10th August, 2024
- Rockefeller family consolidates its oil holdings
- Marketing Gaza’s beachfront property
- Dubai 2.0 on the Med
- The Netzarim Corridor
- An Israeli buffer zone could shape Gaza’s future
- The US plan to impose a foreign administration of Gaza
In 950 BC, during the reign of King Solomon in Jerusalem, members of the Levite tribe joined hands with the satanic forces. It began by using black magic to break up marriages, and expanded from there. The other tribes distanced themselves from the Levites and the Cohens. The other tribes merged with mankind. Over the course of centuries, this alliance became stronger, and its governing body went by various names; from the Levites (950 BC-580 BC), to the Pharisees (570 BC- 33 AD), to the Talmudic government (33 AD – 1772 AD), and finally to what we have today – the Illuminati Council (1773- present day). I call this the CREED.
Around the 1812-1820 period, the Rothschild family joined the Illuminati Council, and within a few years, became the dominant force in the Council- which had a board of 13 members. Since then, the family has acted as the “flag-bearers “of this creed. The main underlying theme of this creed is to headquarter their governing body in Jerusalem, and rule the world from there. For this to happen, the land of Palestine had to be taken over, expel the inhabitants of Palestine, and replace them with Jews. The next step would be to expand this tiny state. To ensure its survival, access to water was a super-high priority. Thus, we find that their stated objective is to own the land “between the Nile and the Euphrates rivers, as well as expanding north into Lebanon to make its Litani river the border of this state.
A major part of this policy was to crush any opposition from the neighboring Arab states, by dealing them crushing military blows, balkanize them, and stop any economic development within the neighboring states. At around the same time period, oil was discovered in the region. The family now had another reason to keep the neighboring states weak, fractured and under-developed. The discovery of oil also drew in the Rockefeller family- the kings of oil.
All went according to plan until August 2019. The Great Repo Crisis on Wall Street resulted in the imposition of Covid in March 2020, in a vain bid to save the global financial system from blowing up. It took a global economic lockdown for the system to be saved, until the Rockefeller family decided that it had better attack Russia, take it over, and use its immense wealth as a means to buy time for their international financial system, until it could be saved through the imposition of a digital financial system comes into being.
- Alas, all the plans of the two families on these issues went sideways.
- The Covid agenda did not buy enough time.
- The war on Russia through their Ukrainian proxy became a disaster for the two families.
- Then, came the Gaza conflict.

1. Rockefeller Family Consolidates its Oil Holdings
Let’s take a detour for a minute, and we look into the mergers within the Rockefeller oil group.
Starting in late 1998, many of the oil companies within the family group began merging with one another, as well as taking over other oil companies. Over the past two decades, this continued at a slower pace. Then, a few years ago, especially since 2018, the merger and acquisition mania began. Below, we list some of the more important mergers within the Rockefeller oil group that took place within the last five years. Most of these were companies that emerged from the break-up of Standard Oil in 1911. Around 39 companies were formed after the break up. Over the next century, the original Standard Oil group has been re-formed, and those that were not brought “back-into-the-fold” are now being purchased.
The reason for this concentration of oil power is due to the fact that the family abides by their most important motto; “Competition is a Sin “. The second reason is to have the financial strength to be able to compete with the other national oil companies, such as Aramco, Gazprom, Rosneft, and the big Chinese and Indian state companies. Around 90 % of global oil reserves are under the control of national oil companies. The remaining 10 % are in private hands, such as Exxon, Chevron, Shell, BP, etc. Thus, it would make sense from the family’s point of view to have 5 or 7 giant oil companies in their portfolio to be able to compete on the global stage.
Below, is a list of some recent mergers and acquisitions in the US, which is proof of the consolidation in the oil markets. Do note that Exxon, Chevron, Occidental, Conoco, Marathon are all Rockefeller companies.
*ExxonMobil Corporation’s acquisition of XTO Energy – $41bn
* Exxon Mobil acquisition of Pioneer Natural Resources for $59.5 billion
*Occidental Petroleum agreed to buy US shale oil producer CrownRock with cash plus stocks, with a deal value of $12 billion (including debt) to expand its control over America’s largest shale oil field.
*Occidental acquired a Permian producer, CrownRock, for $12 billion.
*and Anadarko Petroleum acquisition – $57bn
*Chevron’s takeover of Hess for $53 billion.
*Chevron then purchased Noble Energy for $5 billion. The total enterprise value, including debt, of the transaction is about $13 billion.
*Chevron buys Concho Resources for $9.7 billion in 2020’s top shale deal
*acquisition of Burlington Resources – $35.6bn
*ConocoPhillips buys Marathon Oil for $22.5 bn (as at 30 May, 2024).
* Andeavor Logistics merger – $23bn
*Bottom of Form
Income Fund’s acquisition of Enbridge Pipelines (Athabasca) and Enbridge Pipelines – $30.4bn
* Energy Transfer Equity’s acquisition of Energy Transfer Partners –$60.4 bn
* Kinder Morgan’s acquisition of El Paso Pipeline Partners, Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, and acquisition of El Paso Corporation – $38bn – $76bn
*The key company of interest to us is the Chevron purchase of Noble oil in October 2022. The date of this is absolutely crucial to understand the events that started in Gaza EXACTLY a year later.
Noble has a share of roughly 30 % in the gas field’s off-shore Gaza. The 4th field, called Marine 1 lies off shore Northern Gaza. The license for this field expired in December 2023. For more information on this, please click on this link, it will take you to the 2-part article called “The Geopolitics of Gaza”, dated 5th and 10th November, 2023. Months before this deal was done, the Rockefeller Empire laid out a plan of action as to how to take over the Marine 1 and 2 gas fields. Along with this, the next step was to consolidate all the gas fields Leviathan, Karish and Tamar) along with Marine 1 and 2.
And, the “plan of action” is as follows.
- Take physical possession of north Gaza – as Marine 1 and 2 are offshore north Gaza.
- Divide the north part of Gaza from the south- which we now know as the Netzarim Corridor
- Build a pier at this point, where the Netzarim corridor meets the sea- which will be used to re-inforce the division between north and south through militarizing the corridor.
- Build military bases (4) in the corridor -3 to face south and 1 to safeguard the pier
- Get Arab countries to send a “peace-keeping” force to oppress the Gazans and , at the same time, to “protect” the US and the Israeli forces in Gaza; With regard to the Palestinian populations, Israel had the security forces of the PA to act as its “police man “ in the West Bank.
- These Arab countries are Morocco, Jordan, Egypt and Bahrein
- Flatten northern Gaza and make it uninhabitable
- Remove any residents in northern Gaza
- Drive the Gazans to the southern areas of Gaza-mainly Rafah
- Then, bomb these areas and push the Gazans out into the Sinai and Egypt. In this way, the population of Gaza would be reduced by 50-80 %, thus making the take-over of Gaza easier
- Build a wall to act as a buffer zone between Gaza and Israel- and eliminate the remaining Palestinians through bombing and starvation
- Tie up the ability of Egypt to interfere in this process by dangling loans to it from the financial entities under the control of the two families – the IMF (Rothschild) and the World Bank (Rockefellers)
- Once this is done, then turn Gaza into a 2nd Dubai on the Mediterranean Sea.
- Market the sea-front areas to the Western market
- This would also add pressure for Saudi Arabia to tie-up with Egypt through the Abrahamic Accords.
- These moves would give impetus for the IMEC Corridor to be built. This would bypass the Suez Canal. This is the India-Middle East Corridor which would run from India to Dubai by sea, then from Dubai to Haifa in Israel by overland rail, and then from Haifa to the EU by sea.
- Finally, a canal running from Eilat to Gaza on the Mediterranean Sea.
- This would mean the end of the Suez Canal, thus adding to the pressure on Egypt-Israel’s greatest threat to its expansionist agenda in the region. Egypt is currently under pressure from Ethuipoia’s Grand Renaissance Dam- which would reduce the supply of Nile water flowing into Egypt. Between the civil war raging in Sudan, the water supply pressure from Ethiopia and the halt of income from the Suez Canal would bring Egypt to its knees, thus making Egypt too weak to resist Israel.
- Finally, and the most important of all, Russia must not be able to activate the late 2013 agreement between Gazprom and the PA to start the development of the Marine 1 gas field off north Gaza. The original license granted to British Gas ( now a part of Shell) expired in December 2023 ! This means that Russia now has the option to start work on building up the necessary infrastructure to drill and produce gas. From the Rockefeller viewpoint, this must never be allowed to happen.
For this plan to work, it needed some serious provocation from Hamas. This would acts as a pretext to accomplish all the points listed above. With the December deadline fast approaching, the provocation by Hamas was an opportunity the two families could not let pass.
By accomplishing all of these, it would then pave the way for the legitimizing of the Rothschild’s rogue state- Israel- on the theft of Palestinian land. The key was to get the “big kahuna” – Saudi Arabia- to sign onto the Abrahamic Accords. If Saudi were to sign and recognize Israel, then the Arab and Muslim world will be on board. By these means, Israel would have secured its base in the region, with the Arab world acting as its enabler, financier and servant class. It would then be able to EXPAND in the region, without any serious opposition. As the Creator says, “man plans and the Creator plans, and the Creator is the best of planners”.
While all these plans were being hatched, the fear of Israel and the US was the reaction of Hezbollah and Iran. Both the US and Israeli militaries conducted two separate exercises over the past few years to see how they would fare in a war with Iran and Hezbollah .The result was that Israel and the US were defeated !!
The Palestinian Equation
Hamas knew of the intentions and plans of the two families for Gaza. They were keenly aware that time was not on their side, with the rush of Israel and the US to get Saudi Arabia to sign onto the Abrahamic Accords. During the months before October, Saudi Arabia and MBS came under pressure, economically and financially, to sign up with Israel. But, MBS was very wary of this entire plot. Furthermore, Putin was advising him to hold off on signing anything with Israel (meaning Britain and France – its parents) and the US, since both were fighting Russia in the Ukraine conflict.
With regards to Gaza, Israel had a highly sophisticated surveillance system in place. Nothing could move in or out of Gaza without their knowing about it.
But, Hamas played a brilliant game of deception. They used to actively train, under the electronic and spy systems of the IOF. Many in Israel’s security and intelligence apparatus concluded that Hamas was not a threat to worry about. And, Hamas played on this ignorance of the IOF. Hamas well knew that it had to act before Saudi Arabia signed the Abrahamic Accords. By this time, the Palestinian cause was in danger of being confined to the dustbins of history. Had this been signed, then any hope of an independent Palestinian state would be forever lost. It was now or never.Now, Hamas had a brilliant operation planned. It also knew that it would humiliate Israel like never before. They also knew that Israel’s response would be barbarous, as they would bomb Gaza relentlessly. The Resistance groups would be safe, as they were underground.
But, the population above ground would go through a trying ordeal. To rally support for their cause, they would use the global reach, power and influence of social media to document Israel’s genocide on video, and as well as document their military responses to the IOF through a thing called “combat journalism”. The aim was to show the true losses of the IOF, and to debunk the myth that the IOF is a very powerful force, instead of being a paper tiger.
We all know now how this went. The videos of Israel’s genocidal campaign went viral. The videos of Israeli tanks, equipment and troops getting destroyed went viral. The astounding ability of the resistance, along with its allies (Houthis and Hezbollah) sparked a huge global support for the Palestinians. People generally favor the underdog.
Remember that prior to October 7th, no one was talking about Gaza or Palestinian statehood. They were all talking about a new Middle East, centered on Israel. That changed on October 7th. Taking all of these facts together enables us, the reader, to understand the chronology of events that led to October 7th. Israel never expected the operational brilliance that Hamas displayed on October 7th. They were shocked and humiliated. Previous intelligence reports indicated that the Resistance was planning some sort of attack, but not on the scale of how it went. Bibi, under instructions from his master- David de Rothschild in Paris, was to allow, a Hamas attack on Israel (thinking it would be a minor one) , and use this as a pretext to start implementing their plans to eliminate the Gazan population and proceed with their plan as outlined above. This plan of theirs was thrown under the bus with the astounding success that Hamas reached. Israel was humiliated like never before. Enraged it responded with brutal force, and killed more than a 1,000 of its own people (blaming Hamas for this act).
For all intents and purposes, Hamas won on October 7th, and won again and again over the course of the next 8 months. While Israel suffered loss after loss on the battlefield. And, not only on the battlefield, but in the court of world opinion too.
2. Marketing Gaza’s beachfront Property
The former property dealer, Jared Kushner, married to Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka, made the comments in an interview at Harvard University on 15 February. The interview was posted on the YouTube channel of the Middle East Initiative, a program of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, earlier this month.
Kushner was a senior foreign policy adviser under Trump’s presidency and was tasked with Critics of the plan, which involved Israel striking normalization deals with Gulf States, said it bypassed questions about the future for Palestinians. His remarks at Harvard gave a hint of the kind of Middle East policy that could be pursued in the event that Trump returns to the White House, including a search for a regional deal favoring Israel. Jared Kushner has praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property” and suggested Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the strip.
“Gaza’s waterfront property could be very valuable … if people would focus on building up livelihoods,” Kushner told his interviewer. “It’s a little bit of an unfortunate situation there, but from Israel’s perspective I would do my best to move the people out and then clean it up,” Kushner said. Kushner also said he thinks Israel should move civilians from Gaza to the Negev desert in southern Israel. He said that if he were in charge of Israel his number one priority would be getting civilians out of the southern city of Rafah, and that “with diplomacy” it could be possible to get them into Egypt. “But in addition to that, I would just bulldoze something in the Negev, I would try to move people in there,” he said. “I think that’s a better option, so you can go in and finish the job.” He reiterated the point a little later, saying: “I do think right now opening up the Negev, creating a secure area there, moving the civilians out, and then going in and finishing the job would be the right move.” He went on to say: “I am not sure there is much left of Gaza at this point.”

This article was amended on 20 March 2024. An earlier version said that Jared Kushner made the comments about Gaza’s “waterfront property” in an interview at Harvard University on 8 March. In fact, the interview took place on 15 February and the video was posted online on 8 March.
“Big Money” Behind the Genocide: Israeli Settlers Plan ‘Dream Beach Houses’ in Gaza
The west is complicit: with thousands of dead bodies still buried under the rubble, a major Israeli real estate company that builds homes for Jewish settlers in the West Bank has put out advertisements for the sale of homes in Gaza. One man’s death is another man’s bread. Real estate Company Harey Zahav, known for building homes for settlers in the West Bank, has announced a new project that will make a profit from the genocide in Gaza.
Now real estate company Harey Zahav is planning to build houses on the Gaza coastal strip. The ads feature slogans such as “Wake up, a beach house is not a dream.” Sketches have already been made of where these homes will be located and there is speculation as to how the reconstruction will proceed. Pre-sale prices are even mentioned.
Another illustration also shows the names of future settlements: Maale Atzmona, Oren and Neve Katif. These names refer to those of pre-existing settlements in the Gaza Strip.

The advertisement reads: “We, Harey Zahav, are working to prepare the ground for the return to Gush Katif. Our employees are working on the rehabilitation of the region, cleaning up waste, and deporting the occupiers (Palestinians). We hope that in the near future, the kidnapped and our soldiers will somehow return to their homes, and we can start construction in the entire Gush Katif area in the Gaza Strip.”
Gush Katif was a block of Israeli settlements established in the Gaza Strip in the early 1970s, but whose residents were forced to withdraw in 2005 as a result of the withdrawal plan from the Gaza Strip. Implicitly, the real estate company suggests that it is working with Israeli soldiers in Gaza. Who wouldn’t want a house on the beach? For some on Israel’s far-right, desirable beachfront now includes the sands of Gaza. Just ask Daniella Weiss, 78, the grandmother of Israel’s settler movement, who says she already, has a list of 500 families ready to move to Gaza immediately. “I have friends in Tel Aviv,” she says, “so they say, ‘Don’t forget to keep for me a plot near the coast in Gaza,’ because it’s a beautiful, beautiful coast, beautiful golden sand”. She tells them the plots on the coast are already booked. Mrs Weiss heads a radical settler organisation called Nachala, or homeland. For decades, she has been kick-starting Jewish settlements in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, on Palestinian land captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war.
Some in the settler movement have cherished the dream – or pipedream – of returning to Gaza since 2005, when Israel ordered a unilateral pullout, 21 settlements were dismantled and about 9,000 settlers were evacuated by the army. (Reporting from Gaza at the time, witnesses saw many who were literally dragged out.) Many settlers saw all this as a betrayal by the state, and a strategic mistake.
It is not only in Gaza that the Zionist thieves are selling Arab land to Americans and Canadians, but also in the occupied West Bank. At the end of February this year, an real estate event in Canada and the is facing major backlash from community residents as well as pro-Palestinian activists over the advertisement of properties located in Israeli settlements in the occupied which are deemed illegal under international law. The event, titled the “Great Israeli Real Estate Event”, took place in Montreal and there will be upcoming events in Toronto, New Jersey, and New York in the coming months. The event’s advertises properties located in several Israeli cities. It also lists the following Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank: Neve Daniel, Efrat, Ma’ale Adumim. The Jewish Link, a Jewish newspaper from the American northeast region, states that individuals can register for the events at the website for the company, My Home in Israel. My Home in Israel properties for sale in several areas of the occupied West Bank, including in East Jerusalem. Bottom of Form
According to the company’s website, the property for sale in occupied East Jerusalem will be available for sale at the exhibition in Teaneck, which will be located at the Congregation Keter Torah synagogue.
The upcoming event in Teaneck was met with outrage from the local community, including from Palestinian, Muslim, and Jewish residents. Rich Siegel, a Jewish resident of Teaneck, over the real estate event during a township meeting last week, noting the settlement properties and said that if the event were to continue, he would help lead protests against it.
“Teaneck’s Muslim and Jewish communities have both expressed concern with the sale taking place in their township,” Dina Sayed-Ahmed, communications manager for the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ New Jersey chapter, said in a statement. “We call on federal authorities to act immediately and launch an investigation into this planned event.”
3. Dubai 2.0 on the Med

The plan lays out a three-step program for returning Gaza to self-governance and eventually reintegrating Gaza into the regional economy. There has been much debate about exactly what Israel’s plans for a post-war Gaza would look like. Documents from the Prime Minister’s Office were published online on Friday, showing Israel’s plan to revitalize the Gazan economy. The plan also highlighted the historically central place that Gaza held in the East-West trade routes, being on both the Baghdad-Egypt trade routes and the Yemen-Europe trade routes.
Three Steps to Success
According to the documents, there are three steps for returning Gaza to self-governance. The first step, titled Humanitarian aid, is planned to last 12 months. Israel will create safe areas free of Hamas control, starting in the north and slowly spreading south. A UAE, Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan, and Morocco) will apportion and supervise humanitarian aid in the safe areas. Gazan Palestinians will run the safe zones under the supervision of the Arab states.
Stage two would occur in the next five to ten years. The plan is to move Israeli security responsibility to Israel, while the Arab Coalition will create a multilateral body called the Gaza Rehabilitation Authority (GRA) to oversee the reconstruction efforts and manage the Strip’s finances. The GRA is to be run by Gazan Palestinians and will take responsibility for managing the safe areas. This will be done in coordination with the implementation of a “Marshall Plan” and a de-radicalization program.
Stage three, termed “Self-governance”, would see Israel retain the right to act against “security threats.” Power would slowly be transferred to either a local Gaza government or a unified Palestinian government (including the West Bank). However, this is contingent on the successful de-radicalization and demilitarization of the Gaza Strip and will be subject to agreement by all parties.
The final step would be for the Palestinians to fully manage Gaza independently and join the Abraham Accords. Part of the rebuilding effort will involve “rebuilding from nothing” and designing new cities from scratch, which will feature modern designs and planning.
The plan presented several advantages for the countries involved. For Israel, the major advantage, other than security in the south, is normalization with Saudi Arabia. Major advantages for the Gulf states that take part would include defensive pacts with the US and unfettered access to Gaza’s Mediterranean ports through railways and pipelines. The plan also says that if such an intervention is successful in Gaza, it can be repeated in Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon.
For the Gazan population (for those that survive this ongoing genocide), the biggest advantages after the end of Hamas control would be massive investment in the Strip and huge employment opportunities, as well as a pathway to reunify with the West Bank and achieving self-governance.
The Regional Plan
The wider regional plan is to ramp up the mega-projects and implement them in the Sinai. This would enable Gaza to function as a significant industrial port on the Mediterranean, which would be the main entrepot for the export of Gazan goods, but also Saudi oil and other raw materials from the Gulf. The plan also calls for the creation of a massive free trade zone covering Sderot-Gaza-which would allow Israel, Gaza, and Egypt to take advantage of the location, co-operatively.
Combining the new infrastructure investments and integration of the region, the newly discovered gas fields just north of Gaza would help support the burgeoning industry. Solar energy fields would also be built in the Sinai along with desalination plants that will help to offset climate change. One idea put forward by the plan is to turn Gaza into a key hub for electric vehicle manufacturing. The hope is that all of this integration can turn not just Gaza but also El-Arish and Sderot into a competitor with cheap Chinese manufacturing.
So, the above are the plans of the Rockefeller and Rothschild Empires with regards to Gaza, and its plans for the gas fields. In fact, practically most of the wars fought since the late 1890s has been fought over oil. This conflict over the control of oil has intensified in recent decades. Then, the war broke out on October 7th.
Now, with this, the Rockefellers saw an opportunity to implement its nefarious plans. And, for the Rothschilds, they grasped this opportunity to eliminate the Palestinians entirely from Gaza. Bibi and his team, following instructions from David de Rothschild in Paris, the IOF used Hamas as “a cover” for the genocide of the Gazans. Their constant mantra is that the war will end only when “Hamas is defeated”, knowing full well that Hamas cannot be defeated.
Now, let’s look at some of the key moves that the US and Israel did in Gaza, once they entered Gaza. The original aim of the current conflict in Gaza has to do with the gas off-shore Gaza. The Rockefeller plan was to take over the Marine 1 and 2 fields. Fold this into the other 3 fields that are adjacent to Marine 1 & 2. Then, consolidate these fields into a single entity, of which the Rockefeller’s Chevron Oil will have a majority share of.
Another reason for the haste in completing this task was to deny Gazprom’s tie-up with the PA, which was supposed to take over, is that the current license awarded to British Gas expired at the end of December 2023.
The plan laid out was to destroy north Gaza, push the people to the south, divide Gaza into two parts through the Netzarim Axis. Then bomb those who have fled south to Rafah, in order to push them out of Gaza into Egypt’s Sinai. This was the plan that was implemented when Israel Invaded Rafah on May 7th. Let us see the results of this.
As one can see from the maps below, the Rockefeller/Rothschild game-plan was to de-populate the northern part of Gaza. The “evacuation area” is shaded in pink.

The story continues in Part 2 – – –