Tag: Media

American Society under Relentless Attack Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

We continue with the story, from Part 1 – – – 3. Energy There are many reasons why the fuel price at the retail level has risen so high so fast. Especially for refined products, examples are diesel, jet fuel, and ordinary gasoline. 2 million barrels/day of obsolete refining capacity in the US and the […]

American Society under Relentless Attack Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

American Society under Relentless Attack  Since the end of World War 2, in 1945, the Rockefeller brothers began an unprecedented onslaught on the American people. This occurred through various means. The dumbing down of education, the move to a pharma-based health system, the move to a GMO-based food system, the slow eradication of faith, and […]

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