In order to better understand current financial movements and directions, let us go back 40 years to explain the dollarization of the global economy, and how this has benefited only one group of financiers – the Rockefeller family, as the overlords of the American Empire.
The petro-dollar was born in 1975. That same year saw the first challenge to the petro-dollar. This came from Iran, in league with France, Germany, and South Africa. It took Washington 4 years to neutralize this threat.
Once this victory was achieved, in 1979, David Rockefeller placed his employee, Paul Volcker, as the head of the Federal Reserve. Volcker tripled interest rates to 20%. Tens of billions of dollars flowed into New York, as a result. And this story of a constant move of drawing in dollars from the rest of the world, into the American banking system, is what I call “vacuuming” the globe of dollars. Time and again, this aspect of financial warfare has been utilized to devastating effect on the global economy. All to benefit a handful of individuals, and institutions i.e. to benefit the American Empire.
The Wall Street “Vacuum Machine”
Wall Street has a periodic bout of hunger – hunger for more dollars to maintain its faltering dollar empire. The heart of this dollar empire is Wall Street, New York City.
The developing economies were hit badly after the 1973 oil shock. Prior to this, their export of commodities and raw materials were growing – mainly to Europe and Japan. The 1973 oil shock, followed by the 2nd oil shock in 1979, completely derailed any growth prospects for the Third World economies.
Firstly, the price of their exports dropped. Secondly, they now had to borrow from the banks in London and New York, in order to pay for oil imports – the price of which had gone up by 9 times, over 6 years. And thirdly, the cost of servicing their loans tripled. The result was a wealth transfer from the developing economies to London and New York. Around $400 billion made its way to New York, from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. These funds went to boost up the New York stock markets. Funds that were meant to develop the local economies went instead for speculation.
The second case was Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union. Between 1991 and 2000, the economy of Russia went into a free fall. Between these years, around $300 to $500 billion was looted from the economy, through the exports of oil, metals, and other goods. In addition, the entire gold reserves, amounting to 2000 tons ,of the Russian central bank went missing!.
The third case is Kuwait. When Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990, the Kuwait leadership was told that they have to pay New York a ransom if they wanted their country back. At that time, Kuwait
‘s sovereign wealth fund was housed in the Kuwait Investment Authority, the KIO. The reserves of the KIO stood at $175 billion in August 1990. A year later, the reserves stood at $50 billion. What happened to the other $125 billion? It went to the Rockefeller Empire – the controlling entity of the American Empire. A very small portion of this ransom went to a Saudi prince, Al Waleed, owner of Kingdom Holdings. Al Waleed and his father are the black sheep of the Saudi royal family. Al Waleed used this money to buy stakes in many Rockefeller companies, the most notable investment being in Citigroup – at that time bankrupt. In short, Al Waleed is a front man for Rockefeller interests.
The fourth case is Japan. In late 1991, Japan began to deflate. Billions left Japan for New York. A second attempt at controlling Japan’s financial system was tried by New York, in late 2010. When Tokyo refused to grant David Rockefeller control over its financial system, Japan was “harped”, in March 2011. A Tsunami hit Japan’s east coast. The country lost a fortune, in addition to suffering a nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima. Japan has still not recovered as of 2016.
The fifth case is the booming economies of south-east Asia. Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea were the targets. They were first fed with huge amounts of offshore funds coming in to these economies. Then in 1997, the flow reversed. Around $100 to $300 billion made their way to New York, and these economies were devastated.
The sixth case was the American economy itself. Wall Street turned on its vacuum machine inwards. This was in March 2000. The date when the dotcom bubble burst. Between 1997 and end of 1999, the media was extolling the virtues of the internet economy. To give credence to this lie, all they had to do was point the finger at the booming stock market, especially those companies involved in this sector. They forgot to mention that the stock market was boosted by all these funds leaving Russia, and Japan, and the south east Asian economies. The American investing public lost a few hundred billion dollars in the bursting of the bubble, and so did millions of others throughout the world.
Remember, money is a zero sum game. When someone loses money, it means that someone else has gained this money. And the ones that have gained this money are the Rockefeller financial institutions.
The seventh case took place in Argentina in 2000. Between November and December of 2000, all of Argentina’s foreign cash reserves were loaded flown out of the country very quietly. In January 2001, Argentina defaulted on its foreign loans. An amount of $30 billion in cash was smuggled out of the country, into the banks in New York and Miami. The middle class in Argentina became destitute overnight.
The eight cases were in Iraq. In late March 2003, the CIA electronically hacked into the Central Bank of Iraq, and stole $40 billion. This so shocked Saddam Hussein that his two sons went into the Central Bank the next day, and removed all of Iraq’s official gold and foreign exchange cash, and hid it elsewhere.
The ninth case is in 2008, when the stock markets crashed. The blame was the sub-prime mortgage market. But from earlier notes, we know it was a controlled crash, engineered by the Rockefeller Empire to punish the euro, and the Rothschild financial empire. New York succeeded brilliantly.
This last case is ongoing, at this very moment, and will be discussed in more detail in the March issues. It is financial warfare at its best.
The 10th case is of Libya. When Libya was taken down by the West in 2011, its vast financial assets of more than $300 billion were stolen. Many banks in New York and London had Libyan investments. In addition, Libya owned stakes in a few European companies. These were also stolen. Libya’s gold vanished. Libya’s ruler Qaddafi had managed to send some cash and gold for safekeeping, in mid-2011, for safekeeping. Presently stored in a warehouse in Johannesburg, this stash amounts to more than $100 billion! Expect this to be sequestrated by New York shortly.
And then comes the biggest of them all – China. Shanghai began to emulate Wall Street methods in its financial dealings. The investing public were heavily involved on the Chinese stock markets. When it crashed in March – June 2015, the Chinese investing public lost more than $450 billion. In addition, the Chinese government tried to hold the markets up, but lost about $100 billion in this futile effort.
New York then began an attack on China’s financial sector, especially its Forex markets. Capital flight was encouraged, so that for the year 2015, nearly one trillion dollars fled the country. In total, between the stock market losses, the failed government intervention to prop up the stock and currency markets, and capital flight out of the country, it is estimated that China is out of pocket for close onto $1.5 trillion.
There is one more incident, but the narrative is a bit long for this article. We shall leave it for a later issue. This is “Yamashita’s Gold”. It’s a story of how Japan looted Asia between 1895 to 1945. Most of this loot was back in Japan by early 1943. When American submarines began sinking Japanese shipping, a part of this loot was buried in Indonesia and the Philippines.
The American army came upon a part of this loot, and New York financial circles appropriated this for its global plans. Gold in the amounts of tens of thousands of tons. It’s an unbelievable story, but true.
We shall come back to the world of finance next month, God Willing. Our next article is about oil, and why it has dropped to such low levels. Once again, “NOTHING HAPPENS BY ACCIDENT”. Stay tuned.