Tag: Judah

The Start of the Affair Part 2 (of a 2 part series)

 Welcome back. We continue the story of Zion, and we have now reached the second stage of the narrative. The first stage was that of the Levites, from 973 BC till 580 BC. From 580 BC, at the time of the captivity of the Judeans, till the period just after the time of the Prophet […]

The Start of the Affair Part 1 (of a 2 part series)

Many have asked the question of “why are the Jews and the Rothschilds so powerful?’. In order to unravel this mystery, one has to go back to the starting point of the story of Zion. The intersection point between the devil, whom we shall call Satan, and one particular tribe in particular, the Levites, is […]

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