is still glimmering like a fading sunset. And you want to race towards that horizon, a horizon that is ever moving away from you – as horizons are known to do.
Being segregated and separated from the believers for non-obedience is the stick. Now comes the carrot. If you behave and obey the rules, you will be eligible for a vaccine – one of about 20 or 30 (maybe more) currently being developed by a myriad of different laboratories and countries. It’s the Russians, the Americans, the Chinese, the Cubans, the French, the Africans – it’s impossible to keep track of them, let alone trusting them.
Some of the vaccines are designed to genetically modifying your DNA forever – meaning, if the vaccine leaves a lasting damage, the damage will indeed be lasting, can never be cured. It may also be transmitted as a modified genome to your children and following generations. But you don’t mind. You want to get out from under this oppression, this health tyranny. You go: PLEASE-PLEASE gimme the vaccine!
And then, they tell you, once you are vaccinated, there is a chance that some of what you are used to may go back to “normal” – meaning some things will become “normal” again. But by and large, the WEF authors, the servants of the Rockefeller Empire, tell you also that you better get used to a new normal. They never tell you actually what the new normal will exactly entail. But they tell you what’s wrong with the current world order of consisting of a collection of sovereign nation states and what the New World Order – all under One Government – would address. But they don’t say how and by whom – and what the new role of We, the People, will be, of those who survive the imploding cataclysm. It may be close to slavehood.
But, it’s never too late. We have the power of will and solidarity, if we reenact it, to stop this cataclysm in its tracks
First you attack and kill, then you offer salvation to the survivors – and kill at the same time, by the tools of salvation, and along the way, you divide to conquer. Divide the pandemic believers from the non-believers; divide between the mask wearers and the mask protesters, divide between those who believe that “social distancing” is the answer, and those who know that social distancing accelerates the disease and eventually the process of dying. They create an ambiance of animosity and conflicts among those who were friends.
The 5G existence and further development is necessary for surveillance and control of humanity, by digitizing everything, including human identity and money.
It will be so simple, no more cash, just electronic, digital money – that is way beyond the control of the owner, the truthful earner of the money, as it can be accessed by the Global Government and withheld and / or used for pressuring misbehaving citizens into obeying the norms imposed from above. You don’t behave according to our norms, no money to buy food, shelter and health services, we let you starve. No more travel. No more attending public events. You’ll be put gradually in your own solitary confinement. The dictatorial and tyrannical global commandeering by digital control of everything is the essence of the 4th Age of Industrialization – highly promoted by the WEF’s Great Reset.
The Political Side of Covid
Then we have Covid “The Political Operation”. This type of Covid phenomena relates to the manner in which a modestly-lethal respiratory pathogen has been inflated into a perennial public health crisis in order to implement economic and societal changes that would otherwise be impossible.
This is the political side of Covid, which is much more difficult to define since it relates to the ambiguous agenda of powerful elites who are using the infection to conceal their real intentions. Covid is a vehicle the Rockefeller Empire is using to launch their authoritarian New World Order.
Others think it has more to do with Climate Change, that is, rather than build consensus among the world leaders for mandatory carbon reductions, global mandarins have simply imposed lockdowns that sharply reduce economic activity across-the-board.
This, in fact, has lowered emissions significantly, but at great cost to most of humanity. Covid restrictions have triggered a sharp uprise in suicides, clinical depression, child abuse, domestic violence, alcoholism and drug abuse. The list goes on and on. Also, it has left economies everywhere in shambles, increasing unemployment and homelessness exponentially, while setting the stage for massive famines in undeveloped countries around the world.
Even so, key players in the Covid crisis – like Bill Gates – continue to marvel at impact these onerous restrictions have had on emissions. Take a look at this excerpt from a recent post at the Microsoft founder’s blog: “You may have seen projections that, because economic activity has slowed down so much, the world will emit fewer greenhouse gases this year than last year. Although these projections are certainly true, their importance for the fight against climate change has been overstated.
Consider what it’s taking to achieve this 8 percent reduction. More than 600,000 people have died, and tens of millions are out of work. This April, car traffic was half what it was in April 2019. For months, air traffic virtually came to a halt. To put it mildly, this is not a situation that anyone would want to continue. And yet we are still on track to emit 92 percent as much carbon as we did last year. What’s remarkable is not how much emissions will go down because of the pandemic, but how little. In addition, these reductions are being achieved at, literally, the greatest possible cost. If you want to understand the kind of damage that climate change will inflict, look at COVID-19 and spread the pain out over a much longer period of time.
Isn’t it curious that Gates has spent so much time calculating the impact lockdowns have had on carbon emissions? And look at how precise his calculations are. Gates’ interest in these matters is not merely speculative curiosity. He and his fellow elites are conducting an elaborate science experiment in which we – mere mortals – are the lab rats. What Gates says is, if reducing economic activity isn’t going to work, then we have to find an entirely different solution, like reducing the size of the population. Isn’t that the only logical conclusion?
Yes, it is. So, the Great Lab Experiment of 2020 (Covid) has a lot to do with population control; thinning the herd. But population control is just a small part of a much more ambitious plan to restructure the global economy, vaccinate everyone on the planet and dispose of those niggling civil liberties to which Americans have become so attached.
The elitist strategy has been dubbed the “Great Reset” which refers to the World Economic Forum’s Covid Action Platform, a program that aims at restructuring “economic and social foundations” in a way that best suits the interests of “stakeholder” capitalists.
Here’s a clip from their press release:
“COVID-19 lockdowns may be gradually easing, but anxiety about the world’s social and economic prospects is only intensifying. There is good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is likely, it is not unavoidable. To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism…”
The level of cooperation and ambition this implies is unprecedented. But it is not some impossible dream. In fact, one silver lining of the pandemic is that it has shown how quickly we can make radical changes to our lifestyles. Almost instantly, the crisis forced businesses and individuals to abandon practices long claimed to be essential, from frequent air travel to working in an office….
Clearly, the will to build a better society does exist. If it sounds like our illustrious leaders want to remake society from the ground-up, it’s because that’s exactly what they have in mind. And they’re not even trying to hide their real intentions. They say quite bluntly: “the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.” That sounds a lot like marching orders and, indeed, that’s exactly what they are – orders.
But how do they intend to affect these dramatic and revolutionary changes? Why Covid, of course.
They’re going to use Covid to make fundamental changes to the existing system, including accelerating privatization (“stakeholder capitalism”), merging governments into a unified global regime, intensifying the elements of social control (via mass electronic surveillance, intrusive contact tracing, security checkpoints, lockdowns, internal passports, biometric IDs etc.) and taking whatever steps are required to introduce a tyrannical Brave New World.
It’s all there in black and white; they’re not even trying to hide it. In their own words, the “Great Reset” depends on the Covid Action Platform.
In order to “build a better society” we need to “make radical changes to our lifestyles” including reductions in “frequent air travel, and working from home rather than going to working in an office”.
The statement also makes clear that the obliteration of millions of jobs and small businesses was not an accidental casualty of the Covid lockdowns, but the planned demolition of business and workers these elites consider ‘non-essential’.
There it is from the horse’s mouth: The glorious Biosecurity Slave State is emerging right before our very eyes and we just thought we were in another Great Depression rounded off with a pandemic.
So, when we talk about Covid the “Political Contrivance”, we’re actually referring to the vehicle that elites have settled on to transition the country from its present condition to a full-blown “lock-down” police state. Covid is the smokescreen that’s being used to conceal the maneuverings of the Rockefeller Empire who want to implement their Grand Plan for humanity.
Rockefeller Foundation’s Operation Lockstep: ‘Under The Guise of a Pandemic, We Will Create a Prison State’
So, if everything feels chaotic and upside-down at the present time, don’t be alarmed; it’s all by design. The more muddled and turbulent the world becomes, the easier it is to get people to submit to moronic activities like wearing a face mask every time you leave the house.
Looking back to April of 2020, we probably should have anticipated where all this was headed, after all, Henry Kissinger, announced what to expect in an op-ed he posted in the Wall Street Journal. Here’s what he said:
“The reality is the world will never be the same after the coronavirus. To argue now about the past only makes it harder to do what has to be done…” (NOTE – Is Kissinger clairvoyant? How did he know the “world would never be the same again”?)
As Kissinger clearly states, globalization is still alive and well among the Davos heavyweights who now see a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to put their plan into action.
Parts of Australia and New Zealand are already under de-facto martial law while PM Boris Johnson is adding another 2,000 cops in London to enforce his Covid mandates. Everywhere in the western world, freedom is collapsing faster than a corrugated lean-to. Do they even see the train-wreck just ahead? At this moment in time we are standing on a precipice with the state attempting to push us over the edge. Once over that edge, there will be no coming back.
The global universal lockdown has already devastated and will continue to do so for years to come, our economy, jobs, businesses, livelihoods, society, social cohesions – you name it – what we called “normal” is gone, gone forever. This is the trick: Nations, mostly developing countries, who “play ball “will get money, aid money, loans and grants from the IMF, World Bank and other similar globalized institutions, to work towards achieving these goals. But – under the condition that they follow and submit to the Great Reset. The aid is a tool for further enslavement of the Global South by the Global North. Undeniably, this may lead to a division towards two or more powers – the globalists and the nationalists or the patriots.
Let us be under no illusions, this is a carefully planned operation. There is nothing spontaneous or accidental. Economic recession is engineered at national and global levels. In turn, this crisis is also integrated into US-NATO military and intelligence planning. It is intent not only upon weakening China, Russia and Iran; it also consists in destabilizing the economic fabric of the European Union (EU).
The present lockdown of the Western world and much of the Third World is an attack on China. Here is how it works:
- Slash Chinese export earnings. The Chinese economy is heavily export-oriented. Seventeen percent of all China’s enormous production is shipped to countries that now, either cannot afford imports, or whose buying power is reduced from months of massive unemployment. What remains of Chinese exports will fetch lower prices. This comes after China’s export market to its largest trading partner, the U.S., was slapped by 10 to 25% import duties, beginning 2018.
- Bankrupt the Chinese Belt and Road projects. The Chinese export of capital (Belt and Road) for railways, waterways, dams, ports, power stations and other infrastructure improvements in 138 nations in the world is estimated at three trillion dollars. These projects are expected to be paid for by user fees. Because many Third World and other countries may be unable to repay those loans, China’s losses could be in the trillions.
- Attack Chinese commerce world-wide. To halt Chinese competition especially in electronics, companies such as Huawei and TikTok are banned in the U.S. and Britain, and the Chief Financial Officer of Huawei is jailed. Chinese scientists and students are deported, while American sanctions against Iran and Venezuela are designed to cut petroleum exports to China.
Of these, by far the greatest damage to the Chinese economy has been the lockdown; that damage will increase as world economies decline. This economic vacuum will put an extraordinary strain on the Chinese export industries and banking system.
There are two more major areas of attacks:
Military: The U S. has sent an enlarged fleet, including two aircraft carriers, into Chinese coastal waters. Australia is now building a base on a forward island confronting China, Japanese and Korean militaries have been beefed up and Japan may allow nuclear weapons on their territory. The U.S. has increased its military spending especially on advanced and nuclear weapons.
Chinese defense against such threats will be a military buildup costing an additional two or three hundred billion a year. This buildup entails a shift from peace-time capital and consumer goods to the military sector—a serious economic drain.
Propaganda: Hostile measures taken against China will be dressed up as the fight for “democracy,” “openness,” free trade,” “free enterprise,” “justice,” “rule of law,” “international rules,” “human rights,” “anti-terrorism,” “reform,” “anti-corruption” and “anti-communism.” We, especially North Americans, should expect human rights stories from Hong Kong and Xinjiang, yearly memorialization of the massacre at Tiananmen Square, documentaries on persecutions of Christians, Buddhists, the Dalai Lama and… don’t forget Tibet. And what about Chinese pollution that could destroy the planet? And what about the Chinese Communist Party, the most execrable, dangerous, evil organization in the world, towards which people of the West should direct an Orwellian hatred?
These attacks come at an inopportune time. China is embracing large scale automation requiring large capital outlays, while at the same time suffering natural disasters including the swine flu, widespread infestation of the dreaded Fall Army Worm, and devastating floods and droughts.
Is it possible that the Anglo-American financial elite had the power to convince nations worldwide to lock down? Well, they control the UN, WHO, the world organs of mass media, worldwide military deployment, world finance, and the Dollar Empire’s elaborate political, drug, crime, financial, propaganda and cultural networks. Euro-oligarchs collaborate (usually) with this system.
What do they hope to achieve?
We can put aside the easier answers like “world domination,” New World Order, corporate greed, financial control, 1984-style mind control, surveillance state. It is much more fundamental: The world Dollar Empire, and its predecessor British Empire, have ruled much of the world for 400 years. China has emerged as the most powerful challenger to that Empire. If China cannot be destroyed, the Dollar Empire will be vanquished.
Ranked from most desirable to least, here is what I believe the Western merchant-bankers hope to gain.
Most desirable: A regime change in China, whereby the government is overthrown in favor of a Dollar Empire vassal regime. A revolt of the Chinese people against a government that has lifted 800 million people out of poverty is very unlikely. However, military force is not out of the question. Foreign Affairs magazine, (September-October, 2020, p. 156) wrote: “By upgrading their already substantial capabilities in this domain [unmanned submersibles], the United States and its allies would highlight the possibility of a maritime blockade of China.”
Next best: To convince China to adopt financial and political measures amenable to Dollar Empire domination. In the words of former Goldman Sachs banker and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Jr., (Council on Foreign Relations newsletter, 5/19/20):
China must move to a “market-driven economy, improve corporate governance, and develop efficient, well-regulated financial markets that earn the respect of international investors, so that Beijing can eliminate capital controls and turn the RMB [renminbi] into a market-determined currency.”
In other words, de-regulation, lifting of capital and bank controls, opening the Chinese currency, the renminbi, to international speculation, “free trade,” “free markets” and IMF and WTO conditionalities, designed to open the huge Chinese economy to Dollar Empire looting—as occurred in Russia in 1992-1998. But the Chinese have found a recipe for national success (industrial capitalism), and that fire-belching dragon, the Chinese Communist Party, guards the gate against renewed imperialist looting.
Least: The Dollar System can achieve the third level of options: a combined economic (lockdown, sanctions, trade and financial war), military (NATO, Five Eyes, 7th fleet) and political (ethnic/jihadist subversion, drugs, propaganda) attack on the Chinese economy. That will retard China’s growth and reduce its world power.
Instead of strife, bloodshed and terrible destruction, why don’t the Western financial elite join with China in solving the world crises of poverty, refugees and war; why not together explore the frontiers of medicine, science and space? While China might be amenable to collaboration with the West, the oligarchs of the West are locked against it. After all, it is they who created the poverty, refugees and war, and it is they who have spent the post-WWII years dismantling industry, sending much of it to China.
China is a successful, developing economy; the West is an unsuccessful, deteriorating economy. China is based on industrial capitalism; the West is based on merchant-banking capitalism. China invests its capital in industrial plant and equipment and infrastructure; the West invests in financial instruments.
The Chinese seek increased industrial and agricultural production to satisfy people’s needs. The Dollar Empire steals the wealth of nations to create speculative profits. The Chinese system creates capital. The Western system destroys capital. The Chinese System never has financial crashes; the Western System suffers devastating crashes rescued by levies on the population. Chinese industrial capitalism raises the living standard of the population; the West’s financial capitalism lowers the living standard.
This is “end game” for the governing oligarchy. This is their Armageddon. In the death throes of their 400-year-long reign, they will impose a desperate economic, financial and social reorganization which the World Economic Forum calls the “Great Reset.”
One of the world’s most prominent merchant-banker organizations, the World Economic Forum, issued a report, titled:
“This is Now the World’s Greatest Threat—and it’s Not Coronavirus”
“Affluence is the biggest threat to our world according to a new scientific report.”
“True sustainability will only be achieved through drastic lifestyle changes.”
“The World Economic Forum has called for a ‘great reset’ of capitalism in the wake of the pandemic.”
With lockdown-caused destitution, unemployment, lack of food and shelter for hundreds of millions of people worldwide, one would expect that the WEF would be satisfied that “overconsumption” had been sufficiently curbed. However, they know there is still substantial wealth in the American and European middle classes that can be tapped for the post-lockdown economy. They have big plans to get rid of that “overconsumption.”
The first task is to reduce unemployment, now probably 25 million long-term jobless in the U.S. Make-work projects will be “green” and “sustainable” (low technology). This will be paid for by taxing the middle class.
The second task, their true and ultimate agenda, is to create an all-out war economy—the final attempt to terrify the East into submission. This will bring extreme austerity and repression.
The World Economic Forum chieftains could not be more pleased. Changeover to “green” sustainability would bring a great reduction in “affluence” by heavily raising the price of energy making everything, from agriculture to industry to transportation, grossly more expensive. Furthermore, to pay the “huge amounts of money to be spent on recovery,” will require heavy tax burdens, or social services spending cuts. The Western populations will not be told their sacrifices are made to thwart China and collapse world industry, but rather, made to “save the planet.” The theory of the Green Revolution is that the West will continue to dismantle its industry to meet climate deadlines while China will be forced, by world public opinion, to follow suit.
The “Green Revolution” will soon dissolve into a total war policy. Sacrifices imposed by the “final solution” military buildup against the East (Russia-China bloc) will strip the remaining wealth of the people. Taxes, inflation, interest rates, will rise as the nation is deprived of health care, education, public services, pensions and Social Security. The “global warming” foe will turn into the Yellow Peril foe.
Totalitarian destruction of our freedoms will be as dreaded as those of Hitler Germany. Free speech will be considered a security risk, neighbors will spy on neighbors, and thousands will disappear or be assassinated. Race riots will be used to “divide and conquer.” Electronic spying will be ubiquitous, as will be preventive detention. All the police state measures used against foreign populations by the military, State Department, intelligence agencies and hired mercenaries and drug mafias, will be turned against Americans. Our next article is also in 2 parts, and is titled “America’s Geopolitical Opportunity in the Post-Covid Era”. In here, we will explain America’s game-plan for achieving its Fortress America Plan, and then engineering the blow-up of the Middle East. These are the steps needed to launch a global war – or World War 3, or, more appropriately, the 3rd Battle of Eurasia. It would be necessary to have a map of the globe when reading this article. Stay tuned folks!
This was a great update. When can we expect more?
New article has been loaded. Let me know what you think of it
John. Tx for reading and commenting. Please pass onto others. Let us educate the folks. Much more is coming.
So who the hell are the good guys? China and russia? And who is working to stop the great reset and do they have a chance?
Sam, what is the average person supposed to do, now knowing all this information? What are some of the ways we can restore America? If the Rockefeller’s control just about everything and everyone how do we fight back? I am all for fighting back, I will not go peaceful. There has to be a way that Americans can disrupt this takeover and take back our country from people like the Rockefeller’s. Where do we start?