Facts on the Ground
Five months ago, on February 24th, Russia began what she called a “special military operation” (SMO). In very simple terms, this is what Russia has achieved so far: Ukraine has lost about 20% of its territory, about 3 thousand towns and villages, half of the gross national product, and a third of coal production. It completely lost access to the Sea of Azov, and traffic through the Black Sea ports froze due to fighting and mining of waterways. The number of refugees has reached 7 million. But these factoids don’t even begin to tell the full story. There would be many ways that this story could be told, but to begin I want to list a few elements of the official western narrative which have now been debunked and nobody sane would take seriously.
“Russia is losing the war, was defeated by the Ukronazis near Kiev, she is running out of ammunition and supplies and is about to collapse”. If anything it is the Ukrainian side which is running out of weapons, supplies and soldiers. The Russians have all the firepower they need for many years ahead. One must remember that this war currently taking place in Ukraine is unlike any other war in the past. Firstly, it is an artillery war. Russia has been expending roughly between 40,000 and 70,000 artillery shells on a DAILY BASIS.
“Russia had to change her plans and tactics because of the heavy losses suffered by the Russian military early in the operation”. Military: the best proxy the USA had in history (the Ukrainian armed forces) is being slowly and inexorably destroyed by about only 10 percent of the Russian armed forces. The Ukrainian military became the 3rd largest and most well-equipped army in NATO- after the US and Turkey. This army of 1 million soldiers had the ability of defeating the British or German or Polish armies.
The Russians began the SMO with fewer soldiers than the opposing side, and they privileged maneuver and long range strikes over the taking and holding of towns and cities. Most crucially, the Russians very deliberately tried all they could to minimize Ukrainian casualties and to preserve the Ukrainian civilian infrastructure (unlike the “democratic” countries out there who first destroy power plants, bridges, water stations, etc. to inflict the maximum of “shock and awe” on the civilian population!). The Russians could have easily turned, say, Kiev into Baghdad under US/NATO bombs, but they deliberately chose to save as many lives and civilian infrastructure as possible, even at the cost of lives of Russian soldiers). Russian manpower losses were high during the first month of the war. As the Russians learnt from their mistakes, and changed their tactics, Russian losses showed a very significant drop. In the initial phase of the war, the Ukrainian military suffered fewer losses in manpower. Once Russia changed its tactics, the UAF losses skyrocketed. Russia has deployed 200,000 soldiers to the war. The majority of the fighting in the Donbass and southern Ukraine is being done by the militias of the 2 Donbass republics, with help from the Wagner Group, a Russian PMC, plus the Chechens. Russia provides logistics, air cover, artillery fire, recon, etc. Very few Russian soldiers are actually fighting. At most, maybe 10 -30% of these 200,000 Russian soldiers are on the front.
Total casualties on the Russian/Donbass/Chechen side is around 15,000 – of which maybe 5,000 are Russian. Ukrainian casualties are around 200,000- 500,000, of which KIAs are about 50%, while the rest are wounded so badly that they are unfit to fight anymore. Add to this about 3,000-4,000 foreign mercenary fighters. Add to this are officers/agents of NATO powers- specifically US, British, French, Polish and German military and intelligence sectors.
On the ground in soon-to-be rump Ukraine, Khinzal hypersonic missiles and others – launched from Tu-22M3 bombers or Mig-31 interceptors – will continue to be distributed. Piles of HIMARS will continue to be captured. TOS 1A Heavy Flamethrowers will keep sending invitations to the Gates of Hell. Crimean Air Defense will continue to intercept all sorts of small drones with IEDs attached: terrorism by local SBU cells, which will be eventually smashed. Using essentially a phenomenal artillery barrage – cheap and mass-produced – Russia will annex the full, very valuable Donbass, in terms of land, natural resources and industrial power, and then on to Nikolaev, Odessa, and Kharkov.
The truth is that by the laws of warfare the Ukraine lost the war in less than a week. Since the beginning of the SMO, the Ukrainians failed to execute a single operational level attack or counter-attack. At most they were able to execute small, tactical level attacks, the vast majority of which almost instantly failed, a few were defeated in a few days, and, crucially, not a single one gave the Ukrainian side the operational initiative. So what happened?
Instead, it was the US that told the Ukrainians to never surrender or pull back, even if that meant huge losses in both manpower and firepower. The West, which despises and hates the Ukrainians almost as much as it hates the Russians were delighted to see the hated Ukrainians and the hated Russians killing each other . Furthermore, being military incompetent, the leaders of the West apparently believed that supplying weapons, money, instructors, and Special Forces to the Ukrainians could, if not turn the tide, slow down Russia enough to create fear, uncertainty, and doubts in the Russian public opinion. That plan also spectacularly failed, Putin is as popular as ever, the 5th column and the 6th columns in Russia are in despair (many emigrate) and the SMO has the full support of the Russian nation.
“There are no Atlantic Integrationists or Eurasian Sovereigntists in Russia”. If anything, this war has resulted in a major shakeup of the Russian society where some folks suddenly showed their true feelings. Examples range from Russian journalists standing with an anti-war sign behind a newscaster to those Russians abroad who either agreed to condemn Putin and the SMO or accepted to participate in various events under a neutral or foreign flag, to Dmitri Medvedev now changing his tune 180 degrees and rebranding himself as an ultra-patriot. Finally, even Putin himself mentioned the existence of such internal enemies of Russia. The fact that Russia has now expanded the definition of “treason” means that pro-US agents in Russia now face a major risk for their activities. Some 5th columnists have already been sentenced to jail. As for the 6th columnists, they still hate Putin with a passion and are still chanting their “all is lost” mantra, but (almost) nobody takes them seriously anymore.
The irony is that the US wanted to create a crisis to overthrow Putin but, instead, this crisis gave him yet another boost in popularity, in spite of some very real problems (automotive sector, civilian airliners, etc).
This leaves us with the issue of the US Neocons. In the USA, Neocons rule supreme, having total control of both major parties in the US. Their mindset and worldview are pretty clear: they are messianic supremacists and sincerely consider themselves racially superior to the rest of mankind. The fusion of Anglo imperialism and Jewish supremacism has yielded the monster we now know as “Neocons”. These folks excel in the art of accumulating power, by hook or by crook. They like to claim that they have superior intelligence, but in reality, what separates these people is not brainpower, but two key aspects of their worldview: a) tribalism and b) drive. Simply put, most other people do not have this tribal “us against them” mindset, and only a subsection of regular people are truly driven to power and influence. Hence, while being a numerically small minority, the US Neocons are in full control of the USA.
Initially, feeling buoyant from their total control over Boris Yeltsin and the Russian liberals, the US Neocons celebrated victory. Then something went very wrong and suddenly they were faced with a radically different kind of leader, one with the massive support of the Russian people. Remember here that Putin was an intelligence officer specializing in the West, thus a man who had a very good understanding of his enemies. Furthermore, Putin was patient enough to realize that in the early years of the confrontation with the West, Russia was in no condition to openly defy the West, let alone fight it militarily. This is why he stopped the LDNR forces from moving any further westwards in 2014-2015 even though the Ukrainian military was in disarray. While he knew that during the time the Ukrainians were in a panic and disorganized, he also knew that Russia could not take on the consolidated West. So between 2014 and 2018 Russia made a gigantic effort to develop the kind of capabilities needed to be able to take on all of NATO and win. By the time of the Russian ultimatum to the West in November, Russia was finally ready.
Notice that the Russian ultimatum was a direct challenge to the US and NATO. The Neocons, drunk on their bravado and sense of racial superiority, basically told Russia to screw herself and doubled down in their rhetoric. And when Russia moved in, they truly freaked out, hence their suicidal policies towards Russia ever since. These folks mistakenly assumed that while Russia might (maybe!) prevail over the Ukrainian forces, they were confident that Putin would not dare openly defy the consolidated West. And when Putin did just that, they went into full panic mode, hence the nonsense we hear from the western capitals on a daily basis.
But it got even worse. Far from being deterred by western promises of fire and brimstone, the Russian then proceeded to methodically destroy the Ukrainian armed forces. In spite of the Ukrainian military being the best proxy force in US history, in spite of BILLIONS given to the Nazi regime each month, in spite of arms deliveries, in spite of economic warfare, Russia is now pounding the Ukrainian and western forces in the Ukraine day after day after day and while the US is ordering the Ukrainians to fight to the end and never withdraw, the many waves of reinforcements have had no impact on Russian war-fighting capabilities. The US also ordered its vassal states in eastern Europe to send their large supplies of Soviet era weapons to the Ukraine (over 300 tanks just from Poland!), and Ukrainian-branded Mi-24s, Su-25s and MiG-29s still are seen in the Ukrainian skies almost daily in spite of the fact that almost the entire Ukrainian air force was destroyed in the first 3 days of the war. Helicopters are easy to hide, “Ukrainian” aircraft take off from bases in Poland and Romania, and yet they don’t seem to make a difference: for most of them, it is a one-way mission and they know it. But it is good PR, even if it costs lives. But now that the already low credibility of the legacy corporate media is in freefall, even such PR “victories” yield very little traction.
It is outright comical to hear western countries (Germany, Italy and even the USA) whining about their weapons stores getting depleted while all these truly huge deliveries have not made any difference at all on the ground since the beginning of combat operations. And yet, the (comparatively small, but more modern) Russian aerospace forces have achieved and maintained air superiority throughout the past 6 months of combat operations. This is an extremely alarming sign for the US and NATO forces. Just imagine what the full might of the Russian armed forces would do to NATO if it was unleashed!
But it gets even worse (for the Empire, that is): there are all the signs and even clear messages that Putin is not “bluffing” at all and that Russia has full escalation dominance over the West but it is now becoming quite evident that the Kremlin will not stop under any circumstances short of a total victory, and if that means nuclear war, so be it. And the Russian people are overwhelmingly supportive of this stance.
Because the Russian people have now FINALLY seen the true face of the West, they now understand that this is nothing else but a continuation of WWII and that the very existence and sovereignty of the Russian people are at stake. Again, Putin said it clearly: “if someone makes a decision to destroy Russia, we have every right to fight back. Yes, it would be a global disaster for humanity and for the world, but being a Russian citizen and head of Russia, I want to ask a question, “What’s the point of the world without Russia? “ So no, while Putin rarely makes threats, he never bluffs.
Bottom line is this: anybody who sincerely believes that Russia will not wipe out the entire West if she is seriously threatened is terminally delusional, knows nothing about history, and does not understand the Russian mindset. They would do so at their own peril. Putin is not bluffing, the West cannot win, and the only variable here is what price the West is willing to pay for its defeat.
The real blowback from the Neocons’ arrogance and ignorance is that far from dealing with Russia first and with China as an end goal, they have greatly contributed to a major strengthening of the Russian, Chinese and Indian alliance. The Neocons could decide to let Europe burn, while they remain in control of the USA which, unlike the EU, has plenty of natural resources and will remain, if not a world hegemon, then at least a powerful nation. In that case, their plan is simple: to continue to push for a maximum confrontation and war in Europe, but short of involving the USA in a nuclear exchange with Russia. The British, on their island, might have similar plans, just on a smaller scale and with the vital need to fully rely on the support of the USA. In the “best” of cases (for them), the UK would be in charge of managing the chaos in Europe on behalf of the USA.
NATO is a joke, and sooner or later, Russia will denazify the entire EU, either politically and economically, or, if no other option is left, militarily. By then, the US will have suffered a massive economic, social and cultural disaster which will probably reformat the current US political system.
In the meantime, the stupidified Woke-sheep can keep themselves busy wondering if men can give birth or deciding whether a “twerking” senator will solve the USA’s many problems.
What Next?
Well, at least so far, the leaders of the USA are still in full “double down forever” mode, along with their volunteer slaves in Eastern Europe. Their plan for Russia is best visualized with this map:-
During WWII the Russian people quickly understood that Hitler was no “liberator”, no more than Napoleon before him, and that he only used that kind of language to try to achieve victory. Then, during the Cold War, it was easy to believe that the enemy of the West was Communism and its idea of universal liberation from the capitalist yoke. Surely, if Russia got rid of the CPSU the West would embrace such a free Russia?
The exact opposite happened: in spite the “all you can eat” “freedoms” of blue jeans, fast foods, crime and pornography, Russia was plundered and came very very close to totally breaking up (only the 2nd Chechen war with Putin as the Commander in Chief prevented that from happening). Instead of the promised “democratic heaven” Russia got deeply immersed in the worst kind of capitalist hell imaginable.
Furthermore, the combination of a rather inept Soviet propaganda machine and a much more effective western propaganda gave many Russians the illusion that the West was a group of free and prosperous nations only wanting the best for Russia. The Western-run nightmare of the 90s opened the eyes of some, as did the apocalypse in the so-called “independent Ukraine”. But the kind of open, direct and absolute hatred for Russia, Putin and everything Russian we all see know has convinced the vast majority of Russians that what the West really wants is a “final solution” to the “Russian problem” .
Some things never change, especially not in the West. The Muslim are all spot on when they speak of the “modern Crusaders”!
So far, Russia has only been observing with some amazement, and even amusement, how the EU was committing economic, political and social suicide without even trying to improve its fate. For the people of Europe, there is only one thing more important than their imperialistic and racist mindset: their wallets. And that wallet has been hurting pretty badly since the self-defeating “sanctions” against Russia were implemented. In Russia that attitude is referred to as infantile, self-defeating and simply stupid.
That being said: how many regimes are threatened by popular discontent in the EU? The sad reality is that none. There are immensely unpopular, just like “Biden” is in the USA, but changing the puppet figureheads will do nothing to change the regimes in power (basically US-controlled colonial occupation regimes). It is therefore likely that Russia will have to turn up the pain dial quite a few notches up before the sheep in the EU or the US come to their senses. Primarily, think of economic measures, but if the crazies in Eastern Europe do something really stupid Russia will not hesitate to use military power if/when needed. The bottom line is this: Russia needs to denazify all of the European continent, and the more countries are told to join NATO, the more candidates for denazification Russia will have.
It is impossible to predict the future, there are simply too many variables at this point, but I would offer the following tentative suggested steps towards escalation:
Russia could gradually either refuse to sell her resources to Europe, not only gas and oil, of course, but everything else which Russia has been selling to the EU in the past for very good prices and which was a key to the wealth of the EU nations. So that would be a full-scale economic counter-attack from Russia against the EU. As an initial step, Russia could also demand to only be paid in Rubles for any and all exports to the EU.
Russia is already killing scores of Polish, British and other mercenaries in the Ukraine, but most of these are low-level grunts. Russia could decide to target higher ranks involved in the war against Russia, including targets in Kiev and elsewhere. So far Russia has unleashed only a tiny fraction of her real firepower, but if the US/NATO weapon deliveries and deployment of mercenaries increase, Russia will have little choice but to further turn up the pain dial. And if the Polish, or the Baltic statelets go “full crazy” strikes against targets in these countries will become inevitable (Putin has already warned against that when he mentioned striking the “decision making centers”).
Finally, if Russia decides that enough is enough, the first targets of a Russian military response to the US/NATO proxy war would be to attack the US/NATO C4ISR capabilities, including AWACS/JSTARS aircraft, SIGINT centers and satellites.
Right now, these US/NATO aircraft are only flying along the Ukrainian airspace and remain based outside the Ukraine. But if, say, the US/NATO does actively participate in a strike against Crimea or the Crimean Bridge, then all bets will be off and S-400s and various standoff weapons will do the talking.
The truth is that the US/NATO simply don’t have the means to wage a land war against Russia. They literally lack everything needed to do that. They have many (mostly old and subsonic) cruise missiles which they could fire at Russia, but here again, this would pose a dilemma for the West: if the strikes are unsuccessful (as they were in Syria), what to do next? And if these strikes are successful, what would the Russians do next? Use their own conventional strategic deterrence capabilities to strike at targets all over Europe and possibly even the USA? And then what?
And “boots on the ground” is exactly what neither the US, nor NATO (nor Israel or the KSA by the way) can deploy, especially against a military which has the biggest experience of land warfare on the planet, and by a huge margin!
The truth is that the choice for the Neocons is binary: either accept defeat in Europe and keep the USA as their prize and host, or die in a major nuclear confrontation that will wipe out millions (which they don’t care about at all), including the Neocons themselves (which they care a lot about).
Try to reason with or convince messianic, narcissistic and delusional racist maniacs are a dangerous and mostly futile task. This is why Russia is turning the pain dial up very very slowly. Right now, most of the efforts of the Kremlin are not even directed at the West, but at forging the core of the future multilateral world, the BRICS countries and BRICS candidates (possibly including Iran, Argentina, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Mexico, Lebanon and Indonesia in the near future). Russia is also expanding her ties to Africa and Latin America. Last, but not least, Russia, China and India are constantly expanding their ties and even collaboration, especially with China.
Finally, the Neocons and their puppet regimes must carefully consider the implications of Putin’s words that “We haven’t really started yet anything in earnest yet”. That is not a threat, but a statement of fact. Whether the West will continue to pretend that Russia is about to collapse or that Putin is bluffing, will determine what will happen next.
Right now, Russia has basically totally given up on any form of dialog with the West, since the West has basically severed all its diplomatic ties with Russia. Put differently, Russia is now acting unilaterally without giving the moaning and threats from the West any consideration whatsoever. In fact, the stark reality is that Russia has no need, or use, for the West, especially a West trying to commit collective suicide by a million cuts. Right now, the West is mostly dialing up the pain dial on itself, with little or no Russian assistance. But that does not mean that Russia won’t proactively turn up that dial if/when needed. As the saying goes, “go woke, go broke” – a fitting epitaph on the West’s gravestone.
As for Russia, her real future lies in the South, East and North. She has no need or use for the West. Almost one thousand years of western imperialism are coming to a shameful and self-inflicted death, one way or another.
But that, should it happen is still further down the road. For the time being, we are entering a long phase (many months probably) of gradual pain dial increase. Russia will continue to grind down the NATO forces in the Ukraine and let the economic realities sink into the awareness of the European sheep. The advances along the enormous 1,800-mile front are relentless, highly systematic and inserted in a Greater Strategic Picture.
Industrial Warfare
The US won WW2 due its huge industrial base, skilled labor, access to plenty of raw materials and the intellectual and technical knowledge it possessed.
From the 1980s, the US, first, then followed by Britain and then the rest of the West, began to implement a new economic policy, based on the policy guidelines issued by John D Rockefeller 3rd (David’s eldest brother). This was the policy of “Controlled Disintegration” of western industrial economies. Focus was shifted to the FIRE, Tech and the service economy. Now, 40 years later, there is not much of an industrial base left in the US, and the UK. Thus, why educate students if you have no need of a vibrant industrial and manufacturing economy. Over 3 decades later, the results are all too plain for everyone to see. Offshoring manufacturing, diverting students to learn nonsense subjects has resulted in the US lagging technologically. The result in the military domain is inferior equipment and lagging military technology. And this is reflected across the board, from aviation to ships to submarines, helicopters, etc. In the past 6 months, the US had 4 failed tests on its prototype hypersonic missiles. Russia and China are light years ahead.
Now, contrast that with the Russian military industrial complex. Mainly state-owned and run, top of the range- and very technologically advanced weapons, and the best part is that all of this is produced at roughly 10% of a comparable system in the US.
Which other nation today can sustain the expenditure of nearly 50,000 artillery shells a day? Note that one can multiply this by 30, and then by at least 5 months. The answer is 1.5 million shells a month or 7.5 million shells since the start of the war. Besides this, we can also do a similar study for hypersonic missiles, plus a whole range of equipment and arms etc., used in the air, sea, under-sea, land, or space. NASA uses Russian rocket engines to send its ships to space. Since the sanctions on Russia, no more rocket engines. So, how is NASA or the Pentagon able to launch space flights?
Russia is a resource powerhouse, as well as a heavy industry giant. Marry these two with military- industry-tech know- how, and you are unbeatable. The US, or Europe is nowhere near this. To add insult to injury, Russia says that it hasn’t as yet touched its reserve ammo and equipment. And its factories are churning out even more war goods- non-stop 24/7.
Putin’s Speech
So when President Putin addresses the collective West in front of Duma leaders and heads of political parties, it does feel like a comet striking an inert planet. They simply aren’t equipped to get it.
The “You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet” part was at least formulated to be understood even by simpletons:
“Today we hear that they want to defeat us on the battlefield, well, what can I say, let them try. We have heard many times that the West wants to fight us to the last Ukrainian – this is a tragedy for the Ukrainian people. But it looks like it’s all coming to this. But everyone should know that, by and large, we haven’t really started anything yet.”
“We do not refuse peace negotiations, but those who refuse should know that the longer it drags, the more difficult it will be for them to negotiate with us.”
As in the pain dial will be ratcheted up, slowly but surely, on all fronts. Yet the meat of the matter had been delivered earlier in the speech: “ratcheting up the pain dial” applies in fact to dismantling the whole “rules-based international order” edifice. The geopolitical world has changed. Forever.
Here’s the arguably key passage:
“They should have understood that they have already lost from the very beginning of our special military operation, because its beginning means the beginning of a radical breakdown of the World Order in the American way. This is the beginning of the transition from liberal-globalist American egocentrism to a truly multipolar world – a world based not on selfish rules invented by someone for themselves, behind which there is nothing but the desire for hegemony, not on hypocritical double-standards, but on international law, on the true sovereignty of peoples and civilizations, on their will to live their historical destiny, their values and traditions and build cooperation on the basis of democracy, justice and equality. And we must understand that this process can no longer be stopped.”
“I would like to emphasize once again that if someone intends to interfere in the events taking place from the outside and creates threats of a strategic nature unacceptable to Russia, they should know that our retaliatory strikes will be lightning fast. We have all the tools for this. Such as no one can boast of now. And we won’t brag. We will use them if necessary. And I want everyone to know about it – we have made all the decisions on this matter.”
In this specific regard, not long after the war began, Putin sent an an open threat to the leaders of the two families, after they threatened nuclear strikes on him: “I know where you are at any time. I have specific nuclear missiles aimed at your heads. I can strike you anytime, so beware!”
Shoigu’s Speech
These are a few key points from his speech:
- In Ukraine, the Russian military is being confronted by combined Western forces that run the leadership of that country in a hybrid war against Russia.
- The supply of weapons and military equipment to Ukraine is being stepped up, and training of the Ukrainian army is being carried out. Huge financial resources are transferred to maintain the viability of the nationalist regime.
- The actions of Ukraine’s armed forces are planned and coordinated by foreign military advisers. Reconnaissance data is supplied from all available NATO sources. The use of armaments is supervised by Western specialists.
- NATO’s efforts are aimed at prolonging the agony of the Kiev regime. However, we know for a fact that no one in NATO has any doubt that the goals of the Russian leadership’s special military operation will be achieved, and that plans to strategically and economically weaken Russia are failing. The special military operation has dispelled the myth of “super-weapons” supplied to Ukraine by the West, which are capable of fundamentally changing the situation on the front. Initially, they were talking about deliveries of Javelin anti-tank systems, some kind of “unique” drones. Lately, the Westerners have been promoting the role of super-weapons with HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems and long-range howitzers. However, these weapons also grind to a halt in battle. They did not make a significant impact. The Russian weapons, for their part, have proved their best qualities in combat.
- We are taking a close look at trophy weapons from the West. The features and their specific qualities are taken into account in order to improve the way combat operations are conducted and the effectiveness of Russian armaments.
- Ukrainian armed forces operations are planned in Washington and London. Not only are the coordinates of the targets to be attacked provided by Western intelligence, but the input of this data into weapons systems is conducted under the full control of Western specialists.
- Kiev’s role in the West’s combat approach has been reduced to supplying manpower, which is seen as expendable. This explains the huge loss of personnel in Ukraine’s armed forces and territorial defence formations. Britain’s colonial experience as the main sponsor of the Kiev regime has come in very handy for London in dealing with the current leadership in Kiev.
- What is happening in the Western media today with the coverage of the Russian special military operation was also happening when the media was chorally broadcasting only one point of view – that of London.
- Despite attempts of the US and NATO to isolate Russia once again, these plans have collapsed.
- Secondly, a multipolar world is the reality of today. The transition from dominance by a single global leader to several centres of gravity is not an easy one. However, this creates real conditions for the development of sovereign states.
End of speech.
An example of Fake News:
The Zapharovya Nuclear Power Plant –the ZNNP- is located northwest of Odessa, in the Kherson province. This province came under Russian control in mid-March. This power plant is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, and supplies 20% of Ukraine’s electricity. Since the Russian take over of this plant, they have kept it running with Ukranian personnel, and have provided security for the safety of the personnel.
Since early August, the Ukrainian army has been shelling the plant, and its environs. To date, no serious damage has been done to the reactors or the spent fuel reservoirs. Although many of these attacks have been neutralized, the Russians closed down the plant in the last week of August. And that means a cut-off of 20% of Ukraine’s’ electricity supply.The western msm has been re-telling the lies from Kiev that it is the “Russians who are shelling the plant”, when the reality is the opposite. Why should Russia shell its own troops?
The Ukrainian so-called “Counter-Offensive” in the South
Since July, the EU and the US have slowed down the delivery of weapons to Ukraine. First, is that they are running out. Second, is that many have realized that no matter how much weapons they pour into Ukraine, Russia is winning. Finally, many of these weapons going into Ukraine are being “diverted” by many officials (both Ukrainian and other Western officials and agents for their own nefarious purposes_. So, in short, weapons deliveries have slowed down drastically. Public perception in the west is changing, and it’s not to Ukraine’s benefit. To alleviate all of these concerns, Zelensky needed a quick “win”, a PR stunt. And so he ordered his army to launch the counter-offensive in the Kherson region.
The biggest news out of the Ukraine is the failure if the much announced Ukrainian “counter-offensive”. Here are the latest reports from the Russian MoD:
The enemy suffered losses and was pushed back from Olginka, Thorn Ponds and Arkhangelsk.
A battalion of the 57th Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was defeated near the settlement of Sukhoi Stavki. Currently, the destruction of its remains is being completed.
To unblock the AFU units, 12 tanks supplied to the Kiev regime by Poland were transported across the Ingulets River.Some of the tanks were destroyed by the powerful fire action of the Russian troops. Several tanks were blown up in their minefield during a disorderly withdrawal. Only five Ukrainian tanks were able to break back, deep into the territory controlled by the AFU. During two days of unsuccessful attacks on Mykolaiv-Krivoy Rog and other directions, Ukrainian troops lost four combat aircraft: two Su-25, one Su-24 and one MiG-29. Three Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopters were shot down in the air. Russian troops also destroyed 63 Ukrainian tanks, 59 infantry fighting vehicles, 48 other armored combat vehicles, 14 pickups with heavy machine guns and more than 1,700 Ukrainian servicemen.
But this does not tell the full story. 1’700 KIAs might not sound like much, but in reality this is a huge deal for the following reasons: These 1700 soldiers were supported by armor, artillery and even some aviation and the USA/UK had huge hopes that this much announced “counter-offensive” would yield some good PR. The Biden administration is absolutely desperate to show at least something vaguely successful, yet this so-called “counter-offensive” resulted in only a few tactical attacks which brought no tangible results whatsoever.
The size of this force shows that this operation was mostly about PR (and not a real counter-offensive!). The Ukrainians never had a chance, not on the tactical level and, even less so, to develop tactical attack into an operational counter-offensive. Considering that it took them months to prepare this rather modest operation, this shows how much the Ukrainian armed forces have been degraded over the past months.
Even worse for the Nazis and their US patrons is the fact that now the entire southern front just lost a lot of its best soldiers and hardware. Considering that the Russians are reinforcing their southern forces, this is an especially dangerous development for the regime in Kiev.
Also, 1,700 KIA in one single maneuver is the biggest defeat for the Nazis since 2014!
I noticed with absolute dismay that, apparently, the Ukrainians tried one more time. The result? Another 350 personnel, 31 tanks, 22 infantry fighting vehicles, 18 of other types of armored vehicles, eight armed pickup trucks, and 17 of other types of military vehicles destroyed by Russian artillery and airpower.
Where the Ukrainian attack was weak, they used their infantry and armor to beat them back.
Where the Ukrainian attack was strong, they simply moved back, let the Ukrainians advance, and then wiped them off in what can only be called a “turkey shoot”,
This is nothing new. The Russians have done that since the beginning of the SMO. In every case, the villages or positions the Ukrainians took (and triumphantly presented as a huge victory) saw the Ukrainian forces destroyed by Russian artillery, follow by a withdrawal (or total annihilation).
And today (Thursday) there are reports that the Ukrainians tried to seize control of the ZNP. First they fired over 100 artillery shells. Then 2 diversionary groups totaling 60 soldiers on two crafts landed near the ZNP. They were detected and destroyed by the Russian aviation. Two hours later, the Ukrainians used two barges carrying an entire battalion (200-300 soldiers). They were detected and sunk.
All that while the IAEA inspectors were already at the nuclear power plant!
Crucially, it showed, yet again, that all that nonsense coming out of Kiev and the other Nazi capitals in the West is just total, utter and terminal nonsense with no connection to the real world. Hence the mass freakout of the western ruling classes.
And then there is this: CNN confirms that the USA helped the Ukrainians prepare this “counter-offensive”! But then, what else could we expect from a US military busy with “increasing its lethality” by “embracing, promoting and unleashing the potential of diversity and inclusion“?
Initially, the Russians got absolutely destroyed in the propaganda war, at least that was true during the early months of the SMO. Now this entire narrative is tanking (as evidenced, Of course, the Neocons are still in deep denial and they are going through all the usual stages of grief. Most of the nonsense we now hear about the Ukraine is now quickly falling apart.
Furthermore, as Putin and others have repeated innumerable times, the SMO is going pretty much according to plan. All the recent developments further show that Russia will methodically achieve all of her objectives in the coming months (though the denazification of Europe will, of course, take longer, not to mention the need to denazify the USA itself).
This is one of many, many examples. The turning point in the public perception of the war is around the corner as the reality of what’s happening on the ground emerges. It will be interesting to see the reactions of the citizens of the west when the truth comes out. There will be no limit to the rage that is bound to erupt, especially in the light of the economic hardships that western citizens are experiencing, especially with the onset of winter and an impending collapse of the hyper-inflated economic and financial system.
They will reason – rightfully so – that “why should we pay the price of the war in Ukraine”, etc. They will then focus their rage on the political leaders. And most of these leaders are having nightmares in fear of the “Sri Lanka” scenario.
Our next article deals with the Western response to the events.