The Origins of Modern Finance Part 2 (of a 3 Part Series) -The Rise & Fall of the British Empire

The Role of Gold In order to understand the central role of gold in the central banks of the 19th century, let us look at the mechanism that gold played in boosting the power of a group of Jewish financiers, mainly in Britain and France. When a central bank has gold worth $1000, then it […]

The Origins of Modern Finance Part 1 (of a 3 Part Series)

The Beginning The present financial system, while recognizing private ownership, is based largely on interest. Money is a most fundamental tester of human character. Money will expose most people very deeply. All this is well known, but less well known is the process by which this power of money has been brought under the absolute […]

The Rockefeller Empire Part 6 (of a 6 Part Series)

Policy Groups Rockefeller had a lifelong association with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) when he joined as a director in 1949. In 1965, Rockefeller and other businessmen formed the Council of the Americas to stimulate and support economic integration in the Americas. In 1992, at a Council sponsored forum, Rockefeller proposed a “Western Hemisphere free trade area”, […]

The Rockefeller Empire Part 5 (of a 6 Part Series)

David Which brings us to Junior’s youngest. Born in June 1915, David was trained by both his father and grandfather to be serious about money. After completing school and university (Harvard, the LSE, University of Chicago), David got married and joined the Chase Bank. Junior realized his mistake with the other 4 boys, and took […]

The Rockefeller Empire Part 4 (of a 6 Part Series)

The Brothers For the Rockefeller brothers, the war years provided a release from the disciplines of their father. Nelson discovered his quest would be for political power in Washington. John D 3rd, out of his father’s grasp for the first time in his life was now ready, as he stated, “to find my real interests. […]

The Rockefeller Empire Part 3 (of a 6 Part Series)

The Years (1945-2020) Gold Crisis and Dollar Debasement  Two days after his inauguration as President on March 6, 1933, Roosevelt decreed a four-day national banking holiday. The main aim was to prevent anyone from hoarding or exporting gold or silver.  Every bank in the United States was shut down. Neither deposits nor withdrawals were possible, as […]

The Rockefeller Empire Part 2 (of a 6 Part Series)

The Years 1914 – 1975 World War 1 Philanthropy John D Rockefeller was a Baptist. The only recreation he had outside of business was the church. His contributions from an early life were given to the church. As his income grew, so did his charity. By 1882, he was giving away some $65,000 a year. A […]

The Rockefeller Empire Part 1 (of a 6 Part Series)

The Beginning: (1863-1913) The Middle East is the center of the world. As time goes on, this region will come to dominate news and events to a greater degree than before. Understanding the regions requires us to understand 3 key imperatives; Islam, Jews/Zionism, and oil. The oil industry’s key figure is the Rockefeller family.  The […]

The Rise of the House of Rothschild Part 6 (of a 6 Part Series): 1897 – 1948

In this article, the Rothschild family has entered its most critical period. All the factors necessary to bring about the fulfillment of their mandate from the Illuminati/Talmudic legacy were now being aligned. The aim: – to push through the implementation of establishing a political state in Palestine- by hook or crook. It was now time […]

The Rise of the House of Rothschild Part 5 (of a 6 Part Series): 1880 – 1905

Palestine Exploration Fund Not long after the death of the youngest brother, James, in Paris, the British house formed an entity to begin work on mapping out Palestine. Founded in 1865, the Palestine Exploration Fund was, for its first 25 years, both the principal British exploration society in the Holy Land and a surveying body […]

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