
Behind the Terror Bombings Part 2 (of a 2 part series)

This second part of the article focuses on the American involvement with various terror groups, and how it was used to target and undermine its economic competitors.

Case no 5 – Terror attacks within Saudi Arabia – A covert war between the Saud and Rockefeller Families

Unwritten agreements between American presidents and Saudi leaders have been a key to the relationships between the two countries since 1932. As a Saudi official says,: “ We know our interests – both of us – We have special differences and special points of agreements”. Aramco is the largest oil company in the world. Started by 4 Rockefeller oil companies, it had sold out its shares to the Saudi government in the late 1970s.

Between 2001 and 2006, the American media exhibited an anti-Saudi bias, and within the country, many terror attacks took place between 2003 and 2006. A covert war was being fought in the shadows between the Saudi leadership and the Rockefeller family. And since the Rockefeller family is in firm control of Washington, we can say that the US-Saudi war is something that no one has picked up. Revealed here, for the first time, is the truth behind those events. Remember, always “follow the money”.

Our story starts in 1995, when then-King Fahd suffered a stroke. His brother, Crown Prince Abdullah took over the running of the country. Abdullah was a no-nonsense man. In 1996, oil prices began sliding, leaving Saudi finances in a bad shape. After countering speculative attacks on its currency, Abdullah invoked budget cutbacks, among many other measures.

Abdullah then put out a welcome mat to the international oil companies, or IOC’s in August 1998, inviting them to invest in the country’s oil industry. In February 1999, Abdullah changed the focus from oil to gas. The idea was to use the gas, which was flared and wasted, to be converted into power generation, water desalination, and petrochemicals. This was called the “Saudi Gas Initiative “or the SGI.

Over the next 2 years, the heads of the American, British and French oil companies were regularly flying into Riyadh. In June 2001, Saudi Arabia signs preliminary agreements with seven IOC’s. The planned gas projects were divided into 3 areas Core Venture 1 (South Gwadar), Core Venture 2 (Red Sea Coast) and Core Venture 3 (Shaybah).

Intense opposition from the Rockefeller Group of oil companies (Exxon, Conoco, Marathon and Chevron/Mobil) to this SGI deal came up. One has to remember that it was the Americans that had originally started the oil business in Saudi Arabia, and ran it until the Saudis took over in the late 1970s. The Americans wanted these three deals to be limited only to the Americans, and not be given to the European (or Rothschild) oil companies, such as BP, Shell or Total. David Rockefeller was very upset with Abdullah, to say the least!

Pressure from Washington and New York intensified on the Saudis to change the terms of the deal, as well as to grant exclusivity to the American firms. Abdullah refused to budge. America then began to increase the pressure on Riyadh.

It was at this time that the 9-11 attacks took place. Very conveniently, 15 of the 19 hijackers were identified by the FBI as Saudi nationals! Saudi intelligence did their own research, and found that all the hijackers were alive and well, and residing in Saudi Arabia; with one exception, who had passed away a few months earlier! Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al Faisal even invited the international media to go and interview these hijackers. But, the damage was done, and this “fact” became firmly rooted in the minds of the public.


April: Saud al Faisal went to Moscow, hoping to entice the Russians with closer economic and strategic partnerships. The Russians jumped at the chance. New York went into a panic mode. Pressure was once again exerted on Riyadh, but to no avail, as a great deal of bitterness had now set into the relationship. New York then put into motion a plan to destabilize and threaten Saudi Arabia, indirectly at first; and if this failed, then even more drastic actions were planned.

July: In late July, Saudi Arabia took delivery of three new advanced frigates built by France, with stealth capabilities and advanced weapons systems. These new frigates gave the Saudi Navy a long and powerful reach, capable of operations throughout the Middle East. A few days later, a secret meeting at the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board, resulted in statements, saying that if Riyadh did not comply with Washington’s wishes on a range of issues, then Saudi oil fields and Saudi overseas financial assets should be targeted. An unnamed American official told the Washington Post that opinion about Saudi Arabia was changing rapidly within the capital.

August: The majority of the Saudi people were sick and tired of hearing about 9-11. Many believed that the attack was the work of the CIA or the Mossad. The festering public anger towards America gives the Saudis little incentive to co-operate. The Saudi ruling families were worried about the effect on the “street in the Arab world. Personal lobbying by Abdullah on Washington to restart the peace process and put more pressure on Israel had no effect. Abdullah then told Washington to remove its military forces from the country. In short, the US military was expelled from Saudi Arabia. They went across the border to the al-Udeid base in Qatar! Between mid-September 2001 and August 2002, private Saudi investors had withdrawn some $200 billion from the US in anticipation that a class action suit which cites the Saudi royal family as respondent in the claim by family members of the 9-11 victims might succeed in having an estimated $700 billion in Saudi assets in the US frozen!

September: On the 25th the White House added Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Yemen to a list of countries whose citizens must undergo fingerprinting when entering the US. A war of words followed between Riyadh and Washington. Not long after this, the US issued a policy of issuing NO visas to Saudis wishing to visit the US. Then the White House very quietly let out its feelings that it is opposed to Abdullah becoming king after Fahd, because of his position on Israel, the gas deal, the withdrawal of funds from the US, its various deals that it hoped to accomplish with Russia, and, more recently, over Iraq!

October: During the third week of October, Prince Turki went to Moscow to sign the agreement reached in April by his brother Saud. New York went ballistic, and launched a highly provocative terror attack designed to humiliate Moscow and send a message to Saudi Arabia (read about this in the article; “Weaponising Islam –part 5“, ). It did not work, as the agreement was signed.

November: When New York saw that their actions had no effect, they launched a personal attack on Prince Bandar, Saudi Ambassador to the US. In late November, congressional investigators leaked the story that Haifa al-Faisal, wife of Bandar (and sister of both Saud and Turki) had given money to associates of two of the 9-11 hijackers. See the tricks they play. The Americans are quick to accuse, very loudly and in public, but there is no evidence to back it up. When confronted with this fact, they then say that they have no proof- and this is said so quietly that the media does not publish this statement of retraction! The games that evil men play! This whole episode finally convinced the Saudi leadership to forge closer ties with other nations – nations on the UN Security Council that oppose the US, especially over Iraq and Eurasian geopolitics. The word went out to win over France, Russia, and China, especially by oil and arms deals.


Throughout the first few weeks of 2003, the drumbeat of war was growing louder, until March 7th, when the Americans finally invaded Iraq. By end-April, the Americans had pulled all its remaining troops out of Saudi Arabia.

April: By mid-April, talks on reaching an agreement between ExxonMobil and Riyadh had broken down. Riyadh refused to accept the terms that ExxonMobil wanted for the deal. David Rockefeller was extremely furious, to put it mildly. He resolved to teach the Saudis a lesson.

May: On May 6th, Saudi Defense Minister Sultan, and his brother Nayef, the Interior Minister, were the targets of an assassination. Fortunately, the attempt on both was foiled due to the superb security surrounding them. Now the gloves were off. Quick counter-intelligence work from Nayef and his son Mohammed, led to the arrest of several men, while many others fled, and went underground. The next day, May 7th, the security forces caught up with the assassins, and a large-scale battle was fought in the suburbs of Riyadh.

Then, on May 12th, the Americans hit back. Several teams, in a multi-layered operation plotted as carefully as any military raid, hit three gated and guarded estates housing westerners in Riyadh. One of the companies targeted is the regional headquarters of a shadowy firm of American mercenaries accused by many of being a CIA front. This firm is Vinnell Corp.

Since 1974, Vinnell Corp has been used by the Pentagon to perform various functions, first in Southeast Asia, and from 1975, in Saudi Arabia. It has held an extremely lucrative contract, worth some $800 million annually, and has some 800 American employees working in Saudi Arabia. It operated “off-the-books” , and is a company within the Rockefeller orbit.

This attack on Vinnell opened the eyes of the Saudi leadership, for they knew about the pedigree of Vinnell, ExxonMobil, and the CIA. They were all owned by the same family – the Rockefellers! The logic and mind-set of New York works like this: “Use our controlled networks to attack certain facilities used mainly by Americans. In this manner, we can show Riyadh that their internal conditions are becoming unstable. Thus, by doing without us, things could become even worse. Obviously , everything can be blamed on Al Qaeda !. It is the perfect patsy, for no one can come forward to deny this. And if they do, the authorities will arrest them.

What is interesting about the Vinnell bombing is that most of the staff were away on a training exercise. The death rate was 9 killed. A day after the attack, Abdullah gave an unprecedented TV speech in which he condemned the attackers. Hundreds of extremists were detained in the crackdown that followed. Many religious figures were also detained. But, Riyadh had a masterstroke for those detained. They were sent next door to Iraq, to satisfy their urge to kill Americans.

July: On July 16, the Saudis awarded the contract for Core Venture 3 to a consortium, whose partners were Shell (40%), Total(30%), and Conoco (30%). One hour before the signing, Conoco (a Rockefeller Company) withdrew. Aramco took its place. With the signing of this accord, (the final agreement was to be signed in November), New York, in a fit of rage, decided to show its British and French rivals (both in the Rothschild orbit), a thing or two about muscling in on territory long considered to be off limit to everyone but the Americans.

Several so-called Al Qaeda cells were activated, and this time, given instructions to target anything British, inside Saudi Arabia. This time, Naif and Saudi security forces were on the ball. In their ceaseless hunt for the renegade cells, they uncovered more information, which led them to capture even more of these radical cells.

When it was discovered that British interests were being targeted, British Airways immediately suspended all flights to Saudi Arabia and Kenya. It was only a month later, in August, after all these cells were eliminated, that BA resumed its flights into Saudi Arabia. More than 30 raids were carried out in Riyadh, Jeddah, and Dahran, with 5 Saudi security deaths and an unknown number of radicals killed.

September: In the first week of September, Abdullah would up a historic 3-day visit to Russia in which the world’s two largest oil exporters signed a key agreement aimed at stabilizing oil prices. The visit, a first by a Saudi ruler since 1926, marks a strategic rapprochement between the two countries. The 5-year deal was worth some $25 billion.

Washington was aware that close ties between the two countries will affect America’s plans for its grab on oil resources in the region. Further, Russia has the military know-how and the capacity to fully arm Saudi Arabia and Syria with the kind of arms to defeat America’s military advantage on the battlefield – as we witnessed in Iraq. With Saudi money, Russian military and industrial expertise, who knows how far these ties could develop. For Washington, close ties between these two countries is a geopolitical nightmare. But, Riyadh was not bowing down to the unrelenting pressure from Washington to cancel this deal.

November: Due to its tight counter-intelligence work, and now aware of the modus-operandi of the Americans, Riyadh was bracing itself for more attacks. And, as expected, the problems began. On November 3, in Mecca, a Saudi police officer killed 2 armed men and captured 6. Again, 3 days later in Mecca, two renegades blew themselves up in a shootout to evade capture. They preferred to die rather than betray the operation scheduled three days hence. On the same day, Riyadh police killed the third renegade who had escaped from Mecca.

Riyadh was very mad at the Americans. A quiet war of words and threats went back and forth. In fear, the Americans shut down all its diplomatic missions in Saudi Arabia, on November 8.

The next day, renegade cells struck once again, this time targeting the Al Muhya housing compound in Riyadh. It housed mainly westernized Muslims, and the death toll reached 17 with 100 wounded.

To say the Saudi royal family was upset is the understatement of the year. On November 15, the Gas Agreement was signed in Riyadh with Total, Shell, and Aramco.


Various think-tanks, along with the media, began questioning the validity of the Saudi-American relationship. A quiet campaign began to demonise the Saudi royal family. Other articles called for the break-up of the kingdom into several parts, and, for “regime-change “in Riyadh.

Hollywood was instructed to produce anti-Saudi movies. The result was a movie called “Fahrenheit 9/11”, produced by Michael Moore. It opened up to 500 screens on June 25, 2004, to insatiable crowds – logical; given the pre-publicity the movie was given. Merit or evidence was not the issue. Passion and mobilization is. By understanding the motives and histories of the personalities, we can uncover, and more fully comprehend the growing case for war against Saudi Arabia. But, unlike the buildup to war in Iraq, an informed decision will serve the world in a way that hidden plans, illogical rationales, and one-sided messages on sale at the box offices cannot.

To understand their independence from America and the Rockefeller Empire, Riyadh deliberately excluded all American oil companies from any future energy deals in the Kingdom. Recent events have coincided with a significant shift in Riyadh’s foreign policy, away from America, and towards America’s competitors – Russia, China, and Europe, all of whom opposed the war in Iraq, and are at odds with Washington to one degree or another.

Between 2004 and September 2006, Riyadh managed to neutralize all the CIA-controlled Al Qaeda cells within the Kingdom. With the defeat of Israel in 2006, by the Hezbollah militia in southern Lebanon, Washington changed tack. It now began a new policy of siding with the Sunni Arabs against the Shia forces. A reconciliation with Riyadh was carried out. They were friends again! The Saudi Intelligence services told the Sunni fighters in Iraq to stop attacking the Americans, and to re-direct their fire at all Shia groups in Iraq.

This goes to prove that Saudi Arabia is not America’s puppet, contrary to what the media and many others feel on this topic. We now move onto the next case – The Bali Bombing.

The Bali Bombing – October 2002

To fully understand this tragic event, we need to consider the desperate economic circumstances that surrounded Indonesia, and also the crucial political and economic relations developing between Indonesia and China.
Indonesia, the 4th largest country in the world, in terms of population, was ravaged by the 1997/1998 speculative assault on its currency, and the subsequent IMF terms imposed on it, to roll over a foreign debt of $210 billion, which simply cannot be paid. This debt was created by the bail-out of its banking system after the destruction of its currency in 1997. This foreign debt gives the IMF and its Anglo-American controllers the power to dictate terms to Indonesia anytime they chose to. Among the major nations of SE Asia, only Indonesia suffered a continuous drain on its foreign reserves. Below is a table of capital losses for a 4-year period 1998-2001.

  • 1998 $13 billion
  • 1999 $10 billion
  • 2000 $10 billion
  • 2001 $14 billion

Furthermore, Indonesia, as a nation state, has been targeted for destruction. To explain this, consider the following cases:

  1. Britain pulled East Timor out of Indonesian control in 1999, using the violation of human rights as a pretext. The key reason was to allow British oil companies to gain control of the massive oil reserves of East Timor
  2. Aceh – the main resource of Aceh province, Indonesia’s northernmost province is rich in gas. The principal foreign company operating there is Exxon and Chevron. Following Britain’s success in stealing East Timor from Indonesia, in 1999, over its huge oil resource, the US is following a similar policy with regard to Aceh. Royalty payments by these two oil giants to the Indonesian government were $100m a month. (More on this; the December 2004 Tsunami-in the article “Weather Warfare”).
  3. The islands of Maluku where the British company Rio Tinto, is the main power. Rio Tinto armed the local Christians to fight and commit genocide against the Muslims of That area. The British then wanted to do with the Malukus the same strategy they did with East Timor, but in this they were not successful. This does not mean that they have stopped.

In response to the sustained attack on her country, President of Indonesia Megawati has opted for closer economic ties with the major East Asian countries such as China, Japan and Korea.

Chronology of Events

September 19, 2002 – Indonesia’s army chief announces that Indonesia was seeking alternatives to the US as the nation’s arms supplier. He said that Indonesia could not depend on one source, since that source has been disrupted by embaros for political reasons (because Indonesia was not playing ball with British and American companies). He named China as one likely new source.

Sept 24- Matthew Daley, a US diplomat said that the US may place Jamiat Islamia, or JI, on the terrorist list, and made it clear that he meant Bashir’s group (Bashir was the head of JI).

The US, Canada and Britain issued a warning to their citizens not to travel to Solo (the area of Bashir’s residence), claiming that westerners may be “targeted” for violence “in the immediate future”. In response, the Sultan and Governor of the region, who is a leading political and religious figure, cancelled a high profile visit to the US, citing the US refusal to provide security for the Sultan.

Sept 26- China signs 6 major agreements with Indonesia for energy, mining and power projects.

Sept 27 – These two nations sign a further $8.4 billion contract for the supply of LNG from a new facility in the Indonesia province of Papua.

Sept 28- Indonesia’s Foreign Minister, in a press conference, when asked about China’s role, said, “They offered us important assistance in building bridges, connecting Sumatra to Java, and Java to Bali. Other projects are road and railway networks connecting all the islands, and much more.” He also added, “—we know from the beginning that the US is not too happy for Asia to have their own financial arrangements.”

Oct 12 – In response to these initiatives by Indonesia to gain economic independence, the US decided to teach Indonesia a lesson. On the island of Bali, three bombs exploded in Paddy’s Bar, Saris Club, and the US consulate. About 200 people were killed, mainly foreign tourists, majority of who were Australians. Tourism is a major foreign currency earner for Indonesia, and this Bali bombing effectively dried up the income from this source, for at least 2 years.

More than 100 official investigators from around the world converged on Bali to investigate these bombings. However, the campaign being waged against the economy and sovereignty of Indonesia by the US, Britain, and especially, Australia, under the guise of “anti-terrorist” demands, may prove to be more deadly than the bombings itself. Subsequent to this, there was a run on the currencies and equity investments across the region, in a situation where direct foreign investment had already dried up because of the global financial and economic crisis of 1997-2000.

The Bali bombing was a message sent by the US to the Indonesian leadership, that it is better and safer to sign deals with American companies that with its chief economic competitor in Asia, China.

In this bombing, the Muslims were once more blamed!. But, as one can now see, when one asks the question – “WHO BENEFITS”– the answer becomes quite obvious.

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