Tag: russia

THE GAS WARS Part 1 (of a 3 part series)

Contrary to widely held beliefs in the west, the Cold War did not end with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, or the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, at least not for Washington. Seeing the opportunity to expand the reach of American military and political power, the Pentagon began a […]

UKRAINE: -A Tectonic Shift in Heartland Power

In geopolitics, a deep understanding of geography and power allows you to do two things. First, it helps you comprehend the forces that will shape international politics and how they will do so. Second, it helps you distinguish what is important from what isn’t. In geopolitics, Ukraine is classified as a geopolitical pivot.This makes maps […]

The Battle for Eurasia Part 2

Reducing Russian Influence in Europe By 1991, the US had managed to regain its military prestige – destroyed by Vietnam. This was the 2nd Gulf War, when Saddam Hussein of Iraq invaded Kuwait; and the subsequent defeat of Iraq by a US-led coalition. Immediately after that, the Soviet Union ceased to exist. It had broken […]

Dollarization of the World

Oil & the Destruction of Iraq Iraq emerged from 8 years of fruitless war with Iran which had accomplished little more than provide arms companies a massive income stream. Iraq ended the war with an enormous foreign debt burden of $65 billion. This was in stark contrast at the beginning of the war when Iraq […]

The Rockefeller Empire Part 5 (of a 6 Part Series)

David Which brings us to Junior’s youngest. Born in June 1915, David was trained by both his father and grandfather to be serious about money. After completing school and university (Harvard, the LSE, University of Chicago), David got married and joined the Chase Bank. Junior realized his mistake with the other 4 boys, and took […]

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