15 Months on – The West Bank Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

3 The Ground Realities In tandem with its relentless land annexation in the occupied West Bank, Israel has systematically severed connections between the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) security forces and West Bank resistance groups.  Jenin – A divide-and-conquer Strategy  This paved the way for PA President Mahmoud Abbas to give the Palestinian Authority Security Forces (PASF) […]

15 Months on – The West Bank Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

1 Oslo and Areas A, B & C 2 Complete consolidation of the West Bank 3 Trump and West Bank annexation 4 Ground Realities 5 PA’s existential dilemma 6 IOF raids in West Bank 7 Storming Al Aqsa compound 8 The future hangs in the balance 1 Oslo and Areas A, B & C The […]

Aftermath of the Coup and its Consequences Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

Take a look at the map below. It explains everything. This is roughly the situation on the ground today. The majority of Syria’s landmass is controlled by 5 groups: Al Qaida (HTS), the Kurds (SDF), the IDF (Israel), the Turks, and remnants of the Syrian Army (SAA). Of course, the situation is extremely fluid so […]

Aftermath of the Coup and its Consequences Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

1 Turkey 2 Russia 3 Iran 4 Hezbollah 5 The US role 6 Israel 7 What happens next (where are these in part 2) 8 Partition (where are these in part 2) Syria is an absolutely key connectivity crossroads – harking back to the Ancient Silk Roads.  The 2 families achieved their perennial dream of […]

Israel Goes on a Rampage in Syria Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

The story continues from Part 1  *The American Role (what number)?  Washington had stopped targeting Jolani in August 2018.” A senior American official stated, “HTS was the least bad option of the various options on Idlib, and Idlib is one of the most important places in Syria, which is one of the most important places […]

Israel Goes on a Rampage in Syria Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

Syria has fallen and history will be strewn with an endless banquet of takes and explanations as to what happened, and why. Syria Syria was viewed by the two families as the lynchpin, the supply line, between Iran and Hezbollah, Tehran’s critically important military ally in Lebanon. Severing that link was a priority. It was […]

The Rockefeller/Rothschild Plan to Destroy the Middle East

It would be best if we explain the key aim of the 2 families. Both want a one-world government – each for their own reason. The Rockefeller family’s vision of a global government entailed on efficiency, not ideology. This was the underlying reason why Nelson Rockefeller and his brothers pushed for the establishment of the […]

The Syrian Coup

Since the start of the war in 2011, Damascus has never met such a devastating defeat like the fall of Aleppo. Iraq lived something tragically similar with the fall of Mosul in 2014. It’s fair to argue that the absolute majority of Syrians are against the 2020 Russia-Turkey-Iran deal which in fact prevented the liberation […]

The Trinity, US & Turkey Target Syria Again Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

1. Bashar Asad – the reluctant ruler 2.  Syria Today          3.  Israel’s Plan for Syria 4.  The US plans for Syria 5.  Iran & Syria 6.  Turkey & Syria 7.  HTS-the NATO strike force 1 Bashar Asad – the Reluctant Ruler But it was not solely internal factors that brought about this outcome. Syria became […]

The Trinity, US & Turkey Target Syria Again Part 1 (of a 2 Part Series)

Contents 1 Syria – Back Story 2 The Planning 3 The Attack 4 A Strategic View 1 Syria  Reasons why Syria was attacked in 2011 To understand the current conflict in Syria, it would be best to go over some background. The US entered the Middle East after the end of the Second World War. […]

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